Source code for

import os
import inspect
import subprocess
from itertools import cycle

import numpy as np

    import pandas as pd
    PANDAS = True
except ImportError:
    PANDAS = False
    import matplotlib
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError:
    MATPLOTLIB = False

from .scmjob import (SCMJob, SCMResults)
from import Units

__all__ = ['CRSResults', 'CRSJob']

[docs]class CRSResults(SCMResults): """A |SCMResults| subclass for accessing results of |CRSJob|.""" _kfext = '.crskf' _rename_map = {'CRSKF': '$JN.crskf'} @property def section(self): return
[docs] def get_energy(self, energy_type = "deltag", compound_idx = 0 , unit: str = 'kcal/mol') -> float: """Returns the solute solvation energy from an Activity Coefficients calculation.""" E = self.readkf(self.section, energy_type)[compound_idx] return Units.convert(E, 'kcal/mol', unit)
[docs] def get_activity_coefficient(self, compound_idx = 0) -> float: """Return the solute activity coefficient from an Activity Coefficients calculation.""" return self.readkf(, 'gamma')[compound_idx]
[docs] def get_sigma_profile(self, subsection: str = 'profil', as_df: bool = False) -> dict: r"""Grab all sigma profiles, returning a dictionary of Numpy Arrays. Values of :math:`\sigma` are stored under the ``"σ (e/A**2)"`` key. Results can be returned as a Pandas DataFrame by settings *as_df* to ``True``. The returned results can be plotted by passing them to the :meth:`CRSResults.plot` method. .. note:: *as_df* = ``True`` requires the Pandas_ package. Plotting requires the `matplotlib <>`__ package. .. _Pandas: """ args = (subsection, 'σ (e/A**2)', 'chdval') try: return self._get_array_dict('SIGMAPROFILE', *args, as_df=as_df) except KeyError: return self._get_array_dict('PURESIGMAPROFILE', *args, as_df=as_df)
[docs] def get_sigma_potential(self, subsection: str = 'mu', unit: str = 'kcal/mol', as_df: bool = False) -> dict: r"""Grab all sigma profiles, expressed in *unit*, and return a dictionary of Numpy Arrays. Values of :math:`\sigma` are stored under the ``"σ (e/A**2)"`` key. Results can be returned as a Pandas DataFrame by settings *as_df* to ``True``. The returned results can be plotted by passing them to the :meth:`CRSResults.plot` method. .. note:: *as_df* = ``True`` requires the Pandas_ package. Plotting requires the `matplotlib <>`__ package. .. _Pandas: """ args = (subsection, 'σ (e/A**2)', 'chdval') try: return self._get_array_dict('SIGMAPOTENTIAL', *args, unit=unit, as_df=as_df) except KeyError: return self._get_array_dict('PURESIGMAPOTENTIAL', *args, unit=unit, as_df=as_df)
[docs] def get_prop_names(self, section = None) -> list: r"""Read the section of the .crskf file and return a list of the properties that were calculated. The section argument can be supplied to look at previously-calculated results. If no section name is supplied, the function defaults to using the most recent property that was calculated. """ if section == None: section = self.section try: return self._kf.get_skeleton()[section] except KeyError: raise KeyError("Cannot find section name: " + str(section))
[docs] def get_results(self, section = None) -> dict: r"""Read the section from the most recent calculation type and return the result as a dictionary. """ if section == None: section = self.section output = getattr(self, '_prop_dict', False) if output and output["section"] == section: return output props = self.get_prop_names() try: props.remove("ncomp") props.remove("nitems") except ValueError: raise ValueError("Results object is missing or incomplete.") # first get the two ranges for the indices ncomp = self.readkf(section, 'ncomp') nitems = self.readkf(section, 'nitems') np_dict = { "section" : section } for prop in props: tmp = self.readkf(section,prop) if prop == "filename": np_dict[prop] = [str(x).strip() for x in tmp.split()] continue if not isinstance(tmp,list): np_dict[prop] = tmp else: np_dict[prop] = np.array(tmp) if len(tmp) == ncomp*nitems: np_dict[prop].shape = (ncomp,nitems) setattr(self, '_prop_dict', np_dict) return np_dict
[docs] def plot(self, *arrays: np.ndarray, x_axis: str = None, plot_fig: bool = True, x_label = None, y_label = None): """Plot, show and return a series of COSMO-RS results as a matplotlib Figure instance. Accepts the output of, *e.g.*, :meth:`CRSResults.get_sigma_profile`: A dictionary of Numpy arrays or a Pandas DataFrame. Returns a matplotlib Figure_ instance which can be further modified to the users liking. Automatic plotting of the resulting figure can be disabled with the *plot_fig* argument. .. note:: This method requires the `matplotlib <>`__ package. .. note:: The name of the dictionary/DataFrame key containing the index (*i.e.* the x-axis) can, and should, be manually specified in *x_axis* if a custom *x_axis* is passed to :meth:`CRSResults._get_array_dict`. This argument can be ignored otherwise. .. _Figure: """ # noqa def get_x_axis(array, x_axis): """Find and return the index and its name.""" if x_axis is None: return np.arange(array.shape[1]) if isinstance(x_axis, str): ret = self._prop_dict[x_axis] else: ret = np.array(x_axis, copy=False) ret = ret.ravel() # Flatten it return ret[:array.shape[1]] # Check if matplotlib is installed if not MATPLOTLIB: method = self.__class__.__name__ + '.plot' raise ImportError("{}: this method requires the 'matplotlib' package".format(method)) self.get_results() # Create a dictionary of 1d arrays array_dict = {} for array in arrays: name = None if isinstance(array, str): # Array refers to a section in the kf file name = array array = self._prop_dict[array] # Ensure it's a 2D array array = np.array(array, ndmin=2, dtype=float, copy=False) # Fill the array dict with 1d arrays base_key = '' if name is None else name + ' ' iterator = enumerate(array, 1) if array.shape[0] != 1 else zip(cycle(' '), array) for i, array_1d in iterator: key = f'{base_key}{i}' array_dict[key] = array_1d # Retrieve the index and its name index = get_x_axis(array, x_axis) # print ("INDEX::::", index) if x_label is None: if isinstance(x_axis,str): x_label = x_axis else: x_label = "" if y_label is None: y_label = "" # Assign various series to the plot fig, ax = plt.subplots() for k, v in array_dict.items(): ax.plot(index, v, label=k) # Add the legend and x-label ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel(x_label) ax.set_ylabel(y_label) # Show and return if plot_fig: return fig
[docs] def _get_array_dict(self, section: str, subsection: str, x_axis: str, index_subsection: str, unit: str = 'kcal/mol', as_df: bool = False) -> dict: """Create dictionary or DataFrame containing all values in *section*/*subsection*. Takes the following arguments: * The *section*/*subsection* of the desired quantity. * The desired name of the index (*x_axis*). * The name of subsection containing the index (*index_subsection*). * The *unit* of the output quanty (ignore this keyword if not applicable). * If the result should be returned as Pandas DataFrame (*as_df*). """ ret = self._construct_array_dict(section, subsection, unit) # Create the index index = self.readarray(section, index_subsection, dtype=float) if section in ('BINMIXCOEF', 'COMPOSITIONLINE', 'TERNARYMIX'): ncomponent = 3 if section == 'TERNARYMIX' else 2 index.shape = ncomponent, len(index) // ncomponent iterator = np.nditer(index.astype(str), flags=['external_loop'], order='F') ret[x_axis] = np.array([' / '.join(i for i in item) for item in iterator]) else: ret[x_axis] = index # Return a dictionary of arrays or a DataFrame if not as_df: return ret else: return self._dict_to_df(ret, section, x_axis)
[docs] def _construct_array_dict(self, section: str, subsection: str, unit: str = 'kcal/mol') -> dict: """Construct dictionary containing all values in *section*/*subsection*.""" # Use filenames as keys _filenames = self.readkf(section, 'filename').split() filenames = [_filenames] if not isinstance(_filenames, list) else _filenames # Grab the keys and the number of items per key keys = [os.path.basename(key) for key in filenames] + ['Total'] nitems = self.readkf(section, 'nitems') # Use sigma profiles/potentials as values ratio = Units.conversion_ratio('kcal/mol', unit) values = ratio * self.readarray(section, subsection, dtype=float) values.shape = len(values) // nitems, nitems ret = dict(zip(keys, values)) try: ret['Total'] = self.readarray(section, subsection + 'tot', dtype=float) except KeyError: pass return ret
[docs] @staticmethod def _dict_to_df(array_dict: dict, section: str, x_axis: str): """Attempt to convert a dictionary into a DataFrame.""" if not PANDAS: method = inspect.stack()[2][3] raise ImportError("{}: as_df=True requires the 'pandas' package".format(method)) index = pd.Index(array_dict.pop(x_axis), name=x_axis) df = pd.DataFrame(array_dict, index=index) = section.lower() return df
[docs]class CRSJob(SCMJob): """A |SCMJob| subclass intended for running COSMO-RS jobs.""" _command = 'crs' _result_type = CRSResults
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Initialize a :class:`CRSJob` instance.""" super().__init__(**kwargs) self.settings.ignore_molecule = True
[docs] @staticmethod def cos_to_coskf(filename: str) -> str: """Convert a .cos file into a .coskf file with the :code:`$ADFBIN/cosmo2kf` command. Returns the filename of the new .coskf file. """ filename_out = filename + 'kf' try: adfbin = os.environ['ADFBIN'] except KeyError: raise EnvironmentError("cos_to_coskf: Failed to load 'cosmo2kf' from '$ADFBIN/'; " "the 'ADFBIN' environment variable has not been set") args = [os.path.join(adfbin, 'cosmo2kf'), filename, filename_out] return filename_out