Source code for scm.plams.interfaces.adfsuite.amsworker

import collections
import datetime
import functools
import os
import queue
import shutil
import signal
import struct
import subprocess
import tempfile
import threading
import time
import weakref
from numbers import Integral
from typing import Dict, Tuple

import numpy as np

from scm.plams.core.private import retry
from scm.plams.interfaces.molecule.ase import toASE

TMPDIR = os.environ["SCM_TMPDIR"] if "SCM_TMPDIR" in os.environ else None

if == "nt":
    import ctypes
    import ctypes.wintypes
    import msvcrt

    kernel32 = ctypes.WinDLL("kernel32", use_last_error=True)

    def CheckHandle(result, func, arguments):
        if result == ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE(-1).value:
            raise ctypes.WinError(ctypes.get_last_error())
            return result

    CreateNamedPipe = kernel32.CreateNamedPipeW
    CreateNamedPipe.restype = ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE
    CreateNamedPipe.argtypes = [ctypes.c_wchar_p] + [ctypes.wintypes.DWORD] * 6 + [ctypes.c_void_p]
    CreateNamedPipe.errcheck = CheckHandle

    PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX = 0x00000003
    PIPE_TYPE_BYTE = 0x00000000
    PIPE_WAIT = 0x00000000

    def CheckConnect(result, func, arguments):
        if result == 0:
            error = ctypes.get_last_error()
            if error != ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED:
                raise ctypes.WinError(error)
        return result

    ConnectNamedPipe = kernel32.ConnectNamedPipe
    ConnectNamedPipe.restype = ctypes.wintypes.BOOL
    ConnectNamedPipe.argtypes = [ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE, ctypes.c_void_p]
    ConnectNamedPipe.errcheck = CheckConnect

    GetConsoleProcessList = kernel32.GetConsoleProcessList
    GetConsoleProcessList.restype = ctypes.wintypes.DWORD
    GetConsoleProcessList.argtypes = (ctypes.wintypes.LPDWORD, ctypes.wintypes.DWORD)

spawn_lock = threading.Lock()

    import ubjson

    if == "nt":
        import psutil
    __all__ = ["AMSWorker", "AMSWorkerResults", "AMSWorkerError", "AMSWorkerPool"]
except ImportError:
    __all__ = []

from scm.plams.core.errors import JobError, PlamsError, ResultsError
from scm.plams.core.functions import config, log
from scm.plams.core.settings import Settings
from scm.plams.interfaces.adfsuite.ams import AMSJob
from scm.plams.interfaces.adfsuite.amspipeerror import AMSPipeError, AMSPipeRuntimeError
from import Units

def _restrict(func):
    """Decorator that wraps methods of |AMSWorkerResults| instances.

    This is used to replicate the behaviour of the full |AMSResults| object: Access to the values in an |AMSWorkerResults| instance will first check if the calculation leading to the results finish correctly and raise a |ResultsError| error exception if this is not the case. This behaviour can be modified with the ``config.ignore_failure`` setting.

    def guardian(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.ok():
            return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
            if config.ignore_failure:
                log("WARNING: Trying to obtain results of a failed calculation {}".format(, 3)
                    ret = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
                    log("Obtaining results of {} failed. Returned value is None".format(, 3)
                    return None
                    "Obtaining results of {} successful. However, no guarantee that they make sense".format(,
                return ret
                raise ResultsError("Using Results obtained from a failed calculation")

    return guardian

[docs]class AMSWorkerResults: """A specialized class encapsulating the results from calls to an |AMSWorker|. .. technical:: AMSWorkerResults is *not* a subclass of |Results| or |AMSResults|. It does however implement some commonly used methods of the |AMSResults| class, so that results calculated by |AMSJob| and |AMSWorker| can be accessed in a uniform way. """ def __init__(self, name, molecule, results, error=None): self._name = name self._input_molecule = molecule self.error = error self._results = results self._main_molecule = None self._main_ase_atoms = None @property def name(self): """The name of a calculation. That is the name that was passed into the |AMSWorker| method when this |AMSWorkerResults| object was created. I can not be changed after the |AMSWorkerResults| instance has been created. """ return self._name @name.setter def name(self, _): raise ResultsError("The name attribute of AMSWorkerResults may not be changed.")
[docs] def ok(self): """Check if the calculation was successful. If not, the ``error`` attribute contains a corresponding exception. Users should check if the calculation was successful before using the other methods of the |AMSWorkerResults| instance, as using them might raise a |ResultsError| exception otherwise. """ return self.error is None
[docs] def get_errormsg(self): """Attempts to retreive a human readable error message from a crashed job. Returns ``None`` for jobs without errors.""" if self.ok(): return None else: lines = str(self.error).splitlines() if lines: for line in reversed(lines): if "ERROR: " in line: return line.partition("ERROR: ")[2] return lines[-1] else: return "Could not determine error message. Please check the error.stdout and error.stderr manually."
[docs] @_restrict def get_energy(self, unit="au"): """Return the total energy, expressed in *unit*.""" return self._results["energy"] * Units.conversion_ratio("au", unit)
[docs] @_restrict def get_gradients(self, energy_unit="au", dist_unit="au"): """Return the nuclear gradients of the total energy, expressed in *energy_unit* / *dist_unit*.""" return ( self._results["gradients"] * Units.conversion_ratio("au", energy_unit) / Units.conversion_ratio("au", dist_unit) )
[docs] @_restrict def get_stresstensor(self): """Return the clamped-ion stress tensor, expressed in atomic units.""" return self._results["stressTensor"]
[docs] @_restrict def get_hessian(self): """Return the Hessian matrix, i.e. the second derivative of the total energy with respect to the nuclear coordinates, expressed in atomic units.""" return self._results["hessian"]
[docs] @_restrict def get_elastictensor(self): """Return the elastic tensor, expressed in atomic units.""" return self._results["elasticTensor"]
def get_poissonratio(self): bm = self.get_bulkmodulus() sm = self.get_shearmodulus() return (3 * bm - 2 * sm) / (6 * bm + 2 * sm) def get_youngmodulus(self, unit="au"): bm = self.get_bulkmodulus() sm = self.get_shearmodulus() ym = (9 * bm * sm) / (3 * bm + sm) return ym * Units.conversion_ratio("au", unit) def get_shearmodulus(self, unit="au"): et = self.get_elastictensor() if et.shape != (6, 6): raise ResultsError("Elastic moduli can only be calculated for bulk systems.") sm = ( (et[0, 0] + et[1, 1] + et[2, 2]) - (et[0, 1] + et[0, 2] + et[1, 2]) + 3 * (et[3, 3] + et[4, 4] + et[5, 5]) ) / 15 return sm * Units.conversion_ratio("au", unit) def get_bulkmodulus(self, unit="au"): et = self.get_elastictensor() if et.shape != (6, 6): raise ResultsError("Elastic moduli can only be calculated for bulk systems.") bm = np.sum(et[0:3, 0:3]) / 9 return bm * Units.conversion_ratio("au", unit)
[docs] @_restrict def get_charges(self): """Return the atomic charges, expressed in atomic units.""" return self._results["charges"]
[docs] @_restrict def get_dipolemoment(self): """Return the electric dipole moment, expressed in atomic units.""" return self._results["dipoleMoment"]
[docs] @_restrict def get_dipolegradients(self): """Return the nuclear gradients of the electric dipole moment, expressed in atomic units. This is a (3*numAtoms x 3) matrix.""" return self._results["dipoleGradients"]
[docs] def get_input_molecule(self): """Return a |Molecule| instance with the coordinates passed into the |AMSWorker|. Note that this method may also be used if the calculation producing this |AMSWorkerResults| object has failed, i.e. :meth:`ok` is ``False``. """ return self._input_molecule
[docs] @_restrict def get_main_molecule(self): """Return a |Molecule| instance with the final coordinates.""" if self._main_molecule is None: if self._results is not None and "xyzAtoms" in self._results: self._main_molecule = self._input_molecule.copy() self._main_molecule.from_array(self._results.get("xyzAtoms") * Units.conversion_ratio("au", "Angstrom")) if "latticeVectors" in self._results: self._main_molecule.lattice = [ tuple(v) for v in self._results.get("latticeVectors") * Units.conversion_ratio("au", "Angstrom") ] else: self._main_molecule = self._input_molecule return self._main_molecule
[docs] @_restrict def get_main_ase_atoms(self): """Return an ASE Atoms instance with the final coordinates.""" from ase import Atoms if self._main_ase_atoms is None: if self._results is not None and "xyzAtoms" in self._results: lattice = self._results.get("latticeVectors", None) pbc = False cell = None if lattice is not None: nLatticeVectors = len(lattice) if nLatticeVectors > 0: pbc = [True] * nLatticeVectors + [False] * (3 - nLatticeVectors) cell = np.zeros((3, 3)) lattice = np.array(lattice).reshape(-1, 3) cell[: lattice.shape[0], : lattice.shape[1]] = lattice * Units.conversion_ratio( "au", "Angstrom" ) atomsymbols = [at.symbol for at in self._input_molecule] positions = np.array(self._results["xyzAtoms"]).reshape(-1, 3) * Units.conversion_ratio( "au", "Angstrom" ) self._main_ase_atoms = Atoms(symbols=atomsymbols, positions=positions, pbc=pbc, cell=cell) else: self._main_ase_atoms = toASE(self.get_main_molecule()) return self._main_ase_atoms
class AMSWorkerMDState: """A specialized class encapsulating the MD states from calls to an |AMSWorker|.""" def __init__(self, name, state, error=None): self._name = name self.error = error self._state = state @property def name(self): """The name of a calculation. That is the name that was passed into the |AMSWorker| method when this |AMSWorkerResults| object was created. I can not be changed after the |AMSWorkerResults| instance has been created. """ return self._name @name.setter def name(self, _): raise ResultsError("The name attribute of AMSWorkerResults may not be changed.") def ok(self): """Check if the calculation was successful. If not, the ``error`` attribute contains a corresponding exception. Users should check if the calculation was successful before using the other methods of the |AMSWorkerResults| instance, as using them might raise a |ResultsError| exception otherwise. """ return self.error is None def get_errormsg(self): """Attempts to retreive a human readable error message from a crashed job. Returns ``None`` for jobs without errors.""" if self.ok(): return None else: lines = str(self.error).splitlines() if lines: for line in reversed(lines): if "ERROR: " in line: return line.partition("ERROR: ")[2] return lines[-1] else: return "Could not determine error message. Please check the error.stdout and error.stderr manually." @_restrict def get_potentialenergy(self, unit="au"): """Return the potential energy, expressed in *unit*.""" return self._state["potentialEnergy"] * Units.conversion_ratio("au", unit) @_restrict def get_kineticenergy(self, unit="au"): """Return the kinetic energy, expressed in *unit*.""" return self._state["kineticEnergy"] * Units.conversion_ratio("au", unit) @_restrict def get_velocities(self, dist_unit="Angstrom", time_unit="fs"): """Return the atomic velocities, expressed in *dist_unit* / *time_unit*.""" return ( self._state["velocities"] * Units.conversion_ratio("au", dist_unit) / Units.conversion_ratio("au", time_unit) ) @_restrict def get_latticevectors(self, unit="Angstrom"): """Return the lattice vectors, expressed in *unit*.""" return self._state["latticeVectors"] * Units.conversion_ratio("au", unit) @_restrict def get_coords(self, unit="Angstrom"): """Return an array of MD state coordinates""" return self._state["xyzAtoms"] * Units.conversion_ratio("au", unit) class AMSWorkerError(PlamsError): """Error related to an AMSWorker process. The output from the failed worker process is stored in the ``stdout`` and ``stderr`` attributes. """ def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) self.stdout = None self.stderr = None def __str__(self): msg = super().__str__() if self.stderr is not None: return "".join([msg, "\n"] + self.stderr) else: return msg def get_errormsg(self): lines = str(self).splitlines() if lines: for line in reversed(lines): if "ERROR: " in line: return line.partition("ERROR: ")[2] return lines[-1] else: return "Could not determine error message. Please check the error.stdout and error.stderr manually." _arg2setting = {} for x in ("prev_results", "quiet"): _arg2setting[x] = ("amsworker", x) for x in ("gradients", "stresstensor", "hessian", "elastictensor", "charges", "dipolemoment", "dipolegradients"): _arg2setting[x] = ("input", "ams", "properties", x) for x in ("coordinatetype", "optimizelattice", "maxiterations", "pretendconverged", "calcpropertiesonlyifconverged"): _arg2setting[x] = ("input", "ams", "geometryoptimization", x) for x in ("convquality", "convenergy", "convgradients", "convstep", "convstressenergyperatom"): _arg2setting[x] = ("input", "ams", "geometryoptimization", "convergence", x[4:]) _arg2setting["task"] = ("input", "ams", "task") _arg2setting["usesymmetry"] = ("input", "ams", "usesymmetry") _arg2setting["method"] = ("input", "ams", "geometryoptimization", "method") _setting2arg = {s: a for a, s in _arg2setting.items()}
[docs]class AMSWorker: """A class representing a running instance of the AMS driver as a worker process. Users need to supply a |Settings| instance representing the input of the AMS driver process (see :ref:`AMS_preparing_input`), but **not including** the ``Task`` keyword in the input (the ``input.ams.Task`` key in the |Settings| instance). The |Settings| instance should also not contain a system specification in the ``input.ams.System`` block, the ``input.ams.Properties`` block, or the ``input.ams.GeometryOptimization`` block. Often the settings of the AMS driver in worker mode will come down to just the engine block. The AMS driver will then start up as a worker, communicating with PLAMS via named pipes created in a temporary directory (determined by the *workerdir_root* and *workerdir_prefix* arguments). This temporary directory might also contain temporary files used by the worker process. Note that while an |AMSWorker| instance exists, the associated worker process can be assumed to be running and ready: If it crashes for some reason, it is automatically restarted. The recommended way to start an |AMSWorker| is as a context manager: .. code-block:: python with AMSWorker(settings) as worker: results = worker.SinglePoint('my_calculation', molecule) # clean up happens automatically when leaving the block If it is not possible to use the |AMSWorker| as a context manager, cleanup should be manually triggered by calling the :meth:`stop` method. """ def __init__( self, settings, workerdir_root=TMPDIR, workerdir_prefix="amsworker", use_restart_cache=True, keep_crashed_workerdir=False, always_keep_workerdir=False, ): self.PyProtVersion = 1 self.timeout = 2.0 self.use_restart_cache = use_restart_cache # We'll initialize these communication related variables to None for now. # They will be overwritten when we actually start things up, but we do # not want them to be undefined for now, just in case of errors ... self.proc = None self.callpipe = None self.replypipe = None self.restart_cache = set() self.restart_cache_deleted = set() # Check if the settings we have are actually suitable for a PipeWorker. # They should not contain certain keywords and blocks. if "ams" in settings.input: if "Task" in settings.input.ams: raise JobError("Settings for AMSWorker should not contain a Task") if "System" in settings.input.ams: raise JobError("Settings for AMSWorker should not contain a System block") if "Properties" in settings.input.ams: raise JobError("Settings for AMSWorker should not contain the Properties block") if "GeometryOptimization" in settings.input.ams: raise JobError("Settings for AMSWorker should not contain the GeometryOptimization block") # Make a copy of the Settings instance so we do not modify the outside world and fix the task to be "Pipe". self.settings = settings.copy() self.settings.input.ams.task = "pipe" # Create the directory in which we will run the worker. self.wd_root = workerdir_root self.wd_prefix = workerdir_prefix + "_" self.workerdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.wd_root, prefix=self.wd_prefix) if not always_keep_workerdir: self._finalize = weakref.finalize(self, shutil.rmtree, self.workerdir) self.keep_crashed_wd = keep_crashed_workerdir self.always_keep_wd = always_keep_workerdir # Start the worker process. self._start_subprocess() def _start_subprocess(self): # We will use the standard PLAMS AMSJob class to prepare our input and runscript. amsjob = AMSJob(name="amsworker", settings=self.settings) if ( "runscript" in amsjob.settings and "nproc" in amsjob.settings.runscript and amsjob.settings.runscript.nproc == 1 ): amsjob.settings.runscript.preamble_lines = amsjob.settings.runscript.get("preamble_lines", []) + [ "export SCM_DISABLE_MPI=1" ] with open(os.path.join(self.workerdir, ""), "w") as input_file: input_file.write(amsjob.get_input()) with open(os.path.join(self.workerdir, ""), "w") as runscript: runscript.write(amsjob.get_runscript()) del amsjob # Create the named pipes for communication. if == "nt": self._pipe_name = r"\\.\pipe\{}_amspipe".format( os.path.abspath(self.workerdir).translate(str.maketrans(r":\/", "___")) ) pipe = CreateNamedPipe( self._pipe_name, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_TYPE_BYTE | PIPE_REJECT_REMOTE_CLIENTS | PIPE_WAIT, 1, # Maximum number of instances 65536, 65536, # Output and input buffers in bytes 60000, # Timeout in ms (unused unless someone calls Wait) None, ) else: call_pipe_path = os.path.join(self.workerdir, "call_pipe") os.mkfifo(call_pipe_path) reply_pipe_path = os.path.join(self.workerdir, "reply_pipe") os.mkfifo(reply_pipe_path) # Launch the worker process # spawn_lock is needed on Windows to workaround # Without it, multiple AMSWorkers in a pool would call Popen() simultaneously, # causing all the worker processes to inherit all the stdin/out/err file handles, # creating a huge mess and preventing the deletion of these files when a worker quits. # We can use spawn_lock on all platforms for simplicity without hurting performance # because most of the work is serialized in the kernel anyway. with spawn_lock: with open(os.path.join(self.workerdir, ""), "r") as amsinput, open( os.path.join(self.workerdir, "ams.out"), "w" ) as amsoutput, open(os.path.join(self.workerdir, "ams.err"), "w") as amserror: startupinfo = None if == "nt": startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE self.proc = subprocess.Popen( ["sh", ""], cwd=self.workerdir, stdout=amsoutput, stdin=amsinput, stderr=amserror, # Put all worker processes into a dedicated process group # to enable mass-killing in stop(). start_new_session=( == "posix"), startupinfo=startupinfo, creationflags=(subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP if == "nt" else 0), ) # Start a dedicated watcher thread to rescue us in case the worker never opens its end of the pipes. self._stop_watcher = threading.Event() self._watcher = threading.Thread(target=self._startup_watcher, args=[self.workerdir], daemon=True) try: self._watcher.start() # This will block until either the worker is ready or the watcher steps in. if == "nt": ConnectNamedPipe(pipe, None) pipefd = msvcrt.open_osfhandle(pipe, 0) self.callpipe = os.fdopen(pipefd, "r+b") self.replypipe = self.callpipe else: self.callpipe = open(call_pipe_path, "wb") self.replypipe = open(reply_pipe_path, "rb") finally: # Both open()s are either done or have failed, we don't need the watcher thread anymore. self._stop_watcher.set() self._watcher.join() if != "nt": # The special files have already served their purpose. Better remove them already # so that they don't stay lying around if we crash. This also ensures that someone # else doesn't accidentally open them and interfere with our communication. os.unlink(call_pipe_path) os.unlink(reply_pipe_path) # Raise a nice error message if the worker failed to start. Otherwise, we'd get # a less descriptive error from the call to Hello below. try: if not self._check_process(): raise AMSWorkerError("AMSWorker process did not start up correctly") # Now everything should be ready. Let's try saying Hello via the pipes ... self._call("Hello", {"version": self.PyProtVersion}) except AMSWorkerError as exc: exc.stdout, exc.stderr = self.stop() raise def _startup_watcher(self, workerdir): while not self._stop_watcher.is_set(): try: self.proc.wait(timeout=0.01) # self.proc has died and won't open its end of the pipes ... if not self._stop_watcher.is_set(): # ... but the main thread is still expecting someone to do it. # Let's do it ourselves to unblock our main thread. if == "nt": with open(self._pipe_name, "r+b"): pass else: with open(os.path.join(workerdir, "call_pipe"), "rb"), open( os.path.join(workerdir, "reply_pipe"), "wb" ): # Nothing to do here, just close the pipes again. pass return except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: # self.proc is still alive. pass def __enter__(self): return self if == "nt": def _find_worker_processes(self): # This is a convoluted workaround for the fact that the MSYS sh.exe on Windows likes to # launch commands as detached grandchildren, not direct children, so we can't track them # down just by following PPIDs. We thus have to resort to heuristics to find all processes # that we need to kill. It'd be best to use Win32 Job objects for this, but the "subprocess" # module doesn't let us add the created child to a Job early enough. # Get the PIDs of all processes sharing this console. bufsize = 1024 while True: console_pids = (ctypes.wintypes.DWORD * bufsize)() n = GetConsoleProcessList(console_pids, bufsize) if n == 0: raise ctypes.WinError(ctypes.get_last_error()) elif n > bufsize: bufsize *= 2 else: break # Convert PIDs to Process objects ASAP to minimize the potential for races with PID reuse. console_procs = [] for pid in console_pids[0:n]: try: console_procs.append(psutil.Process(pid)) except psutil.Error: # The process exited in the meantime or we can't access it, just skip it. pass # Find all "(ba)sh.exe" processes on this console that are running in self.workerdir # and add them to worker_procs including all descendants. worker_procs = set() for proc in console_procs: if proc in worker_procs: continue try: if proc.exe().endswith("sh.exe") and proc.cwd() == self.workerdir: worker_procs.add(proc) worker_procs.update(proc.children(recursive=True)) except psutil.Error: pass return worker_procs
[docs] def stop(self, keep_workerdir=False): """Stops the worker process and removes its working directory. This method should be called when the |AMSWorker| instance is not used as a context manager and the instance is no longer needed. Otherwise proper cleanup is not guaranteed to happen, the worker process might be left running and files might be left on disk. """ stdout = None stderr = None msg = None if keep_workerdir: msg = f"AMSWorker.stop() asked to keep workerdir, will keep the workerdir in {self.workerdir}" if self.always_keep_wd: msg = f"AMSWorker asked to always keep workerdir, will keep the workerdir in {self.workerdir}" keep_workerdir = True # Tell the worker process to stop. if self.proc is not None: if self._check_process(): try: self._call("Exit") except AMSWorkerError: # The process is likely exiting already. if self.keep_crashed_wd or keep_workerdir: keep_workerdir = True msg = f"AMSWorkerError encountered, will keep the workerdir in {self.workerdir}" if msg is not None: print(msg) # Tear down the pipes. Ignore OSError telling us the pipes are already broken. # This will also make the worker exit if it didn't get the Exit message above. if self.callpipe is not None: if not self.callpipe.closed: try: self.callpipe.close() except OSError: pass self.callpipe = None if self.replypipe is not None: if not self.replypipe.closed: try: self.replypipe.close() except OSError: pass self.replypipe = None # Now that the pipes are down, the worker should certainly be exiting. if self.proc is not None: try: self.proc.wait(timeout=self.timeout) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: if == "nt": worker_procs = self._find_worker_processes() # Send Ctrl-Break to the entire process group under self.proc. # Ctrl-C is less reliable in convincing processes to quit. os.kill(, signal.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT) dead, alive = psutil.wait_procs(worker_procs, timeout=self.timeout) for p in alive: # Forcefully kill any descendant that is still running. p.kill() psutil.wait_procs(alive) else: # Using SIGINT guarantees that the "sh" we're running as self.proc (and the "sh" running # the start script etc.) will wait until its children have exited before exiting itself. # The wait() thus doesn't return until all the descendants including ams.exe are gone. # If we used SIGTERM instead, the "sh"s would exit immediately. os.killpg(, signal.SIGINT) try: self.proc.wait(timeout=self.timeout) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: # This is guaranteed to stop everything, so we don't really have to wait for all processes. os.killpg(, signal.SIGKILL) self.proc.wait() self.proc = None with open(os.path.join(self.workerdir, "ams.out"), "r", errors="backslashreplace") as amsoutput: stdout = amsoutput.readlines() with open(os.path.join(self.workerdir, "ams.err"), "r", errors="backslashreplace") as amserror: stderr = amserror.readlines() # At this point the worker is down. We definitely don't have anything in the restart cache anymore ... self.restart_cache.clear() self.restart_cache_deleted.clear() if keep_workerdir: # Keep the current workerdir and move to a new one if hasattr(self, "_finalize"): self._finalize.detach() self.workerdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.wd_root, prefix=self.wd_prefix) self._finalize = weakref.finalize(self, shutil.rmtree, self.workerdir) else: # Remove the contents of the worker directory. for filename in os.listdir(self.workerdir): file_path = os.path.join(self.workerdir, filename) if os.path.isdir(file_path): shutil.rmtree(file_path) else: @retry(maxtries=10) def retry_unlink(file_path): os.unlink(file_path) retry_unlink(file_path) return (stdout, stderr)
def __exit__(self, *args): self.stop() def _delete_from_restart_cache(self, name): if name in self.restart_cache: self.restart_cache.remove(name) self.restart_cache_deleted.add(name) def _prune_restart_cache(self): for name in list(self.restart_cache_deleted): self._call("DeleteResults", {"title": name}) self.restart_cache_deleted.clear() @staticmethod def _supports_settings(s: Settings) -> bool: """ Check if a |Settings| object is supported by |AMSWorker|. """ try: AMSWorker._settings_to_args(s) return True except NotImplementedError: return False @staticmethod def _settings_to_args(s: Settings) -> Tuple[str, Dict]: """ Return a `tuple(TASK, **request_kwargs)` corresponding to a given settings object. Raises NotImplementedError if unsupported features are encountered. """ args = {} for key, val in s.flatten().items(): kl = tuple(x.lower() if isinstance(x, str) else x for x in key) try: args[_setting2arg[kl]] = val except KeyError: raise NotImplementedError("Unexpected key {}".format(".".join(str(k) for k in key))) if "task" not in args: raise NotImplementedError("No Settings.input.ams.task found") elif args["task"].lower() not in ("singlepoint", "geometryoptimization"): raise NotImplementedError("Unexpected task {}".format(args["task"])) return args @staticmethod def _args_to_settings(**kwargs) -> Settings: s = Settings() for key, val in kwargs.items(): s.set_nested(_arg2setting[key], val) return s def _solve_from_settings(self, name, molecule, settings): args = AMSWorker._settings_to_args(settings) if args["task"].lower() == "geometryoptimization": args["gradients"] = True # need to explicitly set gradients to True to get them in the AMSWorkerResults if args.get("optimizelattice", False): args["stresstensor"] = True return self._solve(name, molecule, **args) def _solve( self, name, molecule, task, prev_results=None, quiet=True, gradients=False, stresstensor=False, hessian=False, elastictensor=False, charges=False, dipolemoment=False, dipolegradients=False, method=None, coordinatetype=None, usesymmetry=None, optimizelattice=False, maxiterations=None, pretendconverged=None, calcpropertiesonlyifconverged=True, convquality=None, convenergy=None, convgradients=None, convstep=None, convstressenergyperatom=None, ): if self.use_restart_cache and name in self.restart_cache: raise JobError(f'Name "{name}" is already associated with results from the restart cache.') try: self._prepare_system(molecule) args = { "request": {"title": str(name)}, "keepResults": self.use_restart_cache, } if quiet: args["request"]["quiet"] = True if gradients: args["request"]["gradients"] = True if stresstensor: args["request"]["stressTensor"] = True if hessian: args["request"]["hessian"] = True if elastictensor: args["request"]["elasticTensor"] = True if charges: args["request"]["charges"] = True if dipolemoment: args["request"]["dipoleMoment"] = True if dipolegradients: args["request"]["dipoleGradients"] = True if self.use_restart_cache and prev_results is not None and in self.restart_cache: args["prevTitle"] = if task.lower() == "geometryoptimization": if method is not None: args["method"] = str(method) if coordinatetype is not None: args["coordinateType"] = str(coordinatetype) if usesymmetry is not None: args["useSymmetry"] = bool(usesymmetry) if optimizelattice: args["optimizeLattice"] = True if maxiterations is not None: args["maxIterations"] = int(maxiterations) if pretendconverged: args["pretendConverged"] = True if not calcpropertiesonlyifconverged: args["calcPropertiesIfNotConverged"] = True if convquality is not None: args["convQuality"] = str(convquality) if convenergy is not None: args["convEnergy"] = float(convenergy) if convgradients is not None: args["convGradients"] = float(convgradients) if convstep is not None: args["convStep"] = float(convstep) if convstressenergyperatom is not None: args["convStressEnergyPerAtom"] = float(convstressenergyperatom) results = self._call("Optimize", args) else: results = self._call("Solve", args) results = self._unflatten_arrays(results[0]["results"]) results = AMSWorkerResults(name, molecule, results) if self.use_restart_cache: self.restart_cache.add(name) weakref.finalize(results, self._delete_from_restart_cache, name) return results except AMSPipeRuntimeError as exc: return AMSWorkerResults(name, molecule, None, exc) except AMSWorkerError as exc: # Something went wrong. Our worker process might also be down. # Let's reset everything to be safe ... exc.stdout, exc.stderr = self.stop() self._start_subprocess() # ... and return an AMSWorkerResults object indicating our failure. return AMSWorkerResults(name, molecule, None, exc) def _prepare_system(self, molecule): # This is a good opportunity to let the worker process know about all the results we no longer need ... self._prune_restart_cache() chemicalSystem = {} chemicalSystem["atomSymbols"] = np.asarray([atom.symbol for atom in molecule]) chemicalSystem["coords"] = molecule.as_array() * Units.conversion_ratio("Angstrom", "Bohr") if "charge" in chemicalSystem["totalCharge"] = float( else: chemicalSystem["totalCharge"] = 0.0 atomicInfo = [AMSJob._atom_suffix(atom) for atom in molecule] if any(ai != "" for ai in atomicInfo): chemicalSystem["atomicInfo"] = np.asarray(atomicInfo) if molecule.lattice: cell = np.asarray(molecule.lattice) * Units.conversion_ratio("Angstrom", "Bohr") chemicalSystem["latticeVectors"] = cell if molecule.bonds: chemicalSystem["bonds"] = np.array([[iat for iat in molecule.index(bond)] for bond in molecule.bonds]) if len(chemicalSystem["bonds"]) == 0: chemicalSystem["bonds"] = np.zeros((0, 2)) chemicalSystem["bondOrders"] = np.asarray([float(bond.order) for bond in molecule.bonds]) self._call("SetSystem", chemicalSystem)
[docs] def SinglePoint( self, name, molecule, prev_results=None, quiet=True, gradients=False, stresstensor=False, hessian=False, elastictensor=False, charges=False, dipolemoment=False, dipolegradients=False, ): """Performs a single point calculation on the geometry given by the |Molecule| instance *molecule* and returns an instance of |AMSWorkerResults| containing the results. Every calculation should be given a *name*. Note that the name **must be unique** for this |AMSWorker| instance: One should not attempt to reuse calculation names with a given instance of |AMSWorker|. By default only the total energy is calculated but additional properties can be requested using the corresponding keyword arguments: - *gradients*: Calculate the nuclear gradients of the total energy. - *stresstensor*: Calculate the clamped-ion stress tensor. This should only be requested for periodic systems. - *hessian*: Calculate the Hessian matrix, i.e. the second derivative of the total energy with respect to the nuclear coordinates. - *elastictensor*: Calculate the elastic tensor. This should only be requested for periodic systems. - *charges*: Calculate atomic charges. - *dipolemoment*: Calculate the electric dipole moment. This should only be requested for non-periodic systems. - *dipolegradients*: Calculate the nuclear gradients of the electric dipole moment. This should only be requested for non-periodic systems. Users can pass an instance of a previously obtained |AMSWorkerResults| as the *prev_results* keyword argument. This can trigger a restart from previous results in the worker process, the details of which depend on the used computational engine: For example, a DFT based engine might restart from the electronic density obtained in an earlier calculation on a similar geometry. This is often useful to speed up series of sequentially dependent calculations: .. code-block:: python mol = Molecule('some/') with AMSWorker(sett) as worker: last_results = None do i in range(num_steps): results = worker.SinglePoint(f'step{i}', mol, prev_results=last_results, gradients=True) # modify the geometry of mol using results.get_gradients() last_results = results Note that the restarting is disabled if the |AMSWorker| instance was created with ``use_restart_cache=False``. It is still permitted to pass previous |AMSResults| instances as the *prev_results* argument, but no restarting will happen. The *quiet* keyword can be used to obtain more output from the worker process. Note that the output of the worker process is not printed to the standard output but instead ends up in the ``ams.out`` file in the temporary working directory of the |AMSWorker| instance. This is mainly useful for debugging. """ args = locals() del args["self"] del args["name"] del args["molecule"] s = self._args_to_settings(**args) s.input.ams.task = "singlepoint" return self._solve_from_settings(name, molecule, s)
[docs] def GeometryOptimization( self, name, molecule, prev_results=None, quiet=True, gradients=True, stresstensor=False, hessian=False, elastictensor=False, charges=False, dipolemoment=False, dipolegradients=False, method=None, coordinatetype=None, usesymmetry=None, optimizelattice=False, maxiterations=None, pretendconverged=None, calcpropertiesonlyifconverged=True, convquality=None, convenergy=None, convgradients=None, convstep=None, convstressenergyperatom=None, ): """Performs a geometry optimization on the |Molecule| instance *molecule* and returns an instance of |AMSWorkerResults| containing the results from the optimized geometry. The geometry optimizer can be controlled using the following keyword arguments: - *method*: String identifier of a particular optimization algorithm. - *coordinatetype*: Select a particular kind of optimization coordinates. - *usesymmetry*: Enable the use of symmetry when applicable. - *optimizelattice*: Optimize the lattice vectors together with atomic positions. - *maxiterations*: Maximum number of iterations allowed. - *pretendconverged*: If set to true, non converged geometry optimizations will be considered successful. - *calcpropertiesonlyifconverged*: Calculate properties (e.g. the Hessian) only if the optimization converged. - *convquality*: Overall convergence quality, see AMS driver manual for the GeometryOptimization task. - *convenergy*: Convergence criterion for the energy (in Hartree). - *convgradients*: Convergence criterion for the gradients (in Hartree/Bohr). - *convstep*: Convergence criterion for displacements (in Bohr). - *convstressenergyperatom*: Convergence criterion for the stress energy per atom (in Hartree). """ gradients = True if optimizelattice: stresstensor = True args = locals() del args["self"] del args["name"] del args["molecule"] s = self._args_to_settings(**args) s.input.ams.task = "geometryoptimization" return self._solve_from_settings(name, molecule, s)
def MolecularDynamics( self, name, nsteps=None, trajectorysamplingfrequency=None, checkpointfrequency=None, pipesamplingfrequency=None, setsteptozero=False, ): try: args = {"title": str(name), "setStepToZero": bool(setsteptozero)} if nsteps is not None: args["nSteps"] = nsteps if trajectorysamplingfrequency is not None: args["trajectorySamplingFrequency"] = trajectorysamplingfrequency if checkpointfrequency is not None: args["checkpointFrequency"] = checkpointfrequency if pipesamplingfrequency is not None: args["pipeSamplingFrequency"] = pipesamplingfrequency _states = self._call("RunMD", args) states = [] for state in _states: state = self._unflatten_arrays(state["state"]) states.append(AMSWorkerMDState(name, state)) return states except AMSWorkerError as exc: # Something went wrong. Our worker process might also be down. # Let's reset everything to be safe ... exc.stdout, exc.stderr = self.stop() self._start_subprocess() raise def CreateMDState(self, name, molecule): try: self._prepare_system(molecule) args = { "title": str(name), } self._call("CreateMDState", args) return except AMSWorkerError as exc: # Something went wrong. Our worker process might also be down. # Let's reset everything to be safe ... exc.stdout, exc.stderr = self.stop() self._start_subprocess() raise def GenerateVelocities(self, name, randomvelocitiestemperature, randomvelocitiesmethod=None, setsteptozero=False): try: args = { "title": str(name), "randomVelocitiesTemperature": float(randomvelocitiestemperature), "setStepToZero": bool(setsteptozero), } if randomvelocitiesmethod is not None: args["randomVelocitiesMethod"] = str(randomvelocitiesmethod) state = self._call("GenerateVelocities", args) state = self._unflatten_arrays(state[0]["state"]) state = AMSWorkerMDState(name, state) return state except AMSWorkerError as exc: # Something went wrong. Our worker process might also be down. # Let's reset everything to be safe ... exc.stdout, exc.stderr = self.stop() self._start_subprocess() raise def PrepareMD(self, trajfilename): args = {"trajFileName": str(trajfilename)} self._call("PrepareMD", args) def SetVelocities(self, name, velocities, dist_unit="Angstrom", time_unit="fs"): velocities = ( np.array(velocities) * Units.conversion_ratio(dist_unit, "au") / Units.conversion_ratio(time_unit, "au") ) args = {"title": str(name), "velocities": velocities} self._call("SetVelocities", args) def RenameMDState(self, name, newname): args = {"title": str(name), "newTitle": str(newname)} self._call("RenameMDState", args) def CopyMDState(self, name, newname): args = {"title": str(name), "newTitle": str(newname)} self._call("CopyMDState", args) def DeleteMDState(self, name): args = {"title": str(name)} self._call("DeleteMDState", args)
[docs] def ParseInput(self, program_name, text_input, string_leafs): """Parse the text input and return a Python dictionary representing the JSONified input. - *program_name*: the name of the program. This will be used for loading the appropriate json input definitions. e.g. if program_name='adf', the input definition file 'adf.json' will be used. - *text_input*: a string containing the text input to be parsed. - *string_leafs*: if *True* the values in the parsed json input will always be string. e.g. if in the input you have 'SomeFloat 1.2', the json leaf node for 'SomeFloat' will be the string '1.2' (and not the float number 1.2). If False the leaf values in the json input will be of the 'appropriate' type, i.e. float will be floats, strings will be strings, booleans will be boleans etc... """ try: reply = self._call( "ParseInput", {"programName": program_name, "textInput": text_input, "stringLeafs": string_leafs} ) json_input = reply[0]["parsedInput"]["jsonInput"] return json_input except AMSWorkerError as exc: # This failed badly, also the worker is likely down. Let's grab some info, restart it ... exc.stdout, exc.stderr = self.stop() self._start_subprocess() # ... and then reraise the exception for the caller. raise
def _check_process(self): if self.proc is not None: status = self.proc.poll() return status is None else: return False def _flatten_arrays(self, d): out = {} # import numpy as np for key, val in d.items(): if (isinstance(val, or isinstance(val, np.ndarray)) and not isinstance(val, str): array = np.asarray(val) if array.dtype == np.float32: # Workaround py-ubjson not knowing how to encode float32 yet array = array.astype(np.float64) out[key] = array.ravel() out[key + "_dim_"] = array.shape[::-1] if issubclass(out[key].dtype.type, Integral) or out[key].dtype.type == np.bool_: # ubjson does not know how to convert numpy arrays of int/bool, so convert back to a list here out[key] = out[key].tolist() elif out[key].dtype == np.bool_: out[key] = out[key].tolist() elif isinstance(val, out[key] = self._flatten_arrays(val) elif isinstance(val, np.float32): # for scalar float32 out[key] = np.float64(val) elif isinstance(val, np.int32): out[key] = int(val) else: out[key] = val return out def _unflatten_arrays(self, d): out = {} for key, val in d.items(): if key + "_dim_" in d: out[key] = np.asarray(val).reshape(d[key + "_dim_"][::-1]) elif key.endswith("_dim_"): pass elif isinstance(val, out[key] = self._unflatten_arrays(val) else: out[key] = val return out def _read_exactly(self, pipe, n): buf = if len(buf) == n: return buf else: raise EOFError("Message truncated to " + str(len(buf))) def _call(self, method, args={}): msg = ubjson.dumpb({method: self._flatten_arrays(args)}) msglen = struct.pack("=i", len(msg)) try: self.callpipe.write(msglen + msg) if method.startswith("Set"): return None self.callpipe.flush() except OSError as exc: raise AMSWorkerError("Error while sending a message " + method + " " + str(len(msg))) from exc if method == "Exit": return None results = [] while True: try: msgbuf = self._read_exactly(self.replypipe, 4) msglen = struct.unpack("=i", msgbuf)[0] msgbuf = self._read_exactly(self.replypipe, msglen) except EOFError as exc: raise AMSWorkerError("Error while trying to read a reply") from exc try: msg = ubjson.loadb(msgbuf) except Exception as exc: raise AMSWorkerError("Error while decoding a reply") from exc if "return" in msg: ret = msg["return"] if ret["status"] == 0: return results else: raise AMSPipeError.from_message(ret) else: results.append(msg)
[docs]class AMSWorkerPool: """A class representing a pool of AMS worker processes. All workers of the pool are initialized with the same |Settings| instance, see the |AMSWorker| constructor for details. The number of spawned workers is determined by the *num_workers* argument. For optimal performance on many small jobs it is recommended to spawn a number of workers equal to the number of physical CPU cores of the machine the calculation is running on, and to let every worker instance run serially: .. code-block:: python import psutil molecules = read_molecules('folder/with/xyz/files') sett = Settings() # ... more settings ... sett.runscript.nproc = 1 # <-- every worker itself is serial (aka export NSCM=1) with AMSWorkerPool(sett, psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)) as pool: results = pool.SinglePoints([ (name, molecules[name]) for name in sorted(molecules) ]) As with the underlying |AMSWorker| class, the location of the temporary directories can be changed with the *workerdir_root* and *workerdir_prefix* arguments. It is recommended to use the |AMSWorkerPool| as a context manager in order to ensure that cleanup happens automatically. If it is not possible to use the |AMSWorkerPool| as a context manager, cleanup should be manually triggered by calling the :meth:`stop` method. """ def __init__( self, settings, num_workers, workerdir_root=TMPDIR, workerdir_prefix="awp", keep_crashed_workerdir=False ): self.workers = num_workers * [None] if num_workers == 1: # Do all the work in the main thread AMSWorkerPool._spawn_worker( self.workers, settings, 0, workerdir_root, workerdir_prefix, keep_crashed_workerdir ) else: # Spawn all workers from separate threads to overlap the ams.exe startup latency threads = [ threading.Thread( target=AMSWorkerPool._spawn_worker, args=(self.workers, settings, i, workerdir_root, workerdir_prefix, keep_crashed_workerdir), ) for i in range(num_workers) ] for t in threads: t.start() for t in threads: t.join() if None in self.workers: raise AMSWorkerError("Some AMSWorkers in the pool failed to start") @staticmethod def _spawn_worker(workers, settings, i, wdr, wdp, keep_crashed_workerdir): workers[i] = AMSWorker( settings, workerdir_root=wdr, workerdir_prefix=f"{wdp}_{i}", use_restart_cache=False, keep_crashed_workerdir=keep_crashed_workerdir, ) def __enter__(self): return self def _solve_from_settings(self, items, watch=False, watch_interval=60): """Request to pool to execute calculations for all items in the iterable *items*. Returns a list of |AMSWorkerResults| objects. The *items* argument is expected to be an iterable of 3-tuples ``(name, molecule, settings)``, which are passed on to the the :meth:`_solve_from_settings <AMSWorker._solve_from_settings>` method of the pool's |AMSWorker| instances. If *watch* is set to ``True``, the AMSWorkerPool will regularly log progress information. The interval between messages can be set with the *watch_interval* argument in seconds. """ if watch: progress_data = { "starttime": time.time(), "lock": threading.Lock(), "done_event": threading.Event(), "num_jobs": len(items), "num_done": 0, } pmt = threading.Thread(target=AMSWorkerPool._progress_monitor, args=(progress_data, watch_interval)) if all(s.input.ams.task.lower() == "singlepoint" for _, _, s in items): tasks = "single point calculations" elif all(s.input.ams.task.lower() == "geometryoptimization" for _, _, s in items): tasks = "geometry optimizations" else: tasks = "jobs" log(f"Running {len(items)} {tasks} with {len(self.workers)} worker{'s' if len(self.workers)>1 else ''}") pmt.start() else: progress_data = None if len(self.workers) == 1: # Do all the work in the main thread results = [] for name, mol, settings in items: results.append(self.workers[0]._solve_from_settings(name, mol, settings)) if watch: progress_data["num_done"] += 1 else: # Build a queue of things to do and spawn threads that grab from from the queue in parallel results = [None] * len(items) q = queue.Queue() threads = [ threading.Thread(target=AMSWorkerPool._execute_queue, args=(self.workers[i], q, results, progress_data)) for i in range(len(self.workers)) ] for t in threads: t.start() for i, item in enumerate(items): if len(item) == 3: name, mol, settings = item else: raise JobError( "AMSWorkerPool._solve_from_settings expects a list containing only 3-tuples (name, molecule, settings)." ) q.put((i, name, mol, settings)) for t in threads: q.put(None) # signal for the thread to end for t in threads: t.join() if watch: progress_data["done_event"].set() pmt.join() log( f"All {len(items)} {tasks} done! Time taken: {datetime.timedelta(seconds=round(time.time()-progress_data['starttime']))}s" ) return results @staticmethod def _progress_monitor(pd, t): width = len(str(pd["num_jobs"])) while True: if pd["done_event"].wait(timeout=t): break with pd["lock"]: num_done = pd["num_done"] percent_done = 100.0 * num_done / pd["num_jobs"] if percent_done > 5.0: dt = time.time() - pd["starttime"] dtrem = dt / percent_done * (100 - percent_done) dtrem = datetime.timedelta(seconds=round(dtrem)) trem = f", {dtrem}s remaining" else: trem = "" log(f"{str(num_done).rjust(width)} / {pd['num_jobs']} jobs finished:{percent_done:5.1f}%{trem}") def _prep_solve_from_settings(self, method, items): solve_items = [] for item in items: if len(item) == 2: name, mol = item kwargs = {} elif len(item) == 3: name, mol, kwargs = item else: raise JobError( f"AMSWorkerPool.{method}s expects a list containing only 2-tuples (name, molecule) and/or 3-tuples (name, molecule, kwargs)." ) s = AMSWorker._args_to_settings(**kwargs) s.input.ams.task = method.lower() solve_items.append((name, mol, s)) return solve_items
[docs] def SinglePoints(self, items, watch=False, watch_interval=60): """Request to pool to execute single point calculations for all items in the iterable *items*. Returns a list of |AMSWorkerResults| objects. The *items* argument is expected to be an iterable of 2-tuples ``(name, molecule)`` and/or 3-tuples ``(name, molecule, kwargs)``, which are passed on to the :meth:`SinglePoint <AMSWorker.SinglePoint>` method of the pool's |AMSWorker| instances. (Here ``kwargs`` is a dictionary containing the optional keyword arguments and their values for this method.) If *watch* is set to ``True``, the AMSWorkerPool will regularly log progress information. The interval between messages can be set with the *watch_interval* argument in seconds. As an example, the following call would do single point calculations with gradients and (only for periodic systems) stress tensors for all |Molecule| instances in the dictionary ``molecules``. .. code-block:: python results = pool.SinglePoint([ (name, molecules[name], { "gradients": True, "stresstensor": len(molecules[name].lattice) != 0 }) for name in sorted(molecules) ]) """ solve_items = self._prep_solve_from_settings("SinglePoint", items) return self._solve_from_settings(solve_items, watch, watch_interval)
[docs] def GeometryOptimizations(self, items, watch=False, watch_interval=60): """Request to pool to execute geometry optimizations for all items in the iterable *items*. Returns a list of |AMSWorkerResults| objects for the optimized geometries. If *watch* is set to ``True``, the AMSWorkerPool will regularly log progress information. The interval between messages can be set with the *watch_interval* argument in seconds. The *items* argument is expected to be an iterable of 2-tuples ``(name, molecule)`` and/or 3-tuples ``(name, molecule, kwargs)``, which are passed on to the :meth:`GeometryOptimization <AMSWorker.GeometryOptimization>` method of the pool's |AMSWorker| instances. (Here ``kwargs`` is a dictionary containing the optional keyword arguments and their values for this method.) """ solve_items = self._prep_solve_from_settings("GeometryOptimization", items) return self._solve_from_settings(solve_items, watch, watch_interval)
@staticmethod def _execute_queue(worker, q, results, progress_data=None): while True: item = q.get() try: if item is None: break i, name, mol, settings = item results[i] = worker._solve_from_settings(name, mol, settings) if progress_data: with progress_data["lock"]: progress_data["num_done"] += 1 finally: q.task_done()
[docs] def stop(self): """Stops the all worker processes and removes their working directories. This method should be called when the |AMSWorkerPool| instance is not used as a context manager and the instance is no longer needed. Otherwise proper cleanup is not guaranteed to happen, worker processes might be left running and files might be left on disk. """ for worker in self.workers: worker.stop()
def __exit__(self, *args): self.stop()