from scm.plams.core.basejob import SingleJob
from scm.plams.interfaces.adfsuite.scmjob import SCMResults
__all__ = ["MOPACJob", "MOPACResults"]
[docs]class MOPACResults(SCMResults):
"""A class for results of computation done with MOPAC.
This class inherits all methods from |SCMResults|.
.. technical::
In case of a MOPAC job, preparation is much different from other programs of AMSuite, but the result handling is quite similar due to presence of KF files. Therefore |MOPACResults| is a subclass of |SCMResults|, but |MOPACJob| is not a subclass of |SCMJob|.
_rename_map = {"results.rkf": "$JN.rkf", "$": "$JN.aux", "$": "$JN.arc", "$": "$JN.out"}
_kfext = ".rkf"
def _int2inp(self):
return list(range(1, 1 + len(self.job.molecule)))
[docs]class MOPACJob(SingleJob):
"""A class representing a single computational job with MOPAC."""
_result_type = MOPACResults
_command = "MOPAC2016-SCM.exe"
[docs] def get_runscript(self):
"""Generate a MOPAC runscript.
The name of the MOPAC executable is taken from class attribute ``MOPACJob._command``. If you experience problems running MOPAC, check if that value corresponds to the name of the executable and this executable is visible in your ``$PATH`` (in case of AMSuite it's in ``$AMSBIN``). Note that a bare MOPAC executable should be used here, please avoid using any wrappers.
The execution of MOPAC binary is followed by calling a simple command line tool ``tokf`` which reads various output text files produced by MOPAC and collects all the data in a binary KF file. See :ref:`kf-files` for details.
ret = self._command + " " + self._filename("inp")
if self.settings.runscript.stdout_redirect:
ret += " >" + self._filename("out")
ret += "\n\n"
ret += "cp {} {}.stdout\n".format(self._filename("err"), self._filename("inp"))
ret += "tokf mopac {} {}.rkf\n".format(self._filename("inp"),
ret += "rm {}.stdout\n\n".format(self._filename("inp"))
ret += "rm {}\n\n".format(self._filename("out"))
return ret
[docs] def check(self):
"""Grep standard output for ``* JOB ENDED NORMALLY *``."""
s = self.results.grep_output("* JOB ENDED NORMALLY *")
return len(s) > 0