Source code for scm.plams.trajectories.xyzfile

#!/usr/bin/env python

from scm.plams.core.errors import TrajectoryError
import numpy
from scm.plams.mol.molecule import Molecule
from import cell_shape, cellvectors_from_shape
from scm.plams.trajectories.trajectoryfile import TrajectoryFile

__all__ = ["XYZTrajectoryFile", "create_xyz_string"]

[docs]class XYZTrajectoryFile(TrajectoryFile): """ Class representing an XYZ file containing a molecular trajectory An instance of this class has the following attributes: * ``file_object`` -- A Python :py:class:`file` object, referring to the actual XYZ file * ``position`` -- The frame to which the cursor is currently pointing in the XYZ file * ``mode`` -- Designates whether the file is in read or write mode ('r' or 'w') * ``ntap`` -- The number of atoms in the molecular system (needs to be constant throughout) * ``elements`` -- The elements of the atoms in the system (needs to be constant throughout) An |XYZTrajectoryFile| object behaves very similar to a regular file object. It has read and write methods (:meth:`read_next` and :meth:`write_next`) that read and write from/to the position of the cursor in the ``file_object`` attribute. If the file is in read mode, an additional method :meth:`read_frame` can be used that moves the cursor to any frame in the file and reads from there. The amount of information stored in memory is kept to a minimum, as only information from the current frame is ever stored. Reading and writing to and from the files can be done as follows:: >>> from scm.plams import XYZTrajectoryFile >>> xyz = XYZTrajectoryFile('') >>> mol = xyz.get_plamsmol() >>> xyzout = XYZTrajectoryFile('',mode='w') >>> for i in range(xyz.get_length()) : >>> crd,cell = xyz.read_frame(i,molecule=mol) >>> xyzout.write_next(molecule=mol) The above script reads information from the XYZ file ```` into the |Molecule| object ``mol`` in a step-by-step manner. The |Molecule| object is then passed to the :meth:`write_next` method of the new |XYZTrajectoryFile| object corresponding to the new xyz file ````. The exact same result can also be achieved by iterating over the instance as a callable >>> xyz = XYZTrajectoryFile('') >>> mol = xyz.get_plamsmol() >>> xyzout = XYZTrajectoryFile('',mode='w') >>> for crd,cell in xyz(mol) : >>> xyzout.write_next(molecule=mol) This procedure requires all coordinate information to be passed to and from the |Molecule| object for each frame, which can be time-consuming. It is therefore also possible to bypass the |Molecule| object when reading through the frames:: >>> xyz = XYZTrajectoryFile('') >>> xyzout = XYZTrajectoryFile('',mode='w') >>> xyzout.set_elements(xyz.get_elements()) >>> for crd,cell in xyz : >>> xyzout.write_next(coords=crd) >>> xyzout.close() By default the write mode will create a minimal version of the XYZ file, containing only elements and coordinates. Additional information can be written to the file by supplying additional arguments to the :meth:`write_next` method. The additional keywords `step` and `energy` trigger the writing of a remark containing the molecule name, the step number, the energy, and the lattice vectors. >>> mol = Molecule('') >>> xyzout = XYZTrajectoryFile('',mode='w') >>> xyzout.set_name('MyMol') >>> xyzout.write_next(molecule=mol, step=0, energy=5.) """
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, mode="r", fileobject=None, ntap=None): """ Initiates an XYZTrajectoryFile object * ``filename`` -- The path to the XYZ file * ``mode`` -- The mode in which to open the XYZ file ('r' or 'w') * ``fileobject`` -- Optionally, a file object can be passed instead (filename needs to be set to None) * ``ntap`` -- If the file is in write mode, the number of atoms needs to be passed here """ TrajectoryFile.__init__(self, filename, mode, fileobject, ntap) # XYZ specific attributes = "PlamsMol" # Specific XYZ stuff self.include_historydata = False self.historydata = None self.nveclines = 0 # Required setup before frames can be read/written if self.mode == "r": self._read_header() elif self.mode == "a": self._move_cursor_to_append_pos()
[docs] def store_historydata(self): """ Additional data should be read from/written to file """ self.include_historydata = True
[docs] def set_name(self, name): """ Sets the name of the system, in case an extensive write is requested * ``name`` -- A string containing the name of the molecule """ = name
def _read_header(self): """ Set up info required for reading frames """ line = self.file_object.readline() self.ntap = int(line.split()[0]) if self.coords.shape == (0, 3): self.coords = numpy.zeros((self.ntap, 3)) self.file_object.readline() elements = [] for i in range(self.ntap): line = self.file_object.readline() elements.append(line.split()[0]) self.elements = elements # See if there are any vector lines while True: line = self.file_object.readline() if len(line) > 0 and line.split()[0][:3] == "VEC": self.nveclines += 1 else: break
[docs] def read_next(self, molecule=None, read=True): """ Reads coordinates from the current position of the cursor and returns it * ``molecule`` -- |Molecule| object in which the new coordinates need to be stored * ``read`` -- If set to False the cursor will move to the next frame without reading """ if not read and not self.firsttime: return self._move_cursor_without_reading() cell = None # Read the coordinates crd, cell = self._read_coordinates(molecule) if crd is None: return None, None # End of file is reached if self.firsttime: self.firsttime = False self.position += 1 return self.coords, cell
def _read_coordinates(self, molecule): """ Read the coordinates from file, and place them in the molecule """ cell = None for i in range(2): line = self.file_object.readline() if i == 0 and len(line.split()) > 1: raise TrajectoryError("Number of atoms changes. Try XYZHistoryFile") elif i == 0 and int(line.split()[0]) != self.ntap: raise TrajectoryError("Number of atoms changes. Try XYZHistoryFile") if len(line) == 0: return None, None # End of file is reached # Handle the comment line historydata = data_from_xyzcomment(line) if "Lattice" in historydata: cell = historydata["Lattice"] del historydata["Lattice"] if self.include_historydata: self.historydata = historydata # Reade coordinates for i in range(self.ntap): line = self.file_object.readline() self.coords[i, :] = [float(w) for w in line.split()[1:4]] # Possibly read lattice lattice = [] for i in range(self.nveclines): line = self.file_object.readline() words = line.split() lattice.append([float(w) for w in words[1:]]) if cell is None and len(lattice) > 0: cell = lattice if isinstance(molecule, Molecule): self._set_plamsmol(self.coords, cell, molecule) return self.coords, cell def _is_endoffile(self): """ If the end of file is reached, return coords and cell as None """ end = False for i in range(self.ntap + 2 + self.nveclines): line = self.file_object.readline() if len(line) == 0: end = True break return end
[docs] def write_next(self, coords=None, molecule=None, cell=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], conect=None, historydata=None): """ Write frame to next position in trajectory file * ``coords`` -- A list or numpy array of (``ntap``,3) containing the system coordinates * ``molecule`` -- A molecule object to read the molecular data from * ``cell`` -- A set of lattice vectors or cell diameters * ``conect`` -- A dictionary containing connectivity info (not used) * ``historydata`` -- A dictionary containing additional variables to be written to the comment line The ``historydata`` dictionary can contain for example: ('Step','Energy'), the frame number and the energy respectively .. note:: Either ``coords`` or ``molecule`` are mandatory arguments """ if isinstance(molecule, Molecule): coords, cell, elements = self._read_plamsmol(molecule)[:3] if self.position == 0: self.elements = elements cell = self._convert_cell(cell) self._write_moldata(coords, cell, historydata) self.position += 1
def _write_moldata(self, coords, cell, historydata): """ Write all molecular info to file """ if historydata is None: historydata = {} if self.include_historydata and len(historydata) > 0: step = self.position if "Step" in historydata: step = historydata["Step"] energy = 0.0 if "Energy" in historydata: energy = historydata["Energy"] box = None if cell is not None: # box = PDBMolecule().box_from_vectors(cell) box = cell_shape(cell) name = if "Name" in historydata: name = historydata["Name"] line = None if "Line" in historydata: line = historydata["Line"] block = create_xyz_string(self.elements, coords, energy, box, step, name, line) else: block = create_xyz_string(self.elements, coords) self.file_object.write(block) def _rewind_to_first_frame(self): """ Rewind the file to the first frame """ self.firsttime = True self.position = 0 def _rewind_n_frames(self, nframes): """ Rewind the file by nframes frames """ new_frame = self.position - nframes self._rewind_to_first_frame() for i in range(new_frame): self.read_next(read=False)
def create_xyz_string(elements, coords, energy=None, box=None, step=None, name="PlamsMol", line=None): """ Write an XYZ file based on the elements and the coordinates of the atoms """ block = "%i\n" % (len(elements)) if line is not None: block += "%s" % (line) elif step is not None: if energy is None: energy = 0.0 comment = "%-40s%6i %16.6f" % (name, step, energy) if box is not None: for value in box: comment += "%7.2f" % (value) block += comment block += "\n" for el, crd in zip(elements, coords): block += "%8s " % (el) for x in crd: block += "%20.10f " % (x) block += "\n" return block def data_from_xyzcomment(line): """ Convert XYZ comment line (cell angles are in radians) """ words = line.split() if len(words) == 0: return {} if len(words) < 3: return {"Line": line} xyzdic = {} xyzdic["Name"] = words[0] try: xyzdic["Step"] = int(words[1]) xyzdic["Energy"] = float(words[2]) except ValueError: xyzdic["Line"] = line return xyzdic if len(words) >= 6: try: box = [float(w) for w in words[3:6]] except ValueError: return xyzdic if len(words) >= 9: try: angles = [float(w) for w in words[6:9]] except ValueError: return xyzdic angles = [a for a in angles] box += angles lattice = cellvectors_from_shape(box) xyzdic["Lattice"] = lattice return xyzdic