Research Settings


The Amsterdam Modeling Suite (AMS) is an excellent collection of programs for teaching physical and computational chemistry.

The fully integrated graphical interface makes it easy to build molecules, to set up and follow calculations, and to visualize results (IR spectra and normal modes, UV/VIS spectra and transitions, orbital interaction diagrams, MOs, densities, DOS, band structures, trajectories, and much more).

With a classroom license, students can easily activate AMS on their own machines, or the license can be installed centrally by the University.

With more academics using AMS for their classes, more teaching material is becoming available as a starting point for your own computational chemistry course.
Try out AMS to see for yourself how easy it is to install, and start running and visualizing results!

You can also combine teaching and research licenses, contact us for the best option for your situation.

Hands-on workshops for the Amsterdam Modeling Suite are regularly organized in various places across the globe. These workshops are usually tutored by our own Amsterdam Modeling Suite experts and/or our academic partners.

Let us know if you would like to join an upcoming workshop, or have a specific or general workshop at your University, Supercomputer Center, or Institute! We gladly adapt the schedule and suggested exercises according to the interest of the participants. Submit your email address to get notifications about upcoming workshops.

Request workshop

Materials from previous workshops are also available!

Browse previous workshops

To promote teaching with the Amsterdam Modeling Suite, SCM offers classroom licenses at considerably lower fees than the standard research licenses. Examples for yearly teaching-only licenses for a single research group:

Let us know if you would like to join an upcoming workshop, or have a specific or general workshop at your University, Supercomputer Center, or Institute! We gladly adapt the schedule and suggested exercises according to the interest of the participants. Submit your email address to get notifications about upcoming workshops.

Prices in €10 machines20 machinesunlimited machines
1 module (e.g. ADF)80014001800
2 modules (e.g. DFTB+ReaxFF)100017502250
Whole Amsterdam Modeling Suite120021002700
Prices in US$ (exchange rate discounts may apply)
1 module (e.g. ADF)120021002700
2 modules (e.g. DFTB+ReaxFF)150026253375
Whole Amsterdam Modeling Suite180031254050

A popular option is the perpetual, unlimited Amsterdam Modeling Suite teaching license at 10800 Euros or 16200 US$ (sizable exchange rate discounts may apply).

Reach out to discover what classroom license best fits your needs

Contact us

The classroom licenses are limited to teaching purposes only, not for research. No research papers may be published with results obtained from the Amsterdam Modeling Suite with such classroom licenses.

The SCM team would be interested in publicizing your teaching materials to help others with setting up their courses. The licenses for 10, 20, or unlimited machines can be installed on student desktop / laptop machines at the University site. We differentiate between teaching done by a single group or by multiple research groups. If your colleagues in different departments would also like to use the Amsterdam Modeling Suite for teaching, or you want to combine with a research license, or you want to discuss other licensing options, contact us for a quote! Our standard multi-year discounts also apply.
An unlimited research license can also be used for teaching at no additional cost. SCM can create a separate teaching account so that students can smoothly download and run the Amsterdam Modeling Suite with automatically approved temporary licenses.

Why not try out these applications for yourself?