SCM Career Opportunities
SCM regularly offers fixed-term or permanent software development jobs. Job openings are posted on mailing lists, websites and our News section. Temporary positions are typically PhD or post-doc positions funded through EU projects.
Do you have a relevant PhD (theoretical chemistry, computational physics) and a strong programming track record? Do you want to work with our experienced program developers in a growing scientific software company in Amsterdam and with our partnering academic development groups? We are always on the lookout for excellent and motivated software developers to strengthen our team – we encourage you to contact us with a resume and motivation letter.
Businesses (or individuals) with expertise in our field who wish to promote our software as sales agent or reseller in a particular region may contact us to discuss collaboration possibilities.
Also on the business side we welcome applicants that have a relevant background and are motivated to work with the SCM team and love to discuss science with current and prospective clients. Send your motivation and CV to us, so that we can contact you when a suitable position becomes available at a later stage.
Are you a brilliant chemistry, physics, or computer science student in the Netherlands and interested in a summer job? We can think of various projects that may fit your interest: small programming jobs, optimizing code efficiency and user-friendliness, updating support materials (documentation, tutorials, website materials), short-term scientific application projects, or other relevant topics. Only in exceptional cases can we accommodate a student from outside the Netherlands (but within the EU). Contact us for details.
We have an informal, small team working atmosphere with intellectually challenging work.
SCM is an equal opportunity employer. Applicants can have (almost) any current residence and nationality – unless export restrictions apply for our software.
What SCM has to offer
The working atmosphere at SCM is that of an informal, small team (approximately 25 people) of PhD-level researchers and scientific software developers doing intellectually challenging work. Originating as a spin-off company of the VU University, Amsterdam, SCM shares office space and closely interacts with the well-known Theoretical Chemistry (TC) group led by professors Bickelhaupt and Visscher and emeritus professor Baerends. We also extensively collaborate with a growing number of academic groups and industrial partners worldwide.
SCM is a science-focused company which has been around for 2 decades. It is financially solid, free of debt, growing, and profitable. We are located in Amsterdam, the very lively, internationally oriented, and enjoyable capital of The Netherlands. Thanks to its high quality of living, Amsterdam was recently elected as overall winner for “most attractive city to live in Europe”, beating Paris and Berlin. If you enjoy developing scientific software to enable scientists to use premium computational chemistry tools for their research, SCM could the place for you!