AuToGraFS Examples

the following examples work with all calculators of the ADF modeling suite. Any python script using these libraries should be launched using the “$ADFBIN/startpython” binary.

Generation of all available pillared SURMOF

# Required imports
    from scm.autografs import *
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement

    # create the  generator object
    mofgen = autografs.Autografs(path="./my_database/")

    # the SURMOF family of frameworks is
    topology = "pcu"

    # get all available linkers, center, pillars for the pcu topology
    centers = mofgen.get_available_centers(topology=topology)
    for center in centers:
            # the pcu topology accepts up to three different linkers.
            # here, we'll use two and a pillar
        linkers = mofgen.get_available_linkers(topology=topology, center=center)
        for linker in combination_with_replacement(linkers, 2):
            pillars = mofgen.get_available_pillars(topology=topology, center=center)
            for pillar in pillars:
                    label = "{0}-{1}-{2}".format(center, linker,pillar)
                # generate this particulat framework
                framework = mofgen.make(label=label,
                # write the UFF inpufile under "" and "label.adf"

Generation of a defectuous UIO-66 MOF from custom files

# Required imports
    from scm.autografs import *
    from random import gauss

    # get the building units as Fragment objects
    center = utils.read_inp("UIO66_center.inp")
    linker = utils.read_inp("UIO66_linker.inp")

    # instantiate the generator
    mofgen = autografs.Autografs()

    # generate the MOF
    mof = mofgen.make(label="UIO66", topology="bcu", center=center, linker=linker)

    # get the 3*3*3 supercell
    supercell = mof * (3,3,3)

    # introduce 10 defects in a gaussian distribution around the center of the supercell
    # the connections are capped with hydrogen.
    indices = []
    mu    = len(supercell)/2
    sigma = len(supercell)/4
    number_of_defects = 10
    while len(indices) < number_of defects:
        index = int(abs(gauss(mu, sigma)))
        if (index not in indices) and index < len(supercell):
    supercell.insert_defect(indices = indices))

    # view resulting framework in adfinput

Generation of conformers in the IRMOF-5

# Required imports
from scm.autografs import *
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement

# instantiate the generator
mofgen = autografs.Autografs()

# generate the MOF
mof = mofgen.make(label="IRMOF-5", topology="pcu", center="mof5", linker="benzene")

# get the indices of the benzenes in the mof
benzenes = mof.get_linkers()
choice_angles = [0.0,45.0,90.0]

# generate all possible combinations
iteration = 0
for angles in combinations_with_replacement(choice_angles, 3):
    conformer = mof.copy()
    for benzene, angle in zip(benzenes, angles):
        conformer.rotate_fragment(index=benzene, angle=angle)
    iteration += 1