Windows Quickstart Guide

This quickstart guide is for installing AMS on a Windows desktop/laptop machine. Please also read the generic Installation manual if you encounter problems.

Start with downloading AMS2020 for Windows from the main download page (click the orange Download button below the blue Windows logo), and save it in your Downloads folder. Open ams2020.101.pc64_windows.intelmpi.exe after the download is complete, for example by opening your Downloads folder in the Windows explorer and double-clicking it. Newer versions of AMS will have a different number in the file name.

Follow the on-screen instructions to install AMS2020 to your computer. The InstallShield Wizard asks where to install the program (C:AMS2020.101 by default), where to save your AMS files (C:AMS_DATA by default), and where to store temporary data (C:SCMTMP by default). All these paths can be changed, but should NOT contain any spaces!

During installation a text console window will open to extract a few more files needed for using AMS, do NOT close this window! If you do, the installation has to be started all over again.

Once the installation is complete, double-click the “AMSjobs” shortcut on the desktop to start AMS2020.

AMS2020 also includes a bash/python scripting environment, which can be started by starting ams_command_line.bat from the AMS2020 installation folder. This will open a windows shell with the correct environment set up for running AMS/ADF. The scripting environment also provides a bash shell (simply type bash and hit enter) and a python stack.