Misc notes

Block quotes

When building the html, Sphinx transforms certain reST constructs into html block quotes. Since we do not want block quotes in our html files (because of some search engine optimization issue), the build_doc.sh script warns you if it finds any in the html files. This is a (probably incomplete) list of constructs that might lead to block quotes in the html:

  • Indentation with 3 spaces (you should use 2-spaces indentation). This is of course very weird…

  • indented lists

Trunk and Fixes

There is a small (but important) difference between the sphinx-themes for the trunk and fixes versions:

The line "<META name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW">" in userdoc/trunk/themes/scm_theme/layout.html is there for preventing google from indexing the trunk version, which is now publicly available at scm.com/doc.trunk