2.2. Generators

The Generator classes are not meant to be directly accessed by the user. Instead, they are used as components of the UniqueConformer classes.

There are two main generator classes, RDKitGenerator and CRESTGenerator, which have roughly the same interface, but different settings. All generators accept an instance of one of the UniqueConformers classes upon initiation. This conformer set is generally expected to be empty, but is not required to be so.

The CREST method combines three separate methods to generate conformers: 1. CREST metadynamics 2. High temperature MD 3. A genetic combinatorial method that extends an existing conformer set. Each of these methods can be used separately, via their additional expert generator classes.

2.2.1. RDKitGenerator

This generator fills the conformer set of a molecule, using RDKit to call the ETKDG conformer generation approach, followed by geometry optimization with a specified AMS engine.

class RDKitGenerator(conformers=None, engine_settings=None, nproc=1, energy_threshold=None)

Machine that generates a set of unique conformers using RDKit

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.5b00654

A simple example of (parallel) use:

>>> from scm.plams import Molecule
>>> from scm.plams import init, finish
>>> from scm.conformers import UniqueConformersAMS, RDKitGenerator

>>> # Set up the molecular data
>>> mol = Molecule('mol.xyz')
>>> conformers = UniqueConformersAMS()
>>> conformers.prepare_state(mol)

>>> # Set up PLAMS settings
>>> init()

>>> # Create the generator and run
>>> generator = RDKitGenerator(conformers, nproc=4)
>>> generator.generate()

>>> finish()

>>> # Write the results to file
>>> print(conformers)
>>> conformers.write()

The default AMS engine used is the GFN1-xTB engine. A different engine can be provided upon initiation.

>>> engine_settings = Settings()
>>> engine_settings.ForceField.Type = 'UFF'
>>> generator = RDKitGenerator(conformers, engine_settings=engine, nproc=4)
__init__(conformers=None, engine_settings=None, nproc=1, energy_threshold=None)

Initiates an instance of the RDKitGenerator class

  • conformers – A UniqueConformers object

  • engine_settings – PLAMS Settings object:
    >>> engine_settings = Settings()
    >>> engine_settings.DFTB.Model = 'GFN1-xTB'
  • nproc – Number of processors to use in total

  • energy_threshold – Maximum accepted energy difference from lowest energy conformer


Set the number of conformers created by RDKit, before geometry optimization and filtering

  • ngeoms – The number of initial conformers created by RDKit. If not provided, this number will be generated based on the number of rotational bonds \(n\): \(3^n*self.settings.nconfs_estimation_factor\)


Generate the conformer set


Estimate the runtime based on the already stored timings for GO


Find the names of the family of classes to which self belongs

static _rdkit_call_from_thread(mol, ngeoms, kwargs, queue)

Call RDKits conformer generation in parallel, via PLAMS get_conformations


Run some geometry optimizations to make a reasonable estimate of the time and iteration


Perform a PES point characterization for the molecules and return a list of booleans indicating whether the geometry is a local minimum or not


Convert the key to json format


Revert back to original value, and see if it works


Convert all keys to CamelCase (except the last json ones like _type, _default, etc)


Revert all the keys to the Python settings

static create_json_entry(typename, value, unique=True, choices=None, include=None)

Create a single entry


Provides a reasonable estimate of the runtime, based on several geometry optimizations

  • factor – Determines the number of GO optimizations that are performerd. The higher the value, the more accurate the estimate.

    The number of GOs will be 2*factor*nproc It converges, but generally to a value that is still a bit too high


Convert the settings object in self to a json style settings object

handle_input(inp, names, handle_nested_objects)

Get the settings from the input, convert to underscore case, and insert them

  • inp - Input object

  • names - The names (self._name) of all the classes in the family of classes of self

  • handle_nested_objects - Boolean specifying if there can be encapsulated objects of the same family,

    for which settings are needed

optimize_and_filter(geometries, conformers=None, level=None, name='go')

Run the geometry optimizations for the provided geometries and add to conformer set

  • geometries – List of “math:n numpy arrays containing coordinates (n*(nats,3))

  • level – The quality level of the geometry optimization convergence

  • name – The base name of the PLAMS directories in which the geometry optimizations are performed

optimize_conformers(convergence_level, name='go')

(Re)-Optimize the conformers currently in the set

  • convergence_level – One of the convergence options (‘Normal’, ‘Good’, ‘VeryGood’, ‘Excellent’)

  • name – The base name of the PLAMS directories in which the geometry optimizations are performed

pass_settings(settings, encaps_settings=False)

Set the settings object into self

read_settings(inp, names)

Get the settings for the conformers object from the input in the required format

  • inp - Input object

  • names - The classnames of all the classes in the family of classes of obj

Note: This is complicated by the fact that a single family of classes may be spread over multiple input blocks.


Provide the relevant blocknames for the family of classes

  • blocknames – List of strings representing the input blocks relevant for this family of classes


Set the three levels of convergence, based on the middle one


Determines the highest energy a created conformer can have, relative to the most stable one


Change the optimizer of the generator object

  • optimizer – ConformerOptimizer object


Set a lower level optimizer, to be used for preoptimization

A selection will be made based on the energies, but the preoptimized geometries will not be used, so as not to rely on the low-level engine too much


Set the printing level (verbose is True of False)


Set a seed for the random number generation

static time_to_timestring(time)

Convert time in seconds to a time string


Create a json settings object from self.settings

write_geometries(geometries, name='unoptimized', filetype='xyz')

Write a set of geometries at any point

2.2.2. CRESTGenerator

This generator fills the conformer set of a molecule using the CREST method.

class CRESTGenerator(conformers=None, engine_settings=None, nproc=1, energy_threshold=None)

Machine that generates a set of conformers using the CREST workflow

A simple example of (parallel) use:

>>> from scm.plams import Molecule
>>> from scm.plams import init, finish
>>> from scm.conformers import UniqueConformersCrest, CRESTGenerator

>>> # Set up the molecular data
>>> mol = Molecule('mol.xyz')
>>> conformers = UniqueConformersCrest()
>>> conformers.prepare_state(mol)

>>> # Set up PLAMS settings
>>> init()

>>> # Create the generator and run
>>> generator = CRESTGenerator(conformers, nproc=4)
>>> generator.generate()

>>> finish()

>>> # Write the results to file
>>> print(conformers)
>>> conformers.write()

The default AMS engine used is the GFN1-xTB engine. A different engine can be provided upon initiation.

>>> engine_settings = Settings()
>>> engine_settings.ForceField.Type = 'UFF'
>>> generator = CRESTGenerator(conformers, engine_settings=engine, nproc=4)
__init__(conformers=None, engine_settings=None, nproc=1, energy_threshold=None)

Initiates an instance of the Optimizer class

  • conformers – A UniqueConformers object

  • engine_settings – PLAMS Settings object:
    >>> engine_settings = Settings()
    >>> engine_settings.DFTB.Model = 'GFN1-xTB'
  • nproc – Number of processors to use in total

  • energy_threshold – Maximum accepted energy difference from lowest energy conformer


Change the optimizer of the generator object

  • optimizer – ConformerOptimizer object


Set the printing level (verbose is True of False)


Determine if SHAKE will be used


Set a seed for the random number generation


Set the three levels of convergence, based on the middle one


Determines the highest energy a created conformer can have, relative to the most stable one


Generate the conformer set


Estimate the runtime based on the already stored timings for GO


Run some geometry optimizations to make a reasonable estimate of the time and iteration


Call RDKit to generate a set of conformers


Find the names of the family of classes to which self belongs

static _rdkit_call_from_thread(mol, ngeoms, kwargs, queue)

Call RDKits conformer generation in parallel, via PLAMS get_conformations


Perform a PES point characterization for the molecules and return a list of booleans indicating whether the geometry is a local minimum or not


Convert the key to json format


Revert back to original value, and see if it works


Convert all keys to CamelCase (except the last json ones like _type, _default, etc)


Revert all the keys to the Python settings

static create_json_entry(typename, value, unique=True, choices=None, include=None)

Create a single entry


Provides a reasonable estimate of the runtime, based on several geometry optimizations

  • factor – Determines the number of GO optimizations that are performerd. The higher the value, the more accurate the estimate.

    The number of GOs will be 2*factor*nproc It converges, but generally to a value that is still a bit too high


Convert the settings object in self to a json style settings object

handle_input(inp, names, handle_nested_objects)

Get the settings from the input, convert to underscore case, and insert them

  • inp - Input object

  • names - The names (self._name) of all the classes in the family of classes of self

  • handle_nested_objects - Boolean specifying if there can be encapsulated objects of the same family,

    for which settings are needed

optimize_and_filter(geometries, conformers=None, level=None, name='go')

Run the geometry optimizations for the provided geometries and add to conformer set

  • geometries – List of “math:n numpy arrays containing coordinates (n*(nats,3))

  • level – The quality level of the geometry optimization convergence

  • name – The base name of the PLAMS directories in which the geometry optimizations are performed

optimize_conformers(convergence_level, name='go')

(Re)-Optimize the conformers currently in the set

  • convergence_level – One of the convergence options (‘Normal’, ‘Good’, ‘VeryGood’, ‘Excellent’)

  • name – The base name of the PLAMS directories in which the geometry optimizations are performed

pass_settings(settings, encaps_settings=False)

Set the settings object into self

read_settings(inp, names)

Get the settings for the conformers object from the input in the required format

  • inp - Input object

  • names - The classnames of all the classes in the family of classes of obj

Note: This is complicated by the fact that a single family of classes may be spread over multiple input blocks.


Provide the relevant blocknames for the family of classes

  • blocknames – List of strings representing the input blocks relevant for this family of classes


Set a lower level optimizer, to be used for preoptimization

A selection will be made based on the energies, but the preoptimized geometries will not be used, so as not to rely on the low-level engine too much

static time_to_timestring(time)

Convert time in seconds to a time string


Create a json settings object from self.settings

2.2.3. MetadynamicsGenerator

This generator fills the conformer set of a molecule using only CREST metadynanics, followed by geometry optimization of the stored shapshots (step 1 of the CREST approach).

class MetadynamicsGenerator(conformers=None, engine_settings=None, nproc=1, energy_threshold=None)

Machine that produces a set of conformers from CREST metadynamics simulations

A simple example of (parallel) use:

>>> from scm.plams import Molecule
>>> from scm.plams import init, finish
>>> from scm.conformers import UniqueConformersCrest, MetadynamicsGenerator

>>> # Set up the molecular data
>>> mol = Molecule('mol.xyz')
>>> conformers = UniqueConformersCrest()
>>> conformers.prepare_state(mol)

>>> # Set up PLAMS settings
>>> init()

>>> # Create the generator and run
>>> generator = MetadynamicsGenerator(conformers, nproc=4)
>>> generator.generate()

>>> finish()

>>> # Write the results to file
>>> print(conformers)
>>> conformers.write()

The default AMS engine used is the GFN1-xTB engine. A different engine can be provided upon initiation.

>>> engine_settings = Settings()
>>> engine_settings.ForceField.Type = 'UFF'
>>> generator = MetadynamicsGenerator(conformers, engine_settings=engine, nproc=4)
__init__(conformers=None, engine_settings=None, nproc=1, energy_threshold=None)

Initiates an instance of the MetadynamicsGenerator class

  • conformers – A UniqueConformers object

  • engine_settings – PLAMS Settings object:
    >>> engine_settings = Settings()
    >>> engine_settings.DFTB.Model = 'GFN1-xTB'
  • nproc – Number of processors to use in total

  • energy_threshold – Maximum accepted energy difference from lowest energy conformer


Determine if SHAKE will be used


Set the three levels of convergence, based on the middle one


Generate the conformer set


Run dual-level geometry optimizations for the provided geometries and add to conformer set

  • geometries – List of “math:n numpy arrays containing coordinates (n*(nats,3))


Get the number of steps

_rerun_failed_mtdjobs(results, settings_list, multijob)

If a t large number of MD jobs failed, rerun with more lenient settings

Note: Also changes the settings in subsequent runs


Estimate the runtime based on the already stored timings for GO


Call RDKit to generate a set of conformers


Find the names of the family of classes to which self belongs


Get the timestep out of the multiple parts of the input where it can be

_md_time_from_flexibility(mu, shift=8, tmin=5.0, tmax=200.0)

Use the flexibility factor to compute the metadynamics time (in ps)

  • mu – Crest flexibility factor

  • shift – A shift for the number of atoms, as found in the Crest code

Note: This implementation is based on the Crest code, not on the paper.

According to the paper, the MTD time should be computed as: t_orig = 0.1*(N_eff + 0.1*N_eff**2) And the shift variable would equal 0

static _rdkit_call_from_thread(mol, ngeoms, kwargs, queue)

Call RDKits conformer generation in parallel, via PLAMS get_conformations


Run all jobs (in parallel) and get results


Set up the MD constraints based on the input

Iin some cases they can remain constraints, in others they have to be SHAKE or restraints


Run some geometry optimizations to make a reasonable estimate of the time and iteration


Set the timestep effectively


Perform a PES point characterization for the molecules and return a list of booleans indicating whether the geometry is a local minimum or not


Convert the key to json format


Revert back to original value, and see if it works


Convert all keys to CamelCase (except the last json ones like _type, _default, etc)


Revert all the keys to the Python settings

static create_json_entry(typename, value, unique=True, choices=None, include=None)

Create a single entry


Provides a reasonable estimate of the runtime, based on several geometry optimizations

  • factor – Determines the number of GO optimizations that are performerd. The higher the value, the more accurate the estimate.

    The number of GOs will be 2*factor*nproc It converges, but generally to a value that is still a bit too high


Convert the settings object in self to a json style settings object

handle_input(inp, names, handle_nested_objects)

Get the settings from the input, convert to underscore case, and insert them

  • inp - Input object

  • names - The names (self._name) of all the classes in the family of classes of self

  • handle_nested_objects - Boolean specifying if there can be encapsulated objects of the same family,

    for which settings are needed

optimize_conformers(convergence_level, name='go')

(Re)-Optimize the conformers currently in the set

  • convergence_level – One of the convergence options (‘Normal’, ‘Good’, ‘VeryGood’, ‘Excellent’)

  • name – The base name of the PLAMS directories in which the geometry optimizations are performed

pass_settings(settings, encaps_settings=False)

Set the settings object into self

read_settings(inp, names)

Get the settings for the conformers object from the input in the required format

  • inp - Input object

  • names - The classnames of all the classes in the family of classes of obj

Note: This is complicated by the fact that a single family of classes may be spread over multiple input blocks.


Provide the relevant blocknames for the family of classes

  • blocknames – List of strings representing the input blocks relevant for this family of classes


Determines the highest energy a created conformer can have, relative to the most stable one


Change the optimizer of the generator object

  • optimizer – ConformerOptimizer object


Set a lower level optimizer, to be used for preoptimization

A selection will be made based on the energies, but the preoptimized geometries will not be used, so as not to rely on the low-level engine too much


Set the printing level (verbose is True of False)


Set a seed for the random number generation

static time_to_timestring(time)

Convert time in seconds to a time string


Create a json settings object from self.settings

2.2.4. MDExpander

This generator fills the conformer set of a molecule using only regular molecular dynamics, followed by geometry optimization of the stored shapshots (step 2 of the CREST approach).

class MDExpander(conformers=None, engine_settings=None, nproc=1, energy_threshold=None)

Machine that produces a set of conformers from molecular dynamics simulations (Step 2 of CREST approach)

A simple example of (parallel) use:

>>> from scm.plams import Molecule
>>> from scm.plams import init, finish
>>> from scm.conformers import UniqueConformersCrest, MDExpander

>>> # Set up the molecular data
>>> mol = Molecule('mol.xyz')
>>> conformers = UniqueConformersCrest()
>>> conformers.prepare_state(mol)

>>> # Set up PLAMS settings
>>> init()

>>> # Create the generator and run
>>> generator = MDExpander(conformers, nproc=4)
>>> generator.generate()

>>> finish()

>>> # Write the results to file
>>> print(conformers)
>>> conformers.write()

The default AMS engine used is the GFN1-xTB engine. A different engine can be provided upon initiation.

>>> engine_settings = Settings()
>>> engine_settings.ForceField.Type = 'UFF'
>>> generator = MDExpander(conformers, engine_settings=engine, nproc=4)
__init__(conformers=None, engine_settings=None, nproc=1, energy_threshold=None)

Initiates an instance of the MDExpander class

  • engine_settings – PLAMS Settings object:
    >>> engine_settings = Settings()
    >>> engine_settings.DFTB.Model = 'GFN1-xTB'
  • nproc – Number of processors to use in total for the MD simulations

  • energy_threshold – Maximum accepted energy difference from lowest energy conformer


Determine if SHAKE will be used


Sets the number of MD runs of each temperature (default=1)


Set the number of conformers used to start the MD runs from (default=4)


Generate the conformer set


Add the number of steps and settings

See: DOI: 10.1039/c9cp06869d


Estimate the runtime based on the already stored timings for GO


Call RDKit to generate a set of conformers


Find the names of the family of classes to which self belongs


Get the timestep out of the multiple parts of the input where it can be

_md_time_from_flexibility(mu, shift=8, tmin=5.0, tmax=200.0)

Use the flexibility factor to compute the metadynamics time (in ps)

  • mu – Crest flexibility factor

  • shift – A shift for the number of atoms, as found in the Crest code

Note: This implementation is based on the Crest code, not on the paper.

According to the paper, the MTD time should be computed as: t_orig = 0.1*(N_eff + 0.1*N_eff**2) And the shift variable would equal 0

static _rdkit_call_from_thread(mol, ngeoms, kwargs, queue)

Call RDKits conformer generation in parallel, via PLAMS get_conformations


Run all jobs (in parallel) and get results


Set up the MD constraints based on the input

Iin some cases they can remain constraints, in others they have to be SHAKE or restraints


Run some geometry optimizations to make a reasonable estimate of the time and iteration


Set the timestep effectively


Perform a PES point characterization for the molecules and return a list of booleans indicating whether the geometry is a local minimum or not


Convert the key to json format


Revert back to original value, and see if it works


Convert all keys to CamelCase (except the last json ones like _type, _default, etc)


Revert all the keys to the Python settings

static create_json_entry(typename, value, unique=True, choices=None, include=None)

Create a single entry


Provides a reasonable estimate of the runtime, based on several geometry optimizations

  • factor – Determines the number of GO optimizations that are performerd. The higher the value, the more accurate the estimate.

    The number of GOs will be 2*factor*nproc It converges, but generally to a value that is still a bit too high


Convert the settings object in self to a json style settings object

handle_input(inp, names, handle_nested_objects)

Get the settings from the input, convert to underscore case, and insert them

  • inp - Input object

  • names - The names (self._name) of all the classes in the family of classes of self

  • handle_nested_objects - Boolean specifying if there can be encapsulated objects of the same family,

    for which settings are needed

optimize_and_filter(geometries, conformers=None, level=None, name='go')

Run the geometry optimizations for the provided geometries and add to conformer set

  • geometries – List of “math:n numpy arrays containing coordinates (n*(nats,3))

  • level – The quality level of the geometry optimization convergence

  • name – The base name of the PLAMS directories in which the geometry optimizations are performed

optimize_conformers(convergence_level, name='go')

(Re)-Optimize the conformers currently in the set

  • convergence_level – One of the convergence options (‘Normal’, ‘Good’, ‘VeryGood’, ‘Excellent’)

  • name – The base name of the PLAMS directories in which the geometry optimizations are performed

pass_settings(settings, encaps_settings=False)

Set the settings object into self

read_settings(inp, names)

Get the settings for the conformers object from the input in the required format

  • inp - Input object

  • names - The classnames of all the classes in the family of classes of obj

Note: This is complicated by the fact that a single family of classes may be spread over multiple input blocks.


Provide the relevant blocknames for the family of classes

  • blocknames – List of strings representing the input blocks relevant for this family of classes


Set the three levels of convergence, based on the middle one


Determines the highest energy a created conformer can have, relative to the most stable one


Change the optimizer of the generator object

  • optimizer – ConformerOptimizer object


Set a lower level optimizer, to be used for preoptimization

A selection will be made based on the energies, but the preoptimized geometries will not be used, so as not to rely on the low-level engine too much


Set the printing level (verbose is True of False)


Set a seed for the random number generation

static time_to_timestring(time)

Convert time in seconds to a time string


Create a json settings object from self.settings

2.2.5. GCExpander

This generator extends a conformer set of a molecule using only the CREST genetic combinatorial method (GC), followed by geometry optimization of the stored shapshots (step 3 of the CREST approach).

class GCExpander(conformers=None, engine_settings=None, nproc=1, energy_threshold=None)

Machine that extends a set of conformers using genetic structure crossing

DOI: 10.1002/anie.201708266 (Supporting Information)

A simple example of (parallel) use:

>>> from scm.plams import Molecule
>>> from scm.plams import init, finish
>>> from scm.conformers import UniqueConformersCrest, GCExpander

>>> # Set up the molecular data
>>> mol = Molecule('mol.xyz')
>>> conformers = UniqueConformersCrest()
>>> conformers.prepare_state(mol)

>>> # Set up PLAMS settings
>>> init()

>>> # Create the generator and run
>>> generator = GCExpander(conformers, nproc=1)
>>> generator.generate()

>>> finish()

>>> # Write the results to file
>>> print(conformers)
>>> conformers.write()

The default AMS engine used is the GFN1-xTB engine. A different engine can be provided upon initiation.

>>> engine_settings = Settings()
>>> engine_settings.ForceField.Type = 'UFF'
>>> generator = GCExpander(conformers, engine_settings=engine, nproc=1)
__init__(conformers=None, engine_settings=None, nproc=1, energy_threshold=None)

Initiates an instance of the GCExpander class

  • conformers – A UniqueConformers object

  • engine_settings – PLAMS Settings object:
    >>> engine_settings = Settings()
    >>> engine_settings.DFTB.Model = 'GFN1-xTB'
  • nproc – Number of processors to use in total

  • energy_threshold – Maximum accepted energy difference from lowest energy conformer


Generate a conformer set, based on the CREST method


Set the maximum number of geometries that can be produced, based on the molecules flexibility


Determine the maximum number of geometries that can be produced, based on the molecules flexibility


Get the time it takes to compute a single rmsd

estimate_gctime(rmsd_time=None, nconformers=None, mtd_generator=None)

Provides a reasonable estimate of the runtime, based on the number of RMSDs to be computed

  • nconformers – A likely estimate for the number of conformers provided to the GCExpander.

    A new large set will be created from all pairs of these conformers, and that set will be capped at maxgeoms. For the new large set, pairwise RMSD values are then computed. We assume the latter is always the bottleneck.

_get_rmsds(geometries, row_indices=None, col_indices=None, no_first_column=False)

Get the pairwise RMSD values, in order to prune

  • rmsds – The RMSD values for each geometry to the first reference geometry (can be used to save time)

_get_rmsds_double_loop(geometries, row_indices=None, col_indices=None, no_first_column=False)

Get the pairwise RMSD values, in order to prune, using double loop over rowns and columns

  • rmsds – The RMSD values for each geometry to the first reference geometry (can be used to save time)

Note: Alternative to _get_rmsds(). Currently not used. Load-balancing is less good than _get_rmsds()

_get_rmsds_parallel(geometries, no_first_column=False)

Run _prune_geometries in a parallel fashion


Estimate the runtime based on the already stored timings for GO


Call RDKit to generate a set of conformers


Find the names of the family of classes to which self belongs

static _rdkit_call_from_thread(mol, ngeoms, kwargs, queue)

Call RDKits conformer generation in parallel, via PLAMS get_conformations


Run some geometry optimizations to make a reasonable estimate of the time and iteration


Perform a PES point characterization for the molecules and return a list of booleans indicating whether the geometry is a local minimum or not


Convert the key to json format


Revert back to original value, and see if it works


Convert all keys to CamelCase (except the last json ones like _type, _default, etc)


Revert all the keys to the Python settings

static create_json_entry(typename, value, unique=True, choices=None, include=None)

Create a single entry


Provides a reasonable estimate of the runtime, based on several geometry optimizations

  • factor – Determines the number of GO optimizations that are performerd. The higher the value, the more accurate the estimate.

    The number of GOs will be 2*factor*nproc It converges, but generally to a value that is still a bit too high


Convert the settings object in self to a json style settings object

handle_input(inp, names, handle_nested_objects)

Get the settings from the input, convert to underscore case, and insert them

  • inp - Input object

  • names - The names (self._name) of all the classes in the family of classes of self

  • handle_nested_objects - Boolean specifying if there can be encapsulated objects of the same family,

    for which settings are needed

optimize_and_filter(geometries, conformers=None, level=None, name='go')

Run the geometry optimizations for the provided geometries and add to conformer set

  • geometries – List of “math:n numpy arrays containing coordinates (n*(nats,3))

  • level – The quality level of the geometry optimization convergence

  • name – The base name of the PLAMS directories in which the geometry optimizations are performed

optimize_conformers(convergence_level, name='go')

(Re)-Optimize the conformers currently in the set

  • convergence_level – One of the convergence options (‘Normal’, ‘Good’, ‘VeryGood’, ‘Excellent’)

  • name – The base name of the PLAMS directories in which the geometry optimizations are performed

pass_settings(settings, encaps_settings=False)

Set the settings object into self

read_settings(inp, names)

Get the settings for the conformers object from the input in the required format

  • inp - Input object

  • names - The classnames of all the classes in the family of classes of obj

Note: This is complicated by the fact that a single family of classes may be spread over multiple input blocks.


Provide the relevant blocknames for the family of classes

  • blocknames – List of strings representing the input blocks relevant for this family of classes


Set the three levels of convergence, based on the middle one


Determines the highest energy a created conformer can have, relative to the most stable one


Change the optimizer of the generator object

  • optimizer – ConformerOptimizer object


Set a lower level optimizer, to be used for preoptimization

A selection will be made based on the energies, but the preoptimized geometries will not be used, so as not to rely on the low-level engine too much


Set the printing level (verbose is True of False)


Set a seed for the random number generation

static time_to_timestring(time)

Convert time in seconds to a time string


Create a json settings object from self.settings