4. PLAMS cookbook

4.1. MultiJob

A simple example using the MultiJob:

import os
from scm.plams import *


# Get the molecules:

molecules_dir = '/absolute/path/molecules'
molecules = [Molecule(os.path.join(molecules_dir,mol)) for mol in os.listdir(molecules_dir)]

# Calculate, for each molecule, the "total" bond order:

total_bond_order = []
for molecule in molecules:
   total_bond_order.append(sum([bond.order for bond in molecule.bonds]))

# Initialize the common settings:

settings = Settings()

settings.input.Basis.Core = 'None'
settings.input.NumericalQuality = 'Good'
settings.input.Relativistic = 'Scalar ZORA'
settings.input.XC.GGA = 'PBE'

basis = ['SZ', 'DZ', 'DZP', 'TZP', 'TZ2P', 'QZ4P']
reference_basis = 'QZ4P'

# For each basis set set up a MultiJob and get the bond energies:

# Let's store the bond energies for different basis sets in a dictionary:
bond_energies = {}

for bas in basis:
   # The basis set in the setting object:
   settings.input.Basis.Type = bas

   # Create the MultiJob comprising on  ADFJobs
   job = MultiJob(name=bas, children=[ADFJob(molecule=mol, settings=settings) for mol in molecules])

   # Run the job:

   # Get the bond energies:
   bond_energies[bas] = [child.results.readkf('Energy', 'Bond Energy') for child in job.children]

# Calculate the average absolute error for each basis set:

for bas in basis:
   if bas == reference_basis:
   errs = [abs(ref - en)/n for ref, en, n in zip(bond_energies[reference_basis], bond_energies[bas], total_bond_order)]
   avg_error = sum(errs)/len(errs)
   print 'Basis set:', bas, "Average Absolute Error per bond [kcal/mol]:", Units.convert(avg_error, 'au', 'kcal/mol')
