Densf: Volume Maps

densf is an auxiliary program to generate values of molecular orbitals, charge densities and potentials in a user-specified grid, to be used typically for plotting or graphical display. The TAPE41 result file can be used directly by the ADFview program to visualize these properties.

densf requires an ascii input file where the user specifies the grid and the items that he/she wishes to see calculated on the grid, plus the standard result file TAPE21 from an adf calculation. * densf* writes a summary of the items that have been requested to standard output, together with some general information.

densf produces a (binary) KF file TAPE41, see OUTPUTFILE keyword below. TAPE41 is a KF file and all KF utilities can be used to inspect and process its data.

densf can also read and write cube files. See the CUBINPUT and CUBOUTPUT input options for details.

Examples of using densf are contained in the set of sample runs; see the Examples document.


The input for densf is keyword oriented. The keywords may be specified in any order with one exception: INPUTFILE, if present, must be specified before any other option. Reading input by densf ends when it encounters the record EndInput or the end-of-file, whichever comes first.

The current version of densf does have reasonable defaults for all input. That means that in many cases you probably will not need to specify any input at all.

Below follows a list of the allowed keywords with their description.

$ADFBIN/densf << eor
VTKFILE {file}
GRID ...
Density ...
KinDens ...
Laplacian ...
DenGrad ...
DenHess ...
Potential ...
Orbitals ...
NOCV ...
NCI ...

Input/Output files


INPUTFILE keyword specifies path to the TAPE21 file from which densf reads the input data. Absence of the keyword is treated as if INPUTFILE TAPE21 has been specified.


OUTPUTFILE keyword specifies path to the (possibly existing) TAPE41 file. If the file exists, densf will read grid specifications from it ignoring GRID keyword in the input. Computed quantities are saved in the file overwriting existing data with the same name, if any.

VTKFILE {file}

VTKFILE keyword specifies path to a file in the format readable by VTK directly. This option exists primarily for better integration with ADF-GUI and the user should not specify it.


If the CUBINPUT keyword is present then the grid as specified in the file is used to calculate all requested quantities. Any volume data found in the cube file is also saved in the output file. NOTE: CUBINPUT option cannot be used with a pre-existing TAPE41 file because they both specify the grid, which may lead to a conflict.


Presence of the CUBOUTPUT keyword tells densf to save all computed quantities as cube files using file as filename prefix. The prefix can also contain a complete path including directories. For example, specifying the following in the densf input

CUBOUTPUT /home/myhome/H2O
Density SCF

will result in a file /home/myhome/H2O%SCF%Density.cub being created containing volume data for the total SCF density. One file per requested quantity is created.

The OUTPUTFILE, CUBOUTPUT and VTKFILE options are mutually exclusive. Absence of any of these options is treated as if OUTPUTFILE TAPE41 has been specified.


The Grid key is available either as simple key, or as block key.

The simple key options are as follows:

GRID {save} {coarse|medium|fine}
EXTEND grid_extent

If the word save is specified, the program will store all grid points on TAPE41 (in addition to the specification of the grid that is always stored). The default is NOT to store all grid points.

Either coarse, medium or fine may be specified. This instructs the program to generate the grid automatically within a box enclosing all atoms of the molecule. The distance between grid points is 0.5, 0.2 or 0.1 bohr for respectively a coarse, medium or fine grid. Obviously, the size of the result file TAPE41 depends strongly on this specification. The default value (used when the user does not specify the grid) is to generate a coarse grid. The size of the grid box is determined by the atomic coordinates and the grid extent. The latter is by default equal to 4.0 Bohr and can be changed using the EXTEND keyword, in which case it is affected by the unit_of_length value specified in the UNITS block (see below).

If GRID is used as a block key it must be followed by the word end in a later record. The records until the end are the data for the Grid keyword:

Grid {save}
 x0 y0 z0
 n1 n2 n3
 v1x v1y v1z length1
 v2x v2y v2z length2
 v3x v3y v3z length3

If the word save is specified, the program will store all grid points on TAPE41 (in addition to the specification of the grid that is always stored). The default is NOT to store all grid points.

The records in the data block must contain (in the order specified below!):

  • 1 Three coordinates for the ‘origin’ (lower-left corner) of the grid.
  • 2 Three integers: the numbers of points in three independent directions. If fewer integers are supplied the grid will accordingly be less-dimensional.
  • 3 Three records each containing the coordinates for the direction of the independent vector (size irrelevant) and the total length of the grid in that direction. If a lower-dimensional grid is requested (see item #2), then fewer such direction-records are read and the redundant ones, if any, are ignored. The unit of length in which the grid size is input is by default Angstrom. The default can be overridden by using the input key UNITS, see below.


  • The second record (‘three integers...’) specifies the number of grid points in the different directions. The corresponding number of steps or intervals is one less!
  • If the TAPE41 result file is to be used by ADFview, the grid used must be an three-dimensional orthogonal grid, with a single step size for all three dimensions.
  • If the output TAPE41 file already exists and it contains valid grid data or if CUBINPUT is specified then the GRID input is ignored.
  • The unit of length used in the input file has no relation to how the data are stored on the result file and how the program processes the data internally. Internal processing and storage on file is in bohr (atomic units).

Inline Grid

DENSF can now read grid as list of points. When specifying inline grid the GRID keyword should look as follows:

Grid Inline
  x1 y1 z1
  x2 y2 z2
  xN yN zN

Here, x#, y#, and z# are coordinates of points at which requested properties will be calculated. This feature may be used, for example, by external programs to calculate various properties at a number of points exactly and avoid interpolation with its inaccuracy. This feature should be used only when the output file has a TAPE41 format.

As in the ADF main program, the unit of length can be set with the block type key


 Length unit_of_length

In densf the only item that can be specified in the UNITS block is the length, so it seems a bit pointless to make UNITS a block type key rather than a simple key. However, to make its usage identical to the application in the adf main program the block form has been chosen to apply also here. The unit-of-length will apply to the grid specification in the input file. Default is angstrom.


Generates the charge density in the grid. It is a simple keyword (not block-type).

density {fit} {frag} {ortho} {scf} {trans}

Occurrence of the word fit specifies that all densities specified in this record will be computed from the fit functions (an approximation to the exact density), rather than from the occupied molecular orbitals.

frag, ortho, scf, and trans causes each of the corresponding densities to be computed. frag stands for the sum-of-fragments (i.e. the initial) density, scf for the final result of the adf calculation, ortho for the orthogonalized fragments (orthogonalization to account for the Pauli repulsion, see the ADF User’s Guide), and trans for excitation transition density.

Transition density is a product of initial and final states of an excitation. In the simplest case when initial and final states consist of one molecular orbital each, in this case the corresponding transition density is a product of the two MOs. To obtain transition densities one needs to perform an excitations calculation with ADF, see EXCITATIONS keyword in ADF User’s Guide. Transition densities for all excitations found in the input TAPE21 file will be calculated. The transition densities are always fit-densities.

If both the exact and the fit-densities are required the density keyword must be repeated, once with and once without the fit option specified.

The default (when the DENSITY key does not occur in the input file) is to calculate the final SCF density and the sum-of-fragments density.

The frozen core density is calculated with:

density core

Kinetic Energy Density and Electron Localization Function (ELF)

KinDens {frag} {orth} {scf}

Generates the Kinetic energy density and electron localization function on the grid.

Occurrence of any of the words requests calculation of the two quantities (KinDens and ELF) based on the corresponding density: sum-of-fragments, orthogonalized fragments, or SCF, respectively. If none of the options is present, scf is assumed.

Laplacian of the Density

The Laplacian of the exact SCF density is calculated with:


The Laplacian of the fitted SCF density is calculated with:

Laplacian fit

The LAPLACIAN key can occur multiple times. The LAPLACIAN feature is also supported by ADFview.

Gradient of the Density

The gradient of the exact SCF density is calculated with:


The gradient of the fitted SCF density is calculated with:

DenGrad fit

The gradient of the frozen core density is calculated with:

DenGrad core

Hessian of the Density

The DENGRAD key can occur multiple times. This feature should be used only when the output file has a TAPE41 format.

The Hessian of the exact SCF density is calculated with:


The Hessian of the fitted SCF density is calculated with:

DenHess fit

The Hessian of the frozen core density is calculated with:

DenHess core

The DENHESS key can occur multiple times. This feature should be used only when the output file has a TAPE41 format.


Generates the coulomb and/or exchange-correlation potential in the grid.

potential {coul / XC} {frag} {ortho} {scf}

frag, ortho, and scf are as for the density: at least one must be specified.

coul and XC specify that the Coulomb potential, respectively the exchange-correlation potential must be computed. Precisely one of these options must be specified in the record. If both potential types are required, another input record with the potential key must be used.

In the present release the xc option is not yet operational.

The default (when the POTENTIAL key does not occur in the input) is to calculate the SCF Coulomb potential.


A block type key in which the required molecular orbitals are specified. The key can be repeated in input any number of times; all occurrences are read and applied.

Orbitals type

The argument of the orbitals key (type) must be scf (for the scf orbitals) or frag (for the fragment orbitals) or loc (for the localized molecular orbitals, see the ADF User’s Guide) or generic (see separate section).

The frag option is not operational in the present release.

In many data records in the ORBITALS block, as noted in the description of these data records, you may specify a HOMOLUMO range.

A HOMOLUMO range is the following:

{HOMO{{-}n}} {LUMO{{+}n}}

HOMO: the highest occupied orbital HOMO-n, with n an integer: the highest (n+1) occupied orbitals LUMO: the lowest virtual orbital LUMO+n, with n an integer: the lowest (n+1) virtual orbitals.

The HOMO part, or the LUMO part, or both must be specified. The integer n with sign is always optional, and the sign is always optional (and has no meaning, it is intended to enhance readability).

Thus, as an example,


means a range of 4 orbitals: the two highest occupied ones, and the two lowest virtuals.

Each data record in the orbitals block must have either of the following formats:

the word alpha or beta.
This specifies that subsequent records refer to spin-alpha or spin-beta orbitals respectively. In a restricted calculation this has no meaning and beta must not be specified. alpha and/or beta may occur any number of times in the orbitals block. All records until the first occurrence of alpha or beta are assumed to refer to spin-alpha orbitals.
label n1, n2, n3, ...
label is one of the subspecies of the point group symmetry used in the adf calculation and n1 etc. are indices of the molecular orbitals (in that subspecies) that are to be computed. This format is meaningless and must not be used for the loc orbitals type, because localized orbitals do not (necessarily) belong anymore to a particular symmetry
label is one of the subspecies of the point group symmetry used in the calculation, the orbitals follow from the HOMOLUMO range.
label occ or label virt
occ specifies all orbitals (in that symmetry representation) up to and including the highest occupied one. virt specifies all orbitals above the highest occupied one. In this context partially occupied orbitals are considered occupied. Note carefully that if in a particular symmetry representation an empty orbital is computed below the highest occupied one in that same representation (excited state), that particular empty one is included in the list of occ. Again, this format is meaningless and must therefore not be used for the loc type of orbitals.
all occ or all virt or all HOMOLUMO

Specifies for each symmetry representation:

  • all orbitals up to and including the highest occupied one (in that symmetry), or
  • all orbitals above the highest occupied one, or
  • all orbitals defined by the HOMOLUMO range.

This form is not to be used for the LOC type of orbitals. However, using this for LOC will not result in an error but will be interpreted as identical to the following format.

This format must be used only for the LOC type of orbitals and simply means: all computed localized orbitals (irrespective of occupation numbers).
n1, n2, ...
a simple list of integer indices. This format must be used only for the loc type of orbitals since no reference is made to any symmetry representation. The indices refer of course to the list of localized orbitals as computed by ADF.

The default value used when the ORBITALS key is not present is:

Orbitals SCF
 All HOMO-1 LUMO+1


In ADF2009.01 it is possible to use DENSF to calculate \(\epsilon^* \phi^2\) values of Natural Orbitals for Chemical Valence (NOCVs). Additional information on NOCVs is available in Ref. [335].

The relevant part of the DENSF input is as follows:

For spin-unrestricted:


For spin-restricted:


N1, N2, etc. specify sequential numbers of the orbitals for which \(\epsilon^* \phi^2\) is to be calculated.

Alpha and Beta specify that the numbers that follow refer to spin \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\), respectively. Both Alpha and Beta are optional, Alpha being assumed if omitted. The NOCV input block must be closed with “END”.

Alternatively, one can specify to calculate all (alpha- or beta-) NOCV’s:

For spin-unrestricted:


For both spin-restricted and spin-unrestricted:


The last and probably the most convenient form of the NOCV input blocks lets one to specify an NOCV eigenvalue threshold as a criterion for selecting orbitals:

For spin-unrestricted:

   THRESH threshold
   THRESH threshold

For both spin-restricted and spin-unrestricted:

   THRESH threshold

When this form of the input is used, only those NOCVs will be included whose absolute eigenvalue is equal to or larger than the given threshold.

NOCV profile

It is possible to compute an integral profile of the NOCV \(\epsilon^* \phi^2\) function along a given line. To calculate a single point of the profile the \(\epsilon^* \phi^2\) is integrated in the plane orthogonal to the profile axis and passing through the point. In addition to the input above used for selecting NOCVs, the following input is required to calculate the profile:

   x1 y1 z1
   x2 y2 z2

The LINE input block is used to define the axis along which the profile will be generated. The (x1,y1,z1) point defines the origin of the profile axis and (x2,y2,z2) defines the second point of the line and the positive direction. The distance between the point does not matter. The delta value is the distance between two point in the profile. All values are given in the units specified in the UNITS input block. The positions of the left- and rightmost profile points depend on coordinates of the atoms and the grid extent value (specified by the EXTEND keyword, see above).

Generic orbitals

There is also a possibility to calculate any orbital as long as it is present in the t21 file in the BAS representation. The input syntax is as follows:

Orbitals GenBas

In the example above, each line contains the section and variable name of the orbital in the input t21 file. The length of the variable should be equal to the number of atomic functions (naos) and it is supposed to contain expansion coefficients of the orbital on the basis of atomic (primitive) functions.

The calculation results are stored in the output file in sections and variables with exactly the same names as specified in the input. The section and variable names may contain spaces although the leading and training spaces are discarded.


The areas of non-covalent interactions (NCI), see Refs.[356,357], can be recognized by the a low value of the electron density coupled with a low value of RDG (reduced density gradient s = 1/2 (3 \(\pi\)2 )-1/3  | \(\nabla \rho\)\(\rho\)-4/3 ) and a negative (or a small positive) value of the second eigenvalue of the Hessian of the electron density ( \(\lambda\)2 ). The regions of significant hydrogen bonding are recognized by strictly negative \(\lambda\)2 while in the regions of VdW interactions it may be slightly positive. The relevant DENSF input keyword is:


All arguments are optional

By default, the exact density is used to calculate the NCI properties. If FIT is specified then the fitted density is used to calculate the fields and their names are prepended with “Fit”. If BOTH is specified then the NCI properties are calculated using both exact and the fittend density. Again names of the fields calculated from the fitted density start with “Fit”

The remaining arguments set relevant thresholds (all in atomic units): RhoVdW: density threshold for detection of weak interaction regions (default 0.02); Rdg: threshold on the reduced density gradient value s (default 0.5). A point is considered for NCI only if s value is smaller than Rdg.

DENSF creates three variables per density type (exact or fitted) when NCI is present in the input: SCF%RDG (or SCF%FitRDG): the reduced density gradient value s; SCF%DenSigned (or SCF%FitDenSigned): the sign(\(\lambda\)2\(\rho\) value for regions where s < Rdg; SCF%NCI (or SCF%FitNCI): the NCI flag value, see below;

If the point is considered for NCI (that is if s < Rdg), the sign( \(\lambda\)2 ) \(\rho\) value (or \(\rho\)) is tested against RhoVdW. If \(\rho\) < RhoVdW then the NCI value is set to 1 to flag a VdW interaction region. If sign( \(\lambda\)2 ) \(\rho\) < -RhoVdW then the NCI value is set to -1 to flag a hydrogen bonding region. In all other cases the NCI value is zero.


The single exponential decay detector (SEDD), see Ref. [358], extracts information about bonding and localization in atoms, molecules, or molecular assemblies. The practical evaluation of SEDD does not require any explicit information about the orbitals. The only quantity needed is the electron density (calculated or experimental) and its derivatives up to the second order. For the exact equation to be used, and pictures, see Ref. [358].

Specifying SEDD in the input also invokes calculation of the Density Overlap Regions Indicator (DORI) [441]. The DORI is best visualized as a 0.9 isosurface colored with the sign( \(\lambda\)2 ) \(\rho\) value (see the DenSigned variable from the NCI keyword above).

Result: TAPE41

Follows a description of the contents of TAPE41. We start with a brief discussion of the sections. At the end you can find an uncommented list of all variables and sections. Note that some data are only generated when certain keywords are provided.

Sections on TAPE41


This is a general section. It contains the grid data and some more general info.

The grid characteristics are stored as:

  • The ‘origin’ of the grid.
  • The numbers of points in three independent directions.
  • Three vectors, called ‘x-vector’, ‘y-vector’ and ‘z-vector’. They are the steps in the three independent directions that define the grid.

If the save option was used in input (key grid) also all grid coordinates are stored: for each point three coordinates (xyz), also if only a 2-dimensional or 1-dimensional grid has been generated (a 2D grid does not necessarily lie in the xy-plane).

Note that the grid values are now stored in a simpler manner than in previous (prior to 2004) versions of densf, because the ‘x values’, ‘y values’, and ‘z values’ now each have their own, separate sections.

The remaining (general) data in this section comprises:

  • The number of subspecies (‘symmetries’) for which data such as Molecular Orbitals may be present.
  • The names of the subspecies.
  • A logical with the name ‘unrestricted’, which flags whether the data pertain to an unrestricted calculation.
  • The total number. of grid points.


Contains grid data of the Sum-of-fragments (charge density, coulomb potential, kinetic energy density, ELF, etc.).


Contains similar data for the orthogonalized-fragments.


Contains the (spin) density, potential, etc. of the final (scf) solution.


Contains grid data of the frozen core (charge density, gradients, Hessian).


Contains grid data for electron transition densities. L1 is either SS or ST, and L2 is a symmetry label for all transitions in the section. Here SS and ST stand for Singlet-Singlet and Singlet-Triplet, respectively. Variables in each section are Fitdensity_N and Coulpot_N for the density and Coulomb potential for excitation N within this spin and symmetry.


‘Label’ is one of the symmetry subspecies.

Each such section contains the total number of orbitals in that subspecies (as used in the adf calculation), with their occupation numbers and energy eigenvalues.

In addition it contains the grid-values of the (user-specified subset of) MOs in that subspecies. The variable name corresponding to an orbital is simply its index in the energy-ordered list of all orbitals (in that subspecies): ‘1’, ‘2’, etc.

In case of spin-orbit coupling spinors are calculated. The label is one of the double group symmetry subspecies, and the square root of the density of the spinor is calculated with an approximate phase factor. The full description of the spinor can be found in the section SO_label.


‘Label’ is one of the double group symmetry subspecies.

The grid-values of the (user-specified subset of) spinors in that subspecies. A spinor is a two-component complex wave function, which can be described with four real functions: real part alpha, real part beta, imaginary part alpha, and imaginary part beta. The variable name corresponding to a spinor is its index in the energy-ordered list of all orbitals (in that subspecies), combined with the real alpha part, the real beta part, the imaginary alpha part, or the imaginary beta part: ‘1_alpha_R’, ‘1_beta_R’, ‘1_alpha_I’, ‘1_beta_I’, ‘2_alpha_R’, etc.


Values of the localized orbitals.


Values related to the NOCVs.


Values related to the NOCV profile. The variables whose name start with “Dif” contain the in-plane integral (in e/Bohr) for the given point on the profile axis. A variable without “Dif” in the name contains the integral (in electrons) of the corresponding “Dif” variable on the (-infinity,x) interval.


Some general geometric information: the number of atoms (not counting any dummy atoms that may have been used in the adf calculation), their Cartesian coordinates (in bohr) and nuclear charges.

Note: the order of the atoms here is not necessarily identical to the input list of atoms: they are grouped by atom type.

  • In an unrestricted calculation the section SCF_label is replaced by SCF_label_A and SCF_label_B for the spin-alpha and spin-beta data, respectively, and similarly for LocOrb: LocOrb_A and LocOrb_B.
  • One or more subspecies may not have been used in the adf calculation. This happens when the basis set used in that calculation does not contain the necessary functions to span symmetry-adapted combinations of basis functions for that subspecies. In such a case the corresponding section on TAPE41 will not be created by densf.
  • If you want to verify the contents of TAPE41, use the pkf utility to obtain a survey or dmpkf to get a complete ASCII printout.

The information is presented in three columns. In the left-most column, section and variable names are printed, variable names being indented. In the middle column, variable’s type and size is given. If the type is omitted, double precision floating point is assumed. The right-most column contains comments, if any.

Note that the name of a section of variable may consist of more than one word and that blanks in such names are significant. Furthermore, they are case-sensitive. Each line below contains the name of only one section or variable.

      NAME           length           Comment
  Start-point          (3)
  nr of points x       (one integer)
  nr of points y       (idem)
  nr of points z       (idem)
  total nr of points   (idem)
  x-vector             (3)
  y-vector             (3)
  z-vector             (3)
  nr of symmetries     (one integer)
  labels               (nr of symmetries160 characters)
  unrestricted         (one logical)
  CoulPot              (total nr of points)
  XCPot_A              (idem)   spin-restricted: XCPot
  XCPOt_B              (idem)
  Density_A            (idem)   spin-restricted: Density
  Density_B            (idem)
  Fitdensity_A         (idem)   spin-restricted: Fitdensity
  Fitdensity_B         (idem)
  Kinetic Energy Density_A (idem)   spin-restricted:
                                    Kinetic Energy Density
  Kinetic Energy Density_B (idem)
  ELF_A                (idem)   spin-restricted: ELF
  ELF_B                (idem)
  Same variables as in SumFrag
  Same variables as in SumFrag and Ortho, and:
  DensityLap_A         (idem)   spin-restricted: DensityLap
  DensityLap_B         (idem)
  DensityGradX_A       (idem)   spin-restricted: DensityGradX
  DensityGradX_B       (idem)
  DensityGradY_A       (idem)   spin-restricted: DensityGradY
  DensityGradY_B       (idem)
  DensityGradZ_A       (idem)   spin-restricted: DensityGradZ
  DensityGradZ_B       (idem)
  DensityHessXX_A      (idem)   spin-restricted: DensityHessXX
  DensityHessXX_B      (idem)
  DensityHessXY_A      (idem)   spin-restricted: DensityHessXY
  DensityHessXY_B      (idem)
  DensityHessXZ_A      (idem)   spin-restricted: DensityHessXZ
  DensityHessXZ_B      (idem)
  DensityHessYY_A      (idem)   spin-restricted: DensityHessYY
  DensityHessYY_B      (idem)
  DensityHessYZ_A      (idem)   spin-restricted: DensityHessYZ
  DensityHessYZ_B      (idem)
  DensityHessZZ_A      (idem)   spin-restricted: DensityHessZZ
  DensityHessZZ_B      (idem)
  DenSigned            (idem)   sign( :math:`\lambda`\ :sub:`2` ) :math:`\rho`
  FitDenSigned         (idem)
  RDG                  (idem)   reduced density gradient
  FitRDG               (idem)
  NCI                  (idem)   +/-1 flag for non-covalent interaction regions
  FitNCI               (idem)
  SEDD                 (idem)   single exponential decay detector
  DORI                 (idem)   density overlap regions indicator
  Density              (total nr. of points)
  DensityGradX         (idem)
  DensityGradY         (idem)
  DensityGradZ         (idem)
  DensityHessXX        (idem)
  DensityHessXY        (idem)
  DensityHessXZ        (idem)
  DensityHessYY        (idem)
  DensityHessYZ        (idem)
  DensityHessZZ        (idem)
TransDens_L1_L2                    L1: SS or ST; L2 is excitation's symmetry
  Fitdensity_1         (total nr. of points)
  Fitdensity_2         (idem)
  Fitdensity_3         (idem)
  Coulpot_1            (idem)
  Coulpot_2            (idem)
  Coulpot_3            (idem)
     (label is a symmetry subspecies.
      Spin-restricted: SCF_label)
  nr of orbitals       (one integer)
  Occupations          (nr of orbitals)
  Eigenvalues          (idem)
  1                    (total nr of points)
  2                    (idem)
  3                    (idem)
     (as many as there are Molecular Orbitals in that
      symmetry representation for the indicated spin)
     (only if spin-unrestricted same variable as
      in SCF_label_A)
     (label is a double group symmetry subspecies.)
  1_alpha_R            (total nr of points) real alpha part of the 1st spinor
  1_beta_R             (idem) real beta part of the 1st spinor
  1_alpha_I            (idem) imaginary alpha part of the 1st spinor
  1_beta_I             (idem) imaginary beta part of the 1st spinor
  2_alpha_R            (idem) real alpha part of the 2nd spinor
  2_beta_R             (idem) real beta part of the 2nd spinor
  2_alpha_I            (idem) imaginay alpha part of the 2nd spinor
  2_beta_I             (idem) imaginay beta part of the 2nd spinor
     (as many as there are spinors in that
      double group symmetry representation)
LocOrb_A                           if unrestricted, otherwise
  nr of orbitals       (one integer)
  1                    (total nr. of points)
  2                    (idem)
  Dens_A number(occupation number)     (total nr. of points)
  Dens_B number(occupation number)     (idem)
  DifDens_A number*(NOCV eigenvalue)   (number of profile points)
  DifDens_B number*(NOCV eigenvalue)   (idem)
  DifSumDens_A number                  (idem)
  DifSumDens_B number                  (idem)
  DifRestSumDensities_A                (idem)
  DifRestSumDensities_B                (idem)
  DifSumBelow_A                        (idem)
  DifSumBelow_B                        (idem)
  Dens_A number*(NOCV eigenvalue)      (idem)
  Dens_B number*(NOCV eigenvalue)      (idem)
  SumDens_A number                     (idem)
  SumDens_B number                     (idem)
  RestSumDensities_A                   (idem)
  RestSumDensities_B                   (idem)
  SumBelow_A                           (idem)
  SumBelow_B                           (idem)
  nnuc                 (one integer)
     (nr of nuclei, omitting dummy atoms)
  xyznuc               (nnuc times 3)
     (the atoms are not in the same order as in the adf input
      file. Rather they are grouped by atomtype.)
  qtch                 (nnuc)       Atomic charges
x values
       x values        (total nr. of points)
y values
       y values        (idem)
z values
       z values        (idem)