Source code for scm.plams.interfaces.molecule.rdkit

__all__ = ['add_Hs', 'apply_reaction_smarts', 'apply_template',
           'gen_coords_rdmol', 'get_backbone_atoms', 'modify_atom',
           'to_rdmol', 'from_rdmol', 'from_sequence', 'from_smiles', 'from_smarts',
           'partition_protein', 'readpdb', 'writepdb',]

@author: Lars Ridder
@description: A set of functions to manipulate molecules based on RDKit

This is a series of functions that apply RDKit functionality on PLAMS molecules

import sys
import random
import pickle
from warnings import warn

    from rdkit import Chem, Geometry
    from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
except ImportError:
    __all__ = []

from import Bond
from ...mol.atom import Atom
from ...mol.molecule import Molecule

[docs]def from_rdmol(rdkit_mol, confid=-1, properties=True): """ Translate an RDKit molecule into a PLAMS molecule type. RDKit properties will be unpickled if their name ends with '_pickled'. :parameter rdkit_mol: RDKit molecule :type rdkit_mol: rdkit.Chem.Mol :parameter int confid: conformer identifier from which to take coordinates :parameter bool properties: If all Chem.Mol, Chem.Atom and Chem.Bond properties should be converted from RDKit to PLAMS format. :return: a PLAMS molecule :rtype: |Molecule| """ if isinstance(rdkit_mol, Molecule): return rdkit_mol # Create PLAMS molecule plams_mol = Molecule() total_charge = 0 try: Chem.Kekulize(rdkit_mol) except Exception: pass conf = rdkit_mol.GetConformer(id=confid) # Add atoms and assign properties to the PLAMS atom if *properties* = True for rd_atom in rdkit_mol.GetAtoms(): pos = conf.GetAtomPosition(rd_atom.GetIdx()) ch = rd_atom.GetFormalCharge() pl_atom = Atom( rd_atom.GetAtomicNum(), coords=(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z), charge=ch) if properties and rd_atom.GetPDBResidueInfo(): = get_PDBResidueInfo(rd_atom) plams_mol.add_atom(pl_atom) total_charge += ch # Check for R/S information stereo = str(rd_atom.GetChiralTag()) if stereo == 'CHI_TETRAHEDRAL_CCW': = 'counter-clockwise' elif stereo == 'CHI_TETRAHEDRAL_CW': = 'clockwise' # Add bonds to the PLAMS molecule for bond in rdkit_mol.GetBonds(): at1 = plams_mol.atoms[bond.GetBeginAtomIdx()] at2 = plams_mol.atoms[bond.GetEndAtomIdx()] plams_mol.add_bond(Bond(at1, at2, bond.GetBondTypeAsDouble())) # Check for cis/trans information stereo, bond_dir = str(bond.GetStereo()), str(bond.GetBondDir()) if stereo == 'STEREOZ' or stereo == 'STEREOCIS': plams_mol.bonds[-1].properties.stereo = 'Z' elif stereo == 'STEREOE' or stereo == 'STEREOTRANS': plams_mol.bonds[-1].properties.stereo = 'E' elif bond_dir == 'ENDUPRIGHT': plams_mol.bonds[-1].properties.stereo = 'up' elif bond_dir == 'ENDDOWNRIGHT': plams_mol.bonds[-1].properties.stereo = 'down' # Set charge and assign properties to PLAMS molecule and bonds if *properties* = True plams_mol.charge = total_charge if properties: prop_from_rdmol(plams_mol, rdkit_mol) for rd_atom, plams_atom in zip(rdkit_mol.GetAtoms(), plams_mol): prop_from_rdmol(plams_atom, rd_atom) for rd_bond, plams_bond in zip(rdkit_mol.GetBonds(), plams_mol.bonds): prop_from_rdmol(plams_bond, rd_bond) return plams_mol
[docs]def to_rdmol(plams_mol, sanitize=True, properties=True): """ Translate a PLAMS molecule into an RDKit molecule type. PLAMS |Molecule|, |Atom| or |Bond| properties are pickled if they are neither booleans, floats, integers, floats nor strings, the resulting property names are appended with '_pickled'. :parameter plams_mol: A PLAMS molecule :parameter bool sanitize: Kekulize, check valencies, set aromaticity, conjugation and hybridization :parameter bool properties: If all |Molecule|, |Atom| and |Bond| properties should be converted from PLAMS to RDKit format. :type plams_mol: |Molecule| :return: an RDKit molecule :rtype: rdkit.Chem.Mol """ if isinstance(plams_mol, Chem.Mol): return plams_mol # Create rdkit molecule e = Chem.EditableMol(Chem.Mol()) # Add atoms and assign properties to the RDKit atom if *properties* = True for pl_atom in plams_mol.atoms: rd_atom = Chem.Atom(pl_atom.atnum) if 'charge' in rd_atom.SetFormalCharge( if properties: if 'pdb_info' in set_PDBresidueInfo(rd_atom, for prop in if prop not in ('charge', 'pdb_info', 'stereo'): prop_to_rdmol(pl_atom, rd_atom, prop) # Check for R/S information if stereo = if stereo == 'counter-clockwise': rd_atom.SetChiralTag(Chem.rdchem.ChiralType.CHI_TETRAHEDRAL_CCW) elif stereo == 'clockwise': rd_atom.SetChiralTag(Chem.rdchem.ChiralType.CHI_TETRAHEDRAL_CW) e.AddAtom(rd_atom) # Add bonds to the RDKit molecule for bond in plams_mol.bonds: a1 = plams_mol.atoms.index(bond.atom1) a2 = plams_mol.atoms.index(bond.atom2) e.AddBond(a1, a2, Chem.BondType(bond.order)) rdmol = e.GetMol() # Check for cis/trans information for pl_bond, rd_bond in zip(plams_mol.bonds, rdmol.GetBonds()): if stereo = if stereo == 'e' or stereo == 'trans': rd_bond.SetStereo(Chem.rdchem.BondStereo.STEREOE) elif stereo == 'z' or stereo == 'cis': rd_bond.SetStereo(Chem.rdchem.BondStereo.STEREOZ) elif stereo == 'up': rd_bond.SetBondDir(Chem.rdchem.BondDir.ENDUPRIGHT) elif stereo == 'down': rd_bond.SetBondDir(Chem.rdchem.BondDir.ENDDOWNRIGHT) # Assign properties to RDKit molecule and bonds if *properties* = True if properties: for prop in prop_to_rdmol(plams_mol, rdmol, prop) for pl_bond, rd_bond in zip(plams_mol.bonds, rdmol.GetBonds()): for prop in if prop != 'stereo': prop_to_rdmol(pl_bond, rd_bond, prop) if sanitize: Chem.SanitizeMol(rdmol) conf = Chem.Conformer() for i, atom in enumerate(plams_mol.atoms): xyz = Geometry.Point3D(atom._getx(), atom._gety(), atom._getz()) conf.SetAtomPosition(i, xyz) rdmol.AddConformer(conf) return rdmol
pdb_residue_info_items = [ 'AltLoc', 'ChainId', 'InsertionCode', 'IsHeteroAtom', 'Name', 'Occupancy', 'ResidueName', 'ResidueNumber', 'SecondaryStructure', 'SegmentNumber', 'SerialNumber', 'TempFactor'] # 'MonomerType' was excluded because it is an rdkit type that cannot easilty be serialized def get_PDBResidueInfo(rdkit_atom): pdb_info = {} for item in pdb_residue_info_items: get_function = 'Get' + item pdb_info[item] = rdkit_atom.GetPDBResidueInfo().__getattribute__(get_function)() return pdb_info def set_PDBresidueInfo(rdkit_atom, pdb_info): atom_pdb_residue_info = Chem.AtomPDBResidueInfo() for item, value in pdb_info.items(): set_function = 'Set' + item atom_pdb_residue_info.__getattribute__(set_function)(value) rdkit_atom.SetMonomerInfo(atom_pdb_residue_info) def prop_to_rdmol(pl_obj, rd_obj, prop): """ Convert a single PLAMS property into an RDKit property. :paramter pl_obj: A PLAMS object. :type pl_obj: |Molecule|, |Atom| or |Bond|. :parameter rd_obj: An RDKit object. :type rd_obj: rdkit.Chem.Mol, rdkit.Chem.Atom or rdkit.Chem.Bond :parameter str prop: The |Settings| key of the PLAMS property. """ obj = type( obj_dict = {bool: rd_obj.SetBoolProp, float: rd_obj.SetDoubleProp, int: rd_obj.SetIntProp, str: rd_obj.SetProp} if obj_dict.get(obj): obj_dict[obj](prop, else: name = prop + '_pickled' try: rd_obj.SetProp(name, pickle.dumps(, 0).decode()) except (Exception, pickle.PicklingError): pass def prop_from_rdmol(pl_obj, rd_obj): """ Convert one or more RDKit properties into PLAMS properties. :paramter pl_obj: A PLAMS object. :type pl_obj: |Molecule|, |Atom| or |Bond|. :parameter rd_obj: An RDKit object. :type rd_obj: rdkit.Chem.Mol, rdkit.Chem.Atom or rdkit.Chem.Bond """ prop_dict = rd_obj.GetPropsAsDict() for propname in prop_dict.keys(): if '_pickled' not in propname:[propname] = prop_dict[propname] else: prop = prop_dict[propname] propname = propname.rsplit('_pickled', 1)[0][propname] = pickle.loads(prop.encode())
[docs]def from_smiles(smiles, nconfs=1, name=None, forcefield=None, rms=0.1): """ Generates PLAMS molecule(s) from a smiles strings. :parameter str smiles: A smiles string :parameter int nconfs: Number of conformers to be generated :parameter str name: A name for the molecule :parameter str forcefield: Choose 'uff' or 'mmff' forcefield for geometry optimization and ranking of comformations. The default value None results in skipping of the geometry optimization step. :parameter float rms: Root Mean Square deviation threshold for removing similar/equivalent conformations :return: A molecule with hydrogens and 3D coordinates or a list of molecules if nconfs > 1 :rtype: |Molecule| or list of PLAMS Molecules """ smiles = str(smiles.split()[0]) smiles = Chem.CanonSmiles(smiles) rdkit_mol = Chem.AddHs(Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)) rdkit_mol.SetProp('smiles', smiles) return get_conformations(rdkit_mol, nconfs, name, forcefield, rms)
[docs]def from_smarts(smarts, nconfs=1, name=None, forcefield=None, rms=0.1): """ Generates PLAMS molecule(s) from a smarts strings. This allows for example to define hydrogens explicitly. However it is less suitable for aromatic molecules (use from_smiles in that case). :parameter str smarts: A smarts string :parameter int nconfs: Number of conformers to be generated :parameter str name: A name for the molecule :parameter str forcefield: Choose 'uff' or 'mmff' forcefield for geometry optimization and ranking of comformations. The default value None results in skipping of the geometry optimization step. :parameter float rms: Root Mean Square deviation threshold for removing similar/equivalent conformations. :return: A molecule with hydrogens and 3D coordinates or a list of molecules if nconfs > 1 :rtype: |Molecule| or list of PLAMS Molecules """ smiles = str(smarts.split()[0]) mol = Chem.MolFromSmarts(smiles) Chem.SanitizeMol(mol) molecule = Chem.AddHs(mol) molecule.SetProp('smiles', smiles) return get_conformations(molecule, nconfs, name, forcefield, rms)
def get_conformations(rdkit_mol, nconfs=1, name=None, forcefield=None, rms=-1): """ Generates 3D conformation(s) for an rdkit_mol :parameter rdkit_mol: RDKit molecule :type rdkit_mol: rdkit.Chem.Mol :parameter int nconfs: Number of conformers to be generated :parameter str name: A name for the molecule :parameter str forcefield: Choose 'uff' or 'mmff' forcefield for geometry optimization and ranking of comformations. The default value None results in skipping of the geometry optimization step :parameter float rms: Root Mean Square deviation threshold for removing similar/equivalent conformations. :return: A molecule with hydrogens and 3D coordinates or a list of molecules if nconfs > 1 :rtype: |Molecule| or list of PLAMS Molecules """ def MMFFenergy(cid): ff = AllChem.MMFFGetMoleculeForceField( rdkit_mol, AllChem.MMFFGetMoleculeProperties(rdkit_mol), confId=cid) try: energy = ff.CalcEnergy() except: msg = "MMFF energy calculation failed for molecule: " + Chem.MolToSmiles(rdkit_mol) + \ "\nNo geometry optimization was performed." warn(msg) energy = 1e9 return energy def UFFenergy(cid): ff = AllChem.UFFGetMoleculeForceField(rdkit_mol, confId=cid) try: energy = ff.CalcEnergy() except: msg = "MMFF energy calculation failed for molecule: " + Chem.MolToSmiles(rdkit_mol) + \ "\nNo geometry optimization was performed." warn(msg) energy = 1e9 return energy if name: rdkit_mol.SetProp('name', name) cids = list(AllChem.EmbedMultipleConfs(rdkit_mol, nconfs, pruneRmsThresh=rms, randomSeed=1)) if forcefield: optimize_molecule, energy = { 'uff': [AllChem.UFFOptimizeMolecule, UFFenergy], 'mmff': [AllChem.MMFFOptimizeMolecule, MMFFenergy], }[forcefield] for cid in cids: optimize_molecule(rdkit_mol, confId=cid) cids.sort(key=energy) if rms > 0: keep = [cids[0]] for cid in cids[1:]: for idx in keep: try: r = AllChem.AlignMol(rdkit_mol, rdkit_mol, cid, idx) except: r = rms + 1 message = "Alignment failed in multiple conformation generation: " message += Chem.MolToSmiles(rdkit_mol) message += "\nAssuming different conformations." warn(message) if r < rms: break else: keep.append(cid) cids = keep if nconfs == 1: return from_rdmol(rdkit_mol) else: return [from_rdmol(rdkit_mol, cid) for cid in cids]
[docs]def from_sequence(sequence, nconfs=1, name=None, forcefield=None, rms=0.1): """ Generates PLAMS molecule from a peptide sequence. Includes explicit hydrogens and 3D coordinates. :parameter str sequence: A peptide sequence, e.g. 'HAG' :parameter int nconfs: Number of conformers to be generated :parameter str name: A name for the molecule :parameter str forcefield: Choose 'uff' or 'mmff' forcefield for geometry optimization and ranking of comformations. The default value None results in skipping of the geometry optimization step. :parameter float rms: Root Mean Square deviation threshold for removing similar/equivalent conformations. :return: A peptide molecule with hydrogens and 3D coordinates or a list of molecules if nconfs > 1 :rtype: |Molecule| or list of PLAMS Molecules """ rdkit_mol = Chem.AddHs(Chem.MolFromSequence(sequence)) rdkit_mol.SetProp('sequence', sequence) return get_conformations(rdkit_mol, nconfs, name, forcefield, rms)
def calc_rmsd(mol1, mol2): """ Superimpose two molecules and calculate the root-mean-squared deviations of the atomic positions. The molecules should be identical, but the ordering of the atoms may differ. :param mol1: Molecule 1 :param mol2: Molecule 2 :return: The rmsd after superposition :rtype: float """ rdkit_mol1 = to_rdmol(mol1) rdkit_mol2 = to_rdmol(mol2) try: return AllChem.GetBestRMS(rdkit_mol1, rdkit_mol2) except: return -999
[docs]def modify_atom(mol, idx, element): """ Change atom "idx" in molecule "mol" to "element" and add or remove hydrogens accordingly :parameter mol: molecule to be modified :type mol: |Molecule| or rdkit.Chem.Mol :parameter int idx: index of the atom to be modified :parameter str element: :return: Molecule with new element and possibly added or removed hydrogens :rtype: |Molecule| """ rdmol = to_rdmol(mol) if rdmol.GetAtomWithIdx(idx).GetSymbol() == element: return mol else: e = Chem.EditableMol(rdmol) for neighbor in reversed(rdmol.GetAtomWithIdx(idx - 1).GetNeighbors()): if neighbor.GetSymbol() == 'H': e.RemoveAtom(neighbor.GetIdx()) e.ReplaceAtom(idx - 1, Chem.Atom(element)) newmol = e.GetMol() Chem.SanitizeMol(newmol) newmol = Chem.AddHs(newmol, addCoords=True) return from_rdmol(newmol)
[docs]def apply_template(mol, template): """ Modifies bond orders in PLAMS molecule according template smiles structure. :parameter mol: molecule to be modified :type mol: |Molecule| or rdkit.Chem.Mol :parameter str template: smiles string defining the correct chemical structure :return: Molecule with correct chemical structure and provided 3D coordinates :rtype: |Molecule| """ rdmol = to_rdmol(mol, sanitize=False) template_mol = Chem.AddHs(Chem.MolFromSmiles(template)) newmol = Chem.AllChem.AssignBondOrdersFromTemplate(template_mol, rdmol) return from_rdmol(newmol)
[docs]def apply_reaction_smarts( mol, reaction_smarts, complete=False, forcefield=None, return_rdmol=False): """ Applies reaction smirks and returns product. If returned as a PLAMS molecule, is a list of indices of atoms that have not been changed (which can for example be used partially optimize new atoms only with the freeze keyword) :parameter mol: molecule to be modified :type mol: |Molecule| or rdkit.Chem.Mol :parameter str reactions_smarts: Reactions smarts to be applied to molecule :parameter complete: Apply reaction until no further changes occur or given fraction of reaction centers have been modified :type complete: bool or float (value between 0 and 1) :parameter forcefield: Specify 'uff' or 'mmff' to apply forcefield based geometry optimization of product structures. :type forcefield: str :param bool return_rdmol: return a RDKit molecule if true, otherwise a PLAMS molecule :return: (product molecule, list of unchanged atoms) :rtype: (|Molecule|, list of int) """ def react(reactant, reaction): """ Apply reaction to reactant and return products """ ps = reaction.RunReactants([reactant]) # if reaction doesn't apply, return the reactant if len(ps) == 0: return [(reactant, range(reactant.GetNumAtoms()))] full = len(ps) while complete: # when complete is True # apply reaction until no further changes r = random.randint(0, len(ps) - 1) reactant = ps[r][0] ps = reaction.RunReactants([reactant]) if len(ps) == 0 or len(ps) / full < (1 - complete): ps = [[reactant]] break # add hydrogens and generate coordinates for new atoms products = [] for p in ps[0]: Chem.SanitizeMol(p) q = Chem.AddHs(p) Chem.SanitizeMol(q) u = gen_coords_rdmol(q) # These are the atoms that have not changed products.append((q, u)) return products mol = to_rdmol(mol) reaction = AllChem.ReactionFromSmarts(reaction_smarts) # RDKit removes fragments that are disconnected from the reaction center # In order to keep these, the molecule is first split in separate fragments # and the results, including non-reacting parts, are re-combined afterwards frags = (Chem.GetMolFrags(mol, asMols=True)) product = Chem.Mol() unchanged = [] # List of atoms that have not changed for frag in frags: for p, u in react(frag, reaction): unchanged += [product.GetNumAtoms() + i for i in u] product = Chem.CombineMols(product, p) if forcefield: optimize_coordinates(product, forcefield, fixed=unchanged) # The molecule is returned together with a list of atom indices of the atoms # that are identical to those # in the reactants. This list can be used in subsequent partial optimization of the molecule if not return_rdmol: product = from_rdmol(product) = [a + 1 for a in unchanged] return product
def gen_coords(plamsmol): """ Calculate 3D positions only for atoms without coordinates """ rdmol = to_rdmol(plamsmol) unchanged = gen_coords_rdmol(rdmol) conf = rdmol.GetConformer() for a in range(len(plamsmol.atoms)): pos = conf.GetAtomPosition(a) atom = plamsmol.atoms[a] atom._setx(pos.x) atom._sety(pos.y) atom._setz(pos.z) return [a + 1 for a in unchanged] def gen_coords_rdmol(rdmol): ref = rdmol.__copy__() conf = rdmol.GetConformer() coordDict = {} unchanged = [] maps = [] # Put known coordinates in coordDict for i in range(rdmol.GetNumAtoms()): pos = conf.GetAtomPosition(i) if (-0.0001 < pos.x < 0.0001) and (-0.0001 < pos.y < 0.0001) and \ (-0.0001 < pos.z < 0.0001): continue # atom without coordinates coordDict[i] = pos unchanged.append(i) maps.append((i, i)) # compute coordinates for new atoms, keeping known coordinates rms = 1 rs = 1 # repeat embedding and alignment until the rms of mapped atoms is sufficiently small if rdmol.GetNumAtoms() > len(maps): while rms > 0.1: AllChem.EmbedMolecule(rdmol, coordMap=coordDict, randomSeed=rs, useBasicKnowledge=True) # align new molecule to original coordinates rms = AllChem.AlignMol(rdmol, ref, atomMap=maps) rs += 1 return unchanged def optimize_coordinates(rdkit_mol, forcefield, fixed=[]): def MMFFminimize(): ff = AllChem.MMFFGetMoleculeForceField( rdkit_mol, AllChem.MMFFGetMoleculeProperties(rdkit_mol)) for f in fixed: ff.AddFixedPoint(f) try: ff.Minimize() except: warn("MMFF geometry optimization failed for molecule: " + Chem.MolToSmiles(rdkit_mol)) def UFFminimize(): ff = AllChem.UFFGetMoleculeForceField(rdkit_mol, ignoreInterfragInteractions=True) for f in fixed: ff.AddFixedPoint(f) try: ff.Minimize() except: warn("UFF geometry optimization failed for molecule: " + Chem.MolToSmiles(rdkit_mol)) optimize_molecule = { 'uff': UFFminimize, 'mmff': MMFFminimize}[forcefield] Chem.SanitizeMol(rdkit_mol) optimize_molecule() return def write_molblock(plams_mol, file=sys.stdout): file.write(Chem.MolToMolBlock(to_rdmol(plams_mol)))
[docs]def readpdb(pdb_file, removeHs=False, proximityBonding=True, return_rdmol=False): """ Generate a molecule from a PDB file :param pdb_file: The PDB file to read :type pdb_file: str or file :param bool removeHs: Hydrogens are removed if True :param bool proximityBonding: Enables automatic proximity bonding :param bool return_rdmol: return a RDKit molecule if true, otherwise a PLAMS molecule :return: The molecule :rtype: |Molecule| or rdkit.Chem.Mol """ if isinstance(pdb_file, str): pdb_file = open(pdb_file, 'r') pdb_mol = Chem.MolFromPDBBlock(, removeHs=removeHs, proximityBonding=proximityBonding) return pdb_mol if return_rdmol else from_rdmol(pdb_mol)
[docs]def writepdb(mol, pdb_file=sys.stdout): """ Write a PDB file from a molecule :parameter mol: molecule to be exported to PDB :type mol: |Molecule| or rdkit.Chem.Mol :param pdb_file: The PDB file to write to, or a filename :type pdb_file: str or file """ mol = to_rdmol(mol) if isinstance(pdb_file, str): pdb_file = open(pdb_file, 'w') pdb_file.write(Chem.MolToPDBBlock(mol))
[docs]def add_Hs(mol, forcefield=None, return_rdmol=False): """ Add hydrogens to protein molecules read from PDB. Makes sure that the hydrogens get the correct PDBResidue info. :param mol: Molecule to be protonated :type mol: |Molecule| or rdkit.Chem.Mol :param str forcefield: Specify 'uff' or 'mmff' to apply forcefield based geometry optimization on new atoms. :param bool return_rdmol: return a RDKit molecule if true, otherwise a PLAMS molecule :return: A molecule with explicit hydrogens added :rtype: |Molecule| or rdkit.Chem.Mol """ mol = to_rdmol(mol) retmol = Chem.AddHs(mol) for atom in retmol.GetAtoms(): if atom.GetPDBResidueInfo() is None and atom.GetSymbol() == 'H': bond = atom.GetBonds()[0] if bond.GetBeginAtom().GetIdx() == atom.GetIdx: connected_atom = bond.GetEndAtom() else: connected_atom = bond.GetBeginAtom() try: ResInfo = connected_atom.GetPDBResidueInfo() atom.SetMonomerInfo(ResInfo) atomname = 'H' + atom.GetPDBResidueInfo().GetName()[1:] atom.GetPDBResidueInfo().SetName(atomname) except: pass unchanged = gen_coords_rdmol(retmol) if forcefield: optimize_coordinates(retmol, forcefield, fixed=unchanged) return retmol if return_rdmol else from_rdmol(retmol)
def add_fragment(rwmol, frag, rwmol_atom_idx=None, frag_atom_idx=None, bond_order=None): molconf = rwmol.GetConformer() fragconf = frag.GetConformer() new_indices = [] for a in frag.GetAtoms(): new_index = rwmol.AddAtom(a) new_indices.append(new_index) molconf.SetAtomPosition(new_index, fragconf.GetAtomPosition(a.GetIdx())) for b in frag.GetBonds(): ba = b.GetBeginAtomIdx() ea = b.GetEndAtomIdx() rwmol.AddBond(new_indices[ba], new_indices[ea], b.GetBondType()) if bond_order: rwmol.AddBond(rwmol_atom_idx, new_indices[frag_atom_idx], Chem.BondType.values[bond_order]) rwmol.GetAtomWithIdx(new_indices[frag_atom_idx]).SetNumRadicalElectrons(0) def get_fragment(mol, indices, incl_expl_Hs=True, neutralize=True): molconf = mol.GetConformer() fragment = Chem.RWMol(Chem.Mol()) fragconf = Chem.Conformer() # Put atoms in fragment for i in indices: atom = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(i) new_index = fragment.AddAtom(atom) pos = molconf.GetAtomPosition(i) fragconf.SetAtomPosition(new_index, pos) # Put bonds in fragment for b in mol.GetBonds(): ba = b.GetBeginAtomIdx() ea = b.GetEndAtomIdx() if ba in indices and ea in indices: fragment.AddBond(indices.index(ba), indices.index(ea), b.GetBondType()) continue if not incl_expl_Hs: continue if ba in indices and mol.GetAtomWithIdx(ea).GetSymbol() == 'H': hi = fragment.AddAtom(mol.GetAtomWithIdx(ea)) fragconf.SetAtomPosition(hi, molconf.GetAtomPosition(ea)) fragment.AddBond(indices.index(ba), hi, Chem.BondType.SINGLE) continue if ea in indices and mol.GetAtomWithIdx(ba).GetSymbol() == 'H': hi = fragment.AddAtom(mol.GetAtomWithIdx(ba)) fragconf.SetAtomPosition(hi, molconf.GetAtomPosition(ba)) fragment.AddBond(indices.index(ea), hi, Chem.BondType.SINGLE) ret_frag = fragment.GetMol() Chem.SanitizeMol(ret_frag) if neutralize: for atom in ret_frag.GetAtoms(): nrad = atom.GetNumRadicalElectrons() if nrad > 0: atom.SetNumExplicitHs(atom.GetNumExplicitHs() + nrad) atom.SetNumRadicalElectrons(0) Chem.SanitizeMol(ret_frag) ret_frag.AddConformer(fragconf) return ret_frag
[docs]def partition_protein(mol, residue_bonds=None, split_heteroatoms=True, return_rdmol=False): """ Splits a protein molecule into capped amino acid fragments and caps. :param mol: A protein molecule :type mol: |Molecule| or rdkit.Chem.Mol :param tuple residue_bonds: a tuple of pairs of residue number indicating which peptide bonds to split. If none, split all peptide bonds. :param bool split_heteroatoms: if True, all bonds between a heteroatom and a non-heteroatom across residues are removed :return: list of fragments, list of caps """ mol = to_rdmol(mol) caps = [] em = Chem.RWMol(mol) if split_heteroatoms: for bond in mol.GetBonds(): resinfa = bond.GetBeginAtom().GetPDBResidueInfo() resinfb = bond.GetEndAtom().GetPDBResidueInfo() if resinfa.GetIsHeteroAtom() is not resinfb.GetIsHeteroAtom(): if resinfa.GetResidueNumber() != resinfb.GetResidueNumber(): em.RemoveBond(bond.GetBeginAtomIdx(), bond.GetEndAtomIdx()) # Split peptide bonds pept_bond = Chem.MolFromSmarts('[C;X4;H1,H2][CX3](=O)[NX3][C;X4;H1,H2][CX3](=O)') for match in mol.GetSubstructMatches(pept_bond): if residue_bonds: resa = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(match[1]).GetPDBResidueInfo().GetResidueNumber() resb = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(match[3]).GetPDBResidueInfo().GetResidueNumber() if (resa, resb) not in residue_bonds and (resb, resa) not in residue_bonds: continue cap = get_fragment(mol, match[0:5]) cap = add_Hs(cap, return_rdmol=True) caps.append(cap if return_rdmol else from_rdmol(cap)) cap_o_ind = cap.GetSubstructMatch(Chem.MolFromSmarts('[C;X4][CX3]=O')) cap_o = get_fragment(cap, cap_o_ind, neutralize=False) cap_n_ind = cap.GetSubstructMatch(Chem.MolFromSmarts('O=[CX3][NX3][C;X4]'))[2:] cap_n = get_fragment(cap, cap_n_ind, neutralize=False) em.RemoveBond(match[1], match[3]) add_fragment(em, cap_o, match[3], 1, 1) add_fragment(em, cap_n, match[1], 0, 1) # Split disulfide bonds ss_bond = Chem.MolFromSmarts('[C;X4;H1,H2]SS[C;X4;H1,H2]') for match in mol.GetSubstructMatches(ss_bond): cap = get_fragment(mol, match[0:5]) cap = add_Hs(cap, return_rdmol=True) caps.append(cap if return_rdmol else from_rdmol(cap)) cap_s_ind = cap.GetSubstructMatch(Chem.MolFromSmarts('[C;X4]SS[C;X4]')) cap_s1 = get_fragment(cap, cap_s_ind[0:2], neutralize=False) cap_s2 = get_fragment(cap, cap_s_ind[2:4], neutralize=False) em.RemoveBond(match[1], match[2]) add_fragment(em, cap_s1, match[2], 1, 1) add_fragment(em, cap_s2, match[1], 0, 1) frags = Chem.GetMolFrags(em.GetMol(), asMols=True, sanitizeFrags=False) if not return_rdmol: frags = [from_rdmol(frag) for frag in frags] return frags, caps
def charge_AAs(mol, return_rdmol=False): ionizations = { 'ARG_NH2': 1, 'LYS_NZ': 1, 'GLU_OE2': -1, 'ASP_OD2': -1} mol = to_rdmol(mol) for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): resinfo = atom.GetPDBResidueInfo() res_atom = resinfo.GetResidueName() + '_' + resinfo.GetName().strip() try: atom.SetFormalCharge(ionizations[res_atom]) Chem.SanitizeMol(mol) except KeyError: pass Chem.SanitizeMol(mol) return mol if return_rdmol else from_rdmol(mol)
[docs]def get_backbone_atoms(mol): """ Return a list of atom indices corresponding to the backbone atoms in a peptide molecule. This function assumes PDB information in properties.pdb_info of each atom, which is the case if the molecule is generated with the "readpdb" or "from_sequence" functions. :parameter mol: a peptide molecule :type mol: |Molecule| or rdkit.Chem.Mol :return: a list of atom indices :rtype: list """ mol = from_rdmol(mol) backbone = ['N', 'CA', 'C', 'O'] return [a for a in range(1, len(mol) + 1) if str(mol[a].properties.pdb_info.Name).strip() in backbone]
def get_substructure(mol, func_list): """ Search for functional groups within a molecule based on a list of reference functional groups. SMILES strings, PLAMS and/or RDKit molecules can be used interchangeably in "func_list". Example: .. code:: python >>> mol = from_smiles('OCCO') # Ethylene glycol >>> func_list = ['[H]O', 'C[N+]', 'O=PO'] >>> get_substructure(mol, func_list) {'[H]O': [(<scm.plams.mol.atom.Atom at 0x125183518>, <scm.plams.mol.atom.Atom at 0x1251836a0>), (<scm.plams.mol.atom.Atom at 0x125183550>, <scm.plams.mol.atom.Atom at 0x125183240>)]} :parameter mol: A PLAMS molecule. :type mol: |Molecule| :parameter list func_list: A list of functional groups. Functional groups can be represented by SMILES strings, PLAMS and/or RDKit molecules. :return: A dictionary with functional groups from "func_list" as keys and a list of n-tuples with matching PLAMS |Atom| as values. """ def _to_rdmol(functional_group): """ Turn a SMILES strings, RDKit or PLAMS molecules into an RDKit molecule. """ if isinstance(functional_group, str): # RDKit tends to remove explicit hydrogens if SANITIZE_ADJUSTHS is enabled sanitize = Chem.SanitizeFlags.SANITIZE_ALL^Chem.SanitizeFlags.SANITIZE_ADJUSTHS ret = Chem.MolFromSmiles(functional_group, sanitize=False) Chem.rdmolops.SanitizeMol(ret, sanitizeOps=sanitize) return ret elif isinstance(functional_group, Molecule): return to_rdmol(functional_group) elif isinstance(functional_group, Chem.Mol): return functional_group raise TypeError('get_substructure: ' + str(type(functional_group)) + ' is not a supported \ object type') def _get_match(mol, rdmol, functional_group): """ Perform a substructure match on "mol". If a match is found, return a list of n-tuples consisting PLAMS |Atom|. Otherwise return False. """ matches = rdmol.GetSubstructMatches(functional_group) if matches: return [tuple(mol[j+1] for j in idx_tup) for idx_tup in matches] return False rdmol = to_rdmol(mol) rdmol_func_list = [_to_rdmol(i) for i in func_list] gen = (_get_match(mol, rdmol, i) for i in rdmol_func_list) return {key: value for key, value in zip(func_list, gen) if value}