Source code for scm.plams.interfaces.thirdparty.cp2k

import subprocess
import shutil
from os.path import join as opj

from ...core.basejob import SingleJob
from ...core.settings import Settings
from ...core.results import Results
from ...core.errors import ResultsError
from ...mol.molecule import Molecule
from ...mol.atom import Atom

__all__ = ['Cp2kJob', 'Cp2kResults', 'Cp2kSettings2Mol']

[docs]class Cp2kResults(Results): """A class for CP2K results"""
[docs] def recreate_settings(self): """Recreate job for |load_external|. If a keyword and a section with the same name appear, only the keyword is used. This happens e.g. when reading restart files where ``kind.symbol.potential`` is given as *Potential ABCD* and *&POTENTIAL .... &END POTENTIAL*. Limited support of sections that have different formatting like *KIND* and *COORD*. Check the resulting |Settings| instance if the information you want is there. Be careful with reading restart files, since they are automatically generated and not every case is handled well here. You should get all the information but not sure if I know about all special cases of input. """ _reserved_keywords = ["KIND", "@SET", "@INCLUDE", "@IF"] _different_keywords = ["COORD", "VELOCITY", "MASS", "FORCE"] #blocks of information def input_generator(f): """yield lines from input""" while True: line = f.readline() if not line: break yield line def parse(input_iter, res_dic): """Get input line and create a section or key from it. If a section is created, is used to get all the lines from that section. So input_iter should not be a string but an iterable containing a string. Returns False when section is completed.""" string = next(input_iter).strip() l = string.split() #empty line if not string: return True #comment line: elif string.startswith('#'): return True #end section elif string.startswith('&END'): return False #special cases elif any(k in string for k in _reserved_keywords): if '@' in string: l[0] = l[0].replace('@','AT_') res_dic.update({l[0].lower(): " ".join(l[1:])}) elif 'KIND' in string: if not 'kind' in res_dic: res_dic['kind'] = {} res_dic['kind'][l[1].lower()] = {} r = True while r: r = parse(input_iter, res_dic['kind'][l[1].lower()]) return True elif any("&"+k == string for k in _different_keywords): #save the entire block as one string until &END l[0] = l[0].replace('&','') res_dic[l[0].lower()] = {'_h': ""} r = True while r: r = next(input_iter).strip() if "&" in r: r = False break res_dic[l[0].lower()]['_h'] += "\n" res_dic[l[0].lower()]['_h'] += r return True #section elif string.startswith('&'): l[0] = l[0].replace('&','') #if section already exists as a key, use the key if l[0].lower() in res_dic: #fast forward to the next &END r = True while r: r = next(input_iter).strip() if r.startswith('&END'): r = False break return True res_dic[l[0].lower()] = {} #if section has a header value if len(l) > 1: res_dic[l[0].lower()]['_h'] = " ".join(l[1:]) #parse content of section r = True while r: r = parse(input_iter, res_dic[l[0].lower()]) return True #add key and value to dict else: res_dic.update({l[0].lower(): " ".join(l[1:])}) return True dic = {} with open(opj(self.job.path, self.job._filename('inp'))) as f: input_string = input_generator(f) while input_string: try: parse(input_string, dic) except StopIteration: #nasty, but at least you get partial settings break s = Settings() s.input.update(dic) return s
[docs] def get_runtime(self): """Returns runtime in seconds from output.""" from datetime import datetime start = " ".join(self.grep_output('PROGRAM STARTED AT')[-1].split()[-2:]) end = " ".join(self.grep_output('PROGRAM ENDED AT')[-1].split()[-2:]) startTime = datetime.fromisoformat(start) endTime = datetime.fromisoformat(end) diff = endTime - startTime return diff.total_seconds()
def _get_energy_type(self, search='Total', index=0): if index: select = index else: select = -1 s = self.grep_output(search+' energy:')[select].split()[-1] return float(s)
[docs] def get_energy(self, index=0): """Returns last occurence of 'Total energy:' in the output.""" return self._get_energy_type('Total', index=index)
[docs] def get_dispersion(self, index=0): """Returns last occurence of 'Dispersion energy:' in the output.""" return self._get_energy_type('Dispersion', index=index)
def _idx_to_match(self, nTotal, idx): if idx is None: return 0 elif idx >= 0 and idx < nTotal: return idx + 1 elif idx < -nTotal or idx >= nTotal: raise ResultsError("Trying to select a non-existing index.") else: return nTotal + idx + 1 def _chunks(self, l, n, skip=0): ret = [] step = len(l) // n for i in range(0, len(l), step): ret.append(l[i+skip:i+step]) return ret def _get_charges(self, return_spin=False, index=-1, name='Mulliken'): if name == 'Mulliken': searchBegin = "Mulliken Population Analysis" searchEnd = " # Total charge and spin" selectCharge = -2 selectSpin = -1 if name == 'Hirshfeld': searchBegin = "Hirshfeld Charges" searchEnd = "Total Charge" selectCharge = -1 selectSpin = -2 n = len(self.grep_output(searchBegin)) match = self._idx_to_match(n, index) chunk = self.get_output_chunk(begin=searchBegin, end=searchEnd, match=match) if match == 0: chunk = self._chunks(chunk, n, skip=2) else: chunk = [ chunk[2:] ] charges = [] spin = [] for ch in chunk: charges.append([ float(line.strip().split()[selectCharge]) for line in ch ]) if return_spin: spin.append([ float(line.strip().split()[selectSpin]) for line in ch ]) if return_spin: if match == 0: return charges, spin else: return charges[0], spin[0] else: if match == 0: return charges else: return charges[0]
[docs] def get_mulliken_charges(self, return_spin=False, index=-1): """Get Mulliken charges (and spin moments). Set ``index`` to choose the n-th occurence of the Charges in the output, e.g. to choose an optimization step. Set to *None* to return all as a list. Defaults to the last occurence. Returns list of charges. If ``return_spin`` is `True` returns tuple of charges and spins. """ return self._get_charges(return_spin, index, 'Mulliken')
[docs] def get_hirshfeld_charges(self, return_spin=False, index=-1): """Get Hirshfeld charges (and spin moments). Set ``index`` to choose the n-th occurence of the Charges in the output, e.g. to choose an optimization step. Set to *None* to return all as a list. Defaults to the last occurence. Returns list of charges. If ``return_spin`` is `True` returns tuple of charges and spins. """ return self._get_charges(return_spin, index, 'Hirshfeld')
[docs] def get_multigrid_info(self): """Get Information on multigrids. Usefull for converging cutoffs. Needs 'Medium' global print level. Returns a dict with keys 'counts' and 'cutoffs'. """ dic = {'counts': [], 'cutoffs': []} s = self.get_output_chunk(begin='MULTIGRID INFO', end='total gridlevel count')[1:] for line in s: split = line.strip().split() dic['counts'].append(int(split[4])) dic['cutoffs'].append(float(split[-1])) return dic
[docs]class Cp2kJob(SingleJob): """ A class representing a single computational job with `CP2K <>`_ In addition to the arguments of |SingleJob|, |Cp2kJob| takes a ``copy`` argument. ``copy`` can be a list or string, containing paths to files to be copied to the jobs directory. This might e.g. be a molecule, further input files etc. """ _result_type = Cp2kResults def __init__(self, copy=None, **kwargs): SingleJob.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.copy_files = copy
[docs] def _get_ready(self): """Copy files to execution dir if self.copy_files is set.""" SingleJob._get_ready(self) if self.copy_files: if not isinstance(self.copy_files, list): self.copy_files = [self.copy_files] for f in self.copy_files: shutil.copy(f, self.path) return
[docs] def get_input(self): """ Transform all contents of ``input`` branch of |Settings| into string with blocks, subblocks, keys and values. """ _reserved_keywords = ["KIND", "AT_SET", "AT_INCLUDE", "AT_IF"] def parse(key, value, indent=''): ret = '' key = key.upper() if isinstance(value, Settings): if not any(k == key for k in _reserved_keywords): if '_h' in value: ret += '{}&{} {}\n'.format(indent, key, value['_h']) else: ret += '{}&{}\n'.format(indent, key) for el in value: if el == '_h': continue ret += parse(el, value[el], indent + ' ') ret += '{}&END\n'.format(indent) elif "KIND" in key: for el in value: ret += '{}&{} {}\n'.format(indent, key, el.upper()) for v in value[el]: ret += parse(v, value[el][v], indent + ' ') ret += '{}&END\n'.format(indent) elif "AT_SET" in key: var, val = tuple(value.items())[0] ret += '@SET {} {}\n'.format(var, val) elif "AT_IF" in key: pred, branch = tuple(value.items())[0] ret += '{}@IF {}\n'.format(indent, pred) for k, v in branch.items(): ret += parse(k, v, indent + ' ') ret += '{}@ENDIF\n'.format(indent) elif key == "AT_INCLUDE": ret += '@include {}\n'.format(value) elif isinstance(value, list): for el in value: ret += parse(key, el, indent) elif value is '' or value is True: ret += '{}{}\n'.format(indent, key) else: ret += '{}{} {}\n'.format(indent, key, str(value)) return ret inp = '' if self.molecule: use_molecule = ('ignore_molecule' not in self.settings) or (self.settings.ignore_molecule == False) if use_molecule: self._parsemol() for item in self.settings.input: inp += parse(item, self.settings.input[item]) + '\n' return inp
def _parsemol(self): #make lines shorter inp = self.settings.input.force_eval.subsys #add cell information nDim = len(self.molecule.lattice) keys = ['A', 'B', 'C'] periodic = ['X', 'XY', 'XYZ'] for iDim in range(0,nDim): inp.cell[keys[iDim]] = "{:} {:} {:}".format(*self.molecule.lattice[iDim]) if nDim > 0: inp.cell.periodic = periodic[nDim-1] #get block of: symbol coords coord_sec = "" for atom in self.molecule: coord_sec += "\n" coord_sec += (" {:}"*4).format(atom.symbol, *atom.coords) inp.coord._h = coord_sec
[docs] def get_runscript(self): """ Run parallel version of Cp2k using srun. """ # Try to run cp2k using mpirun and otherwise srun (if available) command_tuple = ('mpirun', 'srun') ret = 'cp2k.popt' for command in command_tuple: try:[command, "--help"], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) ret = command + ' cp2k.popt' break except OSError: pass ret += ' -i {} -o {}'.format(self._filename('inp'), self._filename('out')) return ret
[docs] def check(self): """ Look for the normal termination signal in Cp2k output """ s = self.results.grep_output("PROGRAM STOPPED IN") return len(s) > 0
[docs]def Cp2kSettings2Mol(settings): """Returns a molecule from a |Settings| instance used for a |Cp2kJob|. Loads coordinates from ``settings.input.force_eval.subsys.coord._h`` and cell information from ``settings.input.force_eval.subsys.cell``. """ mol = Molecule() if not 'force_eval' in settings.input: return None elif not 'subsys' in settings.input.force_eval: return None elif not 'coord' in settings.input.force_eval.subsys: return None elif not '_h' in settings.input.force_eval.subsys.coord: return None coord = settings.input.force_eval.subsys.coord._h pbc = False if 'cell' in settings.input.force_eval.subsys: pbc = True cell = settings.input.force_eval.subsys.cell split = coord.strip().split('\n') for line in split: lineSplit = line.split() try: lineSplit[1:4] = [float(x) for x in lineSplit[1:4]] except ValueError: #not an atom entry continue mol.add_atom(Atom(symbol=lineSplit[0], coords=tuple(lineSplit[1:4]))) if pbc: vec = [] keys = ['a','b','c'] for key in keys: if not key in cell: break try: vec.append(tuple([float(x) for x in cell[key].split()])) except ValueError: break mol.lattice = vec return mol