import numpy as np
from scm.plams.core.errors import MoleculeError
from scm.plams.core.settings import Settings
__all__ = ["Bond"]
[docs]class Bond:
"""A class representing a bond between two atoms.
An instance of this class has the following attributes:
* ``atom1`` and ``atom2`` -- two instances of |Atom| that form this bond
* ``order`` -- order of the bond. It is either an integer number or the floating point value stored in ``Bond.AR``, indicating an aromatic bond
* ``mol`` -- |Molecule| this bond belongs to
* ``properties`` -- |Settings| instance storing all other information about this bond (initially it is populated with *\*\*other*)
.. note::
Newly created bond is **not** added to ``atom1.bonds`` or ``atom2.bonds``. Storing information about |Bond| in |Atom| is relevant only in the context of the whole |Molecule|, so this information is updated by :meth:`~Molecule.add_bond`.
AR = 1.5
[docs] def __init__(self, atom1=None, atom2=None, order=1, mol=None, **other):
self.atom1 = atom1
self.atom2 = atom2
self.order = order
self.mol = mol = Settings(other)
[docs] def __str__(self):
"""Return a string representation of this bond."""
return "({})--{:1.1f}--({})".format(str(self.atom1).strip(), self.order, str(self.atom2).strip())
[docs] def __iter__(self):
"""Iterate over bonded atoms (``atom1`` first, then ``atom2``)."""
yield self.atom1
yield self.atom2
[docs] def is_aromatic(self):
"""Check if this bond is aromatic."""
return self.order == Bond.AR
[docs] def length(self, unit="angstrom"):
"""Return bond length, expressed in *unit*."""
return self.atom1.distance_to(self.atom2, result_unit=unit)
[docs] def as_vector(self, start=None, unit="angstrom"):
"""Return a vector between two atoms that form this bond. *start* can be used to indicate which atom should be the beginning of that vector. If not specified, ``self.atom1`` is used. Returned value if a tuple of length 3, expressed in *unit*."""
if start:
if start not in self:
raise MoleculeError("Bond.as_vector: given atom is not a part of this bond")
a, b = start, self.other_end(start)
a, b = self.atom1, self.atom2
return a.vector_to(b, result_unit=unit)
[docs] def other_end(self, atom):
"""Return the atom on the other end of this bond with respect to *atom*. *atom* has to be one of the atoms forming this bond, otherwise an exception is raised."""
if atom is self.atom1:
return self.atom2
elif atom is self.atom2:
return self.atom1
raise MoleculeError("Bond.other_end: invalid atom passed")
[docs] def resize(self, moving_atom, length, unit="angstrom"):
"""Change the length of this bond to *length* expressed in *unit* by moving *moving_atom*.
*moving_atom* should be one of the atoms that form this bond. This atom is moved along the bond axis in such a way that new bond length equals *length*. If this bond is a part of a |Molecule| the whole part connected to *moving_atom* is moved.
.. note::
Calling this method on a bond that forms a ring within a molecule raises a |MoleculeError|.
if self.mol:
self.mol.resize_bond(self, moving_atom, length, unit)
bond_v = np.array(self.as_vector(start=moving_atom))
trans_v = (1 - length / self.length(unit)) * bond_v
[docs] def rotate(self, moving_atom, angle, unit="radian"):
"""Rotate part of the molecule containing *moving_atom* along axis defined by this bond by an *angle* expressed in *unit*.
Calling this method makes sense only if this bond is a part of a |Molecule|. *moving_atom* should be one of the atoms that form this bond and it indicates which part of the molecule is rotated. A positive value of *angle* denotes counterclockwise rotation (when looking along the bond, from the stationary part of the molecule).
.. note::
Calling this method on a bond that forms a ring raises a |MoleculeError|.
if self.mol:
self.mol.rotate_bond(self, moving_atom, angle, unit)
def has_cell_shifts(self):
return (
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