import os
import re
import tempfile
from scm.plams.interfaces.molecule.ase import toASE
from scm.plams.mol.molecule import Molecule
from import KFFile
from import Units
from scm.plams.trajectories.rkffile import RKFTrajectoryFile
from scm.plams.trajectories.rkfhistoryfile import RKFHistoryFile
__all__ = [
[docs]def traj_to_rkf(trajfile, rkftrajectoryfile, task=None, timestep: float = 0.25):
Convert ase .traj file to .rkf file. NOTE: The order of atoms (or the number of atoms) cannot change between frames!
trajfile : str
path to a .traj file
rkftrajectoryfile : str
path to the output .rkf file (will be created)
task : str
Which task to write. If None it is auto-determined.
timestep: float
Which timestep to write when task == 'moleculardynamics'
Returns : 2-tuple (coords, cell)
The final coordinates and cell in angstrom
import warnings
from import Trajectory
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences")
traj = Trajectory(trajfile)
rkfout = RKFTrajectoryFile(rkftrajectoryfile, mode="wb")
# Store the units properly
mdunits = {}
mdunits["PotentialEnergy"] = "hartree"
mdunits["KineticEnergy"] = "hartree"
mdunits["TotalEnergy"] = "hartree"
energy_converter = Units.convert(1.0, "eV", "hartree")
gradients_converter = Units.convert(1.0, "eV/angstrom", "hartree/bohr")
stress_converter = Units.convert(1.0, "eV/angstrom^3", "hartree/bohr^3")
coords, cell = None, None
for i, atoms in enumerate(traj):
if i == 0:
coords = atoms.get_positions() # angstrom
cell = atoms.get_cell()
gradients = -atoms.get_forces() * gradients_converter
gradients = None
stresstensor = atoms.get_stress(voigt=False) * stress_converter
stresstensor = None
mddata = {}
energy = atoms.get_potential_energy() * energy_converter
mddata["PotentialEnergy"] = energy
energy = None
kinetic_energy = atoms.get_kinetic_energy() * energy_converter
mddata["KineticEnergy"] = kinetic_energy
kinetic_energy = None
if "PotentialEnergy" in mddata and "KineticEnergy" in mddata:
mddata["TotalEnergy"] = mddata["PotentialEnergy"] + mddata["KineticEnergy"]
if str(task).lower() == "moleculardynamics" or len(mddata) > 0:
mddata["Time"] = timestep * i
if len(mddata) == 0:
mddata = None
# Create a historydata dictionary, to go into the History section
historydata = {}
if gradients is not None:
historydata["Gradients"] = gradients
historydata["EngineGradients"] = gradients
if stresstensor is not None:
historydata["StressTensor"] = stresstensor
if len(historydata) == 0:
historydata = {}
rkfout.write_next(coords=coords, cell=cell, historydata=historydata, mddata=mddata)
# the below is needed to be able to load the .rkf file with AMSJob.load_external()
kf = KFFile(rkftrajectoryfile)
kf["EngineResults%nEntries"] = 0
kf["General%program"] = "ams"
if task is None:
if len(traj) == 1:
task = "singlepoint"
elif kinetic_energy is None or kinetic_energy == 0:
task = "geometryoptimization"
task = "moleculardynamics"
kf["General%task"] = task
kf["General%user input"] = "\xFF".join([f"Task {task}", "Engine External", "EndEngine"])
return coords, cell
[docs]def file_to_traj(outfile, trajfile):
outfile : str
path to existing file (OUTCAR, qe.out, etc.)
trajfile : str
will be created
from import read, write
if os.path.exists(trajfile):
atoms = read(outfile, ":")
write(trajfile, atoms)
if not os.path.exists(trajfile):
raise RuntimeError("Couldn't write {}".format(trajfile))
return trajfile
def _remove_or_raise(file, overwrite):
if os.path.exists(file):
if overwrite:
raise RuntimeError("{} already exists, specify overwrite=True to overwrite".format(file))
def _write_engine_rkf(kffile, enginefile):
kf = KFFile(kffile)
enginerkf = KFFile(enginefile)
# write engine.rkf
# copy General, Molecule, InputMolecule from ams.rkf
for sec in ["General", "Molecule", "InputMolecule"]:
secdict = kf.read_section(sec)
for k, v in secdict.items():
enginerkf[sec + "%" + k] = v
enginerkf["General%program"] = "plams"
nEntries = kf["History%nEntries"]
suffix = "({})".format(nEntries)
if ("History", "Energy" + suffix) in kf:
enginerkf["AMSResults%Energy"] = kf["History%Energy" + suffix]
if ("History", "Gradients" + suffix) in kf:
enginerkf["AMSResults%Gradients"] = kf["History%Gradients" + suffix]
if ("History", "StressTensor" + suffix) in kf:
enginerkf["AMSResults%StressTensor"] = kf["History%StressTensor" + suffix]
def _postprocess_vasp_amsrkf(kffile, outcar):
# add extra info to the kffile
kf = KFFile(kffile, autosave=False)
kf["EngineResults%nEntries"] = 1
kf["EngineResults%Title(1)"] = "vasp"
kf["EngineResults%Description(1)"] = "Standalone VASP run. Data from {}".format(os.path.abspath(outcar))
kf["EngineResults%Files(1)"] = "vasp.rkf"
kf["General%user input"] = "!VASP"
# read the INCAR
incarfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outcar), "INCAR")
userinput = ["!VASP", "Engine External", " Input", " !INCAR"]
if os.path.exists(incarfile):
with open(incarfile) as incar:
for line in incar:
line = line.split("!")[0]
line = line.split("#")[0]
line = line.strip()
if line.lower().startswith("end"): # "End" is reserved to end the block
line = "!" + line
if len(line) > 0:
userinput.append(" " + line)
userinput.append(" !EndINCAR")
userinput.append(" EndInput") # end of the Free block
userinput.append("Task {}".format(kf["General%task"]))
kf["General%user input"] = "\xFF".join(userinput)
[docs]def vasp_output_to_ams(
vasp_folder, wdir=None, overwrite=False, write_engine_rkf=True, task: str = None, timestep: float = 0.25
Converts VASP output (OUTCAR, ...) to AMS output (ams.rkf, vasp.rkf)
Returns: a string containing the directory where ams.rkf was written
vasp_folder : str
path to a directory with an OUTCAR, INCAR, POTCAR etc. files
wdir : str or None
directory in which to write the ams.rkf and vasp.rkf files
If None, a subdirectory "AMSJob" of vasp_folder will be created
overwrite : bool
if False, first check if wdir already contains ams.rkf and vasp.rkf, in which case do nothing
if True, overwrite if exists
write_engine_rkf : bool
If True, also write vasp.rkf alongside ams.rkf. The vasp.rkf file will only contain an AMSResults section (energy, gradients, stress tensor). It will not contain the DOS or the band structure.
task : str
Which task to write to ams.rkf. If None it is auto-determined (probably set to 'geometryoptimization')
timestep : float
If task='moleculardynamics', which timestep (in fs) between frames to write
if not os.path.isdir(vasp_folder):
raise ValueError("Directory {} does not exist".format(vasp_folder))
outcar = os.path.join(vasp_folder, "OUTCAR")
if not os.path.exists(outcar):
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(vasp_folder, "XDATCAR")):
outcar = os.path.join(vasp_folder, "XDATCAR")
raise ValueError("File {} does not exist, should be an OUTCAR file.".format(outcar))
if wdir is None:
wdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outcar), "AMSJob")
os.makedirs(wdir, exist_ok=True)
# exit early if ams.rkf already exists
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(wdir, "ams.rkf")) and not overwrite:
return wdir
# convert OUTCAR to a .traj file inside wdir
trajfile = file_to_traj(outcar, os.path.join(wdir, "vasp.traj"))
# remove the target files first if overwrite
kffile = os.path.join(wdir, "ams.rkf")
enginefile = os.path.join(wdir, "vasp.rkf")
_remove_or_raise(kffile, overwrite)
_remove_or_raise(enginefile, overwrite)
# convert the .traj file to ams.rkf
traj_to_rkf(trajfile, kffile, task=task, timestep=timestep)
_postprocess_vasp_amsrkf(kffile, outcar)
if write_engine_rkf:
_write_engine_rkf(kffile, enginefile)
if os.path.exists(trajfile):
return wdir
def _postprocess_qe_amsrkf(kffile, qe_outfile):
# add extra info to the kffile
kf = KFFile(kffile, autosave=False)
kf["EngineResults%nEntries"] = 1
kf["EngineResults%Title(1)"] = "qe"
kf["EngineResults%Description(1)"] = "Standalone Quantum ESPRESSO run. Data from {}".format(
kf["EngineResults%Files(1)"] = "qe.rkf"
userinput = [
"Engine External",
" Input",
" Unknown Quantum ESPRESSO input",
" EndInput",
kf["General%user input"] = "\xFF".join(userinput)
def _postprocess_gaussian_amsrkf(kffile, gaussian_outfile):
# add extra info to the kffile
kf = KFFile(kffile, autosave=False)
kf["EngineResults%nEntries"] = 1
kf["EngineResults%Title(1)"] = "gaussian"
kf["EngineResults%Description(1)"] = "Standalone Gaussian. Data from {}".format(
kf["EngineResults%Files(1)"] = "gaussian.rkf"
userinput = ["!Gaussian", "Engine External", " Input", " Unknown Gaussian input", " EndInput", "EndEngine"]
kf["General%user input"] = "\xFF".join(userinput)
def text_out_file_to_ams(qe_outfile, wdir=None, overwrite=False, write_engine_rkf=True, enginename="qe"):
Converts a qe .out or gaussian .out file to ams.rkf and qe.rkf/gaussian.rkf
Do not use this function directly, instaead call qe_output_to_ams or gaussian_output_to_ams
if not os.path.exists(qe_outfile) or os.path.isdir(qe_outfile):
raise FileNotFoundError(qe_outfile)
basename = os.path.basename(qe_outfile)
basename_no_suffix = basename
if basename.endswith(".out"):
basename_no_suffix = re.sub(".out$", "", basename)
dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(qe_outfile))
if wdir is None:
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dirname, basename_no_suffix + ".results")):
wdir = os.path.join(dirname, basename_no_suffix + ".results", "AMSJob")
wdir = os.path.join(dirname, basename_no_suffix + ".AMSJob")
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(wdir, "ams.rkf")) and not overwrite:
return wdir
os.makedirs(wdir, exist_ok=True)
# convert to a .traj file inside wdir
# first trim the qe_outfile to the first occurrence of "JOB DONE". This is needed because
# running standalone QE via the AMS GUI will print multiple jobs into the same output file
# i.e. both the geo opt and band structure calculation into the same file, which causes
# the ASE qe.out parser to crash
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as tf:
with open(qe_outfile, "r") as instream:
for line in instream:
if "JOB DONE" in line:
trajfile = file_to_traj(, os.path.join(wdir, "out.traj"))
# remove the target files first if overwrite
kffile = os.path.join(wdir, "ams.rkf")
enginefile = os.path.join(wdir, f"{enginename}.rkf")
_remove_or_raise(kffile, overwrite)
_remove_or_raise(enginefile, overwrite)
# convert the .traj file to ams.rkf
traj_to_rkf(trajfile, kffile)
if write_engine_rkf:
# here one could also run $AMSBIN/tokf to get things like the DOS
# $AMSBIN/tokf qe qe_outfile enginefile
# But that would need to reread the entire trajectory
# and one would need to postprocess it with the AMSResults section
_write_engine_rkf(kffile, enginefile)
if os.path.exists(trajfile):
return wdir
[docs]def qe_output_to_ams(qe_outfile, wdir=None, overwrite=False, write_engine_rkf=True):
Converts a qe .out file to ams.rkf and qe.rkf.
Returns: a string containing the directory where ams.rkf was written
If the filename ends in .out, check if a .results directory exists. In that case, place
the AMSJob subdirectory in the .results directory.
Otherwise, create a new directory called filename.AMSJob
qe_outfile : str
path to the qe output file
wdir = text_out_file_to_ams(
qe_outfile, wdir, overwrite=overwrite, write_engine_rkf=write_engine_rkf, enginename="qe"
_postprocess_qe_amsrkf(os.path.join(wdir, "ams.rkf"), qe_outfile)
return wdir
[docs]def gaussian_output_to_ams(outfile, wdir=None, overwrite=False, write_engine_rkf=True):
Converts a Gaussian .out file to ams.rkf and gaussian.rkf.
Returns: a string containing the directory where ams.rkf was written
If the filename ends in .out, check if a .results directory exists. In that case, place
the AMSJob subdirectory in the .results directory.
Otherwise, create a new directory called filename.AMSJob
outfile : str
path to the gaussian output file
wdir = text_out_file_to_ams(
outfile, wdir, overwrite=overwrite, write_engine_rkf=write_engine_rkf, enginename="gaussian"
_postprocess_gaussian_amsrkf(os.path.join(wdir, "ams.rkf"), outfile)
return wdir
[docs]def rkf_to_ase_atoms(rkf_file, get_results=True):
Convert an ams.rkf trajectory to a list of ASE atoms
rkf_file: str
Path to an ams.rkf file
get_results: bool
Whether to include results like energy, forces, and stress in the trajectory.
Returns: a list of all the ASE Atoms objects.
from ase import Atoms
from ase.calculators.singlepoint import SinglePointCalculator
import numpy as np
bohr2angstrom = Units.convert(1.0, "bohr", "angstrom")
hartree2eV = Units.convert(1.0, "hartree", "eV")
def get_ase_atoms(elements, crd, cell, energy, gradients, stress):
pbc = None
if cell is not None:
cell = np.array(cell).reshape(-1, 3)
pbc = ["T"] * len(cell) + ["F"] * (3 - len(cell))
atoms = Atoms(symbols=elements, positions=np.array(crd).reshape(-1, 3), cell=cell, pbc=pbc)
if get_results:
calculator = SinglePointCalculator(atoms)
if energy:
atoms.calc.results["energy"] = energy * hartree2eV
if gradients:
forces = -np.array(gradients).reshape(-1, 3) * hartree2eV / bohr2angstrom
atoms.calc.results["forces"] = forces
if stress:
n = len(stress)
if n == 9:
stress = np.array(stress).reshape(3, 3) * hartree2eV / bohr2angstrom**3
atoms.calc.results["stress"] = np.array(
[stress[0][0], stress[1][1], stress[2][2], stress[1][2], stress[0][2], stress[0][1]]
return atoms
rkf_filename = rkf_file
kf = KFFile(rkf_filename)
if "History" in kf.keys():
if "ChemicalSystem(1)" in kf.keys():
rkf = RKFHistoryFile(rkf_filename)
rkf = RKFTrajectoryFile(rkf_filename)
all_atoms = []
for crd, cell in rkf:
energy, stress = None, None
if get_results:
energy = rkf.historydata.get("EngineEnergy", None)
if energy is None:
energy = rkf.historydata.get("Energy", None)
gradients = rkf.historydata.get("EngineGradients", None)
if gradients is None:
gradients = rkf.historydata.get("Gradients", None)
stress = rkf.historydata.get("StressTensor", None)
atoms = get_ase_atoms(rkf.elements, crd, cell, energy, gradients, stress)
atoms = toASE(Molecule(rkf_filename))
all_atoms = [atoms]
return all_atoms
[docs]def rkf_to_ase_traj(rkf_file, out_file, get_results=True):
Convert an ams.rkf trajectory to a different trajectory format (.xyz, .traj, anything supported by ASE)
rkf_file: str
Path to an ams.rkf file
out_file: str
Path to the .traj or .xyz file that will be created. If the file exists it will be overwritten. If a .xyz file is specified it will use the normal ASE format (not the AMS format).
get_results: bool
Whether to include results like energy, forces, and stress in the trajectory.
from import write
all_atoms = rkf_to_ase_atoms(rkf_file, get_results=get_results)
write(out_file, all_atoms)
return all_atoms