from scm.plams.mol.molecule import Molecule
from scm.plams.interfaces.adfsuite.ams import AMSJob
from typing import Tuple, Union, List
__all__ = ["plot_band_structure", "plot_molecule", "plot_correlation"]
[docs]def plot_band_structure(x, y_spin_up, y_spin_down=None, labels=None, fermi_energy=None, zero=None, show=False):
Plots an electronic band structure from DFTB or BAND with matplotlib.
To control the appearance of the plot you need to call ``plt.ylim(bottom, top)``, ``plt.title(title)``, etc.
manually outside this function.
x: list of float
Returned by AMSResults.get_band_structure()
y_spin_up: 2D numpy array of float
Returned by AMSResults.get_band_structure()
y_spin_down: 2D numpy array of float. If None, the spin down bands are not plotted.
Returned by AMSResults.get_band_structure()
labels: list of str
Returned by AMSResults.get_band_structure()
fermi_energy: float
Returned by AMSResults.get_band_structure(). Should have the same unit as ``y``.
zero: None or float or one of 'fermi', 'vbmax', 'cbmin'
Shift the curves so that y=0 is at the specified value. If None, no shift is performed. 'fermi', 'vbmax', and 'cbmin' require that the ``fermi_energy`` is not None. Note: 'vbmax' and 'cbmin' calculate the zero as the highest (lowest) eigenvalue smaller (greater) than or equal to ``fermi_energy``. This is NOT necessarily equal to the valence band maximum or conduction band minimum as calculated by the compute engine.
show: bool
If True, call at the end
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
if zero is None:
zero = 0
elif zero == "fermi":
assert fermi_energy is not None
zero = fermi_energy
elif zero in ["vbm", "vbmax"]:
assert fermi_energy is not None
zero = y_spin_up[y_spin_up <= fermi_energy].max()
if y_spin_down is not None:
zero = max(zero, y_spin_down[y_spin_down <= fermi_energy].max())
elif zero in ["cbm", "cbmax"]:
assert fermi_energy is not None
zero = y_spin_up[y_spin_up >= fermi_energy].min()
if y_spin_down is not None:
zero = min(zero, y_spin_down[y_spin_down <= fermi_energy].min())
labels = labels or []
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.plot(x, y_spin_up - zero, "-")
if y_spin_down is not None:
plt.plot(x, y_spin_down - zero, "--")
tick_x = []
tick_labels = []
for xx, ll in zip(x, labels):
if ll:
if len(tick_x) == 0:
if np.isclose(xx, tick_x[-1]):
if ll != tick_labels[-1]:
tick_labels[-1] += f",{ll}"
for xx in tick_x:
if fermi_energy is not None:
plt.axhline(fermi_energy - zero, linestyle="--")
plt.xticks(ticks=tick_x, labels=tick_labels)
if show:
[docs]def plot_molecule(molecule, figsize=None, ax=None, keep_axis: bool = False, **kwargs):
"""Show a molecule in a Jupyter notebook"""
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ase.visualize.plot import plot_atoms
from scm.plams.interfaces.molecule.ase import toASE
if isinstance(molecule, Molecule):
molecule = toASE(molecule)
if not ax:
plt.figure(figsize=figsize or (2, 2))
plot_atoms(molecule, ax=ax, **kwargs)
if not keep_axis:
if ax:
def get_correlation_xy(
job1: Union[AMSJob, List[AMSJob]],
job2: Union[AMSJob, List[AMSJob]],
section: str,
variable: str,
alt_section: str = None,
alt_variable: str = None,
file: str = "ams",
multiplier: float = 1.0,
) -> Tuple:
import numpy as np
def tolist(x):
if isinstance(x, list):
return x
return [x]
job1 = tolist(job1)
job2 = tolist(job2)
alt_section = alt_section or section
alt_variable = alt_variable or variable
data1 = []
data2 = []
for j1, j2 in zip(job1, job2):
d1 = j1.results.readrkf(section, variable, file=file)
except KeyError:
d1 = j1.results.get_history_property(variable, history_section=section)
d1 = np.ravel(d1) * multiplier
d2 = j2.results.readrkf(alt_section, alt_variable, file=file)
except KeyError:
d2 = j2.results.get_history_property(alt_variable, history_section=alt_section)
d2 = np.ravel(d2) * multiplier
data1 = np.array(data1)
data2 = np.array(data2)
return data1, data2
[docs]def plot_correlation(
job1: Union[AMSJob, List[AMSJob]],
job2: Union[AMSJob, List[AMSJob]],
section: str,
variable: str,
alt_section: str = None,
alt_variable: str = None,
file: str = "ams",
multiplier: float = 1.0,
unit: str = None,
save_txt: bool = None,
show_xy: bool = True,
show_linear_fit: bool = True,
show_mad: bool = True,
show_rmsd: bool = True,
xlabel: str = None,
ylabel: str = None,
Plot a correlation plot from AMS .rkf files
job1: AMSJob or List[AMSJob]
Job(s) plotted on x-axis
job2: AMSJob or List[AMSJob]
job2: Job(s) plotted on y-axis
section: str
section: section to read on .rkf files
variable: str
variable: variable to read
alt_section: str
Section to read on .rkf files for job2. If not specified it will be the same as ``section``
alt_variable : str
Variable to read for job2. If not specified it will be the same as ``variable``.
file: str, optional
file: "ams" or "engine", defaults to "ams"
multiplier: float, optional
multiplier: Numbers will be multiplied by this number, defaults to 1.0
unit: str, optional
unit: unit will be shown in the plot, defaults to None
save_txt: str, optional
save_txt: If not None, save the xy data to this text file, defaults to None
ax: matplotlib axis, optional
ax: matplotlib axis, defaults to None
show_xy: bool, optional
show_xy: Whether to show y=x line, defaults to True
show_linear_fit: bool, optional
show_linear_fit: Whether to perform and show a linear fit, defaults to True
show_mad: bool, optional
show_mad: Whether to show mean absolute deviation, defaults to True
show_rmsd: bool, optional
show_rmsd: Whether to show root-mean-square deviation, defaults to True
xlabel: str, optional
xlabel: The x-label. If not given will be a list of job names, defaults to None
ylabel: str, optional
ylabel: THe y-label. If not given will be al ist of job names, defaults to None
Returns: A matplotlib axis
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def tolist(x):
if isinstance(x, list):
return x
return [x]
job1 = tolist(job1)
job2 = tolist(job2)
alt_section = alt_section or section
alt_variable = alt_variable or variable
data1, data2 = get_correlation_xy(job1, job2, section, variable, alt_section, alt_variable, file, multiplier)
def add_unit(s: str):
if unit is not None:
return f"{s} ({unit})"
return s
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
complete_data = np.stack((data1, data2), axis=1)
min_data = np.min(complete_data)
max_data = np.max(complete_data)
min_max = np.array([min_data, max_data])
legend = []
title = [f"{section}%{variable}"]
if show_xy:
ax.plot(min_max, min_max, "-")
stats_title = ""
if show_mad:
mad = np.mean(np.abs(data2 - data1))
stats_title += add_unit(f" MAD: {mad:.5f}")
if show_rmsd:
rmsd = np.sqrt(np.mean((data2 - data1) ** 2))
stats_title += add_unit(f" RMSD: {rmsd:.5f}")
linear_fit_title = None
if show_linear_fit:
from scipy.stats import linregress
result = linregress(data1, data2)
min_max_linear_fit = result.slope * min_max + result.intercept
r2 = result.rvalue**2
ax.plot(min_max, min_max_linear_fit, "-")
stats_title += f" R^2: {r2:.3f}"
linear_fit_title = f"Linear fit slope={result.slope:.3f} intercept={result.intercept:.3f}"
if stats_title:
if linear_fit_title:
ax.plot(data1, data2, ".")
if xlabel is None:
xlabel = ", ".join( for x in job1)
if len(xlabel) > 40:
xlabel = xlabel[:35] + "..."
if ylabel is None:
ylabel = ", ".join( for x in job2)
if len(ylabel) > 40:
ylabel = ylabel[:35] + "..."
if save_txt is not None:
np.savetxt(save_txt, complete_data, header=f"{xlabel} {ylabel}")
return ax
def plot_msd(job, start_time_fit_fs=None, ax=None):
job: AMSMSDJob
The job for which to plot the results
start_time_fit_fs: float
The start time (in fs) for which to perform the linear fit
ax: matplotlib axis
The axis. If None, one will be created
Returns: matplotlib axis
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if ax is None:
_, ax = plt.subplots()
time, msd = job.results.get_msd()
fit_result, fit_x, fit_y = job.results.get_linear_fit(start_time_fit_fs=start_time_fit_fs)
# the diffusion coefficient can also be calculated as fit_result.slope/6 (ang^2/fs)
diffusion_coefficient = job.results.get_diffusion_coefficient(start_time_fit_fs=start_time_fit_fs) # m^2/s
ax.plot(time, msd, label="MSD")
ax.plot(fit_x, fit_y, label="Linear fit slope={:.5f} ang^2/fs".format(fit_result.slope))
ax.set_xlabel("Correlation time (fs)")
ax.set_ylabel("Mean square displacement (ang^2)")
ax.set_title("MSD: Diffusion coefficient = {:.2e} m^2/s".format(diffusion_coefficient))
return ax