IR spectrum H2O dimer from MDΒΆ

Run an MD simulation with GFN1-xTB, store the trajectory at every timestep, and compute the IR spectrum using the AMS trajectory analysis tools. Results can be read in with the GUI, but are also written in human readable format. Executing the python script below takes a while (say 15 minutes - 1 hour) on a desktop computer.

Example usage: (Download

from scm.plams import Molecule, Settings, AMSNVTJob, AMSNVEJob, AMSAnalysisJob
from scm.plams import init, finish

text = """6

O          0.0000000000        0.0000000000        0.0000000000
H          0.5580000000        0.5980000000       -0.5130000000
H          0.0280000000       -0.8150000000       -0.5120000000
O         -0.0660000000        0.0230000000        2.7240000000
H          0.0000000000        0.0000000000        1.7490000000
H         -0.9560000000        0.3570000000        2.8380000000

def main():
    The main script
    # Write the XYZ file
    xyzfile = open("", "w")

    # Initialize PLAMS

    # Set up and run the equilibration at 300K
    mol = Molecule("")
    settings = Settings()
    settings.input.DFTB.Model = "GFN1-xTB"
    job = AMSNVTJob(molecule=mol, settings=settings, nsteps=10000, timestep=0.5, thermostat="Berendsen")
    results =

    # Run the production run, without thermostat
    job = AMSNVEJob.restart_from(job, binlog_dipolemoment=True)
    results =

    # Set up and run the analysis
    ansett = Settings()
    ansett.input.TrajectoryInfo.Trajectory.KFFilename = results.rkfpath()
    ansett.input.Task = "AutoCorrelation"
    ansett.input.AutoCorrelation.Property = "DipoleMomentFromBinLog"
    ansett.input.AutoCorrelation.WritePropertyToKF = "Yes"
    ansett.input.AutoCorrelation.UseTimeDerivative.Enabled = "Yes"
    ansett.input.AutoCorrelation.WritePropertyToKF = "Yes"

    anjob = AMSAnalysisJob(settings=ansett)
    anresults =

    # Write the analysis plots
    plots = anresults.get_all_plots()
    for xy in plots:
        xy.write("%s" % (xy.section + ".txt"))

        # Finalize PLAMS

if __name__ == "__main__":