Source code for scm.plams.interfaces.adfsuite.ams

import os

from os.path import join as opj

from ...core.basejob import SingleJob
from ...core.basemol import Molecule, Atom
from ...core.errors import FileError
from ...core.functions import config, log
from ...core.private import sha256
from ...core.results import Results
from ...core.settings import Settings
from import KFFile
from import Units

__all__ = ['AMSJob', 'AMSResults']

[docs]class AMSResults(Results): """A specialized |Results| subclass for accessing the results of |AMSJob|.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Results.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.rkfs = {}
[docs] def collect(self): """Collect files present in the job folder. Use parent method from |Results|, then create an instance of |KFFile| for each ``.rkf`` file present in the job folder. Collect these files in ``rkfs`` dictionary, with keys being filenames without ``.rkf`` extension. The information about ``.rkf`` files generated by engines is taken from the main ``ams.rkf`` file. This method is called automatically during the final part of the job execution and there is no need to call it manually. """ Results.collect(self) rkfname = 'ams.rkf' if rkfname in self.files: main = KFFile(opj(self.job.path, rkfname)) n = main[('EngineResults','nEntries')] for i in range(1, n+1): title = main[('EngineResults','Title({})'.format(i))] files = main[('EngineResults','Files({})'.format(i))].splitlines() if files[0].endswith('.rkf'): key = files[0][:-4] self.rkfs[key] = KFFile(opj(self.job.path, files[0])) self.rkfs['ams'] = main else: log('WARNING: Main KF file {} not present in {}'.format(rkfname, self.job.path), 1)
[docs] def refresh(self): """Refresh the contents of ``files`` list. Use the parent method from |Results|, then look at |KFFile| instances present in ``rkfs`` dictionary and check if they point to existing files. If not, try to reinstantiate them with current job path (that can happen while loading a pickled job after the entire job folder was moved). """ Results.refresh(self) to_remove = [] for key,val in self.rkfs.items(): if not os.path.isfile(val.path): if os.path.dirname(val.path) != self.job.path: guessnewpath = opj(self.job.path, os.path.basename(val.path)) if os.path.isfile(guessnewpath): self.rkfs[key] = KFFile(guessnewpath) else: to_remove.append(key) else: to_remove.append(key) for i in to_remove: del self.rkfs[i]
[docs] def engine_names(self): """Return a list of all names of engine specific ``.rkf`` files. The identifier of the main result file (``'ams'``) is not present in the returned list, only engine specific names are listed. """ self.refresh() ret = list(self.rkfs.keys()) ret.remove('ams') return ret
[docs] def rkfpath(self, file='ams'): """Return the absolute path of a chosen ``.rkf`` file. The *file* argument should be the identifier of the chosen file. To get a file called ``something.rkf`` you need to call this function with ``file='something``'. """ return self._access_rkf(lambda x: x.path, file)
[docs] def readrkf(self, section, variable, file='ams'): """Read data from *section*/*variable* of a chosen ``.rkf`` file. The *file* argument should be the identifier of the file you wish to read. To access a file called ``something.rkf`` you need to call this function with ``file='something``'. The type of the returned value depends on the type of *variable* defined inside KF file. It can be: single int, list of ints, single float, list of floats, single boolean, list of booleans or string. .. note:: If arguments *section* or *variable* are incorrect (not present in the chosen file), the returned value is ``None``. Please mind the fact that KF files are case sensitive. """ return self._access_rkf(lambda x:, variable), file)
[docs] def read_rkf_section(self, section, file='ams'): """Return a dictionary with all variables from a given *section* of a chosen ``.rkf`` file. The *file* argument should be the identifier of the file you wish to read. To access a file called ``something.rkf`` you need to call this function with ``file='something``'. .. note:: If *section* is not present in the chosen file, the returned value is an empty dictionary. Please mind the fact that KF files are case sensitive. """ return self._access_rkf(lambda x: x.read_section(section), file)
[docs] def get_rkf_skeleton(self, file='ams'): """Return a dictionary with the structure of a chosen ``.rkf`` file. Each key corresponds to a section name with the value being a set of variable names present in that section. The *file* argument should be the identifier of the file you wish to read. To access a file called ``something.rkf`` you need to call this function with ``file='something``'. """ return self._access_rkf(lambda x: x.get_skeleton(), file)
[docs] def get_molecule(self, section, file='ams'): """Return a |Molecule| instance stored in a given *section* of a chosen ``.rkf`` file. The *file* argument should be the identifier of the file you wish to read. To access a file called ``something.rkf`` you need to call this function with ``file='something``'. All data used by this method is taken from the chosen ``.rkf`` file. The ``molecule`` attribute of the corresponding job is ignored. """ sectiondict = self.read_rkf_section(section, file) if sectiondict: return AMSResults._mol_from_rkf_section(sectiondict)
[docs] def get_input_molecule(self): """Return a |Molecule| instance with initial coordinates. All data used by this method is taken from ``ams.rkf`` file. The ``molecule`` attribute of the corresponding job is ignored. """ return self.get_molecule('InputMolecule', 'ams')
[docs] def get_main_molecule(self): """Return a |Molecule| instance with final coordinates. All data used by this method is taken from ``ams.rkf`` file. The ``molecule`` attribute of the corresponding job is ignored. """ return self.get_molecule('Molecule', 'ams')
[docs] def get_engine_results(self, engine=None): """Return a dictionary with contents of ``AMSResults`` section from an engine results ``.rkf`` file. The *engine* argument should be the identifier of the file you wish to read. To access a file called ``something.rkf`` you need to call this function with ``engine='something``'. The *engine* argument can be omitted if there's only one engine results file in the job folder. """ return self._process_engine_results(lambda x: x.read_section('AMSResults'), engine)
[docs] def get_engine_properties(self, engine=None): """Return a dictionary with all the entries from ``Properties`` section from an engine results ``.rkf`` file. The *engine* argument should be the identifier of the file you wish to read. To access a file called ``something.rkf`` you need to call this function with ``engine='something``'. The *engine* argument can be omitted if there's only one engine results file in the job folder. """ def properties(kf): n ='Properties', 'nEntries') ret = {} for i in range(1, n+1): tp ='Properties', 'Type({})'.format(i)).strip() stp ='Properties', 'Subtype({})'.format(i)).strip() val ='Properties', 'Value({})'.format(i)) key = stp if stp.endswith(tp) else ('{} {}'.format(stp, tp) if stp else tp) ret[key] = val return ret return self._process_engine_results(properties, engine)
[docs] def recreate_molecule(self): """Recreate the input molecule for the corresponding job based on files present in the job folder. This method is used by |load_external|. If ``ams.rkf`` is present in the job folder, extract data from the ``InputMolecule`` section. """ if 'ams' in self.rkfs: return self.get_input_molecule() return None
[docs] def recreate_settings(self): """Recreate the input |Settings| instance for the corresponding job based on files present in the job folder. This method is used by |load_external|. If ``ams.rkf`` is present in the job folder, extract user input and parse it back to a |Settings| instance using ``scm.input_parser`` module. Remove the ``system`` branch from that instance. """ if 'ams' in self.rkfs: user_input = self.readrkf('General', 'user input') try: from scm.input_parser import input_to_settings inp = input_to_settings(user_input) except: log('Failed to recreate input settings from {}'.format(self.rkfs['ams'].path, 5)) s = Settings() s.input = inp del s.input.ams[s.input.ams.find_case('system')] s.soft_update(config.job) return s return None
#========================================================================= def _access_rkf(self, func, file='ams'): """A skeleton method for accessing any of the ``.rkf`` files produced by AMS. The *file* argument should be the identifier of the file to read. To access a file called ``something.rkf`` you need to call this function with ``file='something``'. The *func* argument has to be a function to call on a chosen ``.rkf`` file. It should take one argument, an instance of |KFFile|. """ #Try: if file in self.rkfs: return func(self.rkfs[file]) #Try harder: filename = file + '.rkf' self.refresh() if filename in self.files: self.rkfs[file] = KFFile(opj(self.job.path, filename)) return func(self.rkfs[file]) #Surrender: raise FileError('File {} not present in {}'.format(filename, self.job.path)) def _process_engine_results(self, func, engine=None): """A generic method skeleton for processing any engine results ``.rkf`` file. *func* should be a function that takes one argument (an instance of |KFFile|) and returns arbitrary data. The *engine* argument should be the identifier of the file you wish to read. To access a file called ``something.rkf`` you need to call this function with ``engine='something``'. The *engine* argument can be omitted if there's only one engine results file in the job folder. """ names = self.engine_names() if engine is not None: if engine in names: return func(self.rkfs[engine]) else: raise FileError('File {}.rkf not present in {}'.format(engine, self.job.path)) else: if len(names) == 1: return func(self.rkfs[names[0]]) else: raise ValueError("You need to specify the 'engine' argument when there are multiple engine result files present in the job folder") @staticmethod def _mol_from_rkf_section(sectiondict): """Return a |Molecule| instance constructed from the contents of the whole ``.rkf`` file section, supplied as a dictionary returned by :meth:`KFFile.read_section<>`.""" ret = Molecule() coords = [sectiondict['Coords'][i:i+3] for i in range(0,len(sectiondict['Coords']),3)] symbols = sectiondict['AtomSymbols'].split() for at, crd, sym, mass in zip(sectiondict['AtomicNumbers'], coords, symbols, sectiondict['AtomMasses']): newatom = Atom(atnum=at, coords=crd, unit='bohr') if sym.startswith('Gh.'): sym = sym[3:] = True if '.' in sym: sym, name = sym.split('.', 1) = name ret.add_atom(newatom) if sectiondict['Charge'] != 0: = sectiondict['Charge'] if 'nLatticeVectors' in sectiondict: ret.lattice = Units.convert([tuple(sectiondict['LatticeVectors'][i:i+3]) for i in range(0,len(sectiondict['LatticeVectors']),3)], 'bohr', 'angstrom') if 'EngineAtomicInfo' in sectiondict: suffixes = sectiondict['EngineAtomicInfo'].splitlines() for at, suffix in zip(ret, suffixes): = suffix return ret
#=========================================================================== #=========================================================================== #===========================================================================
[docs]class AMSJob(SingleJob): """A class representing a single computation with AMS driver. The corresponding results type is |AMSResults|. """ _result_type = AMSResults
[docs] def get_input(self): """Generate the input file. This method is just a wrapper around :meth:`_serialize_input`. Each instance of |AMSJob| or |AMSResults| present as a value in ``settings.input`` branch is replaced with an absolute path to ``ams.rkf`` file of that job. If you need to use a path to some engine specific ``.rkf`` file rather than the main ``ams.rkf`` file, you can to it by supplying a tuple ``(x, name)`` where ``x`` is an instance of |AMSJob| or |AMSResults| and ``name`` is a string with the name of the ``.rkf`` file you want. For example, ``(myjob, 'dftb')`` will transform to the absolute path to ``dftb.rkf`` file in ``myjob``'s folder, if such a file is present. Instances of |KFFile| are replaced with absolute paths to corresponding files. """ special = { AMSJob: lambda x: x.results.rkfpath(), AMSResults: lambda x: x.rkfpath(), KFFile: lambda x: x.path, tuple: lambda x: AMSJob.tuple2rkf(x) } return self._serialize_input(special)
[docs] def get_runscript(self): """Generate the runscript. Returned string is of the form:: AMS_JOBNAME=jobname AMS_RESULTSDIR=. $ADFBIN/ams [-n nproc] < [>jobname.out] ``-n`` flag is added if ``settings.runscript.nproc`` exists. ``[>jobname.out]`` is used based on ``settings.runscript.stdout_redirect``. """ ret = 'AMS_JOBNAME={} AMS_RESULTSDIR=. $ADFBIN/ams'.format( if 'nproc' in self.settings.runscript: ret += ' -n {}'.format(self.settings.runscript.nproc) ret += ' <'+self._filename('inp') if self.settings.runscript.stdout_redirect: ret += ' >'+self._filename('out') ret += '\n\n' return ret
[docs] def check(self): """Check if ``termination status`` variable from ``General`` section of main KF file equals ``NORMAL TERMINATION``.""" try: status = self.results.readrkf('General', 'termination status') except: return False if 'NORMAL TERMINATION' in status: if 'errors' in status: log('Job {} reported errors. Please check the the output'.format(, 1) return False if 'warnings' in status: log('Job {} reported warnings. Please check the the output'.format(, 1) return True return False
[docs] def hash_input(self): """Calculate the hash of the input file. All instances of |AMSJob| or |AMSResults| present as values in ``settings.input`` branch are replaced with hashes of corresponding job's inputs. Instances of |KFFile| are replaced with absolute paths to corresponding files. """ special = { AMSJob: lambda x: x.hash_input(), AMSResults: lambda x: x.job.hash_input(), KFFile: lambda x: x.path, tuple: lambda x: AMSJob.tuple2rkf(x) } return sha256(self._serialize_input(special))
#========================================================================= def _serialize_input(self, special): """Transform the contents of ``settings.input`` branch into string with blocks, keys and values. First, the contents of ``settings.input`` are extended with entries returned by :meth:`_serialize_molecule`. Then the contents of ``settings.input.ams`` are used to generate AMS text input. Finally, every other (than ``ams``) entry in ``settings.input`` is used to generate engine specific input. Special values can be indicated with *special* argument, which should be a dictionary having types of objects as keys and functions translating these types to strings as values. """ def unspec(value): """Check if *value* is one of a special types and convert it to string if it is.""" for spec_type in special: if isinstance(value, spec_type): return special[spec_type](value) return value def serialize(key, value, indent, end='end'): """Given a *key* and its corresponding *value* from the |Settings| instance produce a snippet of the input file representing this pair. If the value is a nested |Settings| instance, use recursive calls to build the snippet for the entire block. Indent the result with *indent* spaces. """ ret = '' if isinstance(value, Settings): ret += ' '*indent + key if '_h' in value: ret += ' ' + unspec(value['_h']) ret += '\n' i = 1 while ('_'+str(i)) in value: ret += serialize('', value['_'+str(i)], indent+2) i += 1 for el in value: if not el.startswith('_'): ret += serialize(el, value[el], indent+2) ret += ' '*indent + end+'\n' elif isinstance(value, list): for el in value: ret += serialize(key, el, indent) elif value is '' or value is True: ret += ' '*indent + key + '\n' elif value is False or value is None: pass else: ret += ' '*indent + key + ' ' + str(unspec(value)) + '\n' return ret fullinput = self.settings.input + self._serialize_molecule() ams = fullinput.find_case('ams') txtinp = '' for item in fullinput[ams]: txtinp += serialize(item, fullinput[ams][item], 0) + '\n' for engine in fullinput: if engine != ams: txtinp += serialize('engine '+engine, fullinput[engine], 0, end='endengine') + '\n' return txtinp def _serialize_molecule(self): """Return a |Settings| instance containing the information about the |Molecule| stored in the ``molecule`` attribute. If ``settings.input.ams.system`` contains ``geometryfile`` key, the ``molecule`` attribute is completely ignored and this method returns an empty |Settings| instance. If ``settings.input.ams.system`` already contains ``atoms``, ``lattice``, or ``charge`` entries, the corresponding information from the ``molecule`` attribute is ignored. Molecular charge is taken from ````, if present. Additional, atom-specific information to be put in ``atoms`` block after XYZ coordinates can be supplied with ````. The returned |Settings| instance has the structure allowing it to be merged with ``settings.input`` branch (keys like ``ams`` or ``system`` have the same case as the ones present in ``settings.input``). """ ams = self.settings.input.find_case('ams') system = self.settings.input[ams].find_case('system') s = self.settings.input[ams][system] atoms = s.find_case('atoms') lattice = s.find_case('lattice') charge = s.find_case('charge') geometryfile = s.find_case('geometryfile') if self.molecule is None and atoms not in s and geometryfile not in s: log("ERROR: It looks like job {} was not given any geometry. You can do it by supplying a Molecule object as 'thisjob.molecule', by using an external file as 'thisjob.settings.input.ams.system.geometryfile', or by directly manipulating entries in 'thisjob.settings.input.ams.system.atoms'".format(, 1) return Settings() if geometryfile in s: return Settings() if self.molecule and len(self.molecule.lattice) in [1,2] and self.molecule.align_lattice(): log("The lattice of Molecule supplied for job {} did not follow the convention required by AMS. I rotated the whole system for you. You're welcome".format(, 3) ret = Settings() if atoms not in s and self.molecule: for i,atom in enumerate(self.molecule): ret[ams][system][atoms]['_'+str(i+1)] = atom.str( symbol=self._atom_symbol(atom), space=18, decimal=10, suffix=( if 'suffix' in else '')) if lattice not in s and self.molecule: for i,vec in enumerate(self.molecule.lattice): ret[ams][system][lattice]['_'+str(i+1)] = '{:16.10f} {:16.10f} {:16.10f}'.format(*vec) if charge not in s and self.molecule and 'charge' in ret[ams][system][charge] = return ret #========================================================================= @staticmethod def _atom_symbol(atom): """Return the atomic symbol of *atom*. Ensure proper formatting for AMSuite input taking into account ``ghost`` and ``name`` entries in ``properties`` of *atom*.""" smb = atom.symbol if atom.atnum > 0 else '' #Dummy atom should have '' instead of 'Xx' if 'ghost' in and smb = ('Gh.'+smb).rstrip('.') if 'name' in smb = (smb+'.'+str('.') return smb @staticmethod def _tuple2rkf(arg): """Transform a pair ``(x, name)`` where ``x`` is an instance of |AMSJob| or |AMSResults| and ``name`` is a name of ``.rkf`` file (``ams`` or engine) to an absolute path to that ``.rkf`` file.""" if len(arg) == 2 and isinstance(arg[1], str): if isinstance(arg[0], AMSJob): return arg[0].results.rkfpath(arg[1]) if isinstance(arg[0], AMSResults): return arg[0].rkfpath(arg[1]) return str(arg)