Source code for scm.pisa.block

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import re
import textwrap
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Literal, Sequence, TypeVar

from scm.pisa.entry import Entry, _check_unique
from scm.pisa.enums import BlockType, InputCategory
from scm.pisa.key import FloatListKey, IntListKey, Key
from scm.pisa.utils import str_to_enum, to_valid_identifier

    from scm.plams.core.settings import Settings

INDENT = " " * 2

T_Block = TypeVar("T_Block", bound="Block")

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class InputParserEngineBlock: """Simple container for data created by the InputParser for EngineBlocks. Only used in the :meth:`Block.from_text` functionality """ _h: str _1: Sequence[str]
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class InputParserFreeBlock: """Simple container for data created by the InputParser for FreeBlocks. Only used in the :meth:`Block.from_text` functionality""" _1: Sequence[str] def __str__(self) -> str: return "\n".join(self._1) + "\n"
[docs]class Block(Entry): """Base class representing an input block for AMS.""" _header = ""
[docs] def __post_init__(self): """Recursively sets key and block attributes present in ``self._keyword_dict``""" if self._keyword_dict is not None: for key, val in self._keyword_dict.items(): if key.startswith("_") or not isinstance(val, dict): continue category = str_to_enum(val["_category"], InputCategory) if category == InputCategory.BLOCK: setattr(self, key, Block.from_def_dict(name=key, def_dict=val)) elif category == InputCategory.KEY: setattr(self, key, Key.from_def_dict(name=key, def_dict=val))
@property def header(self): return self._header @header.setter def header(self, val: str) -> None: """Set the header of this block. :param val: String header :type val: str :raises ValueError: Will raise exceptions if block is not an EngineBlock or does not allow headers """ # adjusting the default value the allow_header attribute for EngineBlocks would require me to repeat # the entirety of the Entry.__init__ signature, which would take ~40 lines if self.allow_header or isinstance(self, EngineBlock): self._header = str(val) else: raise ValueError(f"Block {} does not allow setting of header")
[docs] @staticmethod def from_def_dict(name: str, def_dict: dict[str, Any]) -> Block: """Instantiate the relevant ``Block`` object from a definition dictionary from the json input definitions. Only used in the autogeneration of ``scm.input_classes`` :param name: Name of the block to create :type name: str :param def_dict: Definition dictionary from the json input definitions. :type def_dict: dict[str, Any] :return: The created ``Block`` instance :rtype: Block """ def_dict = dict(def_dict) assert str_to_enum(def_dict["_category"], InputCategory) == InputCategory.BLOCK block_type_lookup = { BlockType.FIXED: FixedBlock, BlockType.ENGINE: EngineBlock, BlockType.FREE: FreeBlock, BlockType.DRIVER: DriverBlock, BlockType.INPUT: InputBlock, } block_type = str_to_enum(def_dict["_type"], BlockType) assert block_type in block_type_lookup # category and type information already present in class def_dict.pop("_category") def_dict.pop("_type") # remove leading underscore to match constructor signature normal_kwargs = {k[1:]: v for k, v in def_dict.items() if k.startswith("_")} if len(normal_kwargs) == len(def_dict): keyword_dict = None else: keyword_dict = {k: v for k, v in def_dict.items() if k not in normal_kwargs} return block_type_lookup[block_type](name=name, **normal_kwargs, _keyword_dict=keyword_dict)
[docs] @classmethod def from_settings(cls: type[T_Block], settings: Settings) -> T_Block: """Generate a block object from a settings object. Should only be used for backwards compatibility, e.g. old job classes or recipes that will break on receiving a PISA object. Not guaranteed to always work, since it does a to text input and from text input conversion. Examples: .. code:: python3 from scm.input_classes import AMS, DFTB from scm.plams.interfaces.adfsuite.ams import AMSJob from scm.plams.core.settings import Settings settings = Settings() settings.input settings.input.ams.Task = 'GeometryOptimization' settings.input.ams.Properties.NormalModes = 'Yes' settings.input.DFTB.Model = 'SCC-DFTB' ams = AMS.from_settings(settings) # this is supported, but fragile: dftb = DFTB.from_settings(settings) # this is safer: ams = AMS.from_settings(settings) dftb = ams.engine :param cls: Block class you want to generate from settings. Usually should be AMS :type cls: type[T_Block] :param settings: Settings object to convert from. Should contain 'input' attribute. :type settings: Settings :raises ValueError: If settings input does not contain 'input' attribute :return: Block object with keys and blocks set according to information in settings object. :rtype: T_Block """ # prevent circular import from scm.plams.interfaces.adfsuite.ams import AMSJob if "input" not in settings: raise ValueError( f"Settings object {settings} passed to {cls.from_settings} does not have 'input' attribute!" ) job = AMSJob(settings=settings) text_input = job.get_input() return cls.from_text(text_input)
[docs] @classmethod def from_text(cls: type[T_Block], text: str) -> T_Block: """Class method to instantiate a block object from text input. Need to call this on the relevant subclass to work correctly. E.g. for an AMS input string one needs to call AMS.from_text, not Block.from_text :param cls: Relevant block class :type cls: type[T_Block] :param text: String representing valid AMS input :type text: str :return: Block object representing the text input :rtype: T_Block """ # prevent circular imports from scm.libbase import InputError, InputParser from scm.pisa.input_def import DRIVER_BLOCK_FILES, ENGINE_BLOCK_FILES try: # input_dict = InputParser().to_dict(program=cls.__name__.lower(), text_input=text, string_leafs=False) PROGRAMS = {value: key for key, value in ENGINE_BLOCK_FILES.items()} PROGRAMS.update({value: key for key, value in DRIVER_BLOCK_FILES.items()}) program = PROGRAMS[cls.__name__].name.split(".")[0] input_dict = InputParser().to_dict(program=program, text_input=text, string_leafs=False) except InputError as e: # Try to filter out the relevant block. Probably breaks on headers, repeated blocks etc? re_match ="(?<={cls.__name__.lower()}).*(?=End)", text, flags=re.I | re.M | re.S) if re_match: new_text = msg = f"Could not generate {cls} from textinput:\n{text} \nRetrying (fragile!) with subset:\n{new_text}" warnings.warn(msg) return cls.from_text(new_text) else: raise ValueError(f"Could not generate {cls} object from text input: \n\n {text}") from e input_object = cls() input_object.set_from_input_dict(input_dict) return input_object
[docs] def set_from_input_dict(self, input_dict: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Called from ``Block.from_text`` after instantiation of the Block to correctly set the values of the key/block attributes as defined in the text input. :param input_dict: dictionary returned by ``scm.libbase.InputParser`` :type input_dict: dict[str, Any] :raises ValueError: When the text input references an Entry not present in the JSON input definitions, would be caused by faulty text input. """ # only to be used by the dictionary returned by scm.libbase.InputParser for key, val in input_dict.items(): try: attr = self._lowercase_dict_entry[to_valid_identifier(key, assert_success=False).lower()] except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"Can not set {self.__class__.__name__} block from dict {input_dict}, unrecognized entry {key}" ) if isinstance(attr, Key): multiple_entries = False if not attr.unique: # special case, these are lists, so could be list of lists if isinstance(attr, (FloatListKey, IntListKey)): if isinstance(val[0], list): multiple_entries = True else: if isinstance(val, list): multiple_entries = True if multiple_entries: for i, v in enumerate(val): attr[i].val = v else: attr.val = val elif isinstance(attr, Block): assert isinstance(val, (dict, list)) # for engineblocks, instead of setting the values of it's keys, we need to overwrite it with an # instance of a specific engine. if isinstance(attr, EngineBlock): if isinstance(val, list): assert not attr.unique for i, input_dict in enumerate(val): attr[i] = EngineBlock._from_input_parser(InputParserEngineBlock(**input_dict)) elif isinstance(val, dict): setattr(self, key.capitalize(), EngineBlock._from_input_parser(InputParserEngineBlock(**val))) else: if isinstance(val, list): assert not attr.unique for i, input_dict in enumerate(val): header = input_dict.pop("_h", None) attr[i].set_from_input_dict(input_dict) if header: attr[i].header = header elif isinstance(val, dict): header = val.pop("_h", None) attr.set_from_input_dict(val) if header: attr.header = header
@property def blocks(self) -> tuple[Block, ...]: """Property returning all the blocks in this block :return: All the blocks in this block :rtype: tuple[Block, ...] """ return tuple( sorted( (b for b in self.__dict__.values() if isinstance(b, Block)), key=lambda b:, ) ) @property def keys(self) -> tuple[Key, ...]: """Property returning all the keys in this block :return: All the keys in this block :rtype: tuple[Key, ...] """ return tuple( sorted( (b for b in self.__dict__.values() if isinstance(b, Key)), key=lambda b:, ) ) @property def entries(self) -> tuple[Entry, ...]: """Property returning all the entries (blocks and keys) in this block. Return will be sorted with possible engine blocks at the end. :return: Tuple of all entries in this block :rtype: tuple[Entry, ...] """ input_attrs = sorted( (attr for attr in self.__dict__.values() if isinstance(attr, Entry)), key=lambda attr:, ) # if we have an engineblock, move it to the end of the list # because that seems to be the convention in the inputfile to_end = None for attr in input_attrs: if isinstance(attr, EngineBlock): to_end = attr break if to_end is not None: input_attrs.remove(to_end) input_attrs.append(to_end) return tuple(input_attrs) @property def _lowercase_dict_entry(self) -> dict[str, Entry]: """Lowercase dictionary of all Entries and their lowercase names, used to check if accessed ``Entry`` attributes in :meth:`__setattr__` are an incorrect case variation of an existing attributes. :return: Dictionary with lowercase entry names as keys, and entry attributes as values :rtype: dict[str, Entry] """ return {k.lower(): v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if isinstance(v, Entry)} @property def _dict_entry(self) -> dict[str, Entry]: """Dictionary of all Entries and their names, to find the proper case names of misspelled Entries in :meth:`__setattr__` . :return: Dictionary with entry names as keys, and entry attributes as values :rtype: dict[str, Entry] """ return {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if isinstance(v, Entry)}
[docs] def __setattr__(self, __name: str, __value: Any) -> None: """Overrides the default setattribute functionality for multiple added features: **Checking for case mistakes** The lookup of attributes is case sensitive, like the python standard, but will provide a helpful error message when you try to do ``block.temperature = 50`` instead of ``block.Temperature = 50``, by providing the user with the proper case name. **Allows overriding of attributes of type ``EngineBlock`` with an ``EngineBlock``** Normally, key and block attributes can not be overridden, since this would break the input system, but for engine blocks this is intended behavior. **Easier syntax for setting key values** Allows ``some_block.some_key = 10`` as an alias for ``some_block.some_key.val = 10`` **Allows overwriting of ``FreeBlock`` attributes with multiline strings or sequences of strings** :param __name: Name of instance attribute to set the value of :type __name: str :param __value: Value to set for th attribute :type __value: Any :raises Exception: When trying to access a case variation of a key/block attribute """ # check if name is case variation of existing entry if __name not in self.__dict__ and __name.lower() in self._lowercase_dict_entry: proper_case_name = None for name in self._dict_entry: if name.lower() == __name.lower(): proper_case_name = name raise Exception(f"Attribute '{__name}' not found, did you mean '{proper_case_name}'?") if not hasattr(self, __name): super().__setattr__(__name, __value) return else: attr = getattr(self, __name) # should be allowed to override engine block attributes with engine blocks if isinstance(attr, EngineBlock): if isinstance(__value, EngineBlock): __value._value_changed = True super().__setattr__(__name, __value) else: raise TypeError(f"Expect type 'EngineBlock', received type {type(__value)}: {repr(__value)}") elif isinstance(attr, FreeBlock): is_iterable = False try: iter(__value) is_iterable = True except TypeError: pass if isinstance(__value, str): attr._multiline_string = __value + "\n" elif is_iterable: attr._multiline_string = "\n".join(str(line) for line in __value) + "\n" else: raise TypeError( f"Expected a string or an iterable of strings to assign to FreeBlock attribute {attr}. " f"Received {__value}" ) attr._value_changed = True elif isinstance(attr, Block): raise AttributeError(f"Not allowed to overwrite block attribute {attr}") # allow syntax like AMS().Task = 'SinglePoint' elif isinstance(attr, Key) and not isinstance(__value, Key): attr.val = __value else: super().__setattr__(__name, __value)
[docs] @_check_unique def __setitem__(self, index: int, value: Block) -> None: """Adds support for setting heterogenous repeated blocks (currently only ``EngineBlock`` attributes): .. code:: python3 driver = HYBRID() driver.Engine[0] = ADF() driver.Engine[1] = BAND() :param index: Index of the item of the repeated block. Must be used in sequential order, e.g. can't use [1] before [0] is used. :type index: int :param value: Block object for the repeated block. :type value: Block """ assert isinstance(value, Block) try: self._entry_list[index] = value except IndexError: if index == len(self._entry_list): self._entry_list = [*self._entry_list, value] else: self[index]
[docs] def _get_single_input_string(self, indent_lvl: int = 0) -> str: """A wrapper that concatenates the outputs of ``self._get_block_start``, ``self._get_block_body``, and ``self._get_block_end``. Those are the methods to override in the subclasses. :param indent_lvl: Indentation level, defaults to 0 :type indent_lvl: int, optional :return: Input string for a unique block. :rtype: str """ input_str = "" input_str += self._get_block_start(indent_lvl) if len(self.header): input_str += " " + self.header input_str += "\n" input_str += self._get_block_body(indent_lvl + 1) input_str += self._get_block_end(indent_lvl) return input_str
[docs] def _get_block_start(self, indent_lvl: int) -> str: """Inserts the block name :param indent_lvl: Indentation level :type indent_lvl: int :return: Properly indented block name :rtype: str """ return f"{INDENT * indent_lvl}{}"
[docs] def _get_block_body(self, indent_lvl: int) -> str: """Recursively searches all the key/block attributes build the body by concatenating the outputs of ``get_input_string`` for attributes that were changed/touched by the user. :param indent_lvl: Indentation level :type indent_lvl: int :return: block body :rtype: str """ body = "" for attr in self.entries: if attr.value_changed: body += attr.get_input_string(indent_lvl=indent_lvl) return body
[docs] def _get_block_end(self, indent_lvl: int) -> str: """Simply returns the string `end` with required indentation. :param indent_lvl: Indentation level :type indent_lvl: int :return: `End` :rtype: str """ return f"{INDENT * indent_lvl}End\n"
@property def value_changed(self) -> bool: """Recursively searches all ``Entry`` attributes to see if any of them has ``value_changed=True``. We consider a key changed if it's value is changed by the user, even if it is set to the default value. A block is changed when any of its keys or block have their value changed. Used as a condition to include a block in the input string :return: Whether the value of this block is different from the default or touched by the user. :rtype: bool """ if super().value_changed: return True for attr in self.entries: if attr.value_changed: return True return False
[docs] def __add__(self: T_Block, other: T_Block) -> T_Block: """Implements a soft update of this block with another block via the '+' operator. :param self: Left hand object in the addition :type self: T_Block :param other: Right hand object in the addition :type other: T_Block :raises TypeError: When both blocks are not the same type :return: Returns a deepcopy of the lefthand block, where all the attributes that were set in the right hand block, but not in the left hand block, are copied over. :rtype: T_Block """ if not type(self) is type(other): raise TypeError(f"Can only add blocks of the same type, not {self} and {other}") self_copy = copy.deepcopy(self) for name, attr in self_copy.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(attr, Block): self_copy.__dict__[name] = attr + other.__dict__[name] elif isinstance(attr, Key): other_key = other.__dict__[name] if not attr.value_changed and attr.val != other_key.val: attr.val = other_key.val return self_copy
[docs]class EngineBlock(Block): """Represents engine blocks. Input string will always start with 'Engine <engine_name>' and end with 'EndEngine'"""
[docs] def _get_block_start(self, indent_lvl: int) -> str: """Prefixes the word `Engine` to the block start line containing the block name :param indent_lvl: Indentation level :type indent_lvl: int :return: <INDENT>Engine <block_name> :rtype: str """ return f"\n{INDENT * indent_lvl}Engine {}"
[docs] def _get_block_end(self, indent_lvl: int) -> str: """Return `EndEngine` instead of `End` :param indent_lvl: Indentation level :type indent_lvl: int :return: <INDENT>EndEngine :rtype: str """ return f"{INDENT * indent_lvl}EndEngine\n"
[docs] @_check_unique def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Any: return super().__getitem__(index)
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_engine_class_and_header(header_str: str) -> tuple[type[EngineBlock], str | None]: """Only used when generating block objects from text input. Separates the engine name from the possible header and looks it up in ``scm.input_classes.engine`` :param header_str: Line like ``BAND test_header`` that started the engine block in the text input :type header_str: str :raises ValueError: When the corresponding engine class can not be found :return: The Engine class and the possible header :rtype: tuple[type[EngineBlock], str | None] """ engine_name = header_str.split()[0] # import here to prevent circular imports from scm import input_classes as ic lower_case_dir = [attr.lower() for attr in dir(ic)] try: engine_class = getattr(ic, dir(ic)[lower_case_dir.index(engine_name.lower())]) except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"Unknown engine type {engine_name}, not present in {dir(ic)}") if len(engine_name) == len(header_str.strip()): return engine_class, None else: return engine_class, header_str[len(engine_name) :].lstrip() # noqa: E203
[docs] @staticmethod def _from_input_parser(d: InputParserEngineBlock) -> EngineBlock: """Create an ``EngineBlock`` object from the output of the ``scm.libbase.InputParser`` :param d: Dataclass holding the engine block info :type d: InputParserEngineBlock :return: EngineBlock object :rtype: EngineBlock """ engine_class, header = EngineBlock._get_engine_class_and_header(d._h) text_input = "\n".join(d._1) engine_block = engine_class.from_text(text_input) if header: engine_block.header = header return engine_block
[docs]class DriverBlock(Block): """Represents the highest level block."""
[docs] def _get_block_start(self, indent_lvl: int) -> Literal[""]: """Driver blocks don't have start line or an end line, simply returns an empty string :param indent_lvl: Indentation level, ignored. :type indent_lvl: int :return: Empty string :rtype: Literal[""] """ return ""
[docs] def _get_block_end(self, indent_lvl: int) -> Literal[""]: """Driver blocks don't have start line or an end line, simply returns an empty string :param indent_lvl: Indentation level, ignored. :type indent_lvl: int :return: Empty string :rtype: Literal[""] """ return ""
[docs] def get_input_string(self, indent_lvl: int = -1) -> str: return super().get_input_string(indent_lvl).lstrip("\n")
[docs] def to_settings(self) -> Settings: """Convert the Block to a PLAMS Settings object. Can be used for Job classes/recipes that don't support PISA objects. Example: .. code:: python3 from scm.input_classes import AMS, DFTB from scm.plams.interfaces.adfsuite.ams import AMSJob from scm.plams.core.settings import Settings ams = AMS() ams.Task = 'SinglePoint' ams.Engine = DFTB() s = Settings() s.input = ams.to_settings() AMSJob(settings=s) This conversion works via serializing to text and using the libbase InputParser to create a settings object from text. Since this is a bit fragile, only recommended to use this method for backwards compatibility. :return: Settings object representation of the Block :rtype: Settings """ # prevent circular imports from scm.libbase import InputParser from scm.pisa.input_def import DRIVER_BLOCK_FILES, ENGINE_BLOCK_FILES PROGRAMS = {value: key for key, value in ENGINE_BLOCK_FILES.items()} PROGRAMS.update({value: key for key, value in DRIVER_BLOCK_FILES.items()}) program = PROGRAMS[self.__class__.__name__].name.split(".")[0] return InputParser().to_settings(program=program, text_input=self.get_input_string())
[docs]class FreeBlock(Block): """A block that can be assigned a multiline string of an iterable of strings, instead of directly assigning attributes. Will simply result in a series of lines in the input text """ _multiline_string: str = ""
[docs] def __post_init__(self) -> None: assert self._keyword_dict is None
[docs] def _get_block_body(self, indent_lvl: int = 0) -> str: """Simply returns an indented version of the multiline string in :attr:`FreeBlock._multiline_string` :param indent_lvl: Indentation level, defaults to 0 :type indent_lvl: int, optional :return: Indented version of multiline string. :rtype: str """ return textwrap.indent(self._multiline_string, str(indent_lvl * INDENT))
[docs] def set_from_input_dict(self, input_dict: dict[str, Any]) -> None: self._multiline_string = str(InputParserFreeBlock(**input_dict)) self._value_changed = True
[docs]class FixedBlock(Block): """Standard block with a predefined set of possible keys and blocks.""" pass
[docs]class InputBlock(FreeBlock): """Identical to the :class:`FreeBlock`, but end with `EndInput` instead of `End`"""
[docs] def _get_block_end(self, indent_lvl: int) -> str: return f"{INDENT * indent_lvl}EndInput\n"
[docs]def type_hint(b: Block) -> str | None: """Produces the proper type hint for all ``Block`` classes. Only necessary for ``Block`` classes that are allowed to overwritten as an attribute, such as an ``EngineBlock`` or a ``FreeBlock`` with a sequence of strings. :param b: Block instance to produce type hint for :type b: Block :return: Proper type hint. :rtype: str | None """ if isinstance(b, EngineBlock): return EngineBlock.__name__ if isinstance(b, FreeBlock): return f"str | Sequence[str] | {FreeBlock.__name__}" if isinstance(b, InputBlock): return f"str | Sequence[str] | {InputBlock.__name__}" else: return None
ALL_BLOCK_CLASSES = [Block, FixedBlock, EngineBlock, InputBlock, FreeBlock, DriverBlock]