ADF + ReaxFF workshop, 8/9 April, Imperial College London
UK academics interestd in learning ADF and ReaxFF, are encourage to sign up for a 2-day workshop (London, 8+9 April) at the NSCCS website to particpate.
The EPSRC UK National Service for Computational Chemistry Software (NSCCS) organizes a 2-day hands-on workshop on Tuesday 8 and Wednesday 9 April 2014. This introductory workshop is for UK academics only and will focus on ReaxFF (Tue) and ADF, with in particular these topics: chemical bonding analysis (Tue), spectroscopy and relativistic effects (Wed).
Prof. Rob Deeth (University of Warwick) will present a case study on the second day and Alexei and Fedor from SCM will be helping with the hands-on exercises and long-term ADF expert
Please sign up at the NSCCS website to particpate in the workshop.