SCM at ACS Fall meeting

Ams scales overview 2022

Going to the ACS fall meeting in Chicago? Come check out presentations by Fedor Goumans, Nestor Aguirre, and new SCM employee Arno Förster. Also come grab a stroopwafel and discuss your research with us at booth 542 during the exhibition!

Sunday 21 August, 9.00-9.20am, S402a: Computational design of materials and processes: AI-accelerated atomistic & multiscale modeling (Fedor)

Tue 23 August, 5.45-6.00pm, S404bc: Large scale quasiparticle self-consistent GW-BSE calculations with low scaling with system size (Arno)

Wed August 24, 10:40-11:00am, W187b: Automated exploration of energy landscapes: A key tool for multiscale materials modeling (Nestor)

AMS multi-scale

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