Vidi grant awarded to Johannes Neugebauer
Johannes Neugebauer, an associate professor at Universiteit Leiden in the Netherlands, has been awarded a Vidi subsidy by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). The Vidi award is given to researchers who have demonstrated the ability to successfully work independently and generate new ideas in the years after obtaining their PhD. Bestowed upon researchers regarded as amongst the “top 10 to 20 percent in their field”, this subsidy consists of 800,000 euro distributed over 5 years which can significantly aid promising new faculty members in starting their research groups.
A light-harvesting complex modeled by Prof. |
Prof. Neugebauer received his PhD with Bernd Hess at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg studying theoretical vibrational spectroscopy. After that he worked with E.J. Baerends at the VU Amsterdam and then with Markus Reiher at ETH Zurich, where he obtained the Venia Legendi in Physical Chemistry. His works have included the theoretical study of vibronic coupling effects in spectroscopy, resonance Raman, vibrational circular dichroism and environmental effects. His current research concerns “subsystem-oriented methods for excited states and response properties as well as intensity-driven algorithms for vibrational spectroscopy.” This includes the development of a subsystem approach to Time-Dependent DFT related to the Frozen Density Embedding scheme and its application to large systems relevant in photosynthesis. |
We congratulate Johannes on this award and wish him the best in growing his research group.