Highlights with ‘plasmon’

Fast & efficient plasmonic excitations in metallic nanoparticles

The great potential of employing tight-binding approximations after a regular DFT ground state calculation has been demonstrated in a recent paper. With the TD-DFT+TB approach (see thesis by Robert RĂ¼ger), plasmon resonances in large silver, gold,...

Plasmon Enhanced Two Photon Absorption: Paper & Tutorial

The DIM/QM method for modeling plasmon-enhanced photochemical properties has recently been extended to several non-linear optical properties with damped cubic response theory. A recent paper by Zhongwei Hu and Lasse Jensen discusses the methods to...

Surface-enhanced Raman optical activity

Raman optical activity has proven to be a powerful tool for probing the geometry of small organic and biomolecules, but the fledgling technique of surface-enhanced Raman optical activity (SEROA) remains an experimental challenge. SEROA of...

Optical Properties of Silver and Gold Nanoparticles

In two recent papers, researchers from Trieste and Pisa studied the optical properties of silver and gold nanoparticles. The fundamental study on silver nanoshells showed that plasmonic features emerge at shells as small as 92 atoms....

A coupled TDDFT – atomistic electrodynamics model to study excitations in adsorbate-nanoparticle systems

Morton and Jensen from Penn State have developed a frequency-dependent QM/MM method, the discrete interaction model/quantum mechanics (DIM/QM) model, with which optical properties of molecules adsorbed on surfaces of nanoparticles can be studied. The response...

Recent advances in Frozen-Density Embedding: State-Selective Excitations, Charge Transfer, Spin Densities

ADF developer Johannes Neugebauer and his co-workers have showcased new methodologies within the Frozen-Density Embedding (FDE) framework. With FDE, much larger systems can be studied than with traditional DFT. Furthermore, as densities can be localized...