Source code for

from ..mol.molecule import Molecule

__all__ = ['plot_band_structure', 'plot_molecule']

[docs]def plot_band_structure(x, y_spin_up, y_spin_down=None, labels=None, fermi_energy=None, zero=None, show=False): """ Plots an electronic band structure from DFTB or BAND with matplotlib. To control the appearance of the plot you need to call ``plt.ylim(bottom, top)``, ``plt.title(title)``, etc. manually outside this function. x: list of float Returned by AMSResults.get_band_structure() y_spin_up: 2D numpy array of float Returned by AMSResults.get_band_structure() y_spin_down: 2D numpy array of float. If None, the spin down bands are not plotted. Returned by AMSResults.get_band_structure() labels: list of str Returned by AMSResults.get_band_structure() fermi_energy: float Returned by AMSResults.get_band_structure(). Should have the same unit as ``y``. zero: None or float or one of 'fermi', 'vbmax', 'cbmin' Shift the curves so that y=0 is at the specified value. If None, no shift is performed. 'fermi', 'vbmax', and 'cbmin' require that the ``fermi_energy`` is not None. Note: 'vbmax' and 'cbmin' calculate the zero as the highest (lowest) eigenvalue smaller (greater) than or equal to ``fermi_energy``. This is NOT necessarily equal to the valence band maximum or conduction band minimum as calculated by the compute engine. show: bool If True, call at the end """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np if zero is None: zero = 0 elif zero == 'fermi': assert fermi_energy is not None zero = fermi_energy elif zero in ['vbm', 'vbmax']: assert fermi_energy is not None zero = y_spin_up[y_spin_up <= fermi_energy].max() if y_spin_down is not None: zero = max(zero, y_spin_down[y_spin_down <= fermi_energy].max()) elif zero in ['cbm', 'cbmax']: assert fermi_energy is not None zero = y_spin_up[y_spin_up >= fermi_energy].min() if y_spin_down is not None: zero = min(zero, y_spin_down[y_spin_down <= fermi_energy].min()) labels = labels or [] fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.plot(x, y_spin_up-zero, '-') if y_spin_down is not None: plt.plot(x, y_spin_down-zero, '--') tick_x = [] tick_labels = [] for xx, ll in zip(x, labels): if ll: if len(tick_x) == 0: tick_x.append(xx) tick_labels.append(ll) continue if np.isclose(xx, tick_x[-1]): if ll != tick_labels[-1]: tick_labels[-1] += f',{ll}' else: tick_x.append(xx) tick_labels.append(ll) for xx in tick_x: plt.axvline(xx) if fermi_energy is not None: plt.axhline(fermi_energy-zero, linestyle='--') plt.xticks(ticks=tick_x, labels=tick_labels) if show:
[docs]def plot_molecule(molecule, figsize=None, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Show a molecule in a Jupyter notebook """ from ase.visualize.plot import plot_atoms import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from ..interfaces.molecule.ase import toASE if isinstance(molecule, Molecule): molecule = toASE(molecule) if not ax: plt.figure(figsize=figsize or (2,2)) plot_atoms(molecule, ax=ax, **kwargs) if ax: ax.axis('off') else: plt.axis('off')