
Abstract Base Selector

class BaseSelector(*avail_opts, allow_spawn=None)[source]

Base selector from which all selectors must inherit to be compatible with GloMPO. Selectors are classes which return an optimizer and its configuration when asked by the manager. This selection will then be used to start a new optimizer. The full manager is supplied to the selector allowing sophisticated decisions to be designed.



A set of optimizers available to the minimization. Elements may be:

  1. Subclasses or instances of BaseOptimizer.

  2. Tuples of:

    1. BaseOptimizer subclasses (not instances);

    2. Dictionary of kwargs sent to BaseOptimizer.__init__, or None;


Optional function sent to the selector which is called with the manager object as argument. If it returns False the manager will no longer spawn optimizers. See Spawn Control.


>>> DummySelector(OptimizerA(), OptimizerB(setting_a=7))
>>> DummySelector((OptimizerA, None), (OptimizerB, {'setting_a': 7}))

Both of the above are equivalent. The DummySelector above may choose from two optimizers (OptimizerA or OptimizerB). OptimizerA has no special configuration settings. OptimizerB is configured with setting_a = 7 at initialisation.

>>> DummySelector(OptimizerA, allow_spawn=IterSpawnStop(50_000))

In this case the selector will only spawn OptimizerA optimizers but not allow any spawning after 50000 function evaluations.



Function used to control if a new optimizer should be allowed to be created.

avail_optsList[Tuple[Type[BaseOptimizer], Optional[Dict[str, Any]]]]

Set of optimizers and configuration settings available to the optimizer.


logging.Logger instance into which status messages may be added.

abstract select_optimizer(manager, slots_available)[source]

Selects an optimizer to start from the available options.



GloMPOManager instance managing the optimization from which various attributes can be read.


Number of processes/threads the manager is allowed to start according to GloMPOManager.max_jobs and the number of existing threads. GloMPO assumes that the selector will use this parameter to return an optimizer which requires fewer processes/threads than slots_available. If this is not possible then None is returned.


Union[Tuple[Type[BaseOptimizer], Dict[str, Any]], None, bool]

Optimizer class and configuration parameters: Tuple of optimizer class and dictionary of initialisation parameters. Manager will use this to initialise and start a new optimizer.

None is returned when no available optimizer configurations can satisfy the number of worker slots available.

False is a special return which flags that the manager must never try and start another optimizer for the remainder of the optimization.

Spawn Control

As seen above, spawning new optimizers can be stopped without shutting down the entire optimization. This can be used to make sure that functioning optimizers are given time to explore, and function evaluations are not wasted on new optimizers towards the end of an optimization when they will be unlikely to have enough time to develop. GloMPO comes bundled with a couple of simple convenient controllers.

class BaseController[source]

Conditions to stop new optimizers being started even if there are available worker slots.

abstract __call__(mng)[source]

Returns True if the Selector may start a new optimizer, False otherwise. Evaluated everytime the selector is called.

class IterSpawnStop(max_calls)[source]

Controls spawning based on the number of function calls used thus far.



Maximum number of function calls allowed, after which no more optimizers will be started.

class NOptimizersSpawnStop(max_opts)[source]

Controls spawning based on the number of optimizers used thus far.



Maximum number of optimizers allowed, after which no more optimizers will be started.

Included Selectors

For convenience, GloMPO comes bundled with several simple selectors already included.

class ChainSelector(*avail_opts, fcall_thresholds, allow_spawn=None)[source]

Bases: scm.glompo.opt_selectors.baseselector.BaseSelector

Selects the type of optimizer to start based on the number of function evaluations already used. Designed to start different types of optimizers at different stages of the optimization. Selects sequentially from the list of available optimizers based on the number of function evaluations used.



See BaseSelector.


A list of length n-1, where n is the length of avail_opts.

Each element indicates the function evaluation point at which the selector switches to the next type of optimizer in avail_opts.


See BaseSelector.


>>> ChainSelector(OptimizerA, OptimizerB, fcall_thresholds=[1000])

In this case OptimizerA instances will be started in the first 1000 iterations and OptimizerB instances will be started thereafter.

class CycleSelector(*avail_opts, allow_spawn=None)[source]

Bases: scm.glompo.opt_selectors.baseselector.BaseSelector

Cycles through the list of available optimizers. Iterates through the list of available optimizers everytime select_optimizer() is called. When the last element is reached, the selector loops back to the beginning.


>>> selector = CycleSelector(OptimizerA, OptimizerB, OptimizerC)
>>> for i in range(5):
...     selector.select_optimizer(manager, log, 1)
class RandomSelector(*avail_opts, allow_spawn=None)[source]

Bases: scm.glompo.opt_selectors.baseselector.BaseSelector

Randomly selects an optimizer from the available options.