ADF at the DFT2003 conference

Meet us at the SCM booth during the DFT2003 conference, which is held in Brussels from 7-12 September 2003. SCM will be represented by Dr. E. van Lenthe and Dr. S.J.A. van Gisbergen. They will be happy to answer your questions on ADF or demonstrate the most recent modules of the ADF-GUI, such as ADFmovie and ADFspectra.

Several scientists involved in past, present or future ADF developments will be present during the DFT2003 conference, including: Prof. Dr. E.J. Baerends, Prof. Dr. T. Ziegler, Prof. Dr. D.P. Chong, Dr. P.L. de Boeij, Dr. S.J.A. van Gisbergen (SCM), Dr. O.V. Gritsenko, Dr. R. van Leeuwen, Dr. E. van Lenthe (SCM), Dr. O. Quinet, Dr. T.Wesolowski, J.A. Berger, M. van Faassen, M. Gruening, L. Jensen, P. Romaniello


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