Improved ADF-GUI modules – version February 2005


Improved ADF-GUI modules are now available (February 2005). They supersede (and include) the earlier beta releases for the visualization modules ADFview and ADFmovie from September 2004. As this is a new beta version of the ADF-GUI package, the software might have unforeseen side effects, so use it at your own risk.

The functionality has been greatly improved; many users will prefer to use these new versions. If you encounter problems, or if it is unclear to you how to use the new modules, tell us so we can help you out and solve any issues before the ‘normal’ release in ADF2005. Suggestions for improvements or additional features are also welcome.

The installation procedure is straight-forward and basically consists of unpacking a single file to overwrite your current ADF-GUI modules from the ADF2004 distribution.

The improvements include:

  • Higher quality pictures, to be saved in standard graphics file formats
  • Use of OpenGL, enabling faster rotation of 3D pictures, and facilitating remote usage of the ADF-GUI modules
  • New molecule build options in ADFinput (symmetry, fragments, detailed control over angles, bond lengths, ..)
  • Cut planes, transparent surfaces, simultaneous viewing of surface and molecule, …
  • On the fly calculation of visualized properties, enabled by faster DENSF module
  • Export spectra to file, display orbitals and normal modes related to peak in spectrum, ..
  • Added support for SGI-Altix and IBM Power4/5 platforms (in addition to Windows, Linux, Mac OS X)



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