Workshop: fitting force fields, machine learning, rational design of catalysts
COVID-19 Update: The workshop could not take place. We are figuring out when we can organize the workshop virtually or in person.
Original program
From 23-27 March, SCM will host an AutoCheMo workshop in Amsterdam at the VU University. There will be lectures and hands-on sessions.
On Mon 23 + Tue 24 March Toon Verstraelen will discuss force field fitting and Molecular Dynamics.
Tue 24 + Wed 25 March will be about machine learning, with contributions from SCM developers and external speakers.
Thu 26 + Fri 27 will be about advanced chemical bonding analysis and rational design of catalysts (see news item) by the Theoretical Chemistry group of the VU.
Updates on the program will follow in this news item.
You can also follow part of the workshop, according to your interests. With limited spaces available, you should register to secure your spot!