3.5.4. ACErxnNetwork

Class representing a reaction network. It contains a networkx graph, as well as a list of PLAMS Molecule objects for the intermediates

class ACErxnNetwork(reactant=None, products=None, known_intermediates=None, name='acerxn', settings=None)

A class that represents an ACE reaction network

List of constructor arguments:

  • intermediates – Optional list of PLAMS Molecule objects representing the intermediates (vertices) of the network

  • graph – Optional networkx DiGraph object with vertices that match the names of the intermediates (intermediate[i].properties.name)

All information on the reaction network is stored in two instance variables :

  • intermediates – List of PLAMS Molecule objects representing the intermediates (vertices) of the network

  • graph – Networkx DiGraph object with vertices that match the names of the intermediates (intermediate[i].properties.name)

property generator

Get the generator object

static default_settings()

Get the default input settings for an ACErxn computation

generate(jobrunner=None, resultsdir=None)

Generate the network

write(dirname='ams.results', filename='ams.rkf', write_ts=False)

Writes the reaction network to RKF

  • dirname – The name of the folder where the RKF files shoud be written

  • filename – The name of the main RKF file that contains the network data (in the EnergyLandscape section)

  • write_ts – The option to link all connected vertices with a fabricated transition state. May be useful for visualization in AMSMovie

classmethod read(infile, reactant=None)

Read the intermediates and graph from RKF.

  • infile – Can be either a file object, or a file name

  • reactant – A complete Reactant object (including fragment data)

classmethod from_rkf(path)

Load an network from an rkf file in path.

  • path – Can be either the folder containsing all the acerxn result RKF files, or the path to the main ams.rkf file


Return the networkx DiGraph object


Convert the networkx DiGraph object to ACE format

write_graph(path, file_format='ace')

Write the networkx graph to file, in one of the available formats

  • path – The full filename of the main file to be written (‘/path/to/acercn.results/ams.rkf’)

  • file_format – Currently the only option are the original ACE format and RKF (‘ace’,’rkf’)


Check if a networkx DiGraph object has already been created


Check if the intermediates have already been created


Get the intermediates as a list of PLAMS molecules

  • format – One of [‘plams’,’ace’]


Get all paths from reactant to product in the network

get_shortest_paths(targets=None, single=False)

Returns the shortest paths from reactant to products

  • up_to – If set to 1 only the shortest paths are collected. If set to 2 path lengths of 1 higher are also added


For a single path out of the network, get the weights

  • path – Sequence of names for the vertices, representing a path


Uses Yens algorithm to get the n shortest paths from reactant to products


Return a string that represents the path

  • path – List of names for the vertices in the path


Get the subnetwork ACErxnNetwork object for the list of intermediates

  • names – List/iterable of names for the intermediates

store_submolecules_as_intermediate(submols, name)

Find the order of atoms the original product or intermediate, matching the reactant

get_reacted_reactant(reactant, product)

Propagate the reactant to the product along the shortest path between the two

optimize(engine_settings, jobrunner=None)

Optimize the geometries of all intermediates


Read the intermediates and graph from RKF (used by the generator).

  • filename – Accepts either the full path to the main RKF file (‘path/to/acerxn.results/ams.rkf’) or the corresponding folder name (‘path/to/acerxn.results’)


Set the intermediates instance variable (used by the generator)

  • intermediates – List of PLAMS Molecule objects representing the intermediates (vertices) of the network. Each Molecule object must contain a name and an energy in mol.properties.name and mol.properties.energy.


Set the graph instance variable (a networkx DiGraph object) (used by the generator)

  • graph – Networkx DiGraph object with vertices that match the names of the intermediates (intermediate[i].properties.name)


Order a set of paths based on length AND highest energy


Remove incomplete paths

_get_n_shortest_paths(n, source, target)

Uses Yens algorithm to get the n shortest paths from source to target

_get_fake_transitionstates(indices, ts_energy)

Get molecule objects for the fake transition states in elementary reactions


Retrieve the results objects from the intermediate single point calculations

Note: Obsolete