4.2. Train M3GNet with Python


This tutorial is only compatible with ParAMS 2024.1 or later.

This tutorial shows how to

  • Import energy and forces from a trajectory to construct training and validation sets

  • How to split a data set into training and validation sets

  • How to set up a ParAMSJob for training an M3GNet ML potential

  • How to use the trained potential in a new production simulation

To follow along, either

4.2.1. Initial imports

from scm.plams import plot_molecule
import scm.plams as plams
from scm.params import ParAMSJob, ResultsImporter
import glob
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

4.2.2. Initialize PLAMS environment

PLAMS working folder: /path/plams_workdir.010

4.2.3. Run a quick reference MD job for liquid Ar

In this example we generate some simple reference data.

If you

  • already have reference data in the ParAMS .yaml format, then you can skip this step

  • already have reference data in the ASE .xyz or .db format, you can convert it to the ParAMS .yaml format. See the section “Convert ASE format to ParAMS” below

molecule = plams.Molecule(numbers=[18], positions=[(0, 0, 0)])
box = plams.packmol(molecule, n_atoms=32, density=1.4, tolerance=3.0)
reference_engine_settings = plams.Settings()
reference_engine_settings.runscript.nproc = 1
reference_engine_settings.input.ForceField.Type = "UFF"
md_job = plams.AMSNVTJob(
[19.02|16:41:44] JOB uff_md STARTED
[19.02|16:41:44] JOB uff_md RUNNING
[19.02|16:41:46] JOB uff_md FINISHED
[19.02|16:41:46] JOB uff_md SUCCESSFUL

4.2.4. Import reference results with ParAMS ResultsImporter

Here we use the add_trajectory_singlepoints results importer. For more details about usage of the results importers, see the corresponding tutorials.

ri = ResultsImporter(settings={"units": {"energy": "eV", "forces": "eV/angstrom"}})
    md_job.results.rkfpath(), properties=["energy", "forces"]
# feel free to add other trajectories as well:
# ri.add_trajectory_singlepoints(job2.results.rkfpath(), properties=["energy", "forces"])   # etc...

4.2.5. Optional: split into training/validation sets

Machine learning potentials in ParAMS can only be trained if there is both a training set and a validation set.

If you do not specify a validation set, the training set will automatically be split into a training and validation set when the parametrization starts.

Here, we will manually split the data set ourselves.

Let’s first print the information in the current ResultsImporter training set:

def print_data_set_summary(data_set, title):
    number_of_entries = len(data_set)
    jobids = data_set.jobids
    number_of_jobids = len(jobids)
    print(f"    number of entries: {number_of_entries}")
    print(f"    number of jobids: {number_of_jobids}")
    print(f"    jobids: {jobids}")

print_data_set_summary(ri.data_sets["training_set"], "Original training set")
Original training set:
    number of entries: 22
    number of jobids: 11
    jobids: {'uff_md_frame004', 'uff_md_frame007', 'uff_md_frame003', 'uff_md_frame009', 'uff_md_frame001', 'uff_md_frame010', 'uff_md_frame011', 'uff_md_frame006', 'uff_md_frame005', 'uff_md_frame002', 'uff_md_frame008'}

Above, the number of entries is twice the number of jobids because the energy and forces extractors are separate entries.

The energy and force extractors for a given structure (e.g. frame006) must belong to the same data set. For this reason, when doing the split, we call split_by_jobid

training_set, validation_set = ri.data_sets["training_set"].split_by_jobids(
    0.8, 0.2, seed=314
ri.data_sets["training_set"] = training_set
ri.data_sets["validation_set"] = validation_set

print_data_set_summary(ri.data_sets["training_set"], "New training set")
print_data_set_summary(ri.data_sets["validation_set"], "New validation set")
New training set:
    number of entries: 16
    number of jobids: 8
    jobids: {'uff_md_frame004', 'uff_md_frame007', 'uff_md_frame001', 'uff_md_frame010', 'uff_md_frame011', 'uff_md_frame006', 'uff_md_frame005', 'uff_md_frame008'}
New validation set:
    number of entries: 6
    number of jobids: 3
    jobids: {'uff_md_frame009', 'uff_md_frame002', 'uff_md_frame003'}

4.2.6. Store the reference results in ParAMS yaml format

Use ResultsImporter.store() to store all the data in the results importer in the ParAMS .yaml format:

yaml_dir = "yaml_ref_data"
ri.store(yaml_dir, backup=False)

# print the contents of the directory
for x in glob.glob(f"{yaml_dir}/*"):

4.2.7. Set up and run a ParAMSJob for training ML Potentials

See the ParAMS MachineLearning documentation for all available input options.

Training the model may take a few minutes.

job = ParAMSJob.from_yaml(yaml_dir)
job.name = "params_training_ml_potential"
job.settings.input.Task = "MachineLearning"
job.settings.input.MachineLearning.CommitteeSize = 1  # train only a single model
job.settings.input.MachineLearning.MaxEpochs = 200
job.settings.input.MachineLearning.LossCoeffs.Energy = 10
job.settings.input.MachineLearning.Backend = "M3GNet"
job.settings.input.MachineLearning.M3GNet.Model = "UniversalPotential"
job.settings.input.MachineLearning.Target.Forces.Enabled = "No"
job.settings.input.MachineLearning.RunAMSAtEnd = "Yes"
[19.02|16:41:46] JOB params_training_ml_potential STARTED
[19.02|16:41:47] JOB params_training_ml_potential RUNNING
[19.02|16:43:05] JOB params_training_ml_potential FINISHED
[19.02|16:43:05] JOB params_training_ml_potential SUCCESSFUL

4.2.8. Results of the ML potential training

Use job.results.get_running_loss() to get the loss value as a function of epoch:

epoch, training_loss = job.results.get_running_loss(data_set="training_set")
plt.plot(epoch, training_loss)

epoch, validation_loss = job.results.get_running_loss(data_set="validation_set")
plt.plot(epoch, validation_loss)
plt.legend(["training loss", "validation loss"]);

If you set MachineLearning%RunAMSAtEnd (it is on by default), this will run the ML potential through AMS at the end of the fitting procedure, similar to the ParAMS SinglePoint task.

This will give you access to more results, for example the predicted-vs-reference energy and forces for all entries in the training and validation set. Plot them in a scatter plot like this:

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(8, 6))

for i, data_set in enumerate(["training_set", "validation_set"]):
    for j, key in enumerate(["energy", "forces"]):
        dse = job.results.get_data_set_evaluator(data_set=data_set, source="best")
        data = dse.results[key]
        ax = axes[i][j]
        ax.plot(data.reference_values, data.predictions, ".")
        ax.set_xlabel(f"Reference {key} ({data.unit})")
        ax.set_ylabel(f"Predicted {key} ({data.unit})")
        ax.set_title(f"{data_set}\n{key} MAE: {data.mae:.3f} {data.unit}")
        ax.plot([-10, 10], [-10, 10], linewidth=5, zorder=-1, alpha=0.3, c="red")

plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.6, wspace=0.4)

4.2.9. Get the engine settings for production jobs

First, let’s find the path to where the trained m3gnet model resides using get_deployed_model_paths(). This function returns a list of paths to the trained models. In this case we only trained one model, so we access the first element of the list with [0]:


The above is the path we need to give as the ParameterDir input option in the AMS MLPotential engine. For other backends it might instead be the ParameterFile option.

To get the complete engine settings as a PLAMS Settings object, use the method get_production_engine_settings():

production_engine_settings = job.results.get_production_engine_settings()
Engine MLPotential
  Backend M3GNet
  MLDistanceUnit angstrom
  MLEnergyUnit eV
  Model Custom
  ParameterDir /path/plams_workdir.010/params_training_ml_potential/results/optimization/m3gnet/m3gnet

4.2.10. Run a short MD simulation with the trained potential

production_engine_settings.runscript.nproc = 1  # run AMS Driver in serial
new_md_job = plams.AMSNVTJob(
[19.02|16:43:05] JOB production_md STARTED
[19.02|16:43:05] JOB production_md RUNNING
[19.02|16:43:06] production_md: AMS 2024.101  RunTime: Feb19-2024 16:43:06  ShM Nodes: 1  Procs: 1
[19.02|16:43:09] production_md: Starting MD calculation:
[19.02|16:43:09] production_md: --------------------
[19.02|16:43:09] production_md: Molecular Dynamics
[19.02|16:43:09] production_md: --------------------
[19.02|16:43:09] production_md:          Step       Time    Temp.         E Pot        Pressure        Volume
[19.02|16:43:09] production_md:                     (fs)      (K)          (au)           (MPa)         (A^3)
[19.02|16:43:15] production_md:             0       0.00     300.      -0.00672        1048.733        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:22] production_md:           100     100.00     321.      -0.00954        1012.718        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:23] production_md:           200     200.00     429.      -0.02531         767.602        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:24] production_md:           300     300.00     426.      -0.02837         711.698        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:25] production_md:           400     400.00     399.      -0.03125         662.557        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:26] production_md:           500     500.00     348.      -0.03093         644.147        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:27] production_md:           600     600.00     353.      -0.03657         565.845        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:29] production_md:           700     700.00     344.      -0.03776         551.105        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:30] production_md:           800     800.00     286.      -0.03117         626.790        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:31] production_md:           900     900.00     339.      -0.04073         506.237        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:32] production_md:          1000    1000.00     301.      -0.03717         551.572        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:33] production_md:          1100    1100.00     275.      -0.03500         577.683        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:35] production_md:          1200    1200.00     238.      -0.03047         631.733        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:36] production_md:          1300    1300.00     245.      -0.03142         612.209        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:37] production_md:          1400    1400.00     311.      -0.04017         504.817        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:38] production_md:          1500    1500.00     304.      -0.03800         535.856        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:39] production_md:          1600    1600.00     347.      -0.04332         477.234        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:41] production_md:          1700    1700.00     292.      -0.03439         588.510        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:42] production_md:          1800    1800.00     336.      -0.03985         519.023        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:43] production_md:          1900    1900.00     355.      -0.04150         494.800        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:44] production_md:          2000    2000.00     308.      -0.03397         592.684        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:45] production_md:          2100    2100.00     286.      -0.03015         640.617        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:47] production_md:          2200    2200.00     330.      -0.03579         576.298        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:48] production_md:          2300    2300.00     289.      -0.02926         660.011        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:49] production_md:          2400    2400.00     271.      -0.02576         706.577        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:50] production_md:          2500    2500.00     279.      -0.02575         706.968        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:51] production_md:          2600    2600.00     366.      -0.03683         572.873        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:53] production_md:          2700    2700.00     296.      -0.02528         713.662        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:54] production_md:          2800    2800.00     384.      -0.03694         576.549        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:55] production_md:          2900    2900.00     308.      -0.02524         715.799        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:56] production_md:          3000    3000.00     344.      -0.03042         650.214        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:58] production_md:          3100    3100.00     382.      -0.03709         562.505        1516.2
[19.02|16:43:59] production_md:          3200    3200.00     330.      -0.03224         622.792        1516.2
[19.02|16:44:00] production_md:          3300    3300.00     317.      -0.03419         587.394        1516.2
[19.02|16:44:01] production_md:          3400    3400.00     306.      -0.03716         550.667        1516.2
[19.02|16:44:03] production_md:          3500    3500.00     268.      -0.03571         554.507        1516.2
[19.02|16:44:04] production_md:          3600    3600.00     271.      -0.03888         517.396        1516.2
[19.02|16:44:05] production_md:          3700    3700.00     245.      -0.03673         542.417        1516.2
[19.02|16:44:06] production_md:          3800    3800.00     250.      -0.03822         513.941        1516.2
[19.02|16:44:07] production_md:          3900    3900.00     260.      -0.03962         492.656        1516.2
[19.02|16:44:09] production_md:          4000    4000.00     296.      -0.04426         438.362        1516.2
[19.02|16:44:10] production_md:          4100    4100.00     248.      -0.03621         539.500        1516.2
[19.02|16:44:11] production_md:          4200    4200.00     263.      -0.03664         540.215        1516.2
[19.02|16:44:12] production_md:          4300    4300.00     314.      -0.04147         492.505        1516.2
[19.02|16:44:14] production_md:          4400    4400.00     258.      -0.03059         632.648        1516.2
[19.02|16:44:15] production_md:          4500    4500.00     335.      -0.03899         524.327        1516.2
[19.02|16:44:16] production_md:          4600    4600.00     363.      -0.04020         523.632        1516.2
[19.02|16:44:17] production_md:          4700    4700.00     361.      -0.03832         541.232        1516.2
[19.02|16:44:18] production_md:          4800    4800.00     335.      -0.03394         592.030        1516.2
[19.02|16:44:20] production_md:          4900    4900.00     279.      -0.02609         687.931        1516.2
[19.02|16:44:21] production_md:          5000    5000.00     359.      -0.03853         551.643        1516.2
[19.02|16:44:21] production_md: MD calculation finished.
[19.02|16:44:22] production_md: NORMAL TERMINATION
[19.02|16:44:22] JOB production_md FINISHED
[19.02|16:44:22] JOB production_md SUCCESSFUL

4.2.11. Open trajectory file in AMSmovie

With the production trajectory you can run analysis tools in AMSmovie, or access them from Python. See the AMS manual for details.

trajectory_file = new_md_job.results.rkfpath()
!amsmovie "{trajectory_file}"

4.2.12. Finish PLAMS

[19.02|16:44:24] PLAMS run finished. Goodbye