import warnings
import numpy as np
from scm.plams.core.errors import ResultsError
from scm.plams.core.functions import config, log
from scm.plams.core.settings import Settings
from scm.plams.interfaces.adfsuite.scmjob import SCMJob, SCMResults
from import PT
from import Units
__all__ = ["ADFJob", "ADFResults"]
[docs]class ADFResults(SCMResults):
"""A specialized |SCMResults| subclass for accessing the results of |ADFJob|."""
_kfext = ".t21"
_rename_map = {"TAPE{}".format(i): "$JN.t{}".format(i) for i in range(10, 100)}
[docs] def get_properties(self):
Return a dictionary with all the entries from ``Properties`` section in the main KF file (``$JN.t21``).
ret = {}
for sec, var in self._kf:
if sec == "Properties":
ret[var] = self.readkf(sec, var)
return ret
[docs] def get_main_molecule(self):
Return a |Molecule| instance based on the ``Geometry`` section in the main KF file (``$JN.t21``).
For runs with multiple geometries (geometry optimization, transition state search, intrinsic reaction coordinate) this is the **final** geometry. In such a case, to access the initial (or any intermediate) coordinates please use :meth:`get_input_molecule` or extract coordinates from section ``History``, variables ``xyz 1``, ``xyz 2`` and so on. Mind the fact that all coordinates written by ADF to ``History`` section are in bohr and internal atom order::
mol = results.get_molecule(section='History', variable='xyz 1', unit='bohr', internal=True)
return self.get_molecule(section="Geometry", variable="xyz InputOrder", unit="bohr")
[docs] def get_energy(self, unit="au"):
Return final bond energy, expressed in *unit*.
return self._get_single_value("Energy", "Bond Energy", unit)
[docs] def get_dipole_vector(self, unit="au"):
Return the dipole vector, expressed in *unit*.
prop = self.get_properties()
if "Dipole" in prop:
return Units.convert(prop["Dipole"], "au", unit)
raise ResultsError("'Dipole' not present in 'Properties' section of {}".format(self._kfpath()))
[docs] def get_gradients(self, energy_unit="au", dist_unit="bohr", eUnit=None, lUnit=None):
"""get_gradients(energy_unit='au', dist_unit='bohr')
Return the cartesian gradients from the 'Gradients_InputOrder' field of the 'GeoOpt' Section in the kf-file, expressed in given units. Returned value is a numpy array with shape (nAtoms,3).
if eUnit:
"Deprecated Keyword eUnit used in ADFResults.get_gradients, update your script! Overwriting energy_unit with the given argument.",
warnings.warn("eUnit is deprecated, use energy_unit instead.", category=DeprecationWarning)
energy_unit = eUnit
if lUnit:
"Deprecated Keyword lUnit used in ADFResults.get_gradients, update your script! Overwriting energy_unit with the given argument.",
warnings.warn("lUnit is deprecated, use dist_unit instead.", category=DeprecationWarning)
dist_unit = lUnit
gradients = np.array(self.readkf("GeoOpt", "Gradients_InputOrder"))
gradients.shape = (-1, 3)
gradients *= Units.conversion_ratio("au", energy_unit) / Units.conversion_ratio("bohr", dist_unit)
return gradients
[docs] def get_hessian(self):
Try extracting Hessian, either analytical or numerical, whichever is present in the TAPE21 file, in the input order. Returned value is a square numpy array of size 3*nAtoms.
if ("Hessian", "Analytical Hessian") in self._kf:
return self._extract_hessian("Hessian", "Analytical Hessian", True)
if ("Freq", "Hessian_complete") in self._kf:
return self._extract_hessian("Freq", "Hessian_complete", True)
raise ResultsError("auto_hessian: Hessian does not seem to be present in t21 file.")
[docs] def get_energy_decomposition(self, unit="au"):
Return a dictionary with energy decomposition terms, expressed in *unit*.
The following keys are present in the returned dictionary: ``Electrostatic``, ``Kinetic``, ``Coulomb``, ``XC``. The sum of all the values is equal to the value returned by :meth:`get_energy`.
Note that additional contributions might be included, those are up to now: ``Dispersion``.
ret = {}
ret["Electrostatic"] = self._get_single_value("Energy", "Electrostatic Energy", unit)
ret["Kinetic"] = self._get_single_value("Energy", "Kinetic Energy", unit)
ret["Coulomb"] = self._get_single_value("Energy", "Elstat Interaction", unit)
ret["XC"] = self._get_single_value("Energy", "XC Energy", unit)
if ("Energy", "Dispersion Energy") in self._kf:
ret["Dispersion"] = self._get_single_value("Energy", "Dispersion Energy", unit)
return ret
[docs] def get_frequencies(self, unit="cm^-1"):
Return a numpy array of vibrational frequencies, expressed in *unit*.
freqs = np.array(self.readkf("Freq", "Frequencies"))
return freqs * Units.conversion_ratio("cm^-1", unit)
[docs] def get_timings(self):
Return a dictionary with timing statistics of the job execution. Returned dictionary contains keys ``cpu``, ``system`` and ``elapsed``. The values are corresponding timings, expressed in seconds.
last = self.grep_output(" Total Used : ")[-1].split()
ret = {}
ret["elapsed"] = float(last[-1])
ret["system"] = float(last[-3])
ret["cpu"] = float(last[-5])
return ret
[docs] def _int2inp(self):
Get mapping from the internal atom order to the input atom order.
aoi = self.readkf("Geometry", "atom order index")
n = len(aoi) // 2
return aoi[:n]
[docs] def recreate_molecule(self):
"""Recreate the input molecule for the corresponding job based on files present in the job folder. This method is used by |load_external|."""
if self._kfpresent():
return self.get_input_molecule()
return None
[docs] def recreate_settings(self):
"""Recreate the input |Settings| instance for the corresponding job based on files present in the job folder. This method is used by |load_external|."""
if self._kfpresent():
if ("General", "Input") in self._kf:
tmp = self.readkf("General", "Input")
user_input = "\n".join([tmp[i : 160 + i].rstrip() for i in range(0, len(tmp), 160)])
user_input = self.readkf("General", "user input")
from scm.plams.interfaces.adfsuite.inputparser import InputParserFacade
inp = InputParserFacade().to_settings("adf", user_input)
log("Failed to recreate input settings from {}".format(self._kf.path), 5)
return None
s = Settings()
s.input = inp
del s.input.atoms
return s
return None
class ADFJob(SCMJob):
_result_type = ADFResults
_command = "adf"
def _serialize_mol(self):
for i, atom in enumerate(self.molecule):
smb = self._atom_symbol(atom)
suffix = ""
if "adf" in and "fragment" in
suffix += "f={fragment} "
if "adf" in and "block" in
suffix += "b={block}"
self.settings.input.atoms["_" + str(i + 1)] = ("{:>5}".format(i + 1)) + atom.str(
symbol=smb, suffix=suffix,
def _remove_mol(self):
if "atoms" in self.settings.input:
del self.settings.input.atoms