Source code for scm.plams.interfaces.adfsuite.ase_calculator

"""Implementation of the AMSPipeCalculator class.


from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np

from scm.plams.core.functions import config
from scm.plams.core.settings import Settings
from scm.plams.interfaces.adfsuite.ams import AMSJob
from scm.plams.interfaces.adfsuite.amsworker import AMSWorker
from scm.plams.interfaces.molecule.ase import fromASE, toASE

__all__ = ["AMSCalculator", "BasePropertyExtractor"]

    from ase.calculators.calculator import Calculator, all_changes
    from ase.units import Bohr, Hartree
except ImportError:
    # empty interface if ase does not exist:
    __all__ = []

    class Calculator:
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            raise NotImplementedError("AMSCalculator can not be used without ASE")

    all_changes = []
    Hartree = Bohr = 0

class BasePropertyExtractor:
    def __call__(self, ams_results, atoms):
        return self.extract(ams_results, atoms)

    def extract(self, ams_result, atoms):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def set_settings(self, settings):

    def check_settings(self, settings):
        return True

class EnergyExtractor(BasePropertyExtractor):
    name = "energy"

    def extract(self, ams_results, atoms):
        return ams_results.get_energy() * Hartree

def canonicalize_string(possible_string):
        return possible_string.lower().strip()
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):
        return possible_string

def is_ams_true(value):
    return canonicalize_string(value) in [True, "true", "yes"]

def is_ams_false(value):
    return not is_ams_true(value)

class ForceExtractor(BasePropertyExtractor):
    name = "forces"

    def extract(self, ams_results, atoms):
        return -ams_results.get_gradients() * Hartree / Bohr

    def set_settings(self, settings):
        settings.input.ams.Properties.Gradients = "Yes"
        return settings

    def check_settings(self, settings):
        return is_ams_true(settings.copy().input.ams.Properties.Gradients)

class StressExtractor(BasePropertyExtractor):
    name = "stress"

    def extract(self, ams_results, atoms):
        D = sum(atoms.get_pbc())
        if isinstance(atoms.get_pbc(), bool):
            D *= 3
        st = ams_results.get_stresstensor() * Hartree / Bohr**D
        xx, yy, zz, yz, xz, xy = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        if D >= 1:
            xx = st[0][0]
            if D >= 2:
                yy = st[1][1]
                xy = st[0][1]
                if D >= 3:
                    zz = st[2][2]
                    yz = st[1][2]
                    xz = st[0][2]
        return np.array([xx, yy, zz, yz, xz, xy])

    def set_settings(self, settings):
        settings.input.ams.Properties.StressTensor = "Yes"
        return settings

    def check_settings(self, settings):
        return is_ams_true(settings.copy().input.ams.Properties.StressTensor)

[docs]class AMSCalculator(Calculator): """ ASE Calculator which can run any AMS engine (ADF, BAND, DFTB, ReaxFF, MLPotential, ForceField, ...). The settings are specified with a PLAMS ``Settings`` object in the same way as when running AMS through PLAMS. .. important:: Before initializing the AMSCalculator you need to call ``plams.init()``: .. code-block:: python from scm.plams import * init() Parameters: settings : Settings A Settings object representing the input for an AMSJob or AMSWorker. This also determines which `implemented_properties` are available: ``: `force` ``: `stress` name : str, optional Name of the rundir of calculations done by this calculator. A counter is appended to the name for every calculation. amsworker : bool , optional If True, use the AMSWorker to set up an interactive session. The AMSWorker will spawn a seperate process (an amsdriver). In order to make sure this process is closed, either use AMSCalculator as a context manager or ensure that AMSCalculator.stop_worker() is called before python is finished: .. code-block:: python with AMSCalculator(settings=settings, amsworker=True) as calc: atoms.set_calculator(calc) atoms.get_potential_energy() If False, use AMSJob to set up an io session (a normal AMS calculation storing all output on disk). restart : bool , optional Allow the engine to restart based on previous calculations. molecule : Molecule , optional A Molecule object for which the calculation has to be performed. If settings.input.ams.system is defined it overrides the molecule argument. If AMSCalculator.calculate(atoms = atoms) is called with an atoms argument it overrides any earlier definition of the system and remembers it. extractors: List[BasePropertyExtractor] , optional Define extractors for additional properties. Examples: """ # counters are a dict as a class variable. This is to support deepcopying/multiple instances with the same name _counter = {}
[docs] def __new__(cls, settings=None, name="", amsworker=False, restart=True, molecule=None, extractors=[]): """Dispatch object creation to AMSPipeCalculator or AMSJobCalculator depending on |amsworker|""" if cls == AMSCalculator: if amsworker: obj = object.__new__(AMSPipeCalculator) else: obj = object.__new__(AMSJobCalculator) else: obj = object.__new__(cls) return obj
def __init__(self, settings=None, name="", amsworker=False, restart=True, molecule=None, extractors=[]): if not isinstance(settings, Settings): settings = Settings.from_dict(settings) else: settings = settings.copy() self.settings = settings.copy() self.amsworker = amsworker = name self.restart = restart self.molecule = molecule extractors = settings.pop("Extractors", []) self.extractors = [EnergyExtractor(), ForceExtractor(), StressExtractor()] self.extractors += [e for e in extractors if not e in self.extractors] if "system" in self.settings.input.ams: mol_dict = AMSJob.settings_to_mol(settings) atoms = toASE(mol_dict[""]) if mol_dict else None elif molecule: atoms = toASE(molecule) else: atoms = None super().__init__() self.atoms = atoms self.prev_ams_results = None self.results = dict() self.properties_updated = False @property def counter(self): # this is needed for deepcopy/pickling etc if not in self._counter: self.set_counter() self._counter[] += 1 return self._counter[] def set_counter(self, value=0): self._counter[] = value @property def implemented_properties(self): """Returns the list of properties that this calculator has implemented""" return [ for extractor in self.extractors if extractor.check_settings(self.settings)]
[docs] def calculate(self, atoms=None, properties=["energy"], system_changes=all_changes): """Calculate the requested properties. If atoms is not set, it will reuse the last known Atoms object.""" if atoms is not None: # no need to redo the calculation, we already have everything. if ( self.atoms == atoms and system_changes == [] and all([p in self.results for p in properties]) and not self.properties_updated ): return self.atoms = atoms.copy() self.properties_updated = False if self.atoms is None: raise ValueError("No atoms object was set.") if not config.init: raise RuntimeError("Before AMSCalculator can calculate results you need to call plams.init()") molecule = fromASE(self.atoms, set_charge=True) ams_results = self._get_ams_results(molecule, properties) if not ams_results.ok(): self.results = dict() return self.results_from_ams_results(ams_results, self._get_job_settings(properties)) self.prev_ams_results = ams_results
[docs] def ensure_property(self, properties): """A list of ASE properties that the calculator will ensure are available from AMS or it gives an error.""" if isinstance(properties, str): properties = [properties] for prop in properties: property_found = False for extractor in self.extractors: if prop == self.settings = extractor.set_settings(self.settings.copy()) self.properties_updated = True property_found = True if not property_found: raise NotImplementedError(f"No extractor known for property {prop}")
def results_from_ams_results(self, ams_results, job_settings): """Populates the self.results dictionary by having extractors act on an AMSResults object.""" for extractor in self.extractors: if extractor.check_settings(job_settings): self.results[] = extractor.extract(ams_results, self.atoms) def _get_ams_results(self, molecule, properties): raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses of AMSCalculator should implement this") def _get_job_settings(self, properties): """Returns a Settings object which ensures that an AMS calculation is run from which all requested properties can be extracted""" return self.settings.copy()
[docs] def stop_worker(self): """Stops the amsworker if it exists""" if hasattr(self, "worker") and self.worker: stop = self.worker.stop() self.worker = None return stop else: # this is what AMSWorker.stop() would return if it was already stopped previously self.worker = None return (None, None)
[docs] def clean_exit(self): """Function called by ASEPipeWorker to tell the Calculator to stop and clean up""" self.stop_worker()
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.stop_worker() @property def amsresults(self): if hasattr(self, "prev_ams_results"): return self.prev_ams_results
class AMSPipeCalculator(AMSCalculator): """This class should be instantiated through AMSCalculator with settings.Calculator.Pipe defined""" def __init__(self, settings=None, name="", amsworker=True, restart=True, molecule=None, extractors=[]): super().__init__(settings, name, amsworker, restart, molecule, extractors) self.worker_settings = self.settings.copy() if "Task" in self.worker_settings.input.ams: del self.worker_settings.input.ams.Task if "Properties" in self.worker_settings.input.ams: del self.worker_settings.input.ams.Properties self.worker = None def _get_ams_results(self, molecule, properties): job_settings = self._get_job_settings(properties) if self.worker is None: self.worker = AMSWorker(self.worker_settings, use_restart_cache=self.restart) # AMSWorker expects no engine definition at this point. s = Settings() s.input.ams = job_settings.input.ams if "amsworker" in job_settings: s.amsworker = job_settings.amsworker s.amsworker.prev_results = self.prev_ams_results job_settings = s # run the worker from _solve_from_settings return self.worker._solve_from_settings( + str(self.counter), molecule=molecule, settings=job_settings ) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """The AMSWorker instance is not copied, but instead, all the copies use the same worker""" memo[id(self.worker)] = self.worker try: this_method = self.__deepcopy__ self.__deepcopy__ = None copy = deepcopy(self, memo) self.__deepcopy__ = this_method return copy except Exception as e: self.__deepcopy__ = this_method raise e class AMSJobCalculator(AMSCalculator): """This class should be instantiated through AMSCalculator with settings.Calculator.AMSJob defined""" def _get_ams_results(self, molecule, properties): job_settings = self._get_job_settings(properties) if self.restart and self.prev_ams_results: job_settings.input.ams.EngineRestart = self.prev_ams_results.rkfpath(file="engine") return AMSJob( + str(self.counter), molecule=molecule, settings=job_settings).run()