import os
from os.path import join as opj
import numpy as np
from scm.plams.core.basejob import SingleJob
from scm.plams.core.errors import FileError, JobError, PlamsError, ResultsError
from scm.plams.core.functions import log, parse_heredoc
from scm.plams.core.private import sha256
from scm.plams.core.results import Results
from scm.plams.core.settings import Settings
from scm.plams.mol.atom import Atom
from scm.plams.mol.molecule import Molecule
from import KFFile
from import Units
[docs]class SCMResults(Results):
"""Abstract class gathering common mechanisms for results of ADF Suite programs."""
_kfext = ""
[docs] def collect(self):
"""Collect files present in the job folder. Use parent method from |Results|, then create an instance of |KFFile| for the main KF file and store it as ``_kf`` attribute."""
kfname = + self.__class__._kfext
if kfname in self.files:
self._kf = KFFile(opj(self.job.path, kfname))
log("WARNING: Main KF file {} not present in {}".format(kfname, self.job.path), 1)
[docs] def refresh(self):
"""Refresh the contents of ``files`` list. Use parent method from |Results|, then look at all attributes that are instances of |KFFile| and check if they point to existing files. If not, try to reinstantiate them with current job path (that can happen while loading a pickled job after the entire job folder was moved)."""
to_remove = []
for attr, val in self.__dict__.items():
if isinstance(val, KFFile) and os.path.dirname(val.path) != self.job.path:
guessnewpath = opj(self.job.path, os.path.basename(val.path))
if os.path.isfile(guessnewpath):
self.__dict__[attr] = KFFile(guessnewpath)
for i in to_remove:
del self.__dict__[i]
[docs] def readkf(self, section, variable):
"""readkf(section, variable)
Read data from *section*/*variable* of the main KF file.
The type of the returned value depends on the type of *variable* defined inside KF file. It can be: single int, list of ints, single float, list of floats, single boolean, list of booleans or string.
if self._kfpresent():
return, variable)
raise FileError("File {} not present in {}".format( + self.__class__._kfext, self.job.path))
[docs] def newkf(self, filename):
Create new |KFFile| instance using file *filename* in the job folder.
Example usage::
>>> res =
>>> tape13 = res.newkf('$JN.t13')
>>> print('Geometry', 'xyz'))
filename = filename.replace("$JN",
if filename in self.files:
return KFFile(opj(self.job.path, filename))
raise FileError("File {} not present in {}".format(filename, self.job.path))
[docs] def get_properties(self):
Return a dictionary with all the entries from ``Properties`` section in the main KF file.
n = self.readkf("Properties", "nEntries")
ret = {}
for i in range(1, n + 1):
tp = self.readkf("Properties", "Type({})".format(i)).strip()
stp = self.readkf("Properties", "Subtype({})".format(i)).strip()
val = self.readkf("Properties", "Value({})".format(i))
key = stp if stp.endswith(tp) else ("{} {}".format(stp, tp) if stp else tp)
ret[key] = val
return ret
[docs] def get_molecule(self, section, variable, unit="bohr", internal=False, n=1):
"""get_molecule(section, variable, unit='bohr', internal=False, n=1)
Read molecule coordinates from *section*/*variable* of the main KF file.
Returned |Molecule| instance is created by copying a molecule from associated |SCMJob| instance and updating atomic coordinates with values read from *section*/*variable*. The format in which coordinates are stored is not consistent for all programs or even for different sections of the same KF file. Sometimes coordinates are stored in bohr, sometimes in angstrom. The order of atoms can be either input order or internal order. These settings can be adjusted with *unit* and *internal* parameters. Some variables store more than one geometry, in those cases *n* can be used to choose the preferred one.
atnums = self._atomic_numbers_input_order()
natoms = len(atnums)
coords = self.readkf(section, variable)
coords = [coords[i : i + 3] for i in range(0, len(coords), 3)]
if len(coords) > natoms:
if len(coords) < n * natoms:
raise ResultsError(
"get_molecule() failed. Not enough data in {}%{} to extract geometry no {}".format(
section, variable, n
coords = coords[(n - 1) * natoms : n * natoms]
if internal:
mapping = self._int2inp()
coords = [coords[mapping[i] - 1] for i in range(len(coords))]
ret = Molecule()
for z, crd in zip(atnums, coords):
ret.add_atom(Atom(atnum=z, coords=crd, unit=unit))
return ret
[docs] def _get_single_value(self, section, variable, output_unit, native_unit="au"):
"""_get_single_value(section, variable, output_unit, native_unit='au')
A small method template for all the single number "get_something()" methods extracting data from main KF file. Returned value is converted from *native_unit* to *output_unit*.
if self._kfpresent() and (section, variable) in self._kf:
return Units.convert(self.readkf(section, variable), native_unit, output_unit)
raise ResultsError("'{}%{}' not present in {}".format(section, variable, self._kfpath()))
[docs] def kfpath(self):
Return the absolute path to the main KF file.
return self._kfpath()
[docs] def _kfpath(self):
Return the absolute path to the main KF file.
return opj(self.job.path, + self.__class__._kfext)
[docs] def _kfpresent(self):
Check if this instance has a valid ``_kf`` attribute.
return hasattr(self, "_kf") and isinstance(self._kf, KFFile)
[docs] def _export_attribute(self, attr, other):
"""_export_attribute(attr, other)
If *attr* is a KF file take care of a proper path. Otherwise use parent method. See :meth:`Results._copy_to<scm.plams.core.results.Results._copy_to>` for details.
if isinstance(attr, KFFile):
oldname = os.path.basename(attr.path)
newname = Results._replace_job_name(oldname,,
newpath = opj(other.job.path, newname)
return KFFile(newpath) if os.path.isfile(newpath) else None
return Results._export_attribute(self, attr, other)
[docs] def _int2inp(self):
Obtain mapping from internal atom order to the input one. Abstract method.
raise PlamsError("Trying to run an abstract method SCMResults._int2inp()")
[docs] def readarray(self, section: str, subsection: str, **kwargs) -> "np.ndarray":
"""Read data from *section*/*subsection* of the main KF file and return as NumPy array.
All additional provided keyword arguments will be passed onto the numpy.array_ function.
.. _numpy.array:
return np.array(self.readkf(section, subsection), **kwargs)
[docs]class SCMJob(SingleJob):
"""Abstract class gathering common mechanisms for jobs with ADF Suite programs."""
_result_type = SCMResults
_top = ["title", "units", "define"]
_command = ""
_json_definitions = _command
_subblock_end = "subend"
_legacy = ["band", "dftb", "uff"]
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs):
SingleJob.__init__(self, **kwargs)
if self.__class__._command in self.__class__._legacy:
"LEGACY WARNING: Job {} uses executable '{}' which is not present in AMS2018. Please use AMSJob (unless you're running an older version of ADFSuite)".format(, self.__class__._command
[docs] def get_runscript(self):
"""Generate a runscript. Returned string is of the form::
$AMSBIN/name [-n nproc] < [>jobname.out]
``name`` is taken from the class attribute ``_command``. ``-n`` flag is added if ``settings.runscript.nproc`` exists. ``[>jobname.out]`` is used based on ``settings.runscript.stdout_redirect``.
s = self.settings.runscript
ret = "$AMSBIN/" + self._command
if "nproc" in s:
ret += " -n " + str(s.nproc)
ret += ' <"{}"'.format(self._filename("inp"))
if s.stdout_redirect:
ret += ' >"{}"'.format(self._filename("out"))
ret += "\n\n"
return ret
[docs] def check(self):
"""Check if ``termination status`` variable from ``General`` section of main KF file equals ``NORMAL TERMINATION``."""
status = self.results.readkf("General", "termination status")
return False
if "NORMAL TERMINATION" in status:
if "errors" in status:
log("Job {} reported errors. Please check the output".format(, 1)
return False
if "warnings" in status:
log("Job {} reported warnings. Please check the output".format(, 1)
return True
return False
[docs] def _serialize_mol(self):
"""Process |Molecule| instance stored in ``molecule`` attribute and add it as relevant entries of ``settings.input`` branch. Abstract method."""
raise PlamsError("Trying to run an abstract method SCMJob._serialize_mol()")
[docs] def _remove_mol(self):
"""Remove from ``settings.input`` all entries added by :meth:`_serialize_mol`. Abstract method."""
raise PlamsError("Trying to run an abstract method SCMJob._remove_mol()")
[docs] @staticmethod
def _atom_symbol(atom):
"""Return the atomic symbol of *atom*. Ensure proper formatting for ADFSuite input taking into account ``ghost`` and ``name`` entries in ``properties`` of *atom*."""
smb = atom.symbol
if "ghost" in and
smb = ("Gh." + smb).rstrip(".")
if "name" in
smb = (smb + "." + str(".")
return smb
[docs] @staticmethod
def settings_to_mol(s: Settings) -> None:
"""An abstract method for extracting molecules from input settings (see :meth:`SCMJob.from_inputfile`)."""
return None