Source code for

from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from typing import List

import numpy as np
from scm.plams.core.basejob import MultiJob
from scm.plams.core.results import Results
from scm.plams.interfaces.adfsuite.amsanalysis import AMSAnalysisJob, AMSAnalysisResults
from import Units

__all__ = ["AMSRDFJob", "AMSMSDJob", "AMSMSDResults", "AMSVACFJob", "AMSVACFResults"]

class AMSConvenientAnalysisJob(AMSAnalysisJob):
    def __init__(self, previous_job, atom_indices=None, **kwargs):  # needs to be finished
        previous_job: AMSJob
            An AMSJob with an MD trajectory. Note that the trajectory should have been equilibrated before it starts.

        All other settings can be set as for AMS

        AMSAnalysisJob.__init__(self, **kwargs)

        self.previous_job = previous_job
        self.atom_indices = atom_indices

    def _get_max_dt_frames(self, max_correlation_time_fs):
        if max_correlation_time_fs is None:
            return None

        historylength = self.previous_job.results.readrkf("History", "nEntries")
        max_dt_frames = int(max_correlation_time_fs / self.previous_job.results.get_time_step())
        max_dt_frames = min(max_dt_frames, historylength // 2)
        return max_dt_frames

    def _parent_prerun(self, section):

        # use previously run previous_job
        assert self.previous_job.status != "created", "You can only pass in a finished AMSJob"

        self.settings.input.TrajectoryInfo.Trajectory.KFFileName = self.previous_job.results.rkfpath()
        if self.atom_indices and self._parent_write_atoms:
            self.settings.input[section].Atoms.Atom = self.atom_indices

class AMSMSDResults(AMSAnalysisResults):
    """Results class for AMSMSDJob"""

    def get_msd(self):
        returns time [fs], msd [ang^2]
        msd_xy = self.get_xy()
        time = np.array(msd_xy.x[0])  # fs
        y = np.array(msd_xy.y) * Units.convert(1.0, "bohr", "angstrom") ** 2

        return time, y

    def get_linear_fit(self, start_time_fit_fs=None, end_time_fit_fs=None):
        Fits the MSD between start_time_fit_fs and end_time_fit_fs

        Returns a 3-tuple LinRegress.result, fit_x (fs), fit_y (ang^2)

        result.slope is given in ang^2/fs

        from scipy.stats import linregress

        time, y = self.get_msd()
        end_time_fit_fs = end_time_fit_fs or max(time)
        start_time_fit_fs = start_time_fit_fs or self.job.start_time_fit_fs

        if start_time_fit_fs >= end_time_fit_fs:
            start_time_fit_fs = end_time_fit_fs / 2

        y = y[time >= start_time_fit_fs]
        time = time[time >= start_time_fit_fs]
        y = y[time <= end_time_fit_fs]
        time = time[time <= end_time_fit_fs]

        result = linregress(time, y)
        fit_x = time
        fit_y = result.slope * fit_x + result.intercept

        return result, fit_x, fit_y

    def get_diffusion_coefficient(self, start_time_fit_fs=None, end_time_fit_fs=None):
        Returns D in m^2/s
        result, _, _ = self.get_linear_fit(start_time_fit_fs=start_time_fit_fs, end_time_fit_fs=end_time_fit_fs)
        D = result.slope * 1e-20 / (6 * 1e-15)  # convert from ang^2/fs to m^2/s, divide by 6 because 3-dimensional (2d)
        return D

[docs]class AMSMSDJob(AMSConvenientAnalysisJob): """A convenient class wrapping around the trajectory analysis MSD tool""" _result_type = AMSMSDResults _parent_write_atoms = True
[docs] def __init__( self, previous_job, # needs to be finished max_correlation_time_fs: float = 10000, start_time_fit_fs: float = 2000, atom_indices: List[int] = None, **kwargs, ): """ previous_job: AMSJob An AMSJob with an MD trajectory. Note that the trajectory should have been equilibrated before it starts. max_correlation_time_fs: float Maximum correlation time in femtoseconds start_time_fit_fs : float Smallest correlation time for the linear fit atom_indices : List[int] If None, use all atoms. Otherwise use the specified atom indices (starting with 1) kwargs: dict Other options to AMSAnalysisJob """ AMSConvenientAnalysisJob.__init__(self, previous_job=previous_job, atom_indices=atom_indices, **kwargs) self.max_correlation_time_fs = max_correlation_time_fs self.start_time_fit_fs = start_time_fit_fs
[docs] def prerun(self): # noqa F811 """ Constructs the final settings """ self._parent_prerun("MeanSquareDisplacement") # trajectory and atom_indices handled max_dt_frames = self._get_max_dt_frames(self.max_correlation_time_fs) self.settings.input.Task = "MeanSquareDisplacement" self.settings.input.MeanSquareDisplacement.Property = "DiffusionCoefficient" self.settings.input.MeanSquareDisplacement.StartTimeSlope = self.start_time_fit_fs self.settings.input.MeanSquareDisplacement.MaxFrame = max_dt_frames
[docs] def postrun(self): """ Creates msd.txt, fit_msd.txt, and D.txt """ time, msd = self.results.get_msd() with open(self.path + "/msd.txt", "w") as f: f.write("#Time(fs) MSD(ang^2)") for x, y in zip(time, msd): f.write(f"{x} {y}\n") _, fit_x, fit_y = self.results.get_linear_fit() with open(self.path + "/fit_msd.txt", "w") as f: f.write("#Time(fs), LinearFitToMSD(ang^2)") for x, y in zip(fit_x, fit_y): f.write(f"{x} {y}\n") D = self.results.get_diffusion_coefficient() with open(self.path + "/D.txt", "w") as f: f.write(f"{D}\n")
class AMSVACFResults(AMSAnalysisResults): """Results class for AMSVACFJob""" def get_vacf(self): xy = self.get_xy() time = np.array(xy.x[0]) # fs y = np.array(xy.y) return time, y def get_power_spectrum(self, max_freq=None): max_freq = max_freq or self.job.max_freq or 5000 xy = self.get_xy("Spectrum") freq = np.array(xy.x[0]) y = np.array(xy.y) y = y[freq < max_freq] freq = freq[freq < max_freq] return freq, y def get_acf(self): return self.get_vacf() def get_spectrum(self, max_freq=None): return self.get_power_spectrum(max_freq=max_freq)
[docs]class AMSVACFJob(AMSConvenientAnalysisJob): """A class for calculating the velocity autocorrelation function and its power spectrum""" _result_type = AMSVACFResults _parent_write_atoms = True
[docs] def __init__( self, previous_job, # needs to be finished max_correlation_time_fs=5000, # fs max_freq=5000, # cm^-1 atom_indices=None, **kwargs, ): """ previous_job: AMSJob An AMSJob with an MD trajectory. Note that the trajectory should have been equilibrated before it starts. max_correlation_time_fs: float Maximum correlation time in femtoseconds max_freq: float The maximum frequency for the power spectrum in cm^-1 atom_indices: List[int] Atom indices (starting with 1). If None, use all atoms. """ AMSConvenientAnalysisJob.__init__(self, previous_job=previous_job, atom_indices=atom_indices, **kwargs) self.max_correlation_time_fs = max_correlation_time_fs self.max_freq = max_freq
[docs] def prerun(self): # noqa F811 """ Creates final settings """ self._parent_prerun("AutoCorrelation") # trajectory and atom_indices handled max_dt_frames = self._get_max_dt_frames(self.max_correlation_time_fs) self.settings.input.Task = "AutoCorrelation" self.settings.input.AutoCorrelation.Property = "Velocities" self.settings.input.AutoCorrelation.MaxFrame = max_dt_frames
[docs] def postrun(self): """ Creates vacf.txt and power_spectrum.txt """ try: time, vacf = self.results.get_vacf() with open(self.path + "/vacf.txt", "w") as f: f.write("#Time(fs) VACF") for x, y in zip(time, vacf): f.write(f"{x} {y}\n") freq, intens = self.results.get_power_spectrum() with open(self.path + "/power_spectrum.txt", "w") as f: f.write("#Frequency(cm^-1) Intensity(arb.units)") for x, y in zip(freq, intens): f.write(f"{x} {y}\n") except: pass
class AMSDipoleDerivativeACFResults(AMSAnalysisResults): """Results class for AMSVACFJob""" def get_acf(self): xy = self.get_xy() time = np.array(xy.x[0]) # fs y = np.array(xy.y) return time, y def get_ir_spectrum(self, max_freq=None): max_freq = max_freq or self.job.max_freq or 5000 xy = self.get_xy("Spectrum") freq = np.array(xy.x[0]) y = np.array(xy.y) y = y[freq < max_freq] freq = freq[freq < max_freq] return freq, y def get_spectrum(self, max_freq=None): return self.get_ir_spectrum(max_freq=max_freq) class AMSDipoleDerivativeACFJob(AMSConvenientAnalysisJob): """A class for calculating the velocity autocorrelation function and its power spectrum""" _result_type = AMSDipoleDerivativeACFResults _parent_write_atoms = True def __init__( self, previous_job, # needs to be finished max_correlation_time_fs=5000, # fs max_freq=5000, # cm^-1 atom_indices=None, **kwargs, ): """ previous_job: AMSJob An AMSJob with an MD trajectory. Note that the trajectory should have been equilibrated before it starts. max_correlation_time_fs: float Maximum correlation time in femtoseconds max_freq: float The maximum frequency for the power spectrum in cm^-1 atom_indices: List[int] Atom indices (starting with 1). If None, use all atoms. """ AMSConvenientAnalysisJob.__init__(self, previous_job=previous_job, atom_indices=atom_indices, **kwargs) self.max_correlation_time_fs = max_correlation_time_fs self.max_freq = max_freq def prerun(self): # noqa F811 """ Creates final settings """ self._parent_prerun("AutoCorrelation") # trajectory and atom_indices handled max_dt_frames = self._get_max_dt_frames(self.max_correlation_time_fs) self.settings.input.Task = "AutoCorrelation" self.settings.input.AutoCorrelation.Property = "DipoleDerivativeFromCharges" self.settings.input.AutoCorrelation.MaxFrame = max_dt_frames def postrun(self): """ Creates dipolederivativeacf.txt and ir_spectrum.txt """ try: time, acf = self.results.get_acf() with open(self.path + "/dipolederivativeacf.txt", "w") as f: f.write("#Time(fs) DipoleDerivativeACF") for x, y in zip(time, acf): f.write(f"{x} {y}\n") freq, intens = self.results.get_ir_spectrum() with open(self.path + "/ir_spectrum.txt", "w") as f: f.write("#Frequency(cm^-1) Intensity(arb.units)") for x, y in zip(freq, intens): f.write(f"{x} {y}\n") except: pass class AMSRDFResults(AMSAnalysisResults): """Results class for AMSRDFJob""" def get_rdf(self): """ Returns a 2-tuple r, rdf. r: numpy array of float (angstrom) rdf: numpy array of float """ xy = self.get_xy() r = np.array(xy.x[0]) y = np.array(xy.y) return r, y
[docs]class AMSRDFJob(AMSConvenientAnalysisJob): _result_type = AMSRDFResults _parent_write_atoms = False
[docs] def __init__(self, previous_job, atom_indices=None, atom_indices_to=None, rmin=0.5, rmax=6.0, rstep=0.1, **kwargs): """ previous_job: AMSJob AMSJob with finished MD trajectory. atom_indices: List[int] Atom indices (starting with 1). If None, calculate RDF *from* all atoms. atom_indices_to: List[int] Atom indices (starting with 1). If None, calculate RDF *to* all atoms. rmin: float Minimum distance (angstrom) rmax: float Maximum distance (angstrom) rstep: float Bin width for the histogram (angstrom) """ AMSConvenientAnalysisJob.__init__(self, previous_job=previous_job, atom_indices=atom_indices, **kwargs) self.atom_indices_to = atom_indices_to self.rmin = rmin self.rmax = rmax self.rstep = rstep
[docs] def prerun(self): # noqa F811 """ Creates the final settings. Do not call or override this method. """ self._parent_prerun("RadialDistribution") self.settings.input.Task = "RadialDistribution" main_mol = self.previous_job.results.get_main_molecule() if not self.atom_indices: self.atom_indices = list(range(1, len(main_mol) + 1)) if not self.atom_indices_to: self.atom_indices_to = list(range(1, len(main_mol) + 1)) self.settings.input.RadialDistribution.AtomsFrom.Atom = self.atom_indices self.settings.input.RadialDistribution.AtomsTo.Atom = self.atom_indices_to self.settings.input.RadialDistribution.Range = f"{self.rmin} {self.rmax} {self.rstep}"
[docs] def postrun(self): """ Creates rdf.txt. Do not call or override this method. """ try: r, gr = self.results.get_rdf() with open(self.path + "/rdf.txt", "w") as f: f.write("#r(angstrom) g(r)") for x, y in zip(r, gr): f.write(f"{x} {y}\n") except: pass
class AMSConvenientAnalysisPerRegionResults(Results): def _getter(self, analysis_job_type, method, kwargs): assert ( self.job.analysis_job_type is analysis_job_type ), f"{method}() can only be called for {analysis_job_type}, tried for type {self.job.analysis_job_type}" ret = {} for name, job in self.job.children.items(): ret[name] = getattr(job.results, method)(**kwargs) return ret def get_diffusion_coefficient(self, **kwargs): return self._getter(AMSMSDJob, "get_diffusion_coefficient", kwargs) def get_msd(self, **kwargs): return self._getter(AMSMSDJob, "get_msd", kwargs) def get_linear_fit(self, **kwargs): return self._getter(AMSMSDJob, "get_linear_fit", kwargs) def get_vacf(self, **kwargs): return self._getter(AMSVACFJob, "get_vacf", kwargs) def get_power_spectrum(self, **kwargs): return self._getter(AMSVACFJob, "get_power_spectrum", kwargs) class AMSConvenientAnalysisPerRegionJob(MultiJob): _result_type = AMSConvenientAnalysisPerRegionResults def __init__(self, previous_job, analysis_job_type, name=None, regions=None, per_element=False, **kwargs): MultiJob.__init__(self, children=OrderedDict(), name=name or "analysis_per_region") self.previous_job = previous_job self.analysis_job_type = analysis_job_type self.analysis_job_kwargs = kwargs self.regions_dict = regions self.per_element = per_element @staticmethod def get_regions_dict(molecule, per_element: bool = False): regions_dict = defaultdict(lambda: []) for i, at in enumerate(molecule, 1): regions = set([]) if isinstance(, str) else if len(regions) == 0: region_name = "NoRegion" if not per_element else f"NoRegion_{at.symbol}" regions_dict[region_name].append(i) for region in regions: region_name = region if not per_element else f"{region}_{at.symbol}" regions_dict[region_name].append(i) regions_dict["All"].append(i) if per_element: regions_dict[f"All_{at.symbol}"].append(i) return regions_dict def prerun(self): # noqa F811 regions_dict = self.regions_dict or self.get_regions_dict( self.previous_job.results.get_main_molecule(), per_element=self.per_element ) for region in regions_dict: self.children[region] = self.analysis_job_type( previous_job=self.previous_job, name=region, atom_indices=regions_dict[region], **self.analysis_job_kwargs, ) @staticmethod def get_mean_std_per_region(list_of_jobs, function_name, **kwargs): """ list_of_jobs: List[AMSConvenientAnalysisPerRegionJob] List of jobs over which to average function_name: str e.g. 'get_msd', 'get_power_spectrum' """ if isinstance(list_of_jobs, dict): list_of_jobs = [x for x in list_of_jobs.values()] all_x = defaultdict(lambda: []) all_y = defaultdict(lambda: []) for vacfjob in list_of_jobs: # let's calculate mean and std for each region results_dict = getattr(vacfjob.results, function_name)(**kwargs) for region_name, ret_value in results_dict.items(): if np.isscalar(ret_value): all_x[region_name].append(np.atleast_1d(ret_value)) elif len(ret_value) == 2: all_x[region_name].append(np.atleast_1d(ret_value[0])) all_y[region_name].append(np.atleast_1d(ret_value[1])) mean_x = {} std_x = {} mean_y = {} std_y = {} for region_name, values in all_x.items(): mean_x[region_name] = np.mean(values, axis=0) std_x[region_name] = np.std(values, axis=0) if len(all_y) > 0: mean_y[region_name] = np.mean(all_y[region_name], axis=0) std_y[region_name] = np.std(all_y[region_name], axis=0) if len(mean_y) > 0: return mean_x, std_x, mean_y, std_y else: return mean_x, std_x