Extract frames from ams.rkf trajectory¶
Example usage: (Download MoleculesFromRKFTrajectory.py
#!/usr/bin/env amspython
from scm.plams import *
Script to get and print the first 5 frames as PLAMS Molecules
from an ams.rkf trajectory.
The script also shows how to print a speciic frame, frame 23.
Set the correct path to ams.rkf below, and then run as
$AMSBIN/amspython MoleculesFromRKFTrajectory.py
def main():
job = AMSJob.load_external("ams.rkf") # modify to give the path to the ams.rkf file
trajectory = Trajectory(job.results.rkfpath())
for i, mol in enumerate(trajectory, 1):
print(f"frame {i}")
print(mol) # mol is a PLAMS Molecule
if i == 5:
print("Extracting specific molecule")
mol = job.results.get_history_molecule(23)
print("Frame 23")
if __name__ == "__main__":