ADF 2012 hands-on workshops in Germany, October 2012

Two-day workshop Jülich, 22+23 October 2012

On Mon 22 and Tue 23 October, Dr. Fedor Goumans and ADF developers will give a two-day hands-on workshop at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre. Attendees will familiarize themselves with the excellent graphical user interface, and learn how to set up queues to submit jobs to JUROPA and analyze the results locally. Advanced examples will be run on JUROPA on the second day, and specialized topics will be discussed according to the interest of the attendees.

The two-day Jülich workshop is open to all academics. Please register with Dr. Florian Janetzko, as instructed on the Jülich website to participate.

Program for the two-day Jülich workshop.

One-day workshop München, 24 October 2012

On Tue 24 October, Dr. Fedor Goumans will give a workshop at the Leibniz-Rechenzentrum at the University of Garching campus, near München. Please register at the LRZ website to attend. Following an overview of the ADF 2012 suite, there is a three-hour hands-on session to try out our software. Attendees will get a three-month license to further try out our software.


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