ADF2012 presented at seminars in the US March 2012
To present our ADF2012 release Dr. Stan van Gisbergen and Dr. Fedor Goumans will make a short stop-over at the East Coast before the Spring 2012 ACS meeting and Stan will visit CalTech afterwards.
- Tue 20 March, 2-4 pm: Brookhaven National Lab, Upton, New York
- Wed 21 March, 10am-12pm: Graduate Center City University New York, Room 9205
- Thu 22 March: private industrial site visits
- Fri 23 March, 10am-11.30am: University of Delaware, 219 Brown Lab, Dep. of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Sun 25 – Tue 27 March: Spring 2012 ACS meeting, San Diego (booth 606)
- Wed 28 March, noon: room 115, Beckman Institute, CalTech, Pasadena CA
We cordially invite all people with a general interest in computational chemistry, including current users, to attend one of the seminars or visit us at the ACS, to learn about the new features and capabilities of the recent ADF2012 release of our suite of chemical modeling software.