Dr. Pelmenschikov joins SCM for user support, documentation, marketing…

SCM is happy to announce a further extension of its scientific staff. Dr. Vladimir Pelmenschikov has signed up with SCM for a full-time position starting May 19, 2008. His primary tasks will focus on the further improvement of the user experience with the SCM software.

This will involve many aspects, from technical and marketing related writing (documentation, tutorials, web site, brochures) to working through case studies, assisting in user support, and scientific programming.

Dr. Pelmenschikov obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Stockholm with Prof. Siegbahn, studying enzyme reaction mechanisms by DFT. He has then been a postdoc in the group of Dr. Case and Dr. Noodleman at the Scripps Research Institute, San Diego, modeling spectroscopic properties of metalloprotein active sites. Dr. Pelmenschikov has experience with various electronic structure codes, both as developer and user, and performed advanced ADF applications during his postdoctoral period. His experience will strengthen our team in the area of ADF applications to biological systems.


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