Dr. Stefano Borini joins SCM

Today, SCM’s developer group has been further extended. Dr. Stefano Borini has joined us as a full-time developer.

Stefano Borini obtained his Ph.D. in quantum chemistry at Ferrara University, Italy and Université Sabatier, Toulouse, France. He possesses both academic and industrial experience in many different countries and laboratories, with focus on scientific software development for chemistry, nanotechnology and bioinformatics. Dr. Borini’s expertise is in chemical data exchange and interoperability, code refactoring, databases, evaluation of optical properties in polymers and theoretical ab-initio techniques.

At SCM Stefano will be involved with the EU-subsidized multi-year QUASINANO project with Prof. Heine’s group at Jacobs University in Bremen, which focuses on development of quantum methods for nanoscale systems. We welcome Dr. Borini to Amsterdam, and are happy to have him as part of the SCM team!


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