Nestor Aguirre joins SCM

The SCM team gladly welcomes Dr. Nestor Aguirre, who joined us in Amsterdam at the end of 2019.

After finishing his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in theoretical chemistry at the National University of Colombia, Nestor got a fellowship to pursue his Ph.D. at the National Research Council in Spain. He worked as a postdoctoral research associate at the Autonomous University of Madrid, before moving to the Los Alamos National Laboratory as a postdoctoral research associate, where a was also awarded a Glenn T. Seaborg fellowship.

During his study, Ph.D., and post-docs Nestor has worked on many different quantum chemical and molecular modeling topics, such as molecular similarity, nuclear quantum effects, weak interactions, collision-induced fragmentation, high-order harmonic generation, global optimization, and parameter optimization.

With such a wide range of expertise and interest, Nestor is well posed to work on the integration of the atomistic, meso-scale, and continuum scale methods for the multi-scale chemical reactor simulation platform developed by the ReaxPro consortium. He already made a great start with interfacing AMS to the EON package for long time scale atomistic simulations.


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