SCM at ACS, MQM and DFT conferences
Fedor will be present with the SCM booth at the ACS conference in April (New Orleans), MQM conference in June (Lugano) and DFT conference in September (Durham). Come learn about ADF2013!
ACS New Orleans
Dr. Fedor Goumans will be the main person staffing the SCM booth, 305, at the ACS Spring meeting in New Orleans. The exposition is from April 7th to April 9th. Come talk to us about the upcoming ADF 2013 release!
Fedor will also visit a few sites in the US before and after the ACS meeting. One presentation is open to the public: Livermore Valley Open Campus on Fri April 12th, 3-4 pm.
MQM and DFT 2013 meetings
Later this year, Fedor will be representing SCM at the MQM2013 meeting in Lugano, 2-7 June, and DFT2013. If you are attending either of these meetings, please come and learn about the latest features in ADF2013!