SCM at TechConnect Boston

ReaxPro, the recent H2020 EU project led by SCM, aims to bring together atomistic, mesoscale, and macroscale simulation tools into a platform for multiscale modeling of reactive materials and processes.

We are proud to announce our selection as a 2019 TechConnect Innovation Awardee (top 15%).  Our technology will be featured at the 2019 TechConnect World Conference June 17-19, in Boston, MA, US.

Come talk to Fedor at booth 4T about all things chemistry & materials modeling. Also check out the ReaxPro innovation pitch in the Advanced Materials Innovation Spotlights session from 3.15-4.10 pm on Tuesday 18 June, room 303.

On Wednesday at 11.20am, room 304, Fedor will present ongoing efforts to include machine learning in the Amsterdam Modeling Suite on behalf of Matti Hellström, working on accurate and transferable reactive neural network potentials (MaLeR EU Project).

We hope to see you in Boston!


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