Special Issue of the Canadian Journal of Chemistry: Tom Ziegler

In July of 2009 the Canadian Journal of Chemistry published the first of two special issues dedicated to Professor Tom Ziegler. Two tributes to Professor Ziegler, entitled, “From Copenhagen to Calgary” and “DFT – Das Future Tool” have been made freely available by the journal. These tributes chronicle his rapid rise from a graduate student at the University of Calgary to a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Theoretical Chemistry.

Professor Ziegler has been a pioneer in the development of density functional theory as a practical tool since early in his career, and he worked closely with Professor E.J. Baerends at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam on the beginning of what was to become the Amsterdam Density Functional program. His work on the development of the ADF program continues to this day. We congratulate Tom on this honor and wish him continued success in the advancement of chemistry.


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