Source code for scm.glompo.core.checkpointing

import re
from copy import copy
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union

from ...plams.core.settings import Settings

__all__ = ("CheckpointingControl",)

[docs]class CheckpointingControl: """Class to set up and control the checkpointing behaviour of the :class:`.GloMPOManager`. This class has limited functionality and is mainly a container for various settings. The initialisation arguments match the class attributes of the same name. :Attributes: checkpoint_at_conv : bool If ``True`` a checkpoint is built just before the manager exists. checkpoint_at_init : bool If ``True`` a checkpoint is built at the very start of the optimization. This can make starting duplicate jobs easier. checkpoint_iter_interval : float Number of function evaluations between checkpoints being saved to disk during an optimization. Function call based checkpointing not performed if this parameter is not provided. checkpoint_time_interval : float Number of seconds between checkpoints being saved to disk during an optimization. Time based checkpointing not performed if this parameter is not provided. checkpointing_dir : Union[pathlib.Path, str] Directory in which checkpoints are saved. Defaults to ``'checkpoints'`` .. important:: This path is always converted to an absolute path, if a relative path is provided it will be relative to the current working directory when this object is created. There is no relation to :class:`GloMPOManager.working_dir <.GloMPOManager>`. count : int Counter for checkpoint naming patterns which rely on incrementing filenames. Count starts from the largest existing match in ``checkpointing_dir`` or zero otherwise. Formatted to 3 digits. force_task_save : bool Some tasks may pickle successfully but fail to load properly, if this is an issue then setting this parameter to ``True`` will cause the manager to bypass the pickle task step and immediately attempt the :meth:`~.BaseFunction.checkpoint_save` method. keep_past : int The number of checkpoints retained when a new checkpoint is made. Any older ones are deleted. Default is -1 which performs no deletion. ``keep_past = 0`` retains no previous results, only the newly constructed checkpoint will exist. .. note:: #. GloMPO will only count the directories in ``checkpointing_dir`` and matching the supplied ``naming_format``. #. Existing checkpoints will only be deleted if the new checkpoint is successfully constructed. naming_format : str Convention used to name the checkpoints. Special keys that can be used: =================== ====================== Naming Format Key Checkpoint Name Result =================== ====================== ``'%(date)'`` Current calendar date in YYYYMMDD format ``'%(year)'`` Year formatted to YYYY ``'%(yr)'`` Year formatted to YY ``'%(month)'`` Numerical month formatted to MM ``'%(day)'`` Calendar day of the month formatted to DD ``'%(time)'`` Current calendar time formatted to HHMMSS (24-hour style) ``'%(hour)'`` Hour formatted to HH (24-hour style) ``'%(min)'`` Minutes formatted to MM ``'%(sec)'`` Seconds formatted to SS ``'%(count)'`` Index count of the number of checkpoints constructed. =================== ====================== raise_checkpoint_fail : bool If ``True`` a failed checkpoint will cause the manager to end the optimization in error. Note, that GloMPO will always write out some data when it terminates. This can be a way of preserving data if the checkpoint fails. If ``False`` an error in constructing a checkpoint will simply raise a warning and pass. """ def __init__( self, checkpoint_time_interval: float = float("inf"), checkpoint_iter_interval: float = float("inf"), checkpoint_at_init: bool = False, checkpoint_at_conv: bool = False, raise_checkpoint_fail: bool = False, force_task_save: bool = False, keep_past: int = -1, naming_format: str = "glompo_checkpoint_%(date)_%(time)", checkpointing_dir: Union[Path, str] = "checkpoints", ): self.checkpoint_time_interval = checkpoint_time_interval self.checkpoint_iter_interval = checkpoint_iter_interval self.checkpoint_at_init = checkpoint_at_init self.checkpoint_at_conv = checkpoint_at_conv self.checkpointing_dir = Path(checkpointing_dir).resolve() self.raise_checkpoint_fail = bool(raise_checkpoint_fail) self.force_task_save = bool(force_task_save) self.keep_past = keep_past self.naming_format = naming_format self.count = None codes = { "%[(]date[)]": 8, "%[(]year[)]": 4, "%[(]yr[)]": 2, "%[(]month[)]": 2, "%[(]day[)]": 2, "%[(]time[)]": 6, "%[(]hour[)]": 2, "%[(]min[)]": 2, "%[(]sec[)]": 2, } format_re = list(copy(self.naming_format)) for i, char in enumerate(format_re): if any([char == c for c in ("{", "(", "+", "*", "|", ".", "$", ")", "}")]): format_re[i] = f"[{char}]" if any([char == c for c in ("^", "[", "]")]): format_re[i] = rf"\{char}" format_re = "".join(format_re) for key, digits in codes.items(): format_re = format_re.replace(key, f"[0-9]{{{digits}}}") format_re = format_re.replace("%[(]count[)]", "(?P<index>[0-9]{3})") self._naming_format_re = format_re def __amssettings__(self, s: Settings) -> Settings: iter_freq = self.checkpoint_iter_interval if self.checkpoint_iter_interval < float("inf") else -1 time_freq = self.checkpoint_time_interval if self.checkpoint_time_interval < float("inf") else -1 s.input.ams.CheckpointControl.AtEnd = self.checkpoint_at_conv s.input.ams.CheckpointControl.AtInitialisation = self.checkpoint_at_init s.input.ams.CheckpointControl.EveryFunctionCalls = iter_freq s.input.ams.CheckpointControl.EverySeconds = time_freq s.input.ams.CheckpointControl.RaiseFail = self.raise_checkpoint_fail s.input.ams.CheckpointControl.KeepPast = self.keep_past s.input.ams.CheckpointControl.NamingFormat = self.naming_format s.input.ams.CheckpointControl.CheckpointingDirectory = self.checkpointing_dir return s @property def any_true(self) -> bool: """Returns ``True`` if at least one of the four checkpointing conditions is set to produce checkpoints.""" return ( self.checkpoint_at_init or self.checkpoint_at_conv or self.checkpoint_iter_interval < float("inf") or self.checkpoint_time_interval < float("inf") )
[docs] def get_name(self) -> str: """Returns a new name for a checkpoint matching the naming format.""" time = name = copy(self.naming_format) codes = { "%(date)": "%Y%m%d", "%(year)": "%Y", "%(yr)": "%y", "%(month)": "%m", "%(day)": "%d", "%(time)": "%H%M%S", "%(hour)": "%H", "%(min)": "%M", "%(sec)": "%S", } for key, val in codes.items(): name = name.replace(key, time.strftime(val)) if self.checkpointing_dir.exists(): max_index = -1 matches = [re.match(self._naming_format_re, for folder in self.checkpointing_dir.iterdir()] for match in matches: if match and match.lastgroup == "index": i = int("index")) max_index = i if i > max_index else max_index self.count = max_index + 1 else: self.count = 0 name = name.replace("%(count)", f"{self.count:03}") self.count += 1 return name
[docs] def matches_naming_format(self, name: str) -> bool: """Returns ``True`` if the provided name matches the pattern in the ``naming_format``.""" return bool(re.match(self._naming_format_re, name))