Source code for scm.glompo.core.manager

""" Contains GloMPO's main user interface class. """

import sys
from collections import deque
from time import time

import copy
import getpass
import logging
import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np
import queue
import random
import shutil
import socket
import string
import tables as tb
import tarfile
import tempfile
import traceback
import warnings
import yaml
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from multiprocessing.managers import SyncManager
from pathlib import Path
from pickle import PickleError
from typing import Callable, Deque, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Union

    import dill

    HAS_DILL = True
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    HAS_DILL = False

    from yaml import CDumper as Dumper
except ImportError:
    from yaml import Dumper

    import psutil

    HAS_PSUTIL = psutil.version_info >= (5, 6, 2)
except (ModuleNotFoundError, TypeError):
    HAS_PSUTIL = False

from scm.plams.core.settings import Settings
from scm.params.core.input_parser import amssettings, amsinput
from scm.params.core.logger import Logger

from ._backends import ChunkingQueue, CustomThread, ThreadPrintRedirect
from .optimizerlogger import BaseLogger, FileLogger
from ..common.helpers import (
from ..common.namedtuples import Bound, IterationResult, OptimizerPackage, ProcessPackage, Result, OptimizerCheckpoint
from ..common.wrappers import process_print_redirect
from ..exitconditions import BaseExitCondition, StopsAfterConvergence, MaxTotalFunctionCalls
from ..generators import BaseGenerator, RandomGenerator
from ..stoppers import BaseStopper
from ..opt_selectors.baseselector import BaseSelector
from ..optimizers.baseoptimizer import BaseOptimizer
from .checkpointing import CheckpointingControl
from .. import __version__

__all__ = ("GloMPOManager",)

[docs]class GloMPOManager: """Provides the main interface to GloMPO. The manager runs the optimization and produces all the output. The manager is not initialised directly with its settings (``__init__`` accepts no arguments). Either use :meth:`setup` to build a new optimization or :meth:`load_checkpoint` to resume an optimization from a previously saved checkpoint file. Alternatively, class methods :meth:`new_manager` and :meth:`load_manager` are also provided. Two equivalent ways to set up a new manager are shown below:: manager = GloMPOManager() manager.setup(...) manager = GloMPOManager.new_manager(...) :Attributes: aggressive_stop If ``True`` and ``proc_backend`` is ``True``, child processes are forcibly terminated via ``SIGTERM``. Otherwise, a termination message is sent to the optimizer to shut itself down. allow_forced_terminations : bool ``True`` if the manager is allowed to force terminate optimizers which appear non-responsive (i.e. do not provide feedback within a specified period of time). apply_stoppers_to_best : bool If ``True``, :ref:`Stoppers` will also be applied to the best optimizer and possible shut it down. bounds : Sequence[:class:`.Bound`] (Min, max) tuples for each parameter being optimized beyond which optimizers will not explore. checkpoint_control : :class:`.CheckpointingControl` GloMPO object containing all checkpointing settings if this feature is being used. checkpoint_history : Set[str] Set of names of checkpoints constructed by the manager. conv_counter : int Count of the number of optimizers which converged according to their own configuration (as opposed to being terminated by the manager). converged : bool ``True`` if the ``exit_conditions`` have been met, or no new optimizers can be started. cpu_history : List[float] History of CPU percentage usage snapshots (taken every ``status_interval`` seconds). This is the CPU percentage used only by the process and its children not the load on the whole system. dt_ends : List[:class:`datetime.datetime`] Records the end of each optimization session for a problem optimized through several checkpoints. dt_starts : List[:class:`datetime.datetime`] Records the start of each optimization session for a problem optimized through several checkpoints. end_timeout : float Amount of time the manager will wait to join child processes before forcibly terminating them (if children are processes) or allowing them to eventually crash out themselves (if children are threads). The latter is not recommended as essentially these threads can become orphaned and continue to use resources in the background. exit_conditions : :class:`.BaseExitCondition` GloMPO object which evaluates whether conditions are met for overall manager termination. f_counter : int Number of times the optimization task has been evaluated. is_log_detailed : bool If ``True`` optimizers will attempt to call a task's :meth:`~.BaseFunction.detailed_call` method and save the expanded return to the log. last_iter_checkpoint : int ``f_counter`` of last attempted checkpoint (regardless of success or failure) last_opt_spawn : Tuple[int, int] Tuple of ``f_counter`` and ``o_counter`` at which the last child optimizer was started. last_status : float Timestamp when the last logging status message was printed. last_stopcheck : int Evaluation number at which the last evaluation of the ``stoppers`` was executed. last_time_checkpoint : float Timestamp of last attempted checkpoint (regardless of success or failure) load_history : List[Tuple[float, float, float]] History of system load snapshots (taken every ``status_interval`` seconds). This is a system-wide value, not tied to the specific process. logger : :class:`logging.Logger` GloMPO has built-in logging to allow tracking during an optimization (see :ref:`Logging Messages`). This attribute accesses the manager logger object. max_jobs : int Maximum number of calculation 'slots' used by all the child optimizers. This generally equates to the number of processing cores available which the child optimizers may fill with threads or processes depending on their configuration. Alternatively, each child optimizer may work serially and take one of these slots. mem_history : List[float] History of memory usage snapshots (taken every ``status_interval`` seconds). Details memory used by the process and its children. n_parms : int Dimensionality of the optimization problem. o_counter : int Number of optimizers started. opt_crashed : bool ``True`` if any child optimizer crashed during its execution. opt_log : :class:`.BaseLogger` GloMPO object collecting the entire iteration history and metadata of the manager's children. opt_selector : :class:`.BaseSelector` Object which returns an optimizer class and its configuration when requested by the manager. Can be based on previous results delivered by other optimizers. optimizer_queue : :class:`queue.Queue` Common concurrency tool into which all results are paced by child optimizers. opts_daemonic : bool ``True`` if manager children are spawned as daemons. Default is ``True`` but can be set to ``False`` if double process layers are needed (see :ref:`Parallelism` for more details). overwrite_existing : bool ``True`` if any old files detected in the working directory maybe be deleted when the optimization run begins. proc_backend : bool ``True`` if the manager children are spawned as processes, ``False`` if they are spawned as threads. result : :class:`.Result` Incumbent best solution found by any child optimizer. share_best_solutions : bool If ``True`` the manager will send iteration information about the best ever seen solution to all its children whenever this is updated. spawning_opts : bool ``True`` if the manager is allowed to create new children. The manager will shut down if all children terminate and this is ``False``. See :ref:`Spawn Control` for more details. split_printstreams : bool ``True`` if the printstreams for children are redirected to individual files (see :ref:`Outputs`). status_interval : float Interval (in seconds) with which a status message is produced for the logger. stopcheck_counter : int Count of the number of times the manager has evaluated ``stoppers`` in an attempt to terminate one of its children. stopcheck_interval : int Interval (in terms of number of function evaluations) between evaluations of the Stoppers. stopped_opts : Dict[int, float] Mapping of manager-stopped optimizer ID numbers and timestamps when they were terminated. stoppers : :class:`.BaseStopper` GloMPO object which evaluates whether an optimizer meets its conditions to be terminated early. summary_files : int Logging level indicating how much information is saved to disk. See :meth:`setup`. t_end : float Timestamp of the ending time of an optimization run. t_start : float Timestamp of the starting time of an optimization run. t_used : float Total time in seconds used by *previous* optimization runs. This will be zero unless the manager has been loaded from a checkpoint. task : Callable[[Sequence[float]], float] Function being minimize by the optimizers. working_dir : :class:`pathlib.Path` Working directory in which all output files and directories are created. Note, the manager does not change the current working directory during the run. x0_generator : :class:`.BaseGenerator` GloMPO object which returns a starting location for a new child optimizer. Can be based on previous results delivered by other optimizers. """ @property def is_initialised(self) -> bool: """Returns ``True`` if this :class:`GloMPOManager` instance has been initialised. Multiple initialisations are not allowed. """ return self._is_restart is not None
[docs] @classmethod def new_manager(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> "GloMPOManager": """Class method wrapper around :meth:`setup` to directly initialise a new manager instance.""" manager = cls() manager.setup(*args, **kwargs) return manager
[docs] @classmethod def load_manager(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> "GloMPOManager": """Class method wrapper around :meth:`load_checkpoint` to directly initialise a manager from a checkpoint.""" manager = cls() manager.load_checkpoint(*args, **kwargs) return manager
# noinspection PyTypeChecker def __init__(self): # Filter Warnings warnings.simplefilter("always", UserWarning) warnings.simplefilter("always", RuntimeWarning) self._is_restart: bool = None self.logger = logging.getLogger("glompo.manager") self.working_dir: Path = None SyncManager.register("ChunkingQueue", ChunkingQueue) self._mp_manager = mp.Manager() # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences self.optimizer_queue: ChunkingQueue = self._mp_manager.ChunkingQueue(10, 10) yaml.add_representer(LiteralWrapper, literal_presenter, Dumper=Dumper) yaml.add_representer(FlowList, flow_presenter, Dumper=Dumper) yaml.add_representer(np.ndarray, numpy_array_presenter, Dumper=Dumper) yaml.add_representer(BoundGroup, bound_group_presenter, Dumper=Dumper) yaml.add_multi_representer(np.generic, numpy_dtype_presenter, Dumper=Dumper) yaml.add_multi_representer(BaseSelector, optimizer_selector_presenter, Dumper=Dumper) yaml.add_multi_representer(BaseGenerator, generator_presenter, Dumper=Dumper) yaml.add_multi_representer(object, unknown_object_presenter, Dumper=Dumper) self.task: Callable[[Sequence[float]], float] = None self.opt_selector: BaseSelector = None self.bounds: Sequence[Bound] = None self.n_parms: int = None self.max_jobs: int = None self.exit_conditions: BaseExitCondition = None self.x0_generator: BaseGenerator = None self.stoppers: BaseStopper = None self.result = Result(None, None, None, None) self.t_start: float = None # Session start time self.t_end: float = None # Session end time self.t_used: float = 0 # Time used during previous sessions if loading from checkpoint self.dt_starts: List[datetime] = [] self.dt_ends: List[datetime] = [] self.converged: bool = None self.opt_crashed: bool = None self.end_timeout: float = None self.o_counter = 0 self.f_counter = 0 self.last_stopcheck = 0 self.conv_counter = 0 self.stopcheck_counter = 0 self.last_status = 0 self.last_opt_spawn = (0, 0) self.last_time_checkpoint = 0 self.last_iter_checkpoint = 0 self.checkpoint_history: Set[str] = set() self._checkpoint_iter_history: Deque[int] = None # Call IDs of existing checkpoints self._process: Optional["psutil.Process"] = psutil.Process() self.cpu_history: List[float] = [] self.mem_history: List[float] = [] self.load_history: List[Tuple[float, float, float]] = [] self.stopped_opts: Dict[int, float] = {} # opt_ids of stopped jobs and timestamps when the signal was sent self._optimizer_packs: Dict[int, ProcessPackage] = {} # Dictionary of living or recently living optimizers. self._graveyard: Set[int] = set() self._last_feedback: Dict[int, float] = {} self._opt_checkpoints: Dict[int, OptimizerCheckpoint] = {} # Type & slots of every opt for checkpt loading self.allow_forced_terminations: bool = None self.aggressive_stop: bool = None self._too_long: float = None self.summary_files: int = None self.is_log_detailed: bool = None self.split_printstreams: bool = None self.overwrite_existing: bool = None self.stopcheck_interval: int = None self.apply_stoppers_to_best: bool = None self.spawning_opts: bool = None self.share_best_solutions: bool = None self.status_interval: float = None self.checkpoint_control: CheckpointingControl = None self.opt_log: BaseLogger = None # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences self._in_params = False self._params_logger: Logger = None # Special Logger instance automatically plugged-in by ParAMS self.proc_backend: bool = None self.opts_daemonic: bool = None self._checksum: str = None # Used to match checkpoint to log file def __amssettings__(self, s: Settings) -> Settings: s.input.ams.Task = "Optimization" s.input.ams.ResultsDirectory = self.working_dir s.input.ams.DataSet = [amssettings(loss_evaluator).input.ams.DataSet for loss_evaluator in self.task.data_sets] s = amssettings(self._params_logger, s) s.input.ams.Optimizer = [ amssettings(opt(**kwargs)).input.ams.Optimizer for opt, kwargs in self.opt_selector.avail_opts ] s = amssettings(self.task.data_sets[0].parallel, s) s = amssettings(self.task.data_sets[0].scaler, s) s = amssettings(self.opt_selector, s) s = amssettings(self.exit_conditions, s) s = amssettings(self.x0_generator, s) if self.stoppers: s = amssettings(self.stoppers, s) if self.checkpoint_control: s = amssettings(self.checkpoint_control, s) else: s = amssettings(CheckpointingControl(), s) s.input.ams.ShareBestEvaluationBetweenOptimizers = self.share_best_solutions s.input.ams.CheckStopperInterval = self.stopcheck_interval s.input.ams.ApplyStoppersToBestOptimizer = self.apply_stoppers_to_best s.input.ams.PrintStatusInterval = self.status_interval s.input.ams.GlompoSummaryFiles = self.summary_files s.input.ams.EndTimeout = self.end_timeout s.input.ams.SplitPrintstreams = self.split_printstreams return s
[docs] def setup( self, task: Callable[[Sequence[float]], float], bounds: Sequence[Tuple[float, float]], opt_selector: BaseSelector, working_dir: Union[Path, str] = ".", overwrite_existing: bool = False, max_jobs: Optional[int] = None, backend: str = "processes", exit_conditions: Optional[BaseExitCondition] = None, x0_generator: Optional[BaseGenerator] = None, stoppers: Optional[BaseStopper] = None, share_best_solutions: bool = False, stopcheck_interval: int = 100, apply_stoppers_to_best: bool = False, status_interval: int = 600, checkpoint_control: Optional[CheckpointingControl] = None, summary_files: int = 0, is_log_detailed: bool = False, force_terminations_after: int = -1, aggressive_stop: bool = False, end_timeout: Optional[int] = None, split_printstreams: bool = True, ): """Generates the environment for a new globally managed parallel optimization job. :Parameters: task Function to be minimized. Accepts a 1D sequence of parameter values and returns a single value. bounds Sequence of tuples of the form (min, max) limiting the range of each parameter. opt_selector Selection criteria for new optimizers. working_dir If provided, GloMPO wil redirect its outputs to the given directory. overwrite_existing If ``True``, GloMPO will overwrite existing files if any are found in the ``working_dir`` otherwise it will raise a :exc:`FileExistsError` if these results are detected. max_jobs The maximum number of threads the manager may create. Defaults to one less than the number of CPUs available to the system. backend Indicates the form of parallelism used by the optimizers. Accepts: ``'processes'``: Optimizers spawned as :class:`multiprocessing.Process` ``'threads'``: Optimizers spawned as :class:`threading.Thread` ``'processes_forced'``: **Strongly discouraged**, optimizers spawned as :class:`multiprocessing.Process` and are themselves allowed to spawn :class:`multiprocessing.Process` for function evaluations. See :ref:`Parallelism` for more details on this topic. exit_conditions Criteria used to determine when the job should exit. x0_generator An instance of a subclass of :class:`.BaseGenerator` which produces starting points for the optimizer. If not provided, :class:`.RandomGenerator` is used. stoppers :class:`.BaseStopper` criteria used for stopping optimizers. share_best_solutions If ``True`` the manager will send the best ever seen solution to all its children whenever this is updated. stopcheck_interval The number of function calls between successive attempts to evaluate optimizer performance and determine if they should be terminated. apply_stoppers_to_best If ``True``, ``stoppers`` are also applied to the best optimizer. Otherwise, it will not be affected by them. status_interval Interval (in seconds) with which status messages are logged. checkpoint_control If provided, the manager will use checkpointing during the optimization. summary_files Indicates what information the user would like saved to disk. Higher values also save all lower level information: 0. Nothing is saved. 1. YAML file with summary info about the optimization settings, performance and the result. 2. PNG file showing the trajectories of the optimizers. 3. HDF5 file containing iteration history for each optimizer. is_log_detailed If ``True`` the optimizers will call :meth:`task.detailed_call <scm.glompo.core.function.BaseFunction.detailed_call>` and record the expanded return in the logs. Otherwise, optimizers will use :meth:`task.__call__ <scm.glompo.core.function.BaseFunction.__call__>`. force_terminations_after If a value larger than zero is provided then GloMPO is allowed to force terminate optimizers that have either not provided results in the provided number of seconds or optimizers which were sent a stop signal have not shut themselves down within the provided number of seconds. aggressive_stop Ignored if ``backend`` is ``'threads'``. If ``True``, child processes are forcibly terminated via ``SIGTERM``. Else a termination message is sent to the optimizer to shut itself down. The latter option is preferred and safer, but there may be circumstances where child optimizers cannot handle such messages and have to be forcibly terminated. end_timeout The amount of time the manager will wait trying to smoothly join each child optimizer at the end of the run. Defaults to 10 seconds. split_printstreams If ``True``, optimizer print messages will be intercepted and saved to separate files. See :class:`.SplitOptimizerLogs` :Notes: #. To be process-safe ``task`` must be a standalone function which makes no modifications outside itself. If this is not the case it is likely you would need to use a threaded ``backend``. #. Do not use ``bounds`` to fix a parameter value as this will raise an error. Rather fix parameter values within the ``task``. #. An optimizer will not be started if the number of slots it requires (i.e. :class:`.BaseOptimizer` ``workers``) will cause the total number of occupied slots to exceed ``max_jobs``, even if the manager is currently managing fewer than the number of jobs available. In other words, if the manager has registered a total of 30 of 32 slots filled, it will not start an optimizer that requires 3 or more slots. #. Checkpointing requires the use of the `dill <>`_ package for serialisation. If you attempt to checkpoint or supply ``checkpointing_controls`` without this package present, a warning will be raised and no checkpointing will occur. #. .. caution:: Use ``force_terminations_after`` with caution as it runs the risk of corrupting the results queue, but ensures resources are not wasted on hanging processes. #. After ``end_timeout``, if the optimizer is still alive and a process, GloMPO will send a terminate signal to force it to close. However, threads cannot be terminated in this way and the manager can leave dangling threads at the end of its routine. If the script ends after a GloMPO routine then all its children will be automatically garbage collected (provided ``'processes_forced'`` backend has not been used). By default, this timeout is 10s if a process backend is used and infinite of a threaded backend is used. This is the cleanest approach for threads but can cause very long wait times or deadlocks if the optimizer does not respond to close signals and does not converge. """ if self.is_initialised: warnings.warn("Manager already initialised, cannot reinitialise. Aborting", UserWarning) self.logger.warning("Manager already initialised, cannot reinitialise. Aborting") return # Setup logging"Initializing Manager ... ") # Setup working directory if not isinstance(working_dir, (Path, str)): warnings.warn( f"Cannot parse working_dir = {working_dir}. str or bytes expected. Using current " f"work directory.", UserWarning, ) working_dir = "." self.working_dir = Path(working_dir).resolve() # Save and wrap task if not callable(task): raise TypeError(f"{task} is not callable.") self.task = task self.logger.debug("Task wrapped successfully") # Save optimizer selection criteria if isinstance(opt_selector, BaseSelector): self.opt_selector = opt_selector else: raise TypeError("opt_selector not an instance of a subclass of BaseSelector.") # Save bounds if is_bounds_valid(bounds, raise_invalid=True): self.bounds = [Bound(*bnd) for bnd in bounds] self.n_parms = len(self.bounds) # Save max_jobs if max_jobs: if isinstance(max_jobs, int): if max_jobs > 0: self.max_jobs = max_jobs else: raise ValueError(f"Cannot parse max_jobs = {max_jobs}. Only positive integers are allowed.") else: raise TypeError(f"Cannot parse max_jobs = {max_jobs}. Only positive integers are allowed.") else: self.max_jobs = number_available_cores() - 1"max_jobs set to one less than CPU count.") # Save exit conditions if exit_conditions: if isinstance(exit_conditions, BaseExitCondition): self.exit_conditions = exit_conditions else: raise TypeError("exit_conditions not an instance of a subclass of BaseExitCondition.") else: self.exit_conditions = StopsAfterConvergence()"Exit Conditions set to default: StopsAfterConvergence(0, 1)") # Save x0 generator if x0_generator: if isinstance(x0_generator, BaseGenerator): self.x0_generator = x0_generator else: raise TypeError("x0_generator not an instance of a subclass of BaseGenerator.") else: self.x0_generator = RandomGenerator()"x0 generator set to default: RandomGenerator()") # Save stopping conditions if stoppers: if isinstance(stoppers, BaseStopper): self.stoppers = stoppers else: raise TypeError("stoppers not an instance of a subclass of BaseStopper.") else: self.stoppers = None"Manager will not force-stop optimizers.") # Save behavioural args self.allow_forced_terminations = force_terminations_after > 0 self.aggressive_stop = aggressive_stop self._too_long = force_terminations_after self.summary_files = summary_files self.is_log_detailed = is_log_detailed self.split_printstreams = bool(split_printstreams) self.overwrite_existing = bool(overwrite_existing) self.stopcheck_interval = stopcheck_interval self.apply_stoppers_to_best = apply_stoppers_to_best self.spawning_opts = True self.share_best_solutions = share_best_solutions self.status_interval = int(status_interval) # Setup Checkpointing if isinstance(checkpoint_control, CheckpointingControl): if HAS_DILL: self.checkpoint_control = checkpoint_control if checkpoint_control.keep_past == -1: maxlen = None else: maxlen = checkpoint_control.keep_past + 1 self._checkpoint_iter_history = deque(maxlen=maxlen) else: self.logger.warning("Checkpointing controls ignored. Cannot setup infrastructure without dill package.") warnings.warn( "Checkpointing controls ignored. Cannot setup infrastructure without dill package.", ResourceWarning ) self.checkpoint_control = None else: self.checkpoint_control = None # Initialise support classes self.opt_log = FileLogger if self.summary_files > 2 else BaseLogger self.opt_log = self.opt_log( n_parms=self.n_parms, expected_rows=self._log_expected_rows(), build_traj_plot=self.summary_files > 1 ) # Setup backend if any([backend == valid_opt for valid_opt in ("processes", "threads", "processes_forced")]): self.proc_backend = "processes" in backend self.opts_daemonic = backend != "processes_forced" else: self.proc_backend = True self.opts_daemonic = True self.logger.warning( "Unable to parse backend '%s'. 'processes' or 'threads' expected." "Defaulting to 'processes'.", backend ) warnings.warn( f"Unable to parse backend '{backend}'. 'processes' or 'threads' expected." f"Defaulting to 'processes'." ) if end_timeout: self.end_timeout = end_timeout else: if self.proc_backend: self.end_timeout = 10 else: self.end_timeout = None self._is_restart = False if self.checkpoint_control: # Special check if ( any((opt.__name__ == "Scipy" for opt, _ in self.opt_selector.avail_opts)) and self.checkpoint_control.any_true ): "Checkpointing requested but this is not supported by Scipy optimizers. " "Checkpoints will not behave as expected." ) if self.checkpoint_control.checkpoint_at_init: self.checkpoint()"Initialization Done")
[docs] def load_checkpoint( self, path: Union[Path, str], task_loader: Optional[Callable[[Union[Path, str]], Callable[[Sequence[float]], float]]] = None, task: Optional[Callable[[Sequence[float]], float]] = None, **glompo_kwargs, ): """Initialise GloMPO from the provided checkpoint file and allows an optimization to resume from that point. :Parameters: path Path to GloMPO checkpoint file. task_loader Optional method to reconstruct ``task`` from files in the checkpoint. Must accept a path to a directory containing the checkpoint files and return a callable which is the task itself. If not provided a direct unpickling of the task file will be attempted (see Notes). task Direct specification of the optimization task. Will take precedence over any other form of task specification i.e. ``task_loader`` or direct unpickling. ``**glompo_kwargs`` Most arguments supplied to :meth:`setup` can also be provided here. This will overwrite the values saved in the checkpoint. See Notes for arguments which cannot/should not be changed: :Notes: #. When making a checkpoint, GloMPO attempts to persist the ``task`` directly. If this is not possible it will attempt to call :meth:`.BaseFunction.checkpoint_save` to produce some files into the checkpoint. ``task_loader`` is the function or method which can return a ``task`` from files within the checkpoint (see :meth:`.BaseFunction.checkpoint_load`). #. If both ``task_loader`` and ``task`` are provided, the manager will use ``task`` directly and ignore ``task_loader``. #. .. caution:: GloMPO produces the requested log files when it closes (ie an exit or crash). The working directory is, however, purged of old results at the start of the optimization (if overwriting is allowed). This behavior is the same regardless of whether the optimization is a resume or a fresh start. This means it is the user's responsibility to save and move important files from the ``working_dir`` before a resume. #. The following arguments cannot/should not be sent to ``glompo_kwargs``: ``bounds`` Many optimizers save the ``bounds`` during checkpointing. If changed here old optimizers will retain the old bounds but new optimizers will start in new bounds. ``max_jobs`` If this is decreased and falls below the number required by the optimizers in the checkpoint, the manager will attempt to adjust the workers for each optimizer to fit the new limit. Slots are apportioned equally (regardless of the distribution in the checkpoint) and there is no guarantee that the optimizers will actually respond to this change. ``working_dir`` This can be changed, however, if a log file exists and you would like to append into this file, make sure to copy/move it to the new ``working_dir`` and name it :code:`'glompo_log.h5'** before loading the checkpoint otherwise GloMPO will create a new log file (see :ref:`Outputs` and :ref:`Checkpointing`). """ if self.is_initialised: warnings.warn("Manager already initialised, cannot reinitialise. Aborting", UserWarning) self.logger.warning("Manager already initialised, cannot reinitialise. Aborting") return path = Path(path).resolve()"Initializing from Checkpoint: %s", path) tmp_dir_obj = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() tmp_dir = Path( with, "r:gz") as tfile: tfile.extractall(tmp_dir) # Load manager variables try: with (tmp_dir / "manager").open("rb") as file: data = dill.load(file) for var, val in data.items(): try: setattr(self, var, val) except Exception as e: raise CheckpointingError(f"Could not set {var} attribute correctly") from e except Exception as e: raise CheckpointingError("Error loading manager. Aborting.") from e # Setup Task try: self.task = None if task: try: self.task = task assert callable(self.task) except AssertionError as e: self.logger.error("Could not set task, not callable") raise e elif task_loader: try: self.task = task_loader(tmp_dir) assert callable(self.task)"Task successfully loaded.") except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Use of task_loader failed.") raise e else: if not (tmp_dir / "task").exists(): raise FileNotFoundError("No task detected in checkpoint, task or task_loader required.") with (tmp_dir / "task").open("rb") as file: try: self.task = dill.load(file)"Task successfully unpickled") except PickleError as e: self.logger.error("Unpickling task failed.") raise e assert self.task is not None except Exception as e: raise CheckpointingError("Failed to build task due to error") from e # Allow manual overrides permit_keys = dir(self) protect = {"opt_selector", "stoppers", "x0_generator", "exit_conditions"} for key, val in glompo_kwargs.items(): if key == "backend": backend = glompo_kwargs["backend"] self.proc_backend = "processes" in backend self.opts_daemonic = backend != "processes_forced" elif key == "force_terminations_after": force_terminations_after = glompo_kwargs["force_terminations_after"] self.allow_forced_terminations = force_terminations_after > 0 self._too_long = force_terminations_after elif key == "working_dir": self.working_dir = Path(val).resolve() elif key in permit_keys: if key in protect and self._in_params and val is not None: # The ParAMS workflow automatically overwrites all variables during restart, because variables are # read from the input file. For most keys if the values are the same then the overwriting is # irrelevant, but Stoppers, ExitConditions, Generators and Selectors might have a state. # We do not want these to be overwritten (if the exact same selection is provided). # # We will use their amssettings methods to compare them. If there is a difference between them, # allow the overwrite to happen, otherwise block it. # # NB: This means that a missing key in an *initial* run means 'use default values' # a missing key in a *restart* run means 'use what is in the checkpoint' old_setts = amssettings(getattr(self, key)) new_setts = amssettings(val) if old_setts == new_setts: continue setattr(self, key, val) else: self.logger.warning("Cannot parse keyword argument '%s'. Ignoring.", key) warnings.warn(f"Cannot parse keyword argument '{key}'. Ignoring.") # Rebuild optimizer logger self.opt_log = FileLogger if self.summary_files > 2 else BaseLogger self.opt_log = self.opt_log.checkpoint_load(tmp_dir / "opt_log") # Modify/create missing variables assert len(self.dt_starts) == len(self.dt_ends), "Timestamps missing from checkpoint." self._optimizer_packs: Dict[int, ProcessPackage] = {} self.t_used = sum([(end - start).total_seconds() for start, end in zip(self.dt_starts, self.dt_ends)]) self.t_start = None self.t_end = None self.opt_crashed = False self.last_opt_spawn = (0, 0) # noinspection PyBroadException try: self.converged = self.exit_conditions(self) except Exception: self.converged = False if self.converged: if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.WARNING): self.logger.warning( "The exit condition/s already evaluate to True. The manager will be unable to " "resume the optimization. Consider changing the exit condition/s.\n%s", nested_string_formatting(self.exit_conditions.str_with_result()), ) warnings.warn( "The exit condition/s already evaluate to True. The manager will be unable to resume" " the optimization. Consider changing the exit condition/s.", RuntimeWarning, ) # Append nan to histories to show break in optimizations self.cpu_history.append(float("nan")) self.mem_history.append(float("nan")) self.load_history.append((float("nan"),) * 3) # Load optimizer state restarts = { int( self._opt_checkpoints[int(].slots for opt in (tmp_dir / "optimizers").iterdir() } if self.max_jobs < sum(restarts.values()): self.logger.warning( "The maximum number of jobs allowed is less than that demanded by the optimizers in " "the checkpoint. Attempting to adjust the number of workers in each optimizer to fit. " "Jobs are divided equally and there is no guarantee the optimizers will respond as " "expected." ) warnings.warn( "The maximum number of jobs allowed is less than that demanded by the optimizers in " "the checkpoint. Attempting to adjust the number of workers in each optimizer to fit. " "Jobs are divided equally and there is no guarantee the optimizers will respond as " "expected.", UserWarning, ) new_slots = self.max_jobs // len(restarts) if new_slots < 1: raise CheckpointingError("Insufficient max_jobs allowed to restart all optimizers in checkpoint.") restarts = {opt_id: new_slots for opt_id in restarts} # Rebuild child processes backend = "threads" if self.opts_daemonic else "processes" for opt_id, slots in restarts.items(): parent_pipe, child_pipe = mp.Pipe() event = self._mp_manager.Event() event.set() try: opt_class = self._opt_checkpoints[opt_id].opt_type optimizer = opt_class.checkpoint_load( path=tmp_dir / "optimizers" / f"{opt_id:04}", _opt_id=opt_id, _signal_pipe=child_pipe, _results_queue=self.optimizer_queue, _pause_flag=event, _workers=slots, _backend=backend, ) optimizer.workers = slots optimizer._backend = backend # Overwrite in case load_state set old values x0 = [0] * self.n_parms # Ignored during restart bounds = np.array(self.bounds) # Ignored during restart # noinspection PyProtectedMember target = optimizer._minimize if self.split_printstreams and self.proc_backend: # noinspection PyProtectedMember target = process_print_redirect(opt_id, self.working_dir, optimizer._minimize) kwargs = { "target": target, "args": (self.task, x0, bounds), "name": f"Opt{opt_id}", "daemon": self.opts_daemonic, } if self.proc_backend: process = mp.Process(**kwargs) else: process = CustomThread( redirect_path=self.working_dir if self.split_printstreams else None, **kwargs ) self._optimizer_packs[opt_id] = ProcessPackage(process, parent_pipe, event, slots) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Failed to initialise optimizer %d", opt_id, exc_info=e) warnings.warn(f"Failed to initialise optimizer {opt_id}: {e}", RuntimeWarning) if len(self._optimizer_packs) == 0 and len(restarts) > 0: raise CheckpointingError("Unable to successfully built any optimizers from the checkpoint.") self._is_restart = True tmp_dir_obj.cleanup() # Special check if ( self.checkpoint_control and any(opt.__name__ == "Scipy" for opt, _ in self.opt_selector.avail_opts) and self.checkpoint_control.any_true ): "Checkpointing requested but this is not supported by Scipy optimizers. " "Checkpoints will not behave as expected." )"Initialization Done")
[docs] def start_manager(self) -> Result: """Begins the optimization routine and returns the lowest encountered minimum.""" if not self.is_initialised: self.logger.error("Cannot start manager, initialise manager first with setup or load_checkpoint") warnings.warn("Cannot start manager, initialise manager first with setup or load_checkpoint", UserWarning) return Result([], float("inf"), {}, {}) caught_exception = None # Check exit conditions # noinspection PyBroadException try: # Attempt to evaluate the exit condition, may fail since the manager has not started yet exit_condition = self.exit_conditions(self) reason = ( self.exit_conditions.str_with_result() if exit_condition else "No optimizers alive, spawning stopped." ) self.converged = exit_condition or (len(self._optimizer_packs) == 0 and not self.spawning_opts) if self.converged: self.logger.warning("Exit conditions met before optimizer start. Aborting start.") warnings.warn("Exit conditions met before optimizer start. Aborting start.", RuntimeWarning) return Result([], float("inf"), {}, {}) except Exception: reason = "None" self.converged = False # Make working dir & open log file self.working_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self._purge_old_results() self._open_log() if self.split_printstreams: (self.working_dir / "glompo_optimizer_printstreams").mkdir(exist_ok=True) if not self.proc_backend: sys.stdout = ThreadPrintRedirect(sys.stdout) sys.stderr = ThreadPrintRedirect(sys.stderr) # Setup system monitoring if HAS_PSUTIL: self._setup_system_monitoring() # Settings check if self.allow_forced_terminations and not self.proc_backend: warnings.warn("Cannot use force terminations with threading.", UserWarning) self.logger.warning("Cannot use force terminations with threading.") tool = "ParAMS" if self._in_params else "GloMPO" try:"Starting GloMPO Optimization Routine") self.t_start = time() self.last_status = self.t_start self.last_time_checkpoint = self.t_start self.dt_starts.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(self.t_start)) if self._in_params: self._params_logger.initial_time = self.t_start # Restart specific tasks if self._is_restart: for opt_id, pack in self._optimizer_packs.items(): pack.process.start() self._last_feedback[opt_id] = time() while not self.converged: self.logger.debug("Checking for available optimizer slots") self._fill_optimizer_slots() self.logger.debug("New optimizer check done") self.logger.debug("Checking optimizer signals") for opt_id in self._optimizer_packs: self._check_signals(opt_id) self.logger.debug("Signal check done.") self.logger.debug("Checking optimizer iteration results") self._process_results(10) self.logger.debug("Iteration results check done.") self.logger.debug("Checking for user interventions.") self._is_manual_shutdowns() self._is_manual_checkpoints() self.logger.debug("Checking for hanging processes") self._inspect_children() # Purge old processes for opt_id, pack in [*self._optimizer_packs.items()]: if not pack.process.is_alive() and opt_id in self._graveyard: del self._optimizer_packs[opt_id] all_dead = len([p for p in self._optimizer_packs.values() if p.process.is_alive()]) == 0 queue_empty = self.optimizer_queue.empty() exit_check = self.exit_conditions(self) if exit_check: self.t_end = time() reason = self.exit_conditions.str_with_result() self.converged = exit_check or (all_dead and queue_empty and not self.spawning_opts) if self.converged:"Exit triggered") if time() - self.last_status > self.status_interval: if self.checkpoint_control: if time() - self.last_time_checkpoint > self.checkpoint_control.checkpoint_time_interval: self.last_time_checkpoint = time() self.checkpoint() elif self.f_counter - self.last_iter_checkpoint > self.checkpoint_control.checkpoint_iter_interval: self.last_iter_checkpoint = self.f_counter self.checkpoint() if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):"Exiting manager loop") "Exit conditions met: \n %s", nested_string_formatting(reason).replace("\n", "\n "), ) if self.checkpoint_control and self.checkpoint_control.checkpoint_at_conv: self.checkpoint() self.logger.debug("Cleaning up multiprocessing") self._stop_all_children() except (KeyboardInterrupt, StopInterrupt): caught_exception = "User Interrupt" reason = caught_exception msg = "Caught User Interrupt, closing %s gracefully." self.logger.warning(msg, tool) warnings.warn(msg % tool, RuntimeWarning) self._stop_all_children("User Interrupt") except Exception as e: caught_exception = "".join(traceback.TracebackException.from_exception(e).format()) reason = "GloMPO Crash" self.logger.critical("Critical error encountered. Attempting to close %s gracefully", tool, exc_info=e) warnings.warn(f"Optimization failed. Caught exception: {caught_exception}", RuntimeWarning) self._stop_all_children("GloMPO Crash") finally:"Cleaning up and closing GloMPO") if not self.t_end: # If grabbing t_end immediately after optimization failed, get an approximate one here. self.t_end = time() dt_end = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.t_end) if len(self.dt_starts) == len(self.dt_ends): self.dt_ends[-1] = dt_end else: self.dt_ends.append(dt_end) self.logger.debug("Saving summary file results") self._save_log(self.result, reason, caught_exception, self.working_dir, self.summary_files) self.result = Result( list(self.result.x) if self.result.x else None, self.result.fx, {**self.result.stats, "end_cond": reason} if self.result.stats else {"end_cond": reason}, self.result.origin, ) self.opt_log.close()"GloMPO Optimization Routine Done") return self.result
[docs] def checkpoint(self): """Saves the state of the manager and any existing optimizers to disk. GloMPO can be loaded from these files and resume optimization from this state. :Notes: When checkpointing GloMPO will attempt to handle the ``task`` in three ways: #. :mod:`python:pickle` with the other manager variables, this is the easiest and most straightforward method. #. If the above fails, the manager will attempt to call :meth:`task.checkpoint_save <scm.glompo.core.function.BaseFunction>` if it is present. This is expected to create file/s which is/are suitable for reconstruction during :meth:`load_checkpoint`. When resuming a run the manager will attempt to reconstruct the task by calling the method passed to ``task_loader`` in :meth:`load_checkpoint`. #. If the manager cannot perform either of the above methods the checkpoint will be constructed without a task. In that case a fully initialised task must be given to :meth:`load_checkpoint`. """"Constructing Checkpoint") # Construct Checkpoint Name path = self.checkpoint_control.checkpointing_dir / self.checkpoint_control.get_name() path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) overwriting_chkpt = False ovw_path = path.parent / "_overwriting_chkpt.tar.gz" try: # Flush logger self.opt_log.flush() self.opt_log.checkpoint_save(path) self.logger.debug("Log successfully pickled") # Save timestamp and checkpoint name if len(self.dt_starts) > 0: if len(self.dt_starts) == len(self.dt_ends): self.dt_ends[-1] = else: self.dt_ends.append( self.checkpoint_history.add(str(path.resolve().with_suffix(".tar.gz"))) self._checkpoint_optimizers(path) self._checkpoint_manager(path) if not self._in_params: self._checkpoint_task(path) # Compress checkpoint self.logger.debug("Building TarFile") tar_path = path.with_suffix(".tar.gz") if tar_path.exists(): self.logger.warning( "Overwriting existing checkpoint. To avoid this change the checkpointing naming " "format" ) warnings.warn( "Overwriting existing checkpoint. To avoid this change the checkpointing naming " "format" ) tar_path.replace(ovw_path) overwriting_chkpt = True try: with, "x:gz") as tfile: tfile.add(path, recursive=True, arcname="") self.logger.debug("TarFile built") except tarfile.TarError as e: self.logger.error("Error encountered during compression.") if overwriting_chkpt:"Overwritten checkpoint restored") ovw_path.replace(tar_path) raise CheckpointingError("Could not compress checkpoint", e) # Delete old checkpoints if self.checkpoint_control.keep_past > -1: self.logger.debug("Finding old checkpoints to delete") files = ( for file in self.checkpoint_control.checkpointing_dir.iterdir()) to_delete = sorted(filter(self.checkpoint_control.matches_naming_format, files), reverse=True) self.logger.debug("Identified to delete: %d", to_delete[self.checkpoint_control.keep_past + 2 :]) for old in to_delete[self.checkpoint_control.keep_past + 2 :]: del_path = self.checkpoint_control.checkpointing_dir / old if del_path.is_file(): retry_unlink(del_path)"Checkpoint '%s' successfully built", if self._in_params: self._checkpoint_iter_history.append(str(self.f_counter)) with open(self.checkpoint_control.checkpointing_dir / "checkpoints.txt", "w") as file: file.write("\n".join(self._checkpoint_iter_history)) except CheckpointingError as e: self.checkpoint_history.remove(str(path.resolve().with_suffix(".tar.gz"))) if self.checkpoint_control.raise_checkpoint_fail: self.logger.error("Checkpointing failed", exc_info=e) raise e self.logger.warning("Checkpointing failed. Aborting checkpoint construction.", exc_info=e) warnings.warn(f"Checkpointing failed: {e}.\nAborting checkpoint construction.") finally: shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True) if ovw_path.exists(): retry_unlink(ovw_path) if self.converged: [pack.signal_pipe.send(1) for _, pack in self._optimizer_packs.items() if pack.process.is_alive()] self._toggle_optimizers(1)
[docs] def write_summary_file(self, dump_dir: Optional[Path] = None): """Writes a manager summary YAML file detailing the state of the optimization. Useful to extract output from a checkpoint. :Parameters: dump_dir If provided, this will overwrite the manager ``working_dir`` allowing the output to be redirected to a different folder to not interfere with files in the working directory. """"Dumping manager state") if dump_dir: dump_dir = Path(dump_dir).resolve() dump_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) else: dump_dir = self.working_dir self._save_log(self.result, "Manual Save State", None, dump_dir, 1)
""" Management Sub-Tasks """ def _fill_optimizer_slots(self): """Starts new optimizers if there are slots available.""" processes = [pack.slots for pack in self._optimizer_packs.values() if pack.process.is_alive()] count = sum(processes) if ( self.last_opt_spawn[0] == self.f_counter and self.o_counter > self.last_opt_spawn[1] + 5 and self.opt_crashed ): raise RuntimeError("Optimizers spawning and crashing immediately.") is_possible = True # Flag if no optimizer can fit in the slots available due to its configuration started_new = False while count < self.max_jobs and is_possible and self.spawning_opts: opt = self._setup_new_optimizer(self.max_jobs - count) if opt: self._start_new_job(*opt) count += opt.slots started_new = True else: is_possible = False processes = [pack.slots for pack in self._optimizer_packs.values() if pack.process.is_alive()] if started_new: self.last_opt_spawn = ( (self.f_counter, self.o_counter) if self.last_opt_spawn[0] != self.f_counter else self.last_opt_spawn ) f_best = f"{self.result.fx:.3E}" if self.result.fx is not None else None if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO): "Status: %(len_proc)d optimizers alive, %(sum_proc)d/%(max_jobs)d slots filled, %(f)d " "function evaluations, f_best = %(f_best)s.", { "len_proc": len(processes), "sum_proc": sum(processes), "max_jobs": self.max_jobs, "f": self.f_counter, "f_best": f_best, }, ) elif len(processes) == 0 and self.spawning_opts: raise RuntimeError("Not enough worker slots to start any optimizers with the current settings.") def _start_new_job( self, opt_id: int, optimizer: BaseOptimizer, pipe: mp.connection.Connection, event: mp.Event, workers: int ): """Given an initialised optimizer and multiprocessing variables, this method packages them and starts a new process. """"Starting Optimizer: %d", opt_id) task = self.task x0 = self.x0_generator.generate(self) bounds = np.array(self.bounds) # noinspection PyProtectedMember target = optimizer._minimize if self.split_printstreams and self.proc_backend: # noinspection PyProtectedMember target = process_print_redirect(opt_id, self.working_dir, optimizer._minimize) kwargs = {"target": target, "args": (task, x0, bounds), "name": f"Opt{opt_id}", "daemon": self.opts_daemonic} if self.proc_backend: process = mp.Process(**kwargs) else: process = CustomThread(redirect_path=self.working_dir if self.split_printstreams else None, **kwargs) self._optimizer_packs[opt_id] = ProcessPackage(process, pipe, event, workers) self._optimizer_packs[opt_id].process.start() self._last_feedback[opt_id] = time() def _setup_new_optimizer(self, slots_available: int) -> Optional[OptimizerPackage]: """Selects and initializes new optimizer and multiprocessing variables. :Parameters: slots_available Maximum number of ``workers`` the new optimizer may have. :Returns: :class:`~.OptimizerPackage` Sent to :meth:`_start_new_job` to begin new process. Returns ``None`` if an optimizer satisfying the number of available slots or spawning conditions is not found. """ selector_return = self.opt_selector.select_optimizer(self, slots_available) if not selector_return: if selector_return is False:"Optimizer spawning deactivated.") self.spawning_opts = False return None selected, init_kwargs = selector_return if not self.proc_backend: # Callbacks need to be copied in the case of threaded backends because otherwise they will behave # globally rather than on individual optimizers as expected. All kwargs are copied in this way to prevent # any strange race conditions and multithreading artifacts. init_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(init_kwargs) self.o_counter += 1"Setting up optimizer %d of type %s", self.o_counter, selected.__name__) parent_pipe, child_pipe = mp.Pipe() event = self._mp_manager.Event() event.set() if "_backend" in init_kwargs: backend = init_kwargs["_backend"] del init_kwargs["_backend"] else: backend = "threads" if self.opts_daemonic else "processes" optimizer = selected( _opt_id=self.o_counter, _signal_pipe=child_pipe, _results_queue=self.optimizer_queue, _pause_flag=event, _is_log_detailed=self.is_log_detailed, _backend=backend, **init_kwargs, ) t_start = self.opt_log.add_optimizer(self.o_counter, type(optimizer).__name__, t_start) self._opt_checkpoints[self.o_counter] = OptimizerCheckpoint(selected, init_kwargs["_workers"]) if self._in_params: self._params_logger.add_optimizer(self.o_counter, amsinput(optimizer), t_start) return OptimizerPackage(self.o_counter, optimizer, parent_pipe, event, init_kwargs["_workers"]) def _check_signals(self, opt_id: int) -> bool: """Checks for signals from optimizer :obj:`opt_id` and processes it. Returns a :obj:`bool` indicating whether a signal was found. """ pipe = self._optimizer_packs[opt_id].signal_pipe found_signal = False if opt_id not in self._graveyard and pipe.poll(): try: key, message = pipe.recv() self._last_feedback[opt_id] = time()"Signal %d from %d.", key, opt_id) if key == 0: self._log_optimizer_end(opt_id, 0,, message) self._graveyard.add(opt_id) self.conv_counter += 1 elif key == 9: self.opt_log.put_message(opt_id, message) self.logger.warning("Optimizer %d Exception: %s", opt_id, message) warnings.warn(f"Optimizer {opt_id} Exception: {message}") self.opt_crashed = "Traceback" in message or self.opt_crashed found_signal = True except EOFError: self.logger.error("Opt%d pipe closed. Opt%d should be in graveyard", opt_id, opt_id) else: self.logger.debug("No signals from %d.", opt_id) return found_signal def _inspect_children(self): """Loops through all children processes and checks their status. Tidies up and gracefully deals with any strange behaviour such as crashes or non-responsive behaviour. """ for opt_id, pack in self._optimizer_packs.items(): # Find dead optimizer processes that did not properly signal their termination. if opt_id not in self._graveyard and not pack.process.is_alive(): exitcode = pack.process.exitcode if exitcode == 0: if not self._check_signals(opt_id): self.conv_counter += 1 self._graveyard.add(opt_id) self.opt_log.put_message( opt_id, "Terminated normally without sending a minimization " "complete signal to the manager.", ) warnings.warn( f"Optimizer {opt_id} terminated normally without sending a " f"minimization complete signal to the manager.", RuntimeWarning, ) self.logger.warning( "Optimizer %d terminated normally without sending a minimization complete " "signal to the manager.", opt_id, ) self._log_optimizer_end(opt_id, exitcode,, "Normal termination (Reason unknown)") else: self._graveyard.add(opt_id) self.opt_crashed = True self.opt_log.put_message(opt_id, f"Terminated in error with code {-exitcode}") warnings.warn(f"Optimizer {opt_id} terminated in error with code {-exitcode}", RuntimeWarning) self.logger.error("Optimizer %d terminated in error with code %d", opt_id, -exitcode) self._log_optimizer_end( opt_id, exitcode,, f"Error termination (exitcode {-exitcode})." ) # Find hanging processes if ( pack.process.is_alive() and time() - self._last_feedback[opt_id] > self._too_long and self.allow_forced_terminations and opt_id not in self.stopped_opts and self.proc_backend ): warnings.warn(f"Optimizer {opt_id} seems to be hanging. Forcing termination.", RuntimeWarning) self.logger.error("Optimizer %d seems to be hanging. Forcing termination.", opt_id) self._graveyard.add(opt_id) self.opt_log.put_message(opt_id, "Force terminated due to no feedback timeout.") self._log_optimizer_end(opt_id, 9,, "Forced GloMPO Termination") pack.process.terminate() # Force stop zombies if ( opt_id in self.stopped_opts and self.allow_forced_terminations and pack.process.is_alive() and time() - self.stopped_opts[opt_id] > self._too_long and self.proc_backend ): pack.process.terminate() pack.process.join(3) self.opt_log.put_message(opt_id, "Force terminated due to no feedback after stop signal " "timeout.") self._log_optimizer_end(opt_id, 9,, "Forced GloMPO Termination") warnings.warn(f"Forced termination signal sent to optimizer {opt_id}.", RuntimeWarning) self.logger.error("Forced termination signal sent to optimizer %d.", opt_id) def _process_results(self, max_results: Optional[int] = None) -> Tuple[Set[int], Set[int]]: """Retrieves results from the ``optimizer_queue`` and processes them into the ``opt_log``. :Parameters: max_results If provided, accept at most this number of results. Otherwise, loop until ``optimizer_queue`` is empty. :Returns: tuple :obj:`opt_id`s of optimizers closed during this execution of _process_results, and :obj:`opt_id`s of optimizers stopped during this execution of _process_results. """ results_accepted = 0 closed = set() stopped_opts = set() if max_results: def condition(): return results_accepted < max_results else: def condition(): return not self.optimizer_queue.empty() while condition(): try: chunk: List[IterationResult] = self.optimizer_queue.get(block=True, timeout=1) except queue.Empty: self.logger.debug("Timeout on result queue.") break for res in chunk: if isinstance(res, int): if self.result.origin and self.result.origin["opt_id"] != res: # Optimizers automatically send just an opt_id to indicate no more iterations. self.opt_log.clear_cache(res) closed.add(res) continue if res.opt_id in self.stopped_opts: continue self._last_feedback[res.opt_id] = time() if not self.opt_log.has_iter_history(res.opt_id): extra_heads = {} if res.extras: try: extra_heads = self.task.headers() except (AttributeError, NotImplementedError): extra_heads = infer_headers(res.extras) self.opt_log.add_iter_history(res.opt_id, extra_heads) results_accepted += 1 self.f_counter += 1 if not self._in_params: self.opt_log.put_iteration(res) else: # Stop EvaluatorReturns being added to and collapsing the logs extras = [res.extras[0].scaled_x] if self.task.n_dim > 0 else [] extras.extend((er.fx for er in res.extras[1:])) if self.summary_files > 3: for er in res.extras: flat_resids = [*unravel(er.residuals)] if len(flat_resids) == 0 and isinstance(self.opt_log, FileLogger): # Hack. Empty resids returned if a dataset is not evaluated or the loss is inf. # FileLogger cannot accept a list that is not the correct length, so we build one here flat_resids = np.full(self._params_logger.resid_lens[], np.nan) extras.append(flat_resids) self.opt_log.put_iteration(IterationResult(res.opt_id, res.x, res.fx, extras)) self.logger.debug("Result from %d fx = %e", res.opt_id, res.fx) # Check Stoppers if required best_id = -1 self.result = self._update_best_result() try: best_id = self.result.origin["opt_id"] except (AttributeError, KeyError): pass if best_id > 0 and self.stoppers and self.f_counter - self.last_stopcheck >= self.stopcheck_interval: [stopped_opts.add(vic) for vic in self._start_stopcheck(best_id)] # Special ParAMS Logger Plug-in if self._in_params: for evalret in res.extras: evalret.ncalled = self.f_counter evalret.opt_id = res.opt_id self._params_logger.add_iteration(res.extras) return closed, stopped_opts def _start_stopcheck(self, best_opt_id: int) -> Set[int]: """Evaluates the Stoppers with the provided :obj:`best_opt_id` as the 'best' optimizer looking to terminate the other active optimizers according to the provided ``stoppers``. """ self.stopcheck_counter += 1 self.last_stopcheck = self.f_counter stopped_opts = set() # IDs of optimizers stopped during this call self.logger.debug("Evaluating Stoppers") for tested_opt_id in self._optimizer_packs: in_graveyard = tested_opt_id in self._graveyard has_points = self.opt_log.has_iter_history(tested_opt_id) can_be_stopped = tested_opt_id != best_opt_id or self.apply_stoppers_to_best if not in_graveyard and has_points and can_be_stopped: self.logger.debug("Optimizer %d -> Optimizer %d stopcheck started.", best_opt_id, tested_opt_id) stop = self.stoppers(self.opt_log, best_opt_id, tested_opt_id) if stop: reason = nested_string_formatting(self.stoppers.str_with_result()) "Optimizer %d wants to stop Optimizer %d:\n" "Reason:\n%s", best_opt_id, tested_opt_id, reason.replace("\n", "\n "), ) if tested_opt_id not in self._graveyard: self._shutdown_job(tested_opt_id, best_opt_id, reason) stopped_opts.add(tested_opt_id) self.logger.debug("Stopcheck complete") return stopped_opts def _is_manual_shutdowns(self): """If a file titled :obj:`'STOP_x'` is found in the working directory then the manager will shut down optimizer :obj:`'x'`. """ exit_file = self.working_dir / "EXIT" if exit_file.exists(): retry_unlink(exit_file) raise StopInterrupt # Caught and treated like a KeyboardInterrupt stop_files = self.working_dir.glob("STOP_*") for file in stop_files: try: _, opt_id ="_") opt_id = int(opt_id) if opt_id not in self._optimizer_packs or opt_id in self._graveyard:"Matching living optimizer not found for '%s'", file) continue retry_unlink(file) self._shutdown_job(opt_id, None, "User STOP file intervention.")"STOP file found for Optimizer %d", opt_id) except ValueError:"Error encountered trying to process STOP file '%s'", file) continue def _is_manual_checkpoints(self): """If a file titled :obj:`CHKPT` is found in the working directory then the manager will perform an immediate unscheduled checkpoint. """ chkpt_path = self.working_dir / "CHKPT" if chkpt_path.exists(): retry_unlink(chkpt_path) if self._checkpoint_iter_history is None: self._checkpoint_iter_history = deque() has_controls = bool(self.checkpoint_control) if not has_controls: self.logger.warning( "Manual checkpoint requested but checkpointing control not setup during " "initialisation, constructing with defaults." ) warnings.warn( "Manual checkpoint requested but checkpointing control not setup during " "initialisation, constructing with defaults." ) self.checkpoint_control = CheckpointingControl( checkpointing_dir=self.working_dir.parent / "checkpoints" if self._in_params else self.working_dir, )"Manual checkpoint requested") self.checkpoint() if not has_controls: self.checkpoint_control = None def _shutdown_job(self, opt_id: int, best_opt_id: Optional[int], reason: str): """Sends a stop signal to optimizer :obj:`opt_id` and updates variables about its termination.""" self.stopped_opts[opt_id] = time() self._graveyard.add(opt_id) if self.aggressive_stop and self.proc_backend: self._optimizer_packs[opt_id].process.terminate() else: self._optimizer_packs[opt_id].signal_pipe.send(1) self.logger.debug("Termination signal sent to %d", opt_id) self._log_optimizer_end( opt_id, 1,, LiteralWrapper(f"GloMPO Termination\n" f"Best Optimizer: {best_opt_id}\n" f"Reason: \n" f"{reason}"), ) def _update_best_result(self) -> Result: """Returns the best :class:`.Result` found in the ``opt_log``.""" best_iter = self.opt_log.get_best_iter() if self.share_best_solutions and (not self.result.fx or best_iter["fx"] < self.result.fx): for opt_id, pack in self._optimizer_packs.items(): if opt_id != best_iter["opt_id"] and pack.process.is_alive(): pack.signal_pipe.send((4, best_iter["x"], best_iter["fx"])) best_origin = {"opt_id": best_iter["opt_id"], "type": best_iter["type"]} best_stats = { "f_evals": self.f_counter, "opts_started": self.o_counter, "opts_stopped": len(self.stopped_opts), "opts_conv": self.conv_counter, "end_cond": None, } return Result(list(best_iter["x"]), best_iter["fx"], best_stats, best_origin) def _stop_all_children(self, crash_reason: Optional[str] = None): """Shuts down and cleans-up all active children""" # Attempt to send shutdown signals try: message = (1, "GloMPO Crash") if crash_reason else 1 [pack.signal_pipe.send(message) for _, pack in self._optimizer_packs.items() if pack.process.is_alive()] except Exception as e: self.logger.debug("Pipe messaging failed during cleanup.", exc_info=e) # Purge the queue to ensure no optimizers are blocking try: while not self.optimizer_queue.empty(): self.optimizer_queue.get_nowait() except Exception as e: # Queue may not be accessible in a crash self.logger.debug("Queue purge failed.", exc_info=e) for opt_id, pack in self._optimizer_packs.items(): # Add stop condition to log without overwriting existing ones try: self.opt_log.get_metadata(opt_id, "end_cond") self.opt_log.get_metadata(opt_id, "t_stop") except KeyError: self._graveyard.add(opt_id) self._log_optimizer_end(opt_id, 2,, crash_reason if crash_reason else "GloMPO Exit") if pack.process.is_alive(): pack.process.join(timeout=self.end_timeout if not crash_reason else 0.1) # Final brute-force method to ensure no children are left behind before we leave the manager children = self._process.children(recursive=True) for child in children: try: child.kill() except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass gone, alive = psutil.wait_procs(children, timeout=15) if alive: raise TimeoutError("Some processes did not respond to SIGKILL.") def _save_log( self, result: Result, reason: str, caught_exception: Optional[str], dump_dir: Path, summary_files: int ): """Saves the manager's state and history into the collection of files indicated by :obj:`summary_files`. Valid options for :obj:`summary_files`: 0. Nothing is saved. 1. YAML file with summary info about the optimization settings, performance and the result. 2. PNG file showing the trajectories of the optimizers. 3. HDF5 file containing iteration history for each optimizer. """ data = {} if summary_files > 0: if caught_exception: reason = f"Process Crash: {caught_exception}" if HAS_PSUTIL and self._process: cores = number_available_cores() resource_summary = self._summarise_resource_usage() try: # On Apple Silicon this does not work cpu_freq = f"{psutil.cpu_freq().max / 1000}GHz" except FileNotFoundError: cpu_freq = "Unknown" run_info = { "Memory": { "Used": {"Max": resource_summary["mem_max"], "Ave": resource_summary["mem_ave"]}, "Available": present_memory(psutil.virtual_memory().available), }, "CPU": { "Cores": cores, "Frequency": cpu_freq, "Load": { "Average": FlowList(resource_summary["load_ave"]), "Std. Dev.": FlowList(resource_summary["load_std"]), }, "CPU Usage(%)": { "Average": resource_summary["cpu_ave"], "Std. Dev.": resource_summary["cpu_std"], }, }, } else: run_info = None t_total = str( timedelta(seconds=sum([(t - t0).total_seconds() for t0, t in zip(self.dt_starts, self.dt_ends)])) ) t_session = str(timedelta(seconds=self.t_end - self.t_start)) if self.t_start else None t_periods = [{"Start": str(t0), "End": str(t)} for t0, t in zip(self.dt_starts, self.dt_ends)] data = { "Assignment": { "GloMPO Version": __version__, "Task": type(self.task).__name__ if isinstance(type(self.task), object) else self.task.__name__, "Working Dir": str(Path.cwd()), "Username": getpass.getuser(), "Hostname": socket.gethostname(), "Time": {"Optimization Periods": t_periods, "Total": t_total, "Session": t_session}, }, "Settings": { "x0 Generator": self.x0_generator, "Exit Conditions": LiteralWrapper(nested_string_formatting(str(self.exit_conditions))), "Stoppers": ( LiteralWrapper(nested_string_formatting(str(self.stoppers))) if self.stoppers else self.stoppers ), "Optimizer Selector": self.opt_selector, "Max Jobs": self.max_jobs, "Bounds": BoundGroup(self.bounds), }, "Counters": { "Function Evaluations": self.f_counter, "Times Stoppers Evaluated": self.stopcheck_counter, "Optimizers": { "Started": self.o_counter, "Stopped": len(self.stopped_opts), "Converged": self.conv_counter, }, }, } if run_info: data["Run Information"] = run_info if self.checkpoint_control: data["Checkpointing"] = { "Directory": str(self.checkpoint_control.checkpointing_dir.resolve()), "Checkpoints": list(self.checkpoint_history), } data["Solution"] = { "fx": result.fx, "origin": result.origin, "exit cond.": LiteralWrapper(nested_string_formatting(reason)), "x": FlowList(result.x) if result.x is not None else result.x, } with (dump_dir / "glompo_manager_log.yml").open("w") as file: self.logger.debug("Saving manager summary file.") yaml.dump(data, file, Dumper=Dumper, default_flow_style=False, sort_keys=False) if summary_files > 1: self.logger.debug("Saving trajectory plot.") all_sign = self.opt_log.largest_eval * self.opt_log.get_best_iter()["fx"] > 0 range_large = self.opt_log.largest_eval - self.opt_log.get_best_iter()["fx"] > 1e5 log_scale = all_sign and range_large name = "trajectories_" name += "log_" if log_scale else "" name = name[:-1] if name.endswith("_") else name name += ".png" self.opt_log.plot_trajectory(dump_dir / name, log_scale) if summary_files > 2: self.opt_log.put_manager_metadata("task", data["Assignment"]["Task"]) self.opt_log.put_manager_metadata("glompo_version", __version__) self.opt_log.put_manager_metadata("working_dir", data["Assignment"]["Working Dir"]) self.opt_log.put_manager_metadata("username", data["Assignment"]["Username"]) self.opt_log.put_manager_metadata("hostname", data["Assignment"]["Hostname"]) self.opt_log.put_manager_metadata("total_time", data["Assignment"]["Time"]["Total"]) self.opt_log.put_manager_metadata("bounds", [list(bnd) for bnd in self.bounds]) self.opt_log.put_manager_metadata("n_evals", self.f_counter) self.opt_log.put_manager_metadata("n_stopchecks", self.stopcheck_counter) self.opt_log.put_manager_metadata("n_opts_started", self.o_counter) self.opt_log.put_manager_metadata("n_opts_stopped", len(self.stopped_opts)) self.opt_log.put_manager_metadata("n_opts_conv", self.conv_counter) self.opt_log.put_manager_metadata("exit_reason", reason) self.opt_log.flush() """ Checkpointing Sub-Tasks """ def _checkpoint_optimizers(self, path: Union[str, Path]): """Checkpointing sub-task. Gathers, synchronises and saves child optimizers.""" # Pause optimizers messaged = set() for opt_id, pack in self._optimizer_packs.items(): if pack.process.is_alive(): pack.signal_pipe.send(2) messaged.add(opt_id) # Synchronise and wait for replies (end or paused) not_chkpt = set() # Set of messaged opts that should not be checkpointed wait_reply = messaged.copy() living = messaged.copy() n_alive = len(messaged) while wait_reply: if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): self.logger.debug( "Blocking, %(sync)d/%(alive)d optimizers synced. Waiting on %(wait)s.", {"sync": n_alive - len(wait_reply), "alive": n_alive, "wait": wait_reply}, ) if self.optimizer_queue.full(): closed, stopped_opts = self._process_results(n_alive) # Free space on queue to avoid blocking [not_chkpt.add(cld) for cld in closed] [not_chkpt.add(vic) for vic in stopped_opts] for opt_id in wait_reply.copy(): pack = self._optimizer_packs[opt_id] if pack.process.is_alive(): if pack.signal_pipe.poll(0.1): key, message = pack.signal_pipe.recv() self.logger.debug("Received %d, %s from %d", key, message, opt_id) if key == 0: self._log_optimizer_end(opt_id, 0,, message) self._graveyard.add(opt_id) self.conv_counter += 1 not_chkpt.add(opt_id) elif key == 1: wait_reply.remove(opt_id) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unhandled message: {message}") else: self.logger.debug("Opt %d dead, removing from wait list", opt_id) not_chkpt.add(opt_id) wait_reply.remove(opt_id) living.remove(opt_id)"Optimizers paused and synced.") # Process outstanding results and stopchecks closed, stopped_opts = self._process_results() [not_chkpt.add(cld) for cld in closed] [not_chkpt.add(vic) for vic in stopped_opts]"Outstanding results processed") assert self.optimizer_queue.empty() # Send checkpoint_save signals (path / "optimizers").mkdir() for opt_id in messaged: pack = self._optimizer_packs[opt_id] if pack.process.is_alive(): if opt_id not in not_chkpt: pack.signal_pipe.send((0, (path / "optimizers" / f"{opt_id:04}").absolute())) self.logger.debug("Checkpoint save sent to Optimizer %d", opt_id) else: pack.signal_pipe.send(3) # Causes waiting optimizers will pass and not checkpoint # Wait for all checkpoint_save to complete wait_reply = living.copy() while wait_reply: for opt_id in wait_reply.copy(): if not self._optimizer_packs[opt_id].allow_run_event.is_set(): wait_reply.remove(opt_id) # Confirm all restart files are found living_names = {f"{opt_id:04}" for opt_id in messaged - not_chkpt} for lv in living_names: if not (path / "optimizers" / lv).exists(): raise CheckpointingError(f"Unable to identify restart file/folder for optimizer {lv}")"All optimizer restart files detected.") def _checkpoint_manager(self, path: Union[str, Path]): """Checkpointing sub-task. Pickles essential elements of the manager state.""" # Select variables for pickling pickle_vars = {} for var in dir(self): val = getattr(self, var) is_callable = callable(val) is_class_instance = hasattr(val, "__self__") is_special = "__" in var is_params = var.startswith("_params") is_blocked = any( [ var == no_pickle for no_pickle in ( "logger", "_process", "_mp_manager", "_optimizer_packs", "task", "optimizer_queue", "is_initialised", "opt_log", ) ] ) if not (is_callable and is_class_instance) and not is_special and not is_params and not is_blocked: if dill.pickles(val): pickle_vars[var] = val else: raise CheckpointingError(f"Cannot pickle {var}.") with (path / "manager").open("wb") as file: try: dill.dump(pickle_vars, file) except PickleError as e: raise CheckpointingError("Could not pickle manager.") from e self.logger.debug("Manager successfully pickled") def _checkpoint_task(self, path: Union[str, Path]): """Checkpointing sub-task. Identifies procedure to persist minimization task.""" # Save task task_persisted = False if not self.checkpoint_control.force_task_save: try: with (path / "task").open("wb") as file: dill.dump(self.task, file)"Task successfully pickled") task_persisted = True except PickleError as pckl_err:"Pickle task failed. Attempting task.checkpoint_save()", exc_info=pckl_err) retry_unlink(path / "task") if not task_persisted: try: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences self.task.checkpoint_save(path)"Task successfully saved") except AttributeError: self.logger.warning("Checkpointing without task. task.checkpoint_save not found.") warnings.warn("Checkpointing without task. task.checkpoint_save not found.") except Exception as e: self.logger.warning("Checkpointing without task. Task saving failed", exc_info=e) warnings.warn("Checkpointing without task. Task saving failed") """ Sundry Auxiliary Methods """ def _toggle_optimizers(self, on_off: int): """Sends pause or resume signals to all optimizers based on the :obj:`on_off` parameter: 0 -> Optimizers off 1 -> Optimizers on """ for pack in self._optimizer_packs.values(): if pack.process.is_alive(): if on_off == 1: pack.allow_run_event.set() else: pack.allow_run_event.clear() def _setup_system_monitoring(self): """Configures :mod:`psutil` monitoring of the optimization and sends a `logging.INFO <>`_ message to produce a system info log message. """ self._process.cpu_percent() # First return is zero and must be ignored try: psutil.getloadavg() cores = self._process.cpu_affinity() core_info = f" {'Cores Available:':.<26}{len(cores)}\n" f" {'Core IDs:':.<26}{cores}\n" except AttributeError: # Mac doesn't support load avg cores = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False) core_info = f" {'Cores Available:':.<26}{cores}\n" if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO): f"System Info:\n{core_info}" f" {'Memory Available:':.<26}{present_memory(psutil.virtual_memory().available)}\n" f" {'Hostname:':.<26}{socket.gethostname()}\n" f" {'Current Dir:':.<26}{Path.cwd()}\n" f" {'Output Dir:':.<26}{self.working_dir}\n" f" {'Username:':.<26}{getpass.getuser()}" ) def _purge_old_results(self): """Identifies and removes old log files if allowed.""" to_remove = [*self.working_dir.glob("glompo_manager_log.yml")] to_remove += [*self.working_dir.glob("trajectories*.png")] to_remove += [*self.working_dir.glob("opt*_parms.png")] if not self._is_restart: to_remove += [*self.working_dir.glob("glompo_log.h5")] if to_remove: if self.overwrite_existing: self.logger.debug("Old results found") for old in to_remove: retry_unlink(old) shutil.rmtree(self.working_dir / "glompo_optimizer_printstreams", ignore_errors=True) self.logger.warning("Deleted old results.") warnings.warn("Deleted old results.") else: raise FileExistsError( "Previous results found. Remove, move or rename them. Alternatively, select " "another working_dir or set overwrite_existing=True." ) def _open_log(self): """Correctly opens up the optimizer logger before an optimization starts.""" mode = "w" log_file = self.working_dir / "glompo_log.h5" if self._is_restart and log_file.exists(): with tb.open_file(str(log_file), "a") as peek: # Confirm checksum match if peek.root._v_attrs.checksum != self._checksum: self.logger.critical( "Checkpoint points to log file (%s, Checksum: %s) which is for an " "optimization which does not match this one (Checksum: %s)! " "Aborting optimization.", log_file, peek.root._v_attrs.checksum, self._checksum, ) raise KeyError( f"Checkpoint points to log file ({log_file}, Checksum: " f"{peek.root._v_attrs.checksum}) which is for an optimization which does not match " f"this one (Checksum: {self._checksum})! Aborting optimization." ) # Overwrite excess iterations file_f_count = peek.root._v_attrs.f_counter if file_f_count > self.f_counter: self.logger.warning( "The log file (%d evaluations) has iterated past the checkpoint " "(%d evaluations). Rolling back the log file to the checkpoint.", file_f_count, self.f_counter, ) warnings.warn( f"The log file ({file_f_count} evaluations) has iterated past " f"the checkpoint ({self.f_counter} evaluations). Rolling back the log file to " f"the checkpoint." ) for tab in peek.walk_nodes("/", "Table"): tab: tb.Table call_ids = tab.col("call_id") crit_i = np.searchsorted(call_ids, self.f_counter, "right") tab.remove_rows(crit_i) for group in peek.iter_nodes("/", "Group"): if int(group._v_name.split("_")[1]) > self.o_counter: peek.remove_node("/", group._v_name, recursive=True) mode = "a" self._checksum = "".join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(20)]), mode, self._checksum) if self._is_restart and mode == "w" and isinstance(self.opt_log, FileLogger): # We had to create a new file for the FileLogger, so we have to recreate the nodes for opt_id, _ in self._optimizer_packs.items(): opt_type = self.opt_log.get_metadata(opt_id, "opt_type") t_start = self.opt_log.get_metadata(opt_id, "t_start") self.opt_log._add_optimizer(opt_id, opt_type, t_start) try: extra_keys = self.task.headers() except AttributeError: extra_keys = None self.opt_log._add_iter_history(opt_id, extra_keys) def _build_status_message(self) -> str: """Constructs and returns a formatted status message about the optimization progress.""" self.last_status = time() processes = [] f_best = f"{self.result.fx:.3E}" if self.result.fx is not None else None live_opts_status = "" for opt_id, pack in sorted(self._optimizer_packs.items()): if pack.process.is_alive(): processes.append(pack.slots) hist = self.opt_log.get_history(opt_id, "fx") if len(hist) > 0: width = 21 if hist[-1] < 0 else 22 live_opts_status += f" {f'Optimizer {opt_id}':.<{width}} {hist[-1]:.3E}\n" evals = f"{self.f_counter:,}".replace(",", " ") status_mess = ( f"Status: \n" f" {'Time Elapsed:':.<26} {timedelta(seconds=time() - self.t_start)}\n" f" {'Optimizers Alive:':.<26} {len(processes)}\n" f" {'Slots Filled:':.<26} {sum(processes)}/{self.max_jobs}\n" f" {'Function Evaluations:':.<26} {evals}\n" f" Current Optimizer f_vals:\n" ) status_mess += live_opts_status status_mess += f" {'Overall f_best:':.<26} {f_best}\n" if HAS_PSUTIL: with self._process.oneshot(): self.cpu_history.append(self._process.cpu_percent()) mem = self._process.memory_full_info().uss for child in self._process.children(recursive=True): try: mem += child.memory_full_info().uss except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied): continue self.mem_history.append(mem) status_mess += f" {'CPU Usage:':.<26} {self.cpu_history[-1]}%\n" status_mess += f" {'Virtual Memory:':.<26} {present_memory(self.mem_history[-1])}\n" try: self.load_history.append(psutil.getloadavg()) status_mess += f" {'System Load:':.<26} {self.load_history[-1]}\n" except AttributeError: pass return status_mess def _summarise_resource_usage(self) -> Dict[str, Union[float, Sequence[float]]]: """Constructs averages and standard deviation of the memory, CPU and system load statistics logged during the optimization. """ # Verbose forcing of float and list below needed to stop recursion errors during python dump if len(self.load_history) > 0 and not np.all(np.isnan(self.load_history)): load_ave = np.round(np.nanmean(np.reshape(np.array(self.load_history, dtype=float), (-1, 3)), axis=0), 3) load_std = np.round(np.nanstd(np.reshape(np.array(self.load_history, dtype=float), (-1, 3)), axis=0), 3) load_ave = [float(i) for i in load_ave] load_std = [float(i) for i in load_std] else: load_ave = [0] load_std = [0] if len(self.mem_history) > 0 and not np.all(np.isnan(self.mem_history)): mem_max = present_memory(float(np.nanmax(self.mem_history))) mem_ave = present_memory(float(np.nanmean(self.mem_history))) else: mem_max = "--" mem_ave = "--" if len(self.cpu_history) > 0 and not np.all(np.isnan(self.cpu_history)): cpu_ave = float(np.round(np.nanmean(self.cpu_history), 2)) cpu_std = float(np.round(np.nanstd(self.cpu_history), 2)) else: cpu_ave = 0 cpu_std = 0 return { "load_ave": load_ave, "load_std": load_std, "mem_ave": mem_ave, "mem_max": mem_max, "cpu_ave": cpu_ave, "cpu_std": cpu_std, } def _log_expected_rows(self) -> int: """Provides an estimate for the maximum number of rows which will be used by each optimizer iteration history log. """ expected_rows = 0 for cond in self.exit_conditions: if isinstance(cond, MaxTotalFunctionCalls): expected_rows = cond.fmax / 20 if not expected_rows: expected_rows = 150 * self.n_parms + 5_000 return expected_rows def _add_params(self, logger: Logger): self._in_params = True self._params_logger = logger def _log_optimizer_end(self, opt_id: int, exitcode: int, timestamp: datetime, reason: str): """Logs the closing reason and timestamp. Called every time an optimizer is stopped. :Parameters: opt_id ID of the optimizer which has ended. exitcode Code for the reason the optimizer stopped. 0: Optimizer converged and returned normally 1: Optimizer was stopped by the stoppers 2: Optimizer shutdown during manager exit 9: Optimizer crashed or improper behavior encountered timestamp Approximate end time of the optimizer reason String summary of the optimizer end reason. This can include tracebacks for errors, unique convergence messages from the optimizers, or generic strings assigned by the manager. """ self.opt_log.put_metadata(opt_id, "t_stop", timestamp) self.opt_log.put_metadata(opt_id, "end_cond", reason) if self._in_params: self._params_logger.close_optimizer(opt_id, exitcode, timestamp, reason)