Source code for scm.glompo.exitconditions.timelimit

from time import time
from typing import Optional

from .baseexitcondition import BaseExitCondition
from ...plams.core.settings import Settings

__all__ = ("TimeLimit",)

[docs]class TimeLimit(BaseExitCondition): """Time based exit criteria. Differentiates between session time and overall optimisation time, the difference is only relevant in the case where checkpointing is being used. :Parameters: session_max Maximum time in seconds which may elapse from the time :meth:`.GloMPOManager.start_manager` is called. overall_max Maximum time in seconds which may elapse in total over all optimisation sessions. In other words the total time used previously is loaded from the checkpoint. In the case where checkpoint is not used, both quantities are equivalent. :Notes: For the avoidance of doubt, both times cannot be used simultaneously. If required rather initialise two instances with one condition each. """ def __init__(self, *, session_max: Optional[float] = None, overall_max: Optional[float] = None): assert bool(session_max) ^ bool(overall_max) super().__init__() self.session_max = session_max self.overall_max = overall_max def __amssettings__(self, s: Settings) -> Settings: if self.session_max: s.input.ams.ExitCondition.Type = "TimeLimit" s.input.ams.ExitCondition.TimeLimit = self.session_max else: s.input.ams.ExitCondition.Type = "TimeLimitThroughRestarts" s.input.ams.ExitCondition.TimeLimitThroughRestarts = self.overall_max return s def __call__(self, manager: "GloMPOManager") -> bool: t_total = time() - manager.t_start if manager.t_start else 0 cond = self.session_max if self.overall_max: t_total += manager.t_used cond = self.overall_max self.last_result = t_total >= cond return self.last_result