Source code for

from scm.plams.interfaces.adfsuite.ams import AMSJob
from import CRSJob
from import KFFile
from scm.plams.mol.molecule import Molecule
from scm.plams.core.basejob import MultiJob
from scm.plams.core.results import Results
from scm.plams.core.settings import Settings
from scm.plams.core.functions import add_to_instance
from scm.conformers import ConformersJob
from import ADFCOSMORSCompoundJob
import os

[docs]class ADFCOSMORSConfFilter: """ This class allows the user to specify criteria on which to filter sets of conformers. Args: max_num_confs : The maximum number of conformers to bring forward to the next step. These are automatically ordered by energy, so the first *n* lowest energy structures are carried carried forward to the next step. max_energy_range : The maximum allowable difference (in kcal/mol) between the lowest energy conformer and the highest energy conformer that will be carried forward. For example, for a max_energy_range of 2 kcal/mol and a lowest energy structure of 1 kcal/mol, any structure with an energy above 3 (1+2) kcal/mol will be filtered out. """ def __init__(self, max_num_confs=None, max_energy_range=None): self.max_num_confs = max_num_confs self.max_energy_range = max_energy_range
[docs]class ADFCOSMORSConfResults(Results): pass
[docs]class ADFCOSMORSConfJob(MultiJob): """ This class allows for the user to implement a custom workflow for generating multiple conformers for use with COSMO-RS. The class allows the user to input conformer generation strategies, job types to refine the energies/geometries, and filters to remove conformers between each calculation step. Args: molecule (|Molecule|) : A plams Molecule instance Keyword Args: conf_gen (ConformersJob) : A ConformersJob instance first_filter (ADFCOSMORSConfFilter) : The ADFCOSMORSConfFilter to apply to the initial set of sampled conformers additional : A list of (|Settings|, ADFCOSMORSConfFilter) tuples. The elements of this list represent additional calculation steps (e.g., progressively higher levels of theory) and possibly different filters to apply at each step. final_filter (ADFCOSMORSConfFilter) : The ADFCOSMORSConfFilter to apply to the results of the gas phase ADF calculation for the conformers adf_singlepoint (bool) : A boolean indicating if the adf gas phase calculation in the cosmo-rs compound task should be a single point. This defaults to False. initial_conformers : the (integer) number of initially sampled conformers. This is only applied if the default conformer generation strategy is used. coskf_dir : a directory to put all the .coskf files generated for the conformers. If this keyword is not specified, the .coskf files are put in the directory containing the adf gas phase calculation results coskf_name : a base name to be used with conformers. All conformers will have the name *coskf_name*_i where i is the index of the unique conformer. If not specified, the base name becomes simply *conformer* name : an optional name for the calculation directory. mol_info (dict) : an optional dictionary containing information will be written to the Compound Data section within the COSKF file. """ _result_type = ADFCOSMORSConfResults def __init__( self, molecule: Molecule, conf_gen=None, first_filter=None, additional=None, final_filter=None, adf_singlepoint=False, initial_conformers=500, coskf_dir=None, coskf_name=None, mol_info={}, **kwargs ): super().__init__(children={}, **kwargs) self.job_count = 0 self.mol = molecule mol_info["Molar Mass"] = molecule.get_mass() mol_info["Formula"] = molecule.get_formula() try: rings = molecule.locate_rings() flatten_atoms = [atom for subring in rings for atom in subring] nring = len(set(flatten_atoms)) mol_info["Nring"] = int(nring) except: pass self.mol_info = mol_info self.adf_results = False self.cosmo_results = False self.adf_singlepoint = adf_singlepoint self.coskf_dir = coskf_dir self.coskf_name = coskf_name if self.coskf_dir is not None and not os.path.exists(self.coskf_dir): os.mkdir(self.coskf_dir) self.initial_conformers = initial_conformers if conf_gen is None: self.conf_gen = self.default_confgen() else: if not isinstance(conf_gen, ConformersJob): print( "Wrong type for argument conf_gen. Expected ConformersJob instance. Using the default conformer generator." ) self.conf_gen = self.default_confgen() else: self.conf_gen = conf_gen self.job_settings = [self.conf_gen.settings] self.filters = [None, first_filter] if additional is not None: for js, f in additional: self.job_settings.append(js) self.filters.append(f) self.final_filter = final_filter self.filters.append(final_filter) if not self.has_valid_filter_settings(): pass self.children["job_0"] = self.conf_gen def default_confgen(self): sett = Settings() sett.input.AMS.Generator.RDKit sett.input.AMS.Generator.RDKit.InitialNConformers = self.initial_conformers return ConformersJob(name="conformers_uff", molecule=self.mol, settings=sett) def make_intermediate_job(self, settings): settings.input.AMS.InputConformersSet = self.children[f"job_{self.job_count-1}"].results self._add_filter(settings) return ConformersJob(name=f"additional_{self.job_count}", settings=settings) def make_adf_job(self): sett = ADFCOSMORSCompoundJob.adf_settings(False) if not self.adf_singlepoint: sett.input.AMS.Task = "Optimize" sett.input.AMS.GeometryOptimization.UseAMSWorker = "False" # sett.input.ams.GeometryOptimization.ConvergenceQuality = 'Good' else: sett.input.AMS.Task = "Score" sett.input.AMS.InputConformersSet = self.children[f"job_{self.job_count-1}"].results self._add_filter(sett) return ConformersJob(name="adf_conformers", settings=sett) def make_filter_job(self): sett = Settings() sett.input.AMS.Task = "Filter" sett.input.AMS.InputConformersSet = self.children["adf_job"].results self._add_filter(sett) return ConformersJob(name="adf_filter", settings=sett) def make_cosmo_job(self): sett = ADFCOSMORSCompoundJob.adf_settings(True, elements=list(set(at.symbol for at in self.mol))) sett.input.AMS.Task = "Replay" if self.final_filter is not None: previous_job = "filter_job" else: previous_job = "adf_job" self.children[previous_job].results.wait() sett.input.AMS.Replay.File = self.children[previous_job].results["conformers.rkf"] sett.input.AMS.Replay.StoreAllResultFiles = "True" return AMSJob(name="replay", settings=sett) def new_children(self): """Don't doc this :meta private: """ self.job_count += 1 if self.job_count < len(self.job_settings): settings = self.job_settings[self.job_count] new_job = self.make_intermediate_job(settings) return {f"job_{self.job_count}": new_job} if "adf_job" not in self.children: return {"adf_job": self.make_adf_job()} if "filter_job" not in self.children and self.final_filter is not None: return {"filter_job": self.make_filter_job()} if "cosmo_job" not in self.children: return {"cosmo_job": self.make_cosmo_job()} return None def postrun(self): self._make_coskfs() def _make_coskfs(self): base_name = self.coskf_name if self.coskf_name is not None else "conformer" if self.final_filter is not None: previous_job = "filter_job" else: previous_job = "adf_job" if self.coskf_dir is None: self.coskf_dir = self.children[previous_job].path for i, E in enumerate(self.children[previous_job].results.get_energies("Ha")): if f"Frame{i+1}.rkf" in self.children["cosmo_job"].results: cosmo_section = self.children["cosmo_job"].results.read_rkf_section("COSMO", f"Frame{i+1}") cosmo_section["Gas Phase Bond Energy"] = E name = f"{base_name}_{i}.coskf" fullname = os.path.join(self.coskf_dir, name) if os.path.exists(fullname): os.remove(fullname) coskf = KFFile(os.path.join(self.coskf_dir, name), autosave=False) for key, val in cosmo_section.items(): coskf.write("COSMO", key, val) for key, value in self.mol_info.items(): # print(f"write to coskf {key}: {value}") coskf.write("Compound Data", key, value) def _add_filter(self, sett): job_count = self.job_count filt = self.filters[self.job_count] if filt is not None: if filt.max_num_confs is not None: sett.input.AMS.InputMaxConfs = filt.max_num_confs if filt.max_energy_range is not None: sett.input.AMS.InputMaxEnergy = filt.max_energy_range def has_valid_filter_settings(self): for js, f in zip(self.job_settings, self.filters): if js is not None and not isinstance(js, Settings): return False if f is not None and not isinstance(f, ADFCOSMORSConfFilter): return False return True