29 May 2019: 1-day AMS workshop in Seoul

Together with our new reseller in Korea, T&J Tech, we’ll organize a hands-on workshop in Seoul on 29 May.

You will learn hands on how to use the Amsterdam Modeling Suite with its powerful GUI, the AMS driver, and the computational chemistry engines. Register with T&J Tech for details on how to join the workshop and get started with AMS2019!

During the day, we will discuss multiple applications of the Amsterdam Modeling Suite. The morning session focuses on getting started with the graphical user interface and using electronic structure methods: molecular and periodic DFT with ADF & BAND, quick calculations with MOPAC & DFTB. In the afternoon we will cover advanced MD applications, including ReaxFF and the new force field training module.

We aim to create a program that suits your needs, so please let us know what you would like to learn!

Preliminary schedule

9 – 9.30am Introduction to AMS and its modules
9:30  – 10.30am getting started with the GUI: building & importing molecules and periodic systems, visualizing orbitals, band structures & related properties
10.30 – 10.45am Coffee break
10.45 – noon Scanning PES, finding TS, UV/VIS & other spectra, quick property predictions with COSMO-RS
noon – 1pm Lunch break
1- 2.30pm ReaxFF: setting up simple calculations & visualizing results
 2.30 – 2.45pm  Coffee break
 3 – 5pm  ReaxFF: acceleration methods, introduction to building training sets & parametrization

So are you a chemist, material scientist, and/or chemical engineer? We hope to meet you in Seoul!

Read more about our workshops on https://www.scm.com/about-us/news-agenda/adf-hands-on-workshops/


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