COVID-19 update: Working from home

Due to the recent measures, the SCM team will be working from home and can not be reached by phone. The best way to reach us is via email, including support, license, and sales email addresses (see contact us page). We can also arrange phone calls and web meetings from home, if it helps.

Please let us know if you want to have a license for your home machine so you can continue your research whilst working at home. We can help you best if you download the binary on your home machine with your own credentials and send us the license info as plain text (start up the GUI and copy the machine info text, or run $ADFBIN/dirac info).

The AutoCheMo workshop (23-27 March) on force field fitting and machine learning has been postponed.

We hope all of you and your dear ones are safe and the measures taken worldwide will contain the pandemic very soon.


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